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Old 06-05-2012, 04:37 AM

[Banner by Miro will go here. ]

Last edited by Ascadellia; 06-22-2012 at 07:10 PM..

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Old 06-05-2012, 04:40 AM

Made by WherededIGo. <3

Information about the thread, and a little about the hostess(Myself.):

Hey there, campers!

I'm Ascadellia, or Asca for short, Even Dellia can work. Whichever makes you more comfortable. This will be the first time hosting a user-run event, so be gentle with me. I wanted to try and make this, as fun as I could, given the nature of this game. I took over this game since.. What's summer without water balloon fights??
It's fun and competitive. Also there's the fact that, due to the heat these days, no one Really loses.. You get splashed, well, you're refreshed and a bit cooler.


1. Be respectful of others.

2. Follow Menewsha TOS and Rules.

3. Please use your main account to participate. Mules are not allowed.

4. Pings don't really work with me, so don't bother trying to ping me. I'll be looking through all the posts, so just bold my name if you want my attention, or, something along the lines.

5. Don't edit your posts! This can cause some problems and will result in inaccurate dice rolling. It's not fair to the others.

6. Please don't complain about the prizes(if you don't like something), or lack thereof. We're not admins, and we don't have unlimited budgets. Besides, this is supposed to be Fun.

Last edited by Ascadellia; 06-19-2012 at 05:53 AM..

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Old 06-05-2012, 11:05 PM

How to Play:
1. Sign up and roll the dice. The number of the dice determines the team you'll be in. This will make sure we don't just join a team that your friend's on. It'll be fair and square. <3 I'll post the team you're on, on the first page. So look out!!

2. Every 6 hours, you'll be able to roll. We're going with Pacific Time. Please make sure you roll for the correct time slot. *** means current time slot.
12:01 a.m.-6:00 a.m.
6:01 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
12:01 p.m.-6:00 p.m. ***
6:01 p.m -12:00 a.m.

Check here, to figure out the times you roll. Any rolls before or after the time is up won't count.

3. There will be two forms to throw the water balloon!! One for each team, don't want to accidentally hit your own teammates, do ya? Please Please Please make sure you use the right form. If you have any doubt on Which team you're on, double check! It won't affect you much if you use the wrong form, it's just, easier for me to count the scores and such. Or, I may just count it as a hit for your own team. ;3

4. You will have 24 hours to sign up, so the game will be played the day after the event is opened. Don't worry though, there will be mini games to help keep your attention. <3

5. When you roll, your form will have two dice. The number of the first dice will affect who you throw the balloon at. The second one is, the damage. Whomever is hit with the water ballon, will have a certain number oh HP docked.

6. Last team/winner standing will get a special prize. However, there will be other chances to win, so don't get your spirit down.

7. A * in front of your name means you have already rolled for that time slot.

Read post 9!!!

Last edited by Ascadellia; 06-22-2012 at 05:51 PM..

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Old 06-05-2012, 11:06 PM

The Green team.
Support your team now!!
Lovely Banner made by Arc Angel
By Iroase Delschatten

Flowery Pit
By Linnapoo
1. Jeannesha- 14HP
2. M i n u x e- 16HP

Red Team

Awesome banner made by WherededIGo.
By Flowery Pit
By Iroase Delschatten.
By Kent
By WherededIGo

*1. hummy- 3HP
Once we get the teams set up, I will have more in here, so check regularly. <3

Free for all!!
[B][SIZE=7][COLOR=darkred][CENTER]Let's go!(Can be substituted for something cooler. >.>.. Take this out too.)[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

Last edited by Ascadellia; 06-23-2012 at 02:20 AM..

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Old 06-05-2012, 11:07 PM

Mini Games:
  • I will be throwing small games to keep the campers entertained.
  • I may be posting a couple water balloon images, first one to quote it will get some points. <3
  • First second and third place prizes will be given at the end of the event to those that have the most points accumulated.

Scores for Quoting Game:


Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa- 1
Jesmond- 1
Arc Angel- 5
Cora Lorington- 3
Hummy- 2
spunky3- 5
Hadsvich- 1
Artsydaze- 1
Codette- 1
Kamikaze Kendra: 1


First one to give me the answer to the riddles will be given a point. Highest points will be getting a C.I or E.I of random choosing. Those with a * are worth double points.

Round One- Solved


1. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?-Spunky3
2. No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?-Spunky3
3. I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What is it?-Spunky3
*4. Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?-Spunky3
*5. All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.
What is it?-Spunky3
6. Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. What is it?
Counterfeit Money
7. I can be cracked, I can be made.
I can be told, I can be played.
What am I?
A joke
8. If it has a quart capacity, how many pennies can you put into an empty piggy bank?-Arinia Dreamdancer
9. Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it?-Spunky3
10. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
A stamp

Round two!!-Solved


1. Old Men like to play me in the street. They try to find the right spot, but I can only get laid face up and by my mate.-Spunky3
2. It's my job to make a crack, I'm supposed to tickle your bone, sometimes I make you groan.-Spunky3
A Comedian

*3.There is more to me than the common set
Four more pages you will get
Plus something else that is not the norm
Symbols of an older form
With 22 much more arcane
Each of which has a name
Ask a question if you want to see
What your destiny might be.

What am I?-Spunky3
Deck of Tarot Cards

4. What has a mouth but cannot eat what moves but has no legs and what has a bank but cannot put money in it?-WherededIGo
A River.

5. What can be seen and heard, but not be caught?- Spunky3
A remark

6.After you get married, I will sit on your finger. You can stick your finger in my hole, but not if your joint is too big. What am I? -WherededIGo
Wedding Ring

*7. Why is that if p is a prime number bigger than 3, then p2-1 is always divisible by 24 with no remainder?-spunky3

8.Why did the Bumble Bee put honey under his pillow?-Spunky3
to have sweet dreams

9. Why can't a man living in Winston Salem, NC, be buried west of the Mississippi? -Spunky3
He's still living

10. Which moves faster: heat or cold? -WherededIGo

Spunky3: 20 points
WherededIGo: 3
Arinia Dreamdancer: 1

Last edited by Ascadellia; 06-22-2012 at 11:16 PM..

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Old 06-05-2012, 11:27 PM

What the dice rolls mean:

If you get an even number, you have a chance to roll again for a bonus round, so to say.
Odd numbers shall be counted the same, so, if you roll a 3, you take 3 health points from the person you hit.

Bonus dice:


1: Nothing happened, Water balloon misses.
2: Double your number. threw a 10, it'll become 20 points damage, ect.
3: Accidentally threw the water balloon at yourself! Take the damage that was meant for the other person.
4: Nothing special happens. Just the normal dice.
5: Add your roll to the health points of the victim.
6: Damage to the victim, and add the damage to your HP's score. Example: roll a 5, the victim takes the damage, and you get 5 more HP.

[B][SIZE=7][COLOR=seagreen][CENTER]Trying my luck.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

Special Dice

Here's the deal with this dice. You can either win health back for yourself, or get a small prize, injure yourself, or nothing happens. This will only last for, maybe an hour, so come quick!

Special Dice Round 1 Results.


1. What better way than to take a short break from all the battles and enjoy a bit of cool sweets than with a Chocolate iScream! Unfortunately, this isn't the healthiest way to recover some energy. Only gain 3 Health Points back.
2. You stayed out too long in the sun! Lose 5 Health Points.
3. Summer is nothing with out some Lemonade . Gain 8Health Points back from the refreshment.
4. Lose 2 Health point
5. Ooo. Sorry, you seemed to have gotten a waterballoon with a Festive Fish still alive. In your shock, you seemed to have gotten assaulted by a water balloon. Lose 5 Health points. At least you now have a pet to help ease your pain.
6. Gain 10 Health Points.
7. Gain 50 gold.
8. Eat a Delicious Red Apple, gaining 10 Health Points.

Special Dice Results. Round Two.


1. Watermelons are good for you, perfect combination of red and green. :ninja: Recover 9 health points!! spunky3, hummy, arc angel Sent
2. Gain 100 gold and 10 health points!! Smores, Seito Sent
3. Oh no, you guzzled down that smoothie so fast, you got a brain freeze!! Lose 4 health points. dessertdesiert, KatMagenta
4. You lose 2 Health points for staying out in the sun for too long.
5. Gain 10 gold and 3 health points. Jecynecy, M i n u x e Sent

Special Dice Results. Round Three


1. Gain three Health Points. kilia, hummy, Nephila, Seito Done
2. Lose 5 Health Points as penalty for getting caught freezing waterballoons.
3. Lemonade to refresh you. Gain 10 Health Points. <3 Triqutra, fireprincess, Artsydaze Done
4. Gain a Heart Balloon and 5 Health Points. Arc Angel, Jesmond
5. Gain 25 gold and 2 Health Points. WherededIGo
6. Balloon from Heaven has chosen you! Gain 2 Health Points. Mageling, Mewmew07
7. 150 gold awarded. momochan, Flowery Pit Sent
8. Lost 10 Health Point.

Round Four!!

1. Gain 10 HP! Congrats. -Arc Angel, Cora Lorington Done
2. Lost 50 points!! --Nah, just kidding. Lose 3 HP. -Spunky3, Jecynecy Done
3. 60 Gold awarded to ya. <3 -Jesmond, LizzyCollinsDeArc, Mageling
4. Gain 5 Health Points. -Kent, Nephila, hummy Ivvy
5. Lose 1 Health Point. -fireprincess Done

Last edited by Ascadellia; 06-21-2012 at 12:58 AM..

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Old 06-05-2012, 11:28 PM

The Fabulous Prizes

Last One Standing with the least damage: TBD
Last Team Standing: TBD

Whomever can manage to actually wipe out a player will get points, or lanyards. ;3
1 Lanyard: 100 gold
2 Lanyards: Random E.I set
3 Lanyards: 500 gold and something from the prize pool chosen at random.
4 Lanyards: 2 E.I sets.
5 Lanyards: Special C.I and 500 gold.

Page Prizes

Whomever gets the Third post on the designated page will get a little something. <3
If you won something, you're not eligible to win another page prize. Wouldn't be fair, and don't have that many items or gold.
Page 10: Spunky3- 100
Page 20: WherededIGo- We all Float Here
Page 30:Flowery Pit- Red Hot Chocolate Mug
Page 45: Arc Angel Vicky booger cookie
Page 50: mewmew07 Mad Monk C.I
Page 65: Kilia-Chocolate Bunny Hairpin
Page 75: Nephila-Yumeh Cat Hairpin
Page 85: Cora Lorington- Mod Belt - Purple
Page 90:hummy-The Star Eater's Wig
Page 100: LizzyCollinsDeArc- 500g
Page 120: None. D:
Page 130: Smores- Shiver Me Timbers
Page 140: Artsydaze Classic Movie Night

Last edited by Ascadellia; 06-23-2012 at 05:07 AM..

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Old 06-10-2012, 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Smores View Post
So do we pick our target? :sweat:
A: *shakes head* No. XD Cause, that might leave a person a target for Everyone and, not fair lol
There'll be two dice. One for picking the target, (once we have all the players, i'll add the dice) and the second to actually do the damage.

Last edited by Ascadellia; 06-16-2012 at 04:38 AM..

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Old 06-15-2012, 02:58 AM

Important!!! There is now a dice for those who have been knocked out.

You may either aid a person who is still alive, or harm them. It does not matter which team the person is on, you're neutral when dead!! The first dice is the number of players. The second dice is the factor that determines if you aid or hinder. The third, is the actual number that you give or take away. This will have the same time slots as the other players. So, once a round, and such.

Closed. <3

Those who got hit a bit too much, and are forced to sit back. 'You died'

1. Liztress.
2. Arinia Dreamdancer
3. KatMagenta
4. maidenroseheart
5. Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
6. Kilia
7. Codette
8. Triquetra
9. Mewmew07
10. Hadsvich
11. Alexandrus Gambino
12. Seito
13. Momochan
14. dessertdesiert
15. The Crow
16. Spunky3
17. April.
18. Mageling

*21. Arc Angel
22. Rozalyne
23. Flowery Pit
24. BellyButton
25. Iroase Delschatten
26. LizzyCollinsDeArc
27. Kent
28. Smores
29: Nephila
30: Cora Lorington

31: Jecynecy
32. Ivvy
33. Kamikaze Kendra

The List(those who have managed to K.O a player.)
Cora Lorington: 5 kills
Jecynecy: 3 kills
Arc Angel: 2 kill
Hummy: 3 kills
fireprincess: 1 Kill
WherededIGo: 1 kill
Triquetra: 1 kill
LizzyCollinsDeArc: 1 kill
Flowery Pit: 1 kill
Kent: 1 kill
dessertdesiert: 1 kill
Ivvy: 1 kill
Jeannesha: 1 kill
spunky3: 1 kill
Rozalyne: 1 kill
M i n u x e: 1 kill
Jesmond: 1 kill
Kamikaze Kendra: 2 kill
Iroase Delschatten: 1 kill
Artsydaze: 1 kill

Last edited by Ascadellia; 06-23-2012 at 02:24 AM..

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Old 06-15-2012, 03:14 AM

Game Results and Winners:

Last 3 standing.
*M i n u x e-Panda Slippers
*Jeannesha- My Little Vicky Dolly
*Hummy-Fox Hat

Most hilarious rivalry between the teams. For making me laugh with the two of yours conversations. XD
*Artzydaze-Little Hellion
*WherededIGo-Overlord's Wrath

How did you survive so long?? Prize
*Smores- The Power of Voodoo

The First Casualty
*Liztress- BRAINZZZ

The Winning Team.
The Green Team

Riddle Master:
*Spunky3: Pumpkin and Booger Cookie

Quoting Master:
*WherededIGo: Balloon from Heaven. 100g

The Top Killers/K.Os
*1st place: Cora Lorington 500g and Mayday E.Is and Sugarplum Village Winter Uniform
*2nd place: Jecynecy: 500 gold
*2nd place: Hummy: 500 gold.
*3rd place: Arc Angel: Easter 2011 Set
*3rd place: Kamikaze Kendra: V-day 2010 Set
*fireprincess: 100g
*WherededIGo: 100g
*Triquetra: 100g
*LizzyCollinsDeArc: 100g
*Flowery Pit: 100g
*Kent: 100g
*dessertdesiert: 100g
*Ivvy: 100g
*Iroase Delschatten: 100g
*Artsydaze: 100g
*Jeannesha: 100g
*spunky3: 100g
*Rozalyne: 100g
*M i n u x e: 100g
*Jesmond: 100g

  1. Rozalyne-Leon the Lion Sent
  2. Ivvy-Balloon from Heaven Sent
  3. LizzyCollinsDeArc- Pierced Bunny Headband Sent
  4. Jeannesha- Top Three
  5. Cora Lorington-Shiver Me Timbers! Sent
  6. BellyButton- Raven Wings Sent
  7. Smores- Phoenix Crossbow Sent
  8. Arc Angel-Hawtsome- Sent
  9. Triquetra- Alter Ego Sent
  10. Kilia- Deep Pink Egg
  11. dessertdesiert- Kappa Trouble Sent
  12. fireprincess- The VJ Sent
  13. Kamikaze Kendra- Bleeding Hearts Fan Sent
  14. Artsydaze- Chaos Armor Sent
  15. Nephila- Dancers Sky Sash Sent
  16. KatMagenta- Sunny Side Up Sent
  17. M i n u x e- Top 3
  18. mewmew07- Heart Balloon Sent
  19. Liztress-Siriusly a Staff Sent

Last five of the red team:
*Flowery Pit: Gold Lyre, Star Crest
*Kent: Smoke Stripe Gents Onepiece(m) Lunar belt
*JecyNecy: Winter Birdies, Silver Lyre
*Jesmond: Waves of Naias
*Iroase Delschatten: Halloween Goodie Bag. Orange Heart Balloon

Last edited by Ascadellia; 06-23-2012 at 05:00 AM..

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Old 06-15-2012, 10:32 PM

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:23 AM

i love water balloon fights!

Baby Jae
Vanora is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:26 AM

I wanna play!

Sign me up!
The 2-sided dice lands on 1

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Old 06-16-2012, 12:34 AM

Haha, awesome!! You're on the Green Team, Roz. <3

Was debating on making a sort of, team names? XD Or, would you guys not care?

Hummy- Will you join? :3

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:38 AM

Sign me up!
The 2-sided dice lands on 1.

Wonders what team I'll be on.
o uo;

Fashionably Late

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Old 06-16-2012, 12:40 AM

Sign me up!
The 2-sided dice lands on 1

this be exciting :)

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:43 AM

Sign me up!
The 2-sided dice lands on 2

Hm... can't wait to throw water balloons at everyone the opposing team. :P


Kent is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:45 AM

Please be Team 2. Please be Team 2. Please be Team 2. *chants* > 3<
Sign me up!
The 2-sided dice lands on 2

Flowery Pit
Come fall into my abyss
Flowery Pit is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:45 AM

Sign me up!
The 2-sided dice lands on 1

I hope I don't die.


Kent is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:46 AM

Yay! > w<

Baby Jae
Vanora is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:46 AM

Originally Posted by Ascadellia View Post
Haha, awesome!! You're on the Green Team, Roz. <3

Was debating on making a sort of, team names? XD Or, would you guys not care?

Hummy- Will you join? :3
Hmm, Team names would be interesting! o:
Not sure how everyone else would feel about them though. o. o


Kent is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:47 AM

Hmm, Team names would be nice, but they aren't really necessary. X3

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:48 AM

I don't mind either way~ Names are always nice though~ o uo

Glad to have you on my team, Kent & Flowery~ :'D

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 12:49 AM

Sign me up!
The 2-sided dice lands on 1

sure, Acsa.

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Old 06-16-2012, 12:49 AM

Haha, nice job, Kent!! You got team two. <3 *goes to update*

Hm, well, team names would be up in the air until more people join or decide. Just for fun. XD


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