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I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 02:07 AM


Faolan O'Malley as The Dishonor of the North

Elerra is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 03:17 AM

Syeira Kale as Traveling gypsy

Syeira finally arrives to a town with her family well only with her father. As it was just her and her father..her mother had died when she was only ten. Now eighteen she does anything to do to make money as she dances while her father plays. He was blind but he could play a roman guiltar well. "Oh right dad looks like we can finally make some money." helping her father out of the wagon as she sets up the stage on the wagon. Syeira removes her cloak from around her as she wore her belly dancer clothes. Her father would soon begans to play the music which she would began to dance to it. Moving her hips as she throws her arms up in the air. Already drawing a small crowd which was something she liked to see.

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 01:14 PM

Faolan O'Malley stepped off his boat and onto the streets of the small harbor town. It was bussling with life. Merchants selling their wares. The sweet smell of a bakery filling his nose. Were those sweet rolls he could smell? He questioned himself while sliding a hand threw his hair. Peering back up to the boat. He was sailing with English flags for now. Obviously they would never allow the old skull and crossbones into the harbor. At least without blowing a few holes into the side of their ship. A short chubby man waddled down the ship next to the Captian.

"I am going to enjoy the sights. I expect to return to a clean, stocked up ship, yes?" He told the short man who was going over a list. Of coarse they would buy a few fresh things with money, but the rest would be acquired in some other way.

The captian was a tall, lean man. He had long black hair which was tied loosely back. A sword was at his side. Gold trim and handcrafted designs ran along the length of the weapon. His clothes were even made from fine material. He had a basic white button down top. The top couple of buttons were opened. His pants were black, with a blue sash tied around his waist. A gold necklace stood out from the rest of his clothing. The pendent that hung from his neck was that of a cross. Encrusted with diamonds.

Faolon wondered threw the streets. Stopping at a few of the stalls. Not making a purchase of any wares. He was simply keeping track. They would need food, maybe a few clothes. But most of all beautiful woman, and strong men. Faolon was a slave trader. Not by normal means. No. He went for the more high in, lovely to look at slaves. It was a small market they went for. Often Ending up in the Caribbean or Asia to sell their wares. Since anywhere with white men got a bit touchy. Even if this was the era of serfs..

He rounded a corner after speaking with a young working man. Keeping track of his home. A bit of music rang threw his ears, and his eyes were drawn to the dancing of a girl. She was a gypsy. Getting looks of disappointment from her small audience. He watched her hips sway from side to side. Entrancing him enough to draw him near. He was a lovely sight to behold. Dark long hair, beautiful body, perfect skin. He wondered if she were a virgin. With clothing like that, he assumed not. But lies could be told to fetch even a higher price. He had a handsome smile on his face as he watched the young girl.

How old was she even? Faolon suddenly thought to himself. He himself only being twenty-three. A bit young to own and lead a ship of pirates, but his men knew where their paychecks came from. And they were very large.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 06:27 PM

The performent would slowly come to the end before hearing the crowd clap. Syeira smiles and bows as she looks across the crowd and sees a handsome male. He was better looking than most of the males in the crowd. The gypsy stares at him for an while before hearing her father cough. Picking up her cloak and puts it around her as her body could always draw a crowd but thats all she would do. After all she was a virgin because it was a rule for a roman woman to stay pure until marriage.

Beside she had to take care of her ill father since no one else was able to do so. Syeira gets down off the wagon stage and helps her father knowing it was hard for him for his only daughter to do so. "Take it easy father..go rest in the wagon." helping her father into the wagon so he could rest. Syeria sighs deeply before she turns picking up the jar that was full with some money in it. At lease it would get them by a week at most.

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 07:16 PM

Faolan watched the enchantress until her dance was finished. Like the rest of the crowd he clapped to show he approved. There were a few in the crowd though how mocked, or cursed the girl. She turned to see an older man in their wagon. The man who had been playing the music for her dance. He had to be her father, or another close relative Faolan came to assume. She started to help her elder towers the inside of their wagon. He was sick, that much was obvious. Or maybe just old.

Faolon decided he was spending too much time figuring out the girl's past. He may as well gain her interest. Play a little game if you will. "Young lady!" He called as she came back around to take the tip jar. There would barely be enough inside the jar to buy a loaf of bread. He walked up to her, reaching into her person and pulling out a small coin purse. It would not seem like much on the outside, but inside it was filled with gold coins.

"Take this and eat a fine meal with your father." Faolan told the girl. drpping the coin purse into the bag. What this girl did not need to know was he had just paid fully for her. He may have been a pirate, but he just could not leave a poor old man without a daughter or coin to his name. And now, at least the man would have coin.


((Would you like me to play her father? So they can have a heart warming moment? xD))

Elerra is offline
Old 05-08-2012, 12:44 AM

The gypsy heard voice and turns around seeing the man walked over to her. She wonder what he wanted until seeing the coin purse being put in the jar. She looks back up at the man. "Oh thank you very much sir." says. Syeria was glad someone have gave them alittle more gold coins. Some people was very rude from the comments she had heard. It was just something she had grown used to over the years. People never did like gypsies for who knows what reason.

(Yea it would make it easiler for me...if some one else does it =P)

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-09-2012, 02:47 AM

The old man sat within the traveling wagon, rocking in a chair back and forth. His eyes were closed, not that he would be able to see anyhow. He had been forsaken by god. His kind were not scene with the best respect. It was something he tried to keep his daughter from seeing. Gyspies were entertainers... but many have become pick-pockets and worse. He loved his daughter more than anything in the world. He wished he could give her more, but in his state was completely unable to. He heard the door to the wagon open and close.

"Syeira, you were amazing today. You have grown into quite the woman. Just like your mother."

Elerra is offline
Old 05-09-2012, 03:05 AM

Syeira smiles gently walking over and sat down beside her papa. "Thank you papa..I learned everything from mama when I was little. I just wanted to make you proud of me. Lot of people liked us but then lot of people didn't" sighs staring down. "But anyway we have enought gold..there was this guy who gave us alot of gold unlike the others." smiles gently at him. Of course something did bother her alittle and just wanted to hear her father thoughts "Papa why do people don't like us?"

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-11-2012, 02:46 AM

"Some of our kind are not as honest as up. It is the few bad eggs that make the whole group rotten." He spoke slowly. There was a slight croak to his throat, that rasped whenever he spoke. "A good amount of money tonight? That is lovely my dear! We should have our own little feast tonight." The old man spoke, Looking up in the direction he heard her in. He was off ever so slightly though. Another creak in the wagon would catch his attention.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-12-2012, 03:53 AM

She sighs deeply changes her clothes as she wasn't about to go out to dinner in theses clothes. "Well I think it is just unfair that they treat us like they do. We are human beings like the rest of them." says brushing her hair back and pulls it back into a ponytail. She was standing behind a curtian even thought her father was blind she still like her privaice behind the curtain as she changed. Hearing another creak as she thought it was her father moving around "Papa? is that you moving around?"

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-12-2012, 09:13 PM

A group of pirates had quietly been moving around the town. Waiting for the final message before starting their pillage. The sun moved over the horizon, painting the sky in a darkness that was only penetrated by the burst of a cannon. The cannon struck straight threw the guard's barracks. Sending the building to rubble. Rocks flew threw windows, Pirates began to fight and carry things back to the ship. Some pirates even had moving sacks. Some too large to be chickens. Women screamed as their husbands lost their fight. But children and mothers would be spared. As well as the elderly. The Pirates were not complete monsters after all.

Buildings began to burn, as a group of three looked at the wagon of the Gypsies. The captain had asked for the daughter personality. The largest of the three entered first with a rope, the other two followed. They pulled back the curtain quietly, finding the old man peering right at them with his pure white eyes. The sound of his daughter pieced the air. And the pirates moved. Grabbing the girl with rough hands. "Ohh, she is soft." One of the men commented. Another put a black bag over her head, so she could not see a thing.

"Leave her be you idiot. You know how much this one is worth!" The leader of the three spoke, lifting her up and over his shoulder with ease. He was twice her size after all. The third and smallest of the group was rubbing his face. "My god she packs a punch."

Elerra is offline
Old 05-17-2012, 02:28 AM

Syeira screams as she gets tied up couldn't believe what was going on. "Let me go now!" says. She trys to kick him but the man that had her was strong and bigger. So it wouldn't hurt him at all but she wanted to do anything to get down. Not sure what was happen at first and nor she couldn't see anything with a bag on her head. She couldn't move much either with her being tied up but she trys everything to could to free herself but nothing help.

(Sorry its short had an writers block)

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 03:53 AM

((No problem ^_^ Lol, I'm gonna do a mini time skip.))

The girl seemed to fight with the men the entire way. It was rediculious! When she was thrown over the back of one of the men, she would kick their back, when dragged, her screaming would simply annoy them. Finally the men were about half was the to the ship before they finally just knocked her out. It would be easier that way.


By the time Syeira would have woken, it would have been about maybe half an hour. She would be tied to the main mast of the ship along with twelve others. She would feel a rocking sensation, mainly because the ship was now in motion. The ship would turn slowly, but surely, bringing into view the burning village. Suddenly the ship shook a bit as cannons from below fired upon the already dead city. Large building fell to rubble. A couple of the pirates began to cheer as they watched the destruction.

Elerra is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 08:39 PM

Syeira woken up from the noise as she trys to move before reliezing she was tied up along with others. "Huh?" her head was hurting where they hit her. Opening her eyes before looking around at some of crying women. She looks over hearing the fire and smelling the smoke from the burning town. First thing came to mind was her father.."NO!" says looking at the fire. There was no way no one could be alive especial her father. She struggles against the ropes glaring at the pirates who was laughin and cheering "YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!!!" screamming. She was in rage and there was fear not sure what they was going to do with her and the others.

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 11:15 PM

There was a hush over the pirates are they heard the screaming girl. They looked to one another, suddenly laughing. One even going so far as to hold his rather large gut. This girl was screaming at them? Swearing at them? What was she going to do. One man stepped forward. He was missing a few teeth, and smelled to high heavens. He was also missing his right eye completely. He leaned forward, reaching forward and grabbing the young beauty by the jaw, forcing her to look up at him. "You best bite your tongue whore." He said sternly, forcing her to face the other girls. "You see, most of these other girls are worth something. High families and such. You though will be sold into slavery. And if you mind your manners, then maybe you will get a good home." The man pushed her head hard back enough against the mast of the ship. A small crack could be heard. That certainly would leave a bruise.

Suddenly a voice boomed over the rest of the celebrating pirates. "Men!" The figure stepped into view. Making himself known to the captives. It was the captain himself. "To your places! Make haste. I would rather avoid the Navy."

Elerra is offline
Old 06-23-2012, 02:05 AM

The gypsy winces in pain after her head hits the mast of the ship. She closes her eyes as she crys to herself. Only wish this was just one very bad dream but it wasn't no matter how she wished it was. Syeira couldn't believe this if only they had gone to a different village then maybe her father wouldn't have died and she wouldn't have found herself here. One of the girls came over slowly and wraps a piece of cloth around Syeira's head "Foolish girl you should have just keep your mouth close or you wouldn't have this cut on your head" whispers before she sighs "But it was something I wish I could have done.." says to the gypsy. Syeira looks at the girl and nods "Thank you.." says to her.


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