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Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 06-30-2012, 08:14 PM

Name: Jasper

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 08:46 PM

Men. They were everywhere at the gym and most of them were buff, showing off muscles that didn't even seem natural. (and may not have been.) Jasper felt slightly out of place in this sort of crowd, but he too was a man and had as much right as any to use this place. He was scrawny to say the least, and he figured gaining a bit of muscle would be good for him. He changed into his working clothes and the. Lifted a few weights, feeling like a wuss when he was exhausted in just a few moments. After torturing himself in that way, he made the choice to just go swimming for a while until all of the muscle heads left. He was just embarresed around them, and he didn't want to feel like a wimp or he'd get way to discouraged. He got on swimming trunks and dove into the cold water that was used for competitions on weekends. Today was a Thursday, to he was allowed to use it himself. He had half a mind to join a swim team so he could actually do something worth while. He was a powerful swimmer and that would be a great way to exercise. He had plenty of time to kill here at the gym too since he didn't have a job. He wa living with his father for now who was filthy rich and didn't mind supporting his grown man son. It was honestly the life.

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 09:30 PM

It had been a long day at work for the Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo . He had been stuck at a desk looking about the background information on a victim that was found dead in the middle of a field. It seemed to be menial for him but it was his job, he rather be out there going face to face and talking to people then behind a desk, but it is what is necessary for the job sometimes.

He decided the best way to relieve the stress from a long day at work was to hit the gym. He saw the usuals there, and he waved as he passed them to go to the locker room to get changed into shorts and a t-shirt from his suit that he wears to work. He just put the lock on his locker as he walked and went to the weighs. He started talking to other gym goers before he put on his iPod and got lost as he worked out. As he switched to the hand weights he noticed that more people started coming into the gym. He picked up a fifty-pound dumbell and tried to impress the girls on the treadmills but they just laughed at him. They noticed him so he went over to them. "Sorry to bother, Do you need any help lifting something?" the girls laugh and walk away. He leaves it as a failed attempt to allure someone and goes back to the locker room to change into his swim trunks and notices that there is only one other person in the pool. It is a good day for him, no crowd.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:30 PM

Jasper had been swimming for a while when he saw another man arrive. He guessed he didn't mind sharing. There were other lanes after all. he got out and stood up on the high dive. He went in at a funny angle, doing a belly flop. He frowned as his stomach turned dark red. "Ooo..." He groaned, sitting on the edge of the pool and looking at the damage. His normally pale white skin was now blood red and stung like a thosand bees had attacked him. He hoped that other dude didn't think he was an idiot. He was just trying to do something he'd thought would be fun. It was painfully a stupid idea. "Hello!" He yelled to the man, looking at Tony. "What's a man like you doing here at the pool? Shouldn't you be lifting weights? You seem to be a macho man." He smiled in a friendly way, trying I make a friend.

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 07-02-2012, 05:46 PM

Tony look towards the man saying hello to him. He had never noticed him before but he decided that he might as well greet him. "Hello" As he took a good look at him he seemed vaguely family but could not place him. "I just got done lifting weights I am going to do 30 laps as a cool down and then take a shower and go home, why do you ask?" He then made his way over to the benches and set his towel near the exit to the locker room and made his way over to the pool. "Shouldn't you lift some weighs? You don't look very strong." He thought he might ask as he eased himself into the pool. "I could even spot you, but first I must do my laps." He then started down the lane.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 07-03-2012, 12:44 AM

Jasper wasn't really sure if this guy was trying to insult, or just stateing a general fact. "Ja. It's tough being weak. Ze only reason I refuse to lift is because ze other guys all like to laugh vhile I crush myself." He smirked. "I guess some of us are just built different." He was surprised this man had even talked to him at all. It was a good change. "On ze plus side, I 'ave ze metabolism of a racehorse. I can eat wings until ze cows come 'ome und not gain a once." His heavy German accent flashed through in his voice. "Vhould you really spot me or where you just kidding?" He asked, watching Tony do laps. "Oh! My name ist Jasper by ze way. I should introduce myself if you are going to spans any time around me. It is awkward to talk to zomeone if you don't even know there name, Ja?"

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 07-03-2012, 06:20 PM

After tony finished his first lap he comes back to the man. "Yes, I would spot you, it's not a problem for me. My name is Tony. I want to finish my laps first, I have 49 more to go. I then will need to take a shower first afterwards, I don't want to walk around the gym smelling like cloriene. You should do some laps too, it would be a good warm up for your muscles." Tony curls his arm and shows his muscles and then goes down the lane.

Last edited by dessertdesiert; 07-03-2012 at 06:24 PM..

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 07-03-2012, 06:34 PM

He just nodded and slipped into the water, shooting off the wall of the pool and going across the pool. He kept swimming until he was very tired. He then sat up on the side, watching Tony finish his laps.

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 07-03-2012, 06:44 PM

Tony finished the rest of his laps and climbed the edge of the pool next to Jasper. "Finish doing what you need to warm up before you lift weights. I am going to head to the shower room." He said as a kind of command not waiting for him to respond he grabbed his towel to dry off from the pool water while walking to the locker rooms. Why was he being so nice to a stranger that he just met at the gym, he didn't know, but hey now he will have a workout buddy now. He grabbed his shampoo and grabbed the extra towel from his bag and headed to the shower. His favorite part of working out was the shower that he took afterwards. He dropped his swim trunk in the shower as he noticed the new guy Jasper came into the locker room and and lather himself up.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 07-03-2012, 07:26 PM

Jasper also went to take a shower before the water made his hair stiff. He scrubbed until it was soft again and he smelled nice. He dried off and then put back on his gym shorts and a wife beater. He combed out his hair, allowing it to spike messily. "Yoy ready Tony?" He asked, not looking at the other while he took his own shower.

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 07-09-2012, 07:46 PM

Tony came out of the shower dripping wet and threw back on his gym clothes. " I am ready if you are." He wasn't trying to impress anyone anymore so he did not care if his hair was a wet mess, he would help out his new friend Jasper and clean up before he headed out to the bar that night.

As they headed out of the locker room to the weight room, "So what muscle group do you want to work out first? Biceps, Ticeps, or core? Or do you want work out your lower body?"

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 07-10-2012, 01:44 AM

Jasper knew his hair Must look crazy. "I have no idea what I want to work on. I don't know about these things. Lower body I guess?" He was just throwing something out there. He never did this. He just wasn't the kind of person who did a lot of weigh lifting. He liked to swim and run for the most part.

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 07-15-2012, 10:13 AM

"For the lower body you can easily do a variety of crunches to work on your abs. You could also do squats which is good for your glutes, hamstrings and lower back. Lunges are good for those areas and your hips." Tony demonstrates each workout as he tells them to Jasper. "Do you need me to show you again or workout with you? If not I am going to go running on the treadmill and call it a day."

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 07-15-2012, 04:45 PM

Jasper watched carefully as everything was demonstrated to him. "Do you think maybe you could watch me for a but and tell me if I do this right? I really don't want to hurt myself." He was worried he might pull a muscle or something like that. Tony seemed pretty experienced to him and he figured he'd be a good trainer.

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 07-15-2012, 05:53 PM

"Sure, I could watch you for a bit." Tony sits down and watches his younger friend do the exercise moves. "You seem like a quick learner just make sure you don't try to push yourself too much." Tony really didn't want to watch another man working out it seemed quite pointless, he really just wanted to do a run on the treadmill since he saw a few cuties over there. He looked over towards the treadmills and noticed that there was one woman left on the treadmills and the other two had gone into the sauna but Tony was too tired for that today.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 07-15-2012, 09:55 PM

Jasper nodded. "Ok. Thanks." He smiled and then his smile faded. "Uhh..I've got to go.." He muttered as another man walked into the room. He was large and he cocked an eyebrow as he spotted Jasper. "Hey!" Jasoer sped up his walking. "Wait! Jasper!" He broke into a room, the guy going after him and stepping in front of the door so he couldn't leave. "Wait a minute. Now, you're going to explain to me what your problem is." Jasper shivered and tried to put space between them. "not here." He hissed, trying to get away as he was forced against the door. "Yes. Now. You've been avoiding me. I don't like it when you avoid me. You know better than that." Jasper was pretty embarrassed.

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 03:16 PM

Tony went onto the treadmill anyways. He tried to start a conversation with the one women that was was left but she did not respond at all. It just not his day at the gym, after a 20 minute run he decided that anytime was a good time to leave. As he was heading towards the locker room, there seemed to be two guys at the door. Noticing one of them was the new guy he just met he turned around and walked to the weight bench that was just within earshot so that he could hear their conversation. Not knowing what to expect it sounded quite tense but this was not his problem. He just needed to know if it was alright to be associating with someone since in the past he has gotten himself into trouble associating with the wrong sorts of people.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 07:57 PM

Jasper was glaring at his guest. "Go to hell." He tried to push through, but it didn't work. "I'll go to hell after you explain why you're avoiding me." Was the reply he got. "Fine! You want to know why? Because I don't want anything to do with you. You're annoying. We are /not/ little kids anymore. You know that. I don't feel like playing your stupid games." He was seething and the other clenched his jaw tightly. "That's a stupid answer." He hissed, pushing Jasper backwards.


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