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Staria is offline
Old 08-20-2012, 12:30 AM

Chana Adams
Chana shivered slightly as his hand began to stray lower then her cheek but she did not move. She almost sighed with relief as his hand rested on her neck, her eyes closing. She wondered absently if the strange tingling she briefly felt was ...normal... it felt like something brushed against her and didn't leave even as he pulled his hand away. She reached up to touch the place on her neck his hand had been, as if to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her and it really wasn't there anymore. Something had happened, though she wasn't preciously sure what. She started to ask what she had tasted like when she heard someone opening the door.

Riva Orhed
Riva felt it, the rise in energy that only forming one's bond with one's familiar could cause. It pierced her like a blade and she frowned. The elegant woman swept into the house, ignoring the two behind her. There was only one peron who could be doing this, Amaury, and he had not the control. It would be to dangerous for him to form a bond...especially with the humanoid energy she felt! It was a foolish thing and she intended to put a stop to it. Still as she came into the house it was already done before she finished. For a moment she gazed at them both, thoughtfully.

Amaury.... It is time for the meeting. Are the refreshments prepared?" She asked quietly, her gaze growing distant. She was faced with a problem now... such a bond could kill one of her kind should the 'bonded' die. For that was what he had made, a 'bonded' not a true familiar. Still, he had pretended for some months to be human and she had done nothing to show herself wise to the illusion. She also did not know the new girl she now saw well enough to know if she should know what power she had over Amaury now, or what she would do if she realized what power Amaury had over her in return. It could very well threaten her sanctuary of her home and she was not happy though none of this irritation showed on her face.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-20-2012, 01:09 AM

He would have spoken, asked how Chanah was doing, but already the door was opening. A panicked look crossed trough the man's brown eyes as he stood to bow to the lady hastily. "The preparations are nearly done. I'll bring out the pastries and set them upon the table. The drinks will follow soon." With a glance Chanah's way, a small smile offered up as an apology upon Amaury's lips, he moved away towards the kitchen.

Soon he bustled about, placing things hastily, but artfully, upon each tray. With just as much ease, the butler of sorts moved to put everything out in the center of the dining room table where the meetings usually took place. There was always more then enough room there for those few participating. Shuffling back to the kitchen, he poured juices and water, and amber colored liquids into glasses. Somehow Amaury managed to balance everything and take it all at once to the table without spilling a single drop.


Staria is offline
Old 08-20-2012, 01:23 AM

Chana Adams
"I'm Chana, You must be Riva. He said this is a place of sanctuary" She said with that same chilly doll like gaze as she turned towards the woman who had made it clear she was the lady of the house. The older woman confirmed it and said Amaury could find a room for her. With a nod Chana stood and started towards the kitchen. Riva, seeing her limping, gave her a trick cane she happened to have. Chana smiled a little as she found the blade hidden inside but accepted the gift, though she was curious why the lady of the house would trust her so. With a shrug she ambled towards where she felt Amaury was. She puzzled briefly why she could feel where he was but just shrugged it off as part of the feeding.

"Do you like that kind of work?" she asked Amaury innocently, her head tilted to the side. She leaned on the cane, knowing that in a couple hours the injury wouldn't even be there. She did hope that Riva would let her keep the cane, she rather liked it. She pushed away the thought, however, and simply watched Amaury passively as he busied himself with the drinks. She got the feeling that during the meeting she would be in his care... it was likely a meeting about the war she'd heard whispers was coming and she had no interest in it.

((riva's waiting in the entry hall thinkin'))

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-20-2012, 02:39 AM

With his pocket watch safely back in his coat pocket he followed Riva, letting both women exit the shop before him. He wasn’t quite sure what to expect at the meeting, but could only hope for the best. Felix walked along side of Cateline in hopes they could continue their friendly chat along the way. The woman seemed pleasant enough, she had a lovely voice and she was pretty as well. Upon hearing her question he glanced down at her. “It would be a pleasure.”

Felix’s head tilted slightly as he looked at Riva. “Alchemy you say…I know of no one. Well, there was some talk back about a mad man who had dealings with alchemy, but I thought that only to be rumors. Of course as far as I know that man wasn’t sided with anyone.” The situation had caught the male’s interest for a moment. Before he had finished what he was saying the woman had enter the home, leaving the other woman and him outside. Felix glanced down at Cateline with a questioning look in his crimson eyes. Should they go in or wait he wondered.


Staria is offline
Old 08-20-2012, 02:52 AM

Riva Orhed
Riva brooded a moment before she turned and swung open the door with another graceful smile. She bowed and said a soft 'welcome to my home' to allow her to come inside. She glanced between the two and easily noticed how they kept looking at each other. It seemed Cateline's attention had most certainly been taken elsewhere and were very much returned. She felt a pang of envy, having spent some time alone now, but she said nothing. She wished the best for them both, though she feared for them as well. Unlike in novels, falling for the enemy didn't tend to work out so well for you.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-20-2012, 10:43 PM

Turning he titled his head to regard her with his warm brown eyes. She was a strange one for having been able to find him so easily in this mansion of a home. "Not particularly, but it's work." His true work kept him ever occupied. There were many times Amaury had imagined Riva was onto him, but then she'd have spoken up by now.

"Why do you ask?" There had to be a way to understand why this woman was so very strange, and why her energy had tasted so delicious. In fact, Amaury was under the impression that if he continued to feed from her it would be easy indeed to become addicted to the heady mixture of light and dark. Just the thought of it made his eyes darken, but he forced himself to take a deep breath and continued to set the glasses down without spilling a drop.

The young woman blushed a little and averted her eyes to the ground. Cateline wondered if this would help figure out her emotions for Riva, and why it was so easy for the other woman to make her blush. This man she'd just met could get her blushing just easily. But was he able to set her heart beating fast against her will?

"Good, we could meet at my bakery." The mention of alchemy made Cateline fall silent. It was disturbing to think of such experiments being performed upon anyone against their will. Such silence ensued as she stepped inside past Riva with a little smile that Cateline wondered at herself and her behavior. It was a little unusual after all.


Staria is offline
Old 08-20-2012, 11:44 PM

Chana Adams

"Because I'll have to work someday and I don't know how to do anything well..." Chana said absently, an emotion briefly flashing across her eyes. Now he would likely be able to sense it despite her face hiding so much of it, disgust. Apparently she did know how to do one thing, but she had no intention of doing it. She would never be used as someone toy again, never. She'd die first. Still the emotion passed quickly and the doll like woman approached to look at the liquid as if it puzzled her.

"Why's it that funny amber color?" She asked curiously as she sniffed it. She quickly made a face and nearly jumped back. She pawed at her nose with the back of one hand, looking rather cat like a moment. She had never encountered alcohol before, and to her it simply smelled like something that had gone horrifically bad. She mumbled the word 'sour?' to herself. Chana always preferred sweet things herself...perhaps due to her diet of mainly fruit.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 08-21-2012, 12:59 AM

He gave the young woman a nod in agreement to her suggestion of where they could meet. The silence seemed strange, but of course the topic change was to blame. Felix followed the woman into Riva’s home. Once again a smile was on his face. “Thank you again Lady Riva for opening your home to us for out meeting.” Standing just a few feet from the door he looked about the entry hall. It was very nice and as to be expected of the home of one such as Riva. He also took in the scents of the place.


Staria is offline
Old 08-21-2012, 01:23 AM

Riva Orhed
"It is no problem soldier, the dinning room is this way. It is the largest room so should be the best meeting place" Riva responded lightly as she turned to lead the way. She closed the door silently as she did so, even though her causal movements made it seem she just let go. She would then sweep towards the room, able to feel the two there. Her eyes no longer lingered on the handsome man at her side but stared into space as if thinking. She was still unsure what to do about Amaury and the girl. This also would not be good should he try to go home to those he spied for. It may look as if he was trying to gather power... either for himself or for her didn't matter, both could end with his death...

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-21-2012, 08:38 PM

A frown crossed his features as Amaury tried to figure out where a flash of strange emotion had come from. After a while, he sighed and shook his head. There had been that time earlier, that one moment of doubt and weakness within himself as he'd been feeding from Chanah .... But no, Amaury knew that wasn't possible. Impossible, since he wasn't strong enough for such a bond to be formed, and there was the fact that Chanah was human. At least, Amaury thought she was.

Her cat like motions made him smile, and question himself even more. "It's alcohol. Some people like it, others don't. This one's rum." He would teach her skills, decided Amaury all of a sudden. "If you want, I can show you how to do some jobs." Small ones at first of course. Amaury was so engrossed in the conversation he didn't notice the arrival of other people.

She nodded shyly, quite unsure of herself. Cateline seemed to light up as soon as they entered the meeting room. Here she felt comfortable, and sure of herself in a way that only usually ever happened when she was in her bakery. "I'll take this seat." stated Cateline amiably. It was near the spot Riva usually chose.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 08-22-2012, 01:17 AM

He gave a slight nod before making his way to the meeting room. Upon entering the meeting room his expression became more serious. Taking a quick glance around the room he understood why Riva chose this room to be the meeting room. It would be well suited for this meeting and those that would take place in the future as the young man was sure that it would take more than one meeting to actually come to an agreement. “I shall take this seat,” Felix said taking a seat on the opposite side of the table, almost directly across from Cateline. His eyes shifted to Riva. Really he was in no rush to get the meeting started.


Staria is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 01:43 AM

((i'm just not able to focus XD. riva will have just silently sat at the head of the table and said something along the lines of 'feel free to begin' and then sit there silently for the rest of the meeting so feel free to continue on without me. )

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 01:44 AM

(I don't know what to write, I'm sorry guys ... I'll try and answer tomorrow! ))

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 02:48 AM

((It's alright. I don't mind waiting.))

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Old 08-23-2012, 12:24 AM

She nodded amiably and sighed as she realized that it fell to her to begin that night. All business now, Cateline braced herself for the arguments her words might provoke, though they weren't many at the moment. "I believe we should take this opportunity to push forward our people, those of supernatural ilk, into positions of respect during this time of turmoil. Slowly but surely, we could move to show ourselves to the world and integrate into the general people. I know it isn't an ideal place to put ourselves in, but if any time is ripe for this, this time of change is it." The brunette wished to break into rapid french, a much easier language to explain herself in, but she simple sighed at herself. Not everyone present could speak the language, though this was France.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 08-24-2012, 01:13 AM

He listened to her argument thoughtfully. His face showed no emotion as he considered what the lady across from him said. “Many don’t share your view and wish to keep things as they are. Change is something that doesn’t come easy to those who are set in their ways or wish to keep to tradition. Revealing ourselves at this time or any other will cause more chaos. Then again it could unite the humans in a way they haven’t been united before.” Felix paused for a moment, a small shiver running down his spine though he showed no signs to the two women. He closed his eyes to think.

He knew well how humans could react to their kind. There was once a time he fell in love with a young maiden. Things went well until she found out what he was. After that he was chased out of the village and hunted. Shoving those thoughts away he reopened his eyes. “Maybe I should put this more simply. We believe it is in our best interest to keep things as they are because we wish not to see the human’s pitchforks, torches and other weapons turned on us.”


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