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Ember Island
Ember Island is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 12:20 AM

Hidden Within The Dark

written by: The Cloaked Schemer & Ember Island

Tony and Ziva are told to go on a mission together undercover, but, things change when something comes up and she has to go on an investigation with Gibbs. Now there is only Ducky, Abby, and McGee left. Ducky would be needed in the morgue, Abby couldn't and wouldn't leave her computers, not to mention Abby was going to be keeping survailance of Tony and who he would be stuck with while they were undercover, so McGee was the only one left.

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Start off
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"Alright, listen up" Gibbs spoke walking into the office area with his cup of coffee talking to his team "Abby, can you hear me?" she was on the big screen and still in her room. "Yea, I'm here" she turned around in her chair to watch and listen to the others. "Tony, Ziva, you're mission changed. Ziva you are coming with me on another investigation I need your expertise on." Gibbs stated "Oh, I'm going by myself? Cool" Tony spoke before Gibbs could finish "No you'll be going with McGee, Tony" Gibbs answered annoyed with the fact that he was interrupted "Woah, woah, woah, you can't be serious" Tony freaked out, that was quite expected from everyone, even Abby.

Last edited by Ember Island; 08-22-2012 at 12:42 AM..

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 01:08 AM

McGee was quietly typing away at bus computer, getting ready for survalience for the upcoming mission. There were just a few last things he needed to go over and he'd be ready to go. He only half-way listened to Gibbs, figuring that it didn't have anything to do with him. His head shot up though in shock when he heard he was taking Ziva's place. "What? Boss, you can't be serious." He said before he could stop himself. "How exactly is that going to work?" That was the main question. It was supposed to be a male and female undercover. How will two guys work?

Ember Island
Ember Island is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 01:17 AM

(McGee's reaction made me laugh, he always makes me laugh lol XD)

"What he said" Ton exclaimed "Wait, does that mean he has to crossdress?" Tony asks adding "Abby, I think he's going to need a make over" now Tony was doing the one thing he did best, crack jokes, but, sometimes his jokes were more than jokes. Tony laughed after hearing Ziva laugh and Gibbs just smacked his face with his hand "Dinozzo, you are going with McGee and that's that. What you guys decide is on you, the director has already said you can go as brothers or as lovers, hell you can go as both for all I care, just get to work" Gibbs had given Tony the paper work ahead of time to look over on who they were going after, they still had to be an assassin couple/team, but, this way would be different. Gibbs and Ziva took their leave and it looked like Abby was disappointed not to be able to dress up the two.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 01:26 AM

McGee frowned, not finding Tony's joke very funny. If one of them was going to have to cross dress, then it wasn't going to be him. He could tell Abby was upset, but she was going to have get over it. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as Gibbs and Ziva left. This was going to be awkward if they had to be lovers. He looked towards Tony, leaning back in his seat. "How do you want to do this?"

Ember Island
Ember Island is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 02:23 AM

"We'll say we're brothers, worse comes to worse, we'll have to at least "act" like we like each other" Tony groaned replying to McGee, they already had everything they needed in their bags, and Ziva had dropped her bag (nicely) on McGee's desk. "Come on, the flight is going to be a couple hours long, we should get going" Tony was going to think on the way on how they were going to do this, Abby shut off the screen, and went to blasting her music "I'm driving" he stated as he had the keys already and walked out with his things.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 02:52 AM

McGee nodded, unhappily. He hoped this mission wasn't going to take too long. After all, there was only so much of Tony that he could take at one time. He stood up and got whatever he felt like he would need from his desk before slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Alright. Let's get going." he said, following Tony. "We need to stop by my apartment on the way to the airport for me to grab some of my things." There were some things he just would not go without.

Ember Island
Ember Island is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 01:38 PM

Tony nodded "Okay Probe" he always called him that, why wouldn't he call him that, he was the newest member of the team, (him or ziva was) Tony waited until McGee had gotten into the elevator and then the car, after they both buckled in, Tony drove to McGee's apartment, he knew where it was since McGee joined and he looked it up to one day probably use that against him. "You're not going to take forever are you?" Tony spoke thinking they could just say they were brothers.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
The Cloaked Schemer is offline
Old 08-22-2012, 04:36 PM

McGee followed after Tony quietly, still going over a list of things he was going to need from his apartment. Clothes was a definite. Maybe some books just in case they had time. His laptop was also a definite. He shook his head as he finally noticed they were in front of his apartment. "No. I'll be just a few minutes." he said, getting out of the car. He hurried up to his apartment, unlocking the door and heading inside. It didn't take no more than six minutes to get everything packed and back into the car. "Alright. Let's go."

Ember Island
Ember Island is offline
Old 08-24-2012, 01:44 PM

"That was fast even for you, probie" Tony said waiting for him to get back in the car as they headed out to the airport, it would only take a couple hours by plane, but, it was better than taking a day or two to drive all the way there. Sadly Tony had to get on the plane, he hated planes, he feared flying, but, he wasn't going to let McGee know that. If anyone found out, they would never let him live it down like all of the other things they find out about him. Well, this time he wasn't going to let that be found out. They get to the airport and onto the plane taking their seats. Tony was tying not to be nervous about the plane taking off or anything.


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