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Ember Island
Ember Island is offline
Old 08-24-2012, 03:23 AM

(tony holds everyone together :D awww)

A couple days went by, everything seemed quiet, until Gibbs got news that a man fitting Ryan's description was located near a run down neighborhood where few people chose to live. Gibbs hung up the office phone "We found him" Gibbs spoke getting up with his gun putting it away and waiting for the others to follow "Let's go" he didn't hesitate as he went straight to the elevator.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-24-2012, 01:24 PM


Tony was glad to be out of the hospital. But he wasn't to happy about not having anything to do but stay at his desk. It sucked and he hated not being able to do anything. So, when Gibbs called the team to follow, he stood with them and followed them to the elevator. The boss could get mad later, but they needed the entire team to get this guy.

Ember Island
Ember Island is offline
Old 08-24-2012, 02:27 PM

Gibbs looked over and sighed shaking his head silently "If you're coming with us Dinozzo, I don't want you out of my sight. Ziva, McGee you'll be guarding each other's backs until this is over with." Gibbs stated as the doors closed and they went to the car. They went out to the run down neighborhood and parked the car which luckily wasn't as new as most of the ones they would drive in. Gibbs got out, his gun in his hands, Ziva & McGee stuck close to each other (not too close) as they had their guns out and ready looking for any leads. Some would say it was luck that no one was on the streets, others would say it was an omen, and now the NCIS team was about to find out which one it really was.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-24-2012, 02:34 PM

"Alrright Boss." Tony said. He knew Gibbs would say something like that. But at least he wasn't making him stay here. He wouldn't be able to stand that. He was silent on the ride, focused on what needed to be done. He got out when they arrived and pulled out his gun. He followed behind Gibbs, eyes darting around. He had a bad feeling about this place. But he was sure that the team could handle it.

Ember Island
Ember Island is offline
Old 08-24-2012, 02:46 PM

Ziva and McGee took the left side, Gibbs lead to the right side, they would have to keep an eye open in case anything else would happen or if anyone else would get involved. It was pretty quiet, too quiet to be completely safe. Moving their way on, they heard a little girl scream as they came around the corner seeing Ryan with a dark skinned little girl about 8 or 9 maybe trying to get away from Ryan "NCIS FREEZE!" Gibbs called out surprising Ryan that he let go of the girl, but, took off running over to where a bridge was, there was little water at the bottom, and more rocks. There was no where for him to run as he stood looking over thinking this was so not his day.

The team moved over to where the man stood as he turned around "Put your hands where we can see them" Ziva said to the killer, Ryan looked over, and saw Tony alive "Well, that's a nasty turn of events huh? You're still alive, though a hunter never misses it's kill" Ryan said, Gibbs took that as a sign to stay in front of Tony, and the man just waited, he didn't keep his hands out where they could see them so that put everyone on edge. What was this guy planning to do, he had no where to go.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-24-2012, 02:56 PM

Tony followed Gibbs along the right side. When he saw Ryan had a little girl, his hand tightened on his gun and he was prepared to shoot him himself. But then Ryan took off and he chased after him. He knew they would be able to catch him. Especially since there was nowhere for Ryan to go.

Tony glared at the man when he mentioned killing him. A part of him was glad Gibbs was infront of him. It made him feel safer. But the other part wanted to just shoot Ryan and get it over with. "Put your hands where we can see them or we'll shoot." He told him.

Ember Island
Ember Island is offline
Old 08-24-2012, 03:13 PM

(in an hour i have to walk to the store, so I will be gone for about an hour or so, no more than two hours though :P)

Ryan shook his head "Sorry agent, but, I don't believe a hunter would give up to his prey so easily." Ryan heard Gibbs speak "Well, now you're no longer the hunter, you are now the hunted, this is your last chance put your hands where we can see them" Ryan tossed the flannel he was wearing to the ground, he hadn't been wired, but, it was odd, why would someone throw away their flannel in this cooler area of the neighborhood, and then someone who was cornered by NCIS agents. That would be something no one would know, Ziva inched closer, Ryan spotted her.

"Take one more step and you'll never catch me agent. "What do you mean by that" Ziva spoke trying to distract him with talking "Oh, no, no, no talking me out of this one. You see, with the life I had, suicide is easier than you think" Gibbs instantly understood what the guy meant and raced towards him to stop him from going over the edge, McGee and Ziva followed, however, it was already too late. Ryan jumped off the edge and fell hitting the bottom in seconds against the rocks. McGee spoke "He's dead, no doubt about that. I will call the morgue" Ziva put her gun away "Another one lost" even if the guy survived it would be a miracle or in his case a curse.

"Is everyone alright?" Gibbs asked knowing they probably were. His mind was more on the fact that Ryan had just gotten away, this was worse than Ryan actually getting away, because now they wouldn't be able to go and catch him anymore. Only death could claim his life and it seemed it had worked out that way since Ryan did it to himself knowing it was worse for the NCIS team to lose a killer than to never catch him.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-24-2012, 06:18 PM

Tony wasn't sure what Ryan was thinking. There obviously wasn't anyplace he could go. They had him cornered. But, that changed when the man suddenly jumped off the cliff. That wasn't something he was expecting. He ran over to the side and looked down. He could tell the man was dead. At least, he hoped he was dead. He would personally feel much better with him gone from this world.

"Yeah, Boss. We're fine." he told him. Nobody had gotten hurt, so that was a plus. But, he knew Gibbs didn't like when their suspects killed themselves. It was the easy way out and he knew it. This man had deserved the death sentence though. So, this was fine for him.


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