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WeirdKatKoolio is offline
Old 06-10-2012, 08:02 PM

No offense to the people who LOOOVVEE One Direction... But is ANYONE here like me and doesn't like them soo much?. Then this is your forum.

Last edited by WeirdKatKoolio; 06-10-2012 at 08:13 PM.. Reason: Sorry, didn;t mean for the title to sound so rude. I'm not a hater as much as not a big fan. SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 06-10-2012, 09:44 PM

I wouldn't say "hater" exactly, since I do like two of their songs. That's about it though. I certainly don't go in for them like most people. :roll:

Dibba is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 06:28 AM

Not a hater. Just a bystander who thinks they are really just a modernized boy band based on the many from the late 09s and early 2000s.

I always get a kick out of the fact that I thought their song, "One Thing" was the Backstreet Boys', "I want it that way" because of the melody. I was sitting in the car one evening. The song started playing. I hear the notes in the chorus and I just started to sing "TELL ME WHY!!". After a few "TELL ME WHY!!"s and going, "I WANT IT THAT WAY!" I realised that it wasn't the Backstreet boys and wondered who the hell was stupid enough to make the melody of a new song the same as "I want it that way". Only difference is the fact that "I want it that way" is a sad(ish) and slow song, meanwhile "One Thing" is very fast and crisp.

Also, because of this experience I had a moment of great disappointment in the younger generation to mine. I was on a trip with my sports team. Three girls and myself were the oldest in the group of 12. The rest of the girls were at least 2 years younger to 5 years younger for the youngest. One of the young girls was playing, "One Thing". I shared my connection I made with that song and "I want it that way". They had no idea what I was talking about. I even sang part of it. It was so sad.

That's all for my interesting story time...if anyone found it interesting, that is. :)

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 06:54 AM

How can they not know who The Backstreet Boys are? D;

EternaBoi is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 06:06 PM

I'm not exactly what you call a "hater", but I dislike them, considering I'm a guy. At first, I thought they were five bad copies of Justin Bieber, and I hated them like the plague. Then Wikipedia showed me that they were their own people.

Catchy song, though. Na na na na na....

Smores is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 06:11 PM

I dont think being a guy is a reason to dislike anything.... thats kinda a lame reason to include.

But I dont like them or dis-like them.
They are just there. :lol:

I am indifferent I suppose. :sweat:

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-08-2012, 12:13 PM

Well, if you listened to Kpop you would see that modernized boy bands are friggin' everywhere. But I must say, that they are not my cup of tea. They're very cutesy and stuff, but eh. I must admit though, if I wasn't so picky and not noticing that their voices sound like your typical "copy cat" voices I'd definitely like them more. Not only that, but they're not dancing at this live?! >.>

Korean boy bands dance at their lives WHILE singing. ;x And I must dare say, they look great dancing like that.

It's crazy how there's girls who don't know of N*SYNC or the Backstreet Boys. I especially knew of those two thanks to the show Arthur.. ;x And I must dare say, I adored both boy bands along with other pop stars as a kid.

ObviouslyAya is offline
Old 07-08-2012, 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Ana_M View Post
Well, if you listened to Kpop you would see that modernized boy bands are friggin' everywhere.

Korean boy bands dance at their lives WHILE singing. ;x And I must dare say, they look great dancing like that.

It's crazy how there's girls who don't know of N*SYNC or the Backstreet Boys.
Heck yes :cool: Love the kpop guy groups! And I think a lot of Asian groups dance more in general, as opposed to American (etc) groups. They are so active.

Back on subject, I checked these guys out. Meh, they are cute and it's not a bad attempt at a guy group. I'd have to hear them sing live to see whether they're actually good vocally. I don't care for them overall, their music isn't my style, but I'm not a hater.

And yeah, it's really weird to hear of girls who don't know of N*SYNC or the Backstreet Boys. makes me feel old Dx

~Hunny~ is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 11:22 PM

Originally Posted by Dibba View Post
Not a hater. Just a bystander who thinks they are really just a modernized boy band based on the many from the late 09s and early 2000s.

I always get a kick out of the fact that I thought their song, "One Thing" was the Backstreet Boys', "I want it that way" because of the melody. I was sitting in the car one evening. The song started playing. I hear the notes in the chorus and I just started to sing "TELL ME WHY!!". After a few "TELL ME WHY!!"s and going, "I WANT IT THAT WAY!" I realised that it wasn't the Backstreet boys and wondered who the hell was stupid enough to make the melody of a new song the same as "I want it that way". Only difference is the fact that "I want it that way" is a sad(ish) and slow song, meanwhile "One Thing" is very fast and crisp.

Also, because of this experience I had a moment of great disappointment in the younger generation to mine. I was on a trip with my sports team. Three girls and myself were the oldest in the group of 12. The rest of the girls were at least 2 years younger to 5 years younger for the youngest. One of the young girls was playing, "One Thing". I shared my connection I made with that song and "I want it that way". They had no idea what I was talking about. I even sang part of it. It was so sad.

That's all for my interesting story time...if anyone found it interesting, that is. :)
Wow they don't know that song! That's pretty shocking.

Well I won't say I hate them,but I do dislike their music.To me they just sound like something you would hear everyday.They don't have the kind of talent that just pops out and hits you in the face.
I actually tried to like them(for my friend's sake),but I just couldn't.

Hehe..I actually have a friend who loves them,and often gets sad because she can't meet them.But she felt sad about not meeting Justin Beiber,until One Direction became famous.

Doctor Bullets
Paramedic_Dreamer is offline
Old 08-26-2012, 01:57 AM

I can't stand them. The popularity is getting annoying. I liked "You Don't Know You're Beautiful" the first time I heard it...But now that all my friends are singing it and it's played on the radio a lot...I just hate it. Just another typical pop boy band.

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 08-26-2012, 02:03 AM

Amen to that, Dreamer!
I think they're all ugly btw. Zane is the only one with potential.

AmaranthRosenrot is offline
Old 08-26-2012, 04:41 AM

Not exactly a fan, I didn't even know who the hell they were until one of my friends told me about them. Im not really a pop music listener..unless its from the 80s or 90s... Pretty much all I listen to now is industrial, rock, punk, and metal.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 08-26-2012, 05:09 AM

Not a hater... more of an avoider... if memebase hates it... I just kind of avoid it.. especially if it's one of those "fangirl" bands... I HATE fangirl bands... usually it's more about how the guy(s) looks than how he plays...

There is MUCH worse bands out there though...

TheEcoEmo is offline
Old 08-26-2012, 07:36 AM

Since ive failed to see anyone else post about this, wikipedia actually wrote a post about how 'obbsesive' and 'crazed' these 12 year old girls are whenever it comes to One Direction. Its actually quite hilarious, how the posts goes about them. The writer actually implies that they are "... the worst of all fans, and a quite literally, crazy." I encourage all of you to go look it up :D Its just on

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 08-26-2012, 08:08 AM

Actually that is a fact about most fangirls... should see some of the fangirls for beiber... geeze pregnancy claims galore...

Kiba_Ryuun is offline
Old 09-19-2012, 07:39 AM

Not a hater, but not a fan either. I like one of their songs but only because it has a "Laughing Only" version-- I don't even bother knowing its name, that's how uninterested I am. I just know it as "That one direction song that has a parody where the only lyrics is ha"

I haven't met any obsessive fans of theirs in real life, but that's probably because we don't have much younger teens and tweens where I live, being near a college.

That said, my biggest qualm with One Direction was when they showed up in the Olympics... twice. Both opening and closing ceremony, while other major contributions to British culture were cut out of the program. And after each performance, forums and tumblr tags about the Olympics was swarmed with "OMG ONE DIRECTION!!1!" posts even hours after they've showed up. It irritated me since I wanted to see OTHER opinions and such.


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