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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 02:02 AM

(I think you mean Dash..)

The tall man shifted a little nervously before letting out a small laugh and pulling Intuition into a hug. "If it's not now, it will be soon." Priam ignored his cousin's dilemma, and instead moved a little ways away to give the troubled pair some time to think. It seemed like something they would need to figure out for themselves.

Clement sighed once more as he reached out to grasp Dash's hand in one of his own. "Listen to me, we can stay upon cat territory for a while. During that time we can try and figure everything out, including a way out of this. I'll do everything I can to make sure we can stay nearby, I promise Dash." It was his fault that everything had fallen apart after all. Now the white haired man felt determination well up inside him; a feeling that would be nearly impossible to deter.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 02:26 AM

(I did mean Dash. So sorry! ^u^''' )

Inny shifted with Priam. After a long while, she turned to face her family's territory. Her eyes narrowed unhappily. "I need to my father....this is...I don't have words for this..." And with that, the female shifted, darting away again, her white form brushing past the vegetation.

Dash glanced down at their joined hands, and licked his lips, glancing back to Clement. He still looked confused, but a little less so. "Yes...they...will accept me? Being a wolf and with you and all?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 02:38 AM

((So how have things been? ))

The cat shifter let his form change into that of a jaguar to follow the white wolf closely. They did need to talk the alpha; Priam had certain things to bring up. He wanted to cement the marriage with Intuition, and make sure that none other could take his place by her side. True, they still had much to learn about each other but already there was something special between them.

It eased Clement's mind to see Dash actually reacting to things now instead of staring numbly at the ground. Gently, he squeezed the other man's hand warmly and leaned his shoulder against the wolf's. "They won't care that you're with me, and being a wolf ... It'll take them some time to get used to you, but they will certainly give you a chance." He was certain that was true, even as he glanced to the side in the hopes that someone might come by to help him reach his own home. Leaving it behind would be a chore, but the funds could get another home for him and Dash as well. The thought brought a warm smile to Clement's features.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 03:05 AM

(Fine. Tiring, and exhausted, but well.)

Dash licked his lips again, and glanced towards the forest worriedly. " do we go there?" Wolves had certain procedures they needed to follow when entering owned territories. He had no idea if the cats did as well.

Inny made her way quickly over the territory. It wasn't much longer until she was changing back into human, then running through the fields, to burst into the kitchen. The house was in an uproar. The kitchen was more crowded than it had been in a long time, and various wolves were yelling. "What were you thinking? He was one of us!" Intuition joined the screaming like it was an everyday occurance. Her father was at the table with two other wolves, who smelled vastly different and very strange.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 03:40 AM

Clement let out a whooping yell, knowing full well that by now a curious cat shifter had probably made his or her way to the edges of the border. A sleek panther slipped from the trees and lopped forward, followed by an overly large white tiger. Both moved to nudge at Clement's wounded ankle questioningly, before moving to but heads lightly against the wolf's shoulder. They wouldn't judge him yet, not until they knew the young man much better.

"Look, seems like we'll have some help along the way. Just follow these two, I think I'm just going to take it easy now." With that he shifted into his sand cat form and licked Dash's hand. Clement issued a soft questioning meow as he looked up cutely at the man he'd ripped away from his family.

Soon Priam was following suit, shifting and leaping into the kitchen. The well muscled man pushed his way trough the screaming crowd to slam a hand hard against the table. Such a sound amidst the din should have been lost, but the shock of seeing a cat shifter being so authoritative must have had some effect. Some of the wolves seemed to quiet down, giving Priam a chance to speak his mind. "Listen to me, and listen well. This treaty between our people needs to be solidified as quickly as possible, but some terms need to be re-evaluated. Until that time, neither my cousin nor the wolf should be evicted from the cat territory." He would probably end up in trouble for behaving in such a way, but so be it! Simply standing by when such a ruckus was going on was impossible for Priam, not when Intuition was at stake.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 03:54 AM

The wolf under the human skin was apparent. His blond hair bristled, and he growled, his eyes wide. To be honest, cats weren't his thing, and he'd neever paid much attention to the names of them. The black cat didn't seem to be a threat, but the white one was huge! Dash shifted away from the two cats, and glanced at Clement. Awkwardly, keeping his face towards the new arrivals, Dash shifted, his hackles raised high. He sidestepped to the sand cat, opening his mouth and scruffing the male, lifting him up in his mouth.

The wolves stared at Priam for a good long moment, before everyone started up again. "This is why we didn't accept him!" Stated a newcomer, full of fat and bushy white hair.

"He did smell strange..." Remarked the female newcomer, a thin, tawny, tall female.

Inny's father spoke up next, his voice booming through the couruses. "Enough. I've heard all opinions. There was no way to tell that Dash would be so unnatural..." His eyed Priam calmly, as if he was just another voice of the wolves, fighting to be heard. "The treaty...and it's terms...are taking a backseat currently. These are the packs problems. Now..." He gestured to the crowd. "As I see it, about half of us want to go to war tonight...half don't wish to war at all...It seems like we are at an impasse...any suggestions on how to solve this?"

"I didn't get to vote!" Inny shouted, trying to be heard above the throng, who had burst out with various ideas, ranging from fighting it out, to bringing in the two other packs to vote for themselves.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 04:06 AM

The kitten sized cat sighed softly as the other shifters ran off in the direction of his home on the other side of the cat's territory. It was a good run, long enough for Clement to plan which room to give to Dash and what he could do to try and make him feel welcome. Cats were more solitary then wolves, but he intended to make the wolf known to as many people as he could ... Including his mother and half-siblings. The tiger veered off after a while, leaving the panther to show the way to the elegant old home and the nearby stables. It was a lot for one person to take care of, which was why two or three of Clement's siblings lived there as well, in fact the panther was one of them.

She shifted and turned, running to sit upon a log with a grin. "Big brother got into trouble, and brought home a stray wolf. Why am I not surprised?" Clement hissed lightly and glared at her. "Oh yeah, the name's Druscilla, but everyone calls me Dru."


Angrily, Priam reached back to pull Intuition forth. He was about ready to challenge the alpha at this point, but knew very well that it would just complicate things. Instead, the jaguar did his best to control his temper in order to help Intuition's voice be heard. "You seem to be forgetting that your daughter has a say in this ... Sir." Priam fairly growled the words out, his anger becoming apparent despite the best of his efforts.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 12-24-2012, 04:21 AM

While carrying the sand cat, Dash pulled back the skin around his teeth, showing them at the cat as she shifted and spoke. His eyes were glancing around, drinking in information. Once Dru was sitting, Dash placed Clement gently on the ground. He shifted as well, shoving his hands in his pockets, his eyes still glancing over the grounds. He inhaled deeply. Horses. That's right, Clement said they had them. This wasn't going to work. Horses hated wolves. Dash's eyes flickered to the female, but otherwise he didn't respond to the female's taunts.

The alpha snorted, and waved at the two. "I already know how you would vote, Inny. Still, by our system, it's about even. So. We can bring in the two packs, which will probably upset the cats anyway, due to hunting being done on their lands, or we can fight it out. Which would only hurt our pack. Let's put this to a vote." Intuition glanced to Priam, hopeless feeling.


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