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Faded Beauty
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Old 09-20-2012, 05:47 AM

This is a private Role Play between:
Gothika_Knight & Faded Beauty Private Role Play.

The Legendary school was created for Mythical beings to learn to live with humans in peace, every race except two are allowed in; Centaurs and Minotaurs. Only due to the fact they have a tenacity to kill humans in fits of rage.

.: Faded's Character Profile :.


Name Rin Tsuki
Status Sound of the wind
Race Wind Demon
Gender Male
Height 5'6"
Weight 159
Age Unknown; 23 years of age
Hair Black
Eyes Emerald Green

His string instruments, his Guqin and Guzheng; he is a talented artist when it comes to music but thats what makes him deadly. He uses the sounds to create sharp gust of winds sharper then any sword.

Brief Bio
Rin was raised by a small village for centuries, he was loved by everyone. He protected the village and help with the windmills turn to create power for the small hidden village, time barely touched the village in advancements in technology; only plumbing and some electricity for lighting came to the village.

He was found one day with no memory of his former life at a very young age, since then he was cared for by the whole village. Because of his musical talents, they nick named him 'The sound of the wind." He grew up with a great elegance in his nature and a love for mankind, well most of mankind. There are some he wished he never met.

He came to the school when the villagers all gathered their saved up money and paid for it, it was his birthday gift and a thank you for all he has done for them.

Last edited by Faded Beauty; 09-29-2012 at 05:39 AM..

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Old 09-20-2012, 10:19 PM

true form

Name: Kira Gerada
Status: The Hidden Student
Race: Centaur Minotaur Hybrid
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3" in human form, 6' in true form
Weight: you can't ask that
Age: 19
Hair: green
Eyes: gray
Weapon: Kira has a sword in her human form and when she's in her true form, her sword turns into a double bladed spear.
Bio: Kira had lived in Ferdaria, the home of the minotaurs and centaurs, for as long as she could remember. Her parents were the strongest male minotaur and the fastest female clydesdale centaur. She is sad by the fact her mother and father were uneducated and not able to do certain things the other creatures can do, only hunt, breed and survive. Kira then promised both her parents that she would go to the Legendary School, so she can help the people of Ferdaria. Her mother and father were first hesitant because of the fact she may get killed if caught but soon allowed her to go to the school.

After three years, Kira had managed to stay in the school and teach the people of Ferdaria how to read, write, do math and live a better life. However, Kira is started to fear the worse is going to happen, she has this odd feeling is about to happen.

Kira started walking out of her house in the morning, it was school time and it was said that there were going to be some new students. She sighed lightly as her mother, Mindy, trotted out of the kitchen and kissed Kira's cheek, "Have fun at school and be nice to people." She said with a smile as Brutus, her father, walked out of the kitchen as well and hugged her tightly. "Don't give up, we want you to have it all." He said with a smile as she nodded and walked out of the door.

Kira was in her true form and ran towards the school, since she was the born form the fastest clydesdale centaur, it was easy for her to run to school. Only she reached a close area of the school, she turned into her human form and walked the rest of the way slowly. Her light green hair swayed behind me as her black heels tapped the ground lightly with each step. This was her third year, so she was happy to go to the school, even though her kind weren't allowed in this school.

Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 09-21-2012 at 12:06 AM..

Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
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Old 09-21-2012, 12:55 AM

The field slowly started to fill up with other students, Rin was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, his Gupin on his lap. It was his first year and they wanted to see how all the new students could control their abilities and let them get to know each other. He slide his hands on the strings to silence them as the teacher came up. "Good morning new students, I'm Mrs. Woodberry. Today we're going to introduce ourselves and see how you all perform then go from there." She told them all smiling, she had set up so straw dummies at the other end of the field. One by one she called up but they were all new to their powers, you could tell they were are soiled rotten. "Tsuki Rin?" He looked at her as she spoke, "It says your a... well its in Japanese. I'm sorry I can't read it." She said trying to read the characters, "Wind Demon." He replied, she just repeated everything she said to the others; who just moved away from the demon.

He plucked a string with his right and slid the left on the other side, making the note moan differently in places. His slowly played his Gupin, "Well that's pretty but-" She was cut off when the wind started to pick up, with a simple strum with his right hand towards the straw dummies; they split into multiple pieces before falling to the ground. She looked at the dummies then to him then back, he slid his hands over the strings to silence them once again. He didn't need his instrument to create destructive winds, he just enjoyed using them.

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Old 09-23-2012, 04:43 AM

Kira wandered into the school, late like always. She walked to the office and got her late slip, the people in the office weren't surprised that she was late, it was normal for everyone. Kira put her stuff in the locker, grabbing her bag and fixed her hair so she would be ok. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she walked into Mrs. Woodberry's classroom, she could get along well with her but sometimes she was a little annoying since she was sometimes late to her class on purpose. Kira looked around to find her room empty so she looked out the window to see she and the class were outside. "Great, I have to walk again. Or..." She said jumping on the window ledge and jumped out of the window onto the grass and walked towards the class. "It seems as though I made it to the fun apart of class." Kira said softly looking around, she had a red strip going across from one cheek to the other and her light green bangs covered some of her gray colored eyes, seeing the newcomers and some of the old students, 'Oh, this will be fun.' She said with a soft smile on her face, new people meant new people who think they're powerful.

She looked around to see someone sitting on the ground,she tilted her head and seen the straw dummies on the ground. "Interesting, who did this?" Kira asked looking at the ground and walked over to straw dummies and around at the new people to spot the man on the ground, she looked at him and slowly turned her head to face Mrs. Woodberry.

Faded Beauty
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Old 09-23-2012, 06:35 AM

The teacher just looked at him, she was confused how he was able to channel the wind through music. The teacher just looked at the late student too shocked to even comment on her being late, instead she just replied. "This new student." She said talking about the one sitting on the ground. She looked back at Rin and wrote on her clipboard, "How much control do you have, can you control the wind without the instrument? Show me your strongest ability?" He just looked at the teacher, he could create multiple twisters and tsunamis. The Major of his tiny village told him to listen to the teachers but he didn't want to show his full powers, he didn't want to hurt anyone. He stood up and look at the teacher with his Gupin in his arms. "If I most, but I rather not." He told her politely, "Sweetly all we need is to find out what you can do, and how to train you to increase your powers." She told him, he watched around at everyone before his eyes turned white. The sky darken from clouds the wind dragged in, the wind was fierce as it blew, five rather large tunnels began to form but stopped and vanished when the sound of trees began to be ripped out of the ground. He teacher looked at him through her rat nest of hair made from the wind he created, she was glad he stopped and sorry she asked him to show her what he had. All the students tried to mix their hair and ran after their items that blew away. "Thank you Rin, that... that is all." Was all she could say before turning to walk away telling the students she would be back, before she ran into the school.

Most of the students looked at him in awe and fear but he ignored them, he started to wrap his Gupin up in a white cloth that he always wrapped around his waist before playing. He brushed his black hair off of his shoulders once he was done and stood still, waiting for the teacher or someone to make a comment.

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Old 09-24-2012, 01:20 AM

Kira looked at the man and smirked softly, she thought he was an interesting person to spare against in class. She looked at Mrs. Woodberry as she told the man named 'Rin' to show his full potential, she looked at her crazy, knowing that something bad will come out of it. Suddenly the wind started to pick up rather quickly holding her hair down. The skies darkened and the trees seem to move from the ground as she closed her eyes to keep the dirt from her eyes. After a few moments, she opened her eyes and looked around to see some of the destruction of the field and everyone's hair a mess. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she shook her head, fixing her hair quickly hearing Mrs. Woodberry run back in the school. She rolled her eyes and looked at the students to see them running after their things, except for Rin. She looked up to see him playing his instrument, she growled softly and stomped her foot hard on the ground hard on the ground as the earth around everyone started to shake.

"Alright new people, my name is Kira Gerada. I'm a 3rd year student of Legendary School and as a temporary substitute of Defensive class, I want to see if any of you can protect yourselves against me. I'll go easy on you since you all are first years. Now, who wants to go first?" She asked softly looking around at the students going into a defensive pose, with a grin on her face.

Faded Beauty
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Old 09-24-2012, 02:51 AM

He just looked at the girl as the ground rumbled but he kept his firm stance, not moving unless the other students. He looked at her with his emotionless expression when this one fox shouted, "I will." He came running back after gathering his things. "No." Was all Rin said to the boy, who looked at him confused. "You would lose." He told the boy who looked at him then to her but listened to the wind demon. Rin just stood there looking at her, he didn't want to fight her. He hated fighting, unless he needed; mostly protecting his village was the only time he did. "Fighting is not a answer, the world has better need for those who know how to stay their blades." He told her in his emotionless voice, he never did really show his emotions throughout the long centuries he had lived.

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Old 09-29-2012, 05:22 AM

Kira looked at the students as they looked at her a little scared and worrisome. She looked around to heard a voice speak up, a fox volunteered. She smirked softly and gasped softly hearing the man named Rin speak, Kira looked at him as he spoke briefly to the fox. She stood up straight and looked at him as he spoke about fighting not being the answer and the world would be better if everyone held their blades. Kira smiled softly and chuckled softly, "I know what you mean, but this class is to only teach you how to protect yourself from the humans if needed. It's just a precaution the principle is making." She said crossing her arms, she hated doing this because of the fact her body was curvy, it let her chest stick out more, but she couldn't help it. Kira looked around to seeing the teacher still not here, "Do you have an ideas...Rin?" She asked, curious about what he had in mind.

Faded Beauty
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Old 10-06-2012, 05:12 AM

He just closed his eyes bored, "Protection is only needed when your under attack miss Kira." He told her plainly, "Pick fights with whoever you wish but fighting among each other is a waste of time and energy." He told her softly, he lived among humans and they knew all to well what he was and never did he really need to protection himself from them. "Oh shut up you goody two shoes." A man screamed at Rin, he was obviously a higher class but he was still acting like a newer student; one of those who thought better of himself. He had missed Rin's power play so he just thought Rin was a weakling talking like he was better then he was. "I hate newer students like you." He said softly to his fellow student, he was obviously the school bully. He was a snake demon, same age as Rin. He brushed his brown hair from his eyes, he wanted to fight Rin. He had a dominance issues he needed to fix due to the that he was no longer the oldest demon there in the school.

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Old 01-28-2013, 08:04 PM

Kira listened to Rin and thought about what he said. The humans were weak compared to them and this was what the principle told her during her first year. Before she could respond to Rin's statement, someone had spoke up. She turned her head and seen it was the Snake demon who had been here almost as long as her, she frowned as a soft growl escaped her lips. It was Draco the snake demon. She facepalmed herself as she listened to him speak, "Damn it Draco." Kira whispered to herself, slowly walking forward to them, Kira didn't show fear towards anyone but she had to admit, Draco was a little intimidating. "Stand down Draco! You and I both know, we cannot the newer students. Know your place." Kira said sternly, standing in front of him with her back to Rin. She grabbed the hilt of her sword, and prepared herself just in case Draco attacked, due to her protective nature of a centaur and minotaur, she didn't mind standing up to bullies.


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