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Kilia is offline
Old 01-24-2013, 04:53 PM

The Vicious Wolf

Welcome to The Vicious Wolf, now you land lubber, don't be fooled by our sails, after all we are a pirate ship. This crew is unique and random, we do as we please, go where we want. There is one thing you need to know. Women on a ship is considered bad luck. Though that is not true after all this ship is captained by a woman. Who am I you ask? Well I am the Co-Captain and yes i am a female also. Well I hope you enjoy your stay on The Vicious Wolf, though i can not guarantee your safety.

Kilia is offline
Old 01-24-2013, 04:59 PM

Meet the Captain

Originally Posted by Fiona_Watergate

Captain Fiona Morgan
Originally Posted by Fiona_Watergate

I am The one and only Captain! .

People call me Captain Morgan.
I am 28 years old.
I am female.
I do I tell everyone what to do.

Last edited by Kilia; 01-25-2013 at 12:20 PM..

Kilia is offline
Old 01-24-2013, 05:02 PM

Meet the Co-Captain/First Mate

Co-Captain/First Mate Evangeline Rose Amaya

I am Co-Captain of the pirate ship The Vicious Wolf .

People call me Eve.
I am 22 years old.
I am female.
I do the cooking along with running the ship when the captain is not around.

Last edited by Kilia; 01-24-2013 at 08:54 PM..

Kilia is offline
Old 01-24-2013, 05:05 PM

Meet the Crew

Originally Posted by bunnyonfire10

Lady Constantyn Delanty

I am the Quartermaster with surgical skills .

People call me Constance.
I am 23 years old.
I am female.
I look over the health of the crew if there is ever any need to, as well as do anything that the captain tells me to. Desciption of the job can be found here: http://www.brethrenofthegreatlakes.c...php?topic=72.0
Originally Posted by JediMercJeff

"Stunning" Ellis Snelling

I am weapon wrangler and gadgeteer for the crew of the Vicious Wolf.

People call me Ellis or "Stunner".
I am 22 years old.
I am male.
I make the weapons and gadgets for the ship and crew... If it has gears, runs by steam, and produces lightning, it's my design!

User Name: Rochiel Silverfire
Crew Name: Summer DeLaroux

Last edited by Kilia; 01-25-2013 at 03:25 PM..

Kilia is offline
Old 01-24-2013, 05:08 PM

Ship Rules

1. Usual Menewsha Rules guys.

2. This is a romantic sort of High school type of party Rp. So romance is excepted but if your going to cyber, take it to the pms. NO CYBERING IN THE THREAD. Keep it PG13 in the thread.

3.Please be an active user. Once a week to post is fine i know life comes first and that is okay but try not to do just one line.

4.I am the Leader of this Rp meaning I can change the rules if I wish and I will God Mod if I have to but only if I have to. Other than that I am pretty lenient and wont god mod at all.

5. That brings me to this rule. NO GOD MODDING OR ANYTHING LIKE IT. That is unless the person says you are allowed to control their character. So no one really can kill off anyone else but if you get the feeling or need to please take to the owner of the character and let me know.

6. Even number of pairings please and i don't mind what the sexuality of your character is as long as you have a partner!!!

7. Please pm me the filled out form below, remove unnecessary spaces, thank you.


[IMG]insert URL to your character's appearence. ANIME PICTURES ONLY NO DESCRIPTIONS[/IMG]

I am [color="INSERT POST COLOR HERE"] (position on the ship) [/color].

[B]‡[/SIZE ][/B ][size=1 ] People call me ____.
[B]‡[/SIZE ][/B ][size=1 ] I am ____ years old.
[B]‡[/SIZE ][/B ][size=1 ] I am male/female.
[B]‡[/SIZE ][/B ][size=1 ] I do ____. (job.)

Last edited by Kilia; 01-24-2013 at 05:51 PM..

Kilia is offline
Old 01-24-2013, 05:09 PM


Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 01-25-2013, 02:05 PM

"Good morning my loves this is your Captain speaking" Fiona said over the intercom. "welcome to the crew, this adventurer will be starting very soon. Where we go only the magic bag knows." she said as she shifted her weight in her quarters. "I found this ship in the bag about a month ago and you few that have been selected are now in for the adventurer of you life." she said. Morgan grabbed her rum and took a big swig of it. "So in about fifteen min. meet me in the dinning hall and we shall have a chat of what to do." Morgan said. It was only eight in the morning, but some who Fiona staid in a drunk state. Although her drunk state wasn't as bad as some. She stumbled down the small hall from her room to the dinning hall, with rum in hand.

Kilia is offline
Old 01-25-2013, 02:49 PM

Evangeline sighed heavily as she listened to the drunk captain speaking over the intercom once more, she was sure that she had hidden the rum from her rather well this time but it seems as if she had failed in the endeavor of helping to sober her up. She opened the door that lead to her cabin, walking out through the kitchen and out past the gallery to the dinning hall, crossing her arms as she stood there and awaited for Morgan to show up. "Captain. I thought i told you not to get into the rum on the first day. If you keep this up we will not have any left for the journey." she said to her once the older female have come into the room, taking a seat next to her at the long table as she awaited for the rest of the crew to show up and join them.

\ (•◡•) /
bunnyonfire10 is offline
Old 01-26-2013, 02:54 AM

Constance paced around on deck, inspecting the ship that she was going to call home for the next while. She felt a little strange and out of place, she may have been a pirate by trade and an adventurer at heart, but something about being there made her feel a bit awkward. She was still, after all, a spoiled daughter of a nobleman by nature. At her right hip slung a golden rapier, one of which she never went anywhere without. And at her left hip was a beautiful hand crafted pistol, of which she had stolen from her fiance before leaving her old mundane life behind. Back then she had all the riches that one could own, but what was the point of having such wealth and nothing to do with it? Life back then was carefully planned out for her, there were to be no spontaneity in her actions.

And now she found herself here, about to embark on an adventure of which she has no idea about, with people of which she has never met before. Constance jumped a bit as her thoughts were interrupted by the intercom. She smirked a bit as she identified a distinct slur in the words of her apparent captain.

'Oh....t'is a pirate's life....' She mumbled to herself as she hoisted a sack with her belongings over her shoulder, and started to head towards the dining area.

{Sorry for my lame attempt to try to give her some background....I'm pretty tired today and my writing isn't as good as it usually is x.x}

Jedi Mercenary... Returned from ...
JediMercJeff is offline
Old 01-27-2013, 04:58 AM

Ellis was already literally elbows deep into his latest project as he listened to the Captain's announcement. He smirked, wiping his forehead (and leaving a nice grease streak along his skin).

"Oy, sheila," he chuckled to himself in his Aussie lilt, shaking his head. "You're a lovey after me own heart. Liquid breakfasts are my favorite." He took up his own bottle; it was probably lighter than whatever the Captain was taking up, but it worked for him. He turned from the static cannon prototype he was working on for shipboard, and picked up his personal lightning gun and shock gauntlet. Those were the toys he'd be showing off first. He didn't bother cleaning himself up, changing clothes, any of that; if the Captain didn't like him truly being into his work, well... That was her problem. He made his way out of his workspace, and headed for the galley.

\ (•◡•) /
vampire_bill is offline
Old 01-31-2013, 03:04 PM

She sat head of the long table and looked out to her crew. Captain Morgan rearranged her self for a moment. "I've us all" Fiona stopped. She leaned back into the chair and propped her feet up on the table. "Are you gu..ys ready f..or an advent...tur" she asked as she still had the bottle in her hand. A smile formed on her mouth as she put the bottle to her lip. She was happy to have the crew she had.

Kilia is offline
Old 01-31-2013, 05:10 PM

Eve had a look of shock on her face at the greasy male that sat down at her clean table, then the captain had to prop her feet up on it also. "OY!!!! I be the one to clean this mess. So you best be gettin' them boots off muh table if ya want breakfast!" She said to the captain, talking to her like a childhood friend would, glaring at the female for a few minutes before she got up. Moving to get a wet rag before tossing it to Ellis so that he could at least clean his hands and arms off most of the grease that covered him. After a few more minutes she finally came out with the breakfast that was prepared. She narrowed her eyes at the captain once more before she pushed the captain's feet from the table onto the chair next to her. "Now, that that is taken care of. Tells us Captain about this adventure." she said with a smile as she took a seat, after handing everyone plates and forks.

\ (•◡•) /
bunnyonfire10 is offline
Old 02-01-2013, 01:41 AM

As she walked in, Constance glanced over her crew, at four people the numbers were very thin. It seemed impossible to man a whole ship with just this many people. She pushed aside her anxiety with the thought that there were probably others coming along. She's been on a fair deal of ships in her lifetime but only part of two crews. When she was younger her father would occasionally take her out to sea, since they lived so close to a port. And needless to say, the ships owned by the royal guards were much more......well kept and a pirate's ship. Even though she's already spent a few good years surrounded by scurvy dogs with their hearts stolen by the sea, and their eyes set on treasure, she was still not quite used to grit and grime being in every nook.

A small instinctive part of her had to wonder if the plates were properly cleaned or if the rags were washed before being thrown at what looked to be the crew's technician. She didn't want disease or sickness spreading out on their first day on deck. That would simply be bad fortune.

Constance chuckled a bit at her captain's slur. 'oh my......your poor liver.....' She said to herself quietly. It's no surprise for a pirate, but she only hoped that she will be able to properly steer the wheel. She worked her way over to the table, taking a seat across from the technician, wondering if she had made a mistake in coming here.

Jedi Mercenary... Returned from ...
JediMercJeff is offline
Old 02-03-2013, 08:05 AM

Ellis chuckled quietly as the Captain "pondered her words carefully".

He knew that she was relatively stinkin' drunk.

He was liking this crew already.

He smirked at the one who tossed him the rag, shaking his head lightly as he managed to get the majority of the mechanical grime off of his skin. He shot a glance at the...

Ohhhhh yeah, that was the First Mate, wasn't it? He glanced in his feigned annoyed way anyway.

"Oy, ya best be rememberin' who's gonna arm up this flyin' beast an' her crewbies there, First Sheila!" His accent was rather thick; it did that when he was in a mood. He smiled to disarm a little of the annoyance.

"I'm gonna be lookin' like this a fair bit, so ya best get used t' th' idea."


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