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Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 04-04-2013, 07:55 PM

Alana spent the next few weeks helping Ryuu return to his normal self. She loved her mate and would do everything she could to help him. After 29 days had passed Alana suddenly went into labor. She had a hard time at it and almost sacrificed her life and her babies life to the birthing process. She smiled at Ryuu as she held her new baby in her arms.

"Meet your father son. Ryuu meet Ren." She smiled and passed Ryuu the bundle. She watched him closly for some demons would eat there offspring. She did not think that Ryuu would do this but it was natural for her to be protective. She smiled as she waited for Ryuu to pass the child back to her but she was comfortable just watching for now while he spent time with his new son.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 04-04-2013, 08:16 PM

Ryuu had been beside his mate, caring for her where he could. He stayed beside her during the birth process, doing his best to make it as easy for her as possible without directly having to interfere using his powers, as he figured it would be best to avoid mixing them into the birthing process. However when his mate and the child's life were in danger of being lost, he quickly changed that thought and began using his powers over time to stabilize both his beloved mate and offspring's lives. It was a bit tiring, but finally his mate gave birth. Letting out a sigh of relief he gently kissed Alana's cheek lovingly.

The time demon's attention however was soon shifted as the seductress then introduced the small bundle to him and placed him in his arms. He was relatively surprised at the small size, as he never really dealt with babies or really had any previous experience interacting or really seeing them. He stared both fascinated and lovingly at the small child in his arms. He of course could feel his mate watching him, and knew it was only natural, however he wouldn't dare harm their child. For a time demon creating a child with their mate was a rare thing, the proof being in the dying off of his race almost entirely.

Carefully and gently he ran his fingers over the newborn curiously, who stared up at him with dark colored eyes and giggled. "Hello there Ren" he whispered quietly to the infant before carefully moving and settling down in such a way that he could comfortably drape and arm and wing around his mate while still securely holding their child. "He's beautiful just like his mother" he whispered affectionately to his mate before turning his head to once more kiss his mate's cheek.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 04-04-2013, 09:21 PM

Grinning at Ryuu as he held the baby Alana closed her eyes relaxing next to her mate. Suddenly a loud wailing started in the clearing. The baby started crying as loud as he could at the top of his little lungs.Opening one eye Alana watched the baby in Ryuus arms. She was tired but she knew what had to be done. She took the baby into her arms and leaning over gave Ryuu a kiss. She stuck her breast into the baby's mouth so it could suckle while she rocked back and forth to comfort it.

She smiled at Ryuus reaction to the crying not expecting that sort of reaction but not knowing what to really expect. "not used to children Ryuu?" She asked him jokingly as she waited for him to calm himself.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 04-04-2013, 09:36 PM

Ryuu had been relaxing with his beloved mate and child when suddenly the small infant began wailing. Immediately the time demon tensed as he looked wildly to Alana. "What did I do wrong? What's going on?" he rushed out not entirely sure in the least what he had done wrong to make the child cry. His mind tried to grasp at how he could get Ren to stop crying, though nothing came to his mind. Desperate he tried his twin, hoping the other time demon would have an idea. 'I don't know Ryuu...just make it stop!' came the mental shout. Having no answers he turned his gaze back to Alana, pleadingly.

He watched as his mate gently took their son from his embrace and revealed a breast to it. The action clearly confused him as he wasn't entirely sure what showing the child her...His thoughts stopped as the child began suckling on the breast while Alana rocked the child back and forth, calming and comforting the child. Hesitantly the time demon's body began to slowly relax as he eyed the child carefully. He had not been expecting such a sound to come from something so small. He looked to his mate as a slow and slightly shaky smile came to his face as he shook his head. "Never really dealt with children much...I never thought I would..." he quietly answered as he once more settled to the calmness as the child sucked hungrily at his mate's bosom.

When he was younger he had never thought of having a child with anyone, nor did he ever think he would settle down and find a mate. Emotions had been forbidden and denied him until he met Alana. Even his own mother hadn't responded to his own cries other then using violence. Lovingly he nuzzled his mate's cheek as he was thankful to have such a loving mate in his life.

Don't know don't care
AmberDoucet is offline
Old 04-05-2013, 11:02 PM

Chuckling softly Alana finished feeding Ren and put him to bed next to her. She closed her eyes. "I am so tired Ryuu but we have to go rescue my daughter." She stretched and stood up. "What are we supposed to do with Ren while we are busy rescuing my daughter?" she asked looking at the baby lying on the ground next to her feet. She had no idea what they were going to do with him. They could not take him with them. Perhaps she could find a sitter. They still needed a plan on how to rescue Talitha.

She stood there thinking for a while trying to come up with a plan. "Any ideas Ryuu?"

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 04-06-2013, 01:24 AM

Ryuu had remembered well the promise that had been made to rescue Talitha after his mate gave birth. His gaze diverted to the sleeping infant for a few moments, before returning to his tired mate. "First you are to rest. Although I know you desire to rescue Talitha, now that you've given birth to our son, but no plan will due if you don't regain your strength..." he quietly told his mate as he once more wrapped both her and Ren within his wings. Even in sleep the baby cooed happily at the soft feathers and unconsciously took hold of one in his tiny fist.

"Perhaps assistance would be the best option, and the safest. Essentially we need a powerful ally who can assist us...Unfortunately most of the ones I know that would even prove a little bit useful have already perished. The only other I can think of would be God, but personally I don't exactly trust him either...I don't suppose you would know of anyone off the top of your head that would dare to oppose the Lord of Hell would you? It would be even better if it was someone who could provide a safe haven for Ren" he stated gently as he closed his eyes in thought. He knew not many demons would oppose the ruler of Hell, after all there were very few who could rival the giant's power. He knew of course there were other dimensions that could provide assistance of sorts, however the only other he knew was the one his soul had originally been birthed from and housed the Goddess of Time. Naturally she wouldn't so readily agree to go to war with Satan, after all she had made it clear she was a neutral party and would side with neither good nor evil.


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