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Old 07-28-2013, 02:30 AM

One of my college professors once said that no matter how many times he taught the same class, it was always interesting. Everyone brought something new and different to the class from their personal experiences. So I want to bring that here and pose the question: What has everyone experienced here on Menewsha? Everyone has their own story, and it should be interesting to see all of the different perspectives that can pop up.

Myself, I find that since I joined Mene, I've gotten a lot more active. I used to be a terrible lurker, skirting the edges of the threads. I especially shied away from the active threads, feeling like an outsider even as I watched the posts go up. But now I'm an active roleplayer, and Mene is my favorite site to be on. Because I used to be a lurker, I still find myself surprised when someone says they've seen me around the site, but it's a pleasant sort of surprise now rather than the gut-gnawing terror it used to be.

How else has Menewsha affected people?

The Daydreamer
Ling is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 06:17 AM

I first joined Menewsha after a user on Gaia had mentioned it. I joined in 2007 when Menewsha was relatively new. I remember the evil card game that existed at that time, it was similar to the one that appears in events where you had to decide whether the card was higher or lower...only it was a gamble of the amount of gold one was willing to gamble, the prize being double what you put in, otherwise you lost it all. And yet, I believe at the time that was one if not THE only game on the site.

I was still pretty active on Gaia from 2007-2009 but I did find myself participating in the events that would happen on Menewsha during those years. After an unfortunate incident involving my account on Gaia, which I won't go into the details of here, I decided not to bother with that site anymore and Menewsha became the avatar site I'd go to.

I became a lot more active on Menewsha starting in 2009, I've met and gotten to know other users. A few have even befriended me over these years...and others even if they're not on my friends list I feel I know in one way or other. It is kind of interesting how, for me, Menewsha was at first just an alternative to Gaia. I joined simply because I was curious. This site has changed in many ways since I joined, but so has my attitude to it.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 11:26 AM

I don't remember how I stumbled upon Menewsha. If I had to guess, it was a link or mention on Gaia Online. I joined in June 2007, and I also remember the evil card game. I also remember the original fishing game. Click, click, click, click!

I was much more active in 2007 than I am now. One of the original threads I hung out in had Jelly and Juru in there well before they were staff. I can't remember the name of it for the life of me, but I remember having fun. I've had a bunch of experiences since joining, and I've made a bunch of friends which have turned into solid relationships off the site. I don't remember when, but I cycled through most steps of staff titles and had a blast. I'm not as active these days as I'd like to be, but maybe in time I'll get inspired again. I tend to hide out in two threads only, for the most part. :p

One of the biggest things I appreciate about this site is the ability to find conversation. It's a completely different atmosphere in comparison to other avatar sites out there. I have tried others which have shut down with little explanation; since then I've hesitated donating to any. While Menewsha is small and often slow, I feel it's quality overall is higher in terms of what users can get out of socializing.

What amazes me most is being able to communicate with (mostly) the same people for six years and see the changes everyone goes through. So many of us have kids now. Others have pursued careers. We've all had huge life experiences and it's neat to be able to share them with a group of folks that likely don't really disappear.

Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 12:37 PM

I found Mene last year some time, during the Xmas event. What made me stay was how kind everyone was towards me, which was refreshing after previous experiences with Avi sites (TinierMe) where noobs were treated bad.

Someone pinged for me to join a chat on the events and I was welcomed with many gifts, one of which was my cat ears and tail that I am rarely without. Then I met my Master, who encouraged me to rp with him and the rest is history :P

bork and means

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jellysundae is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by Chi View Post

What amazes me most is being able to communicate with (mostly) the same people for six years and see the changes everyone goes through. So many of us have kids now. Others have pursued careers. We've all had huge life experiences and it's neat to be able to share them with a group of folks that likely don't really disappear.

I adore that there are people on here who have always been on here. It makes me feel almost like a mommy because I've watched a lot of people grow up. People who were 13 (or younger Dystopia: :P) when then joined, but are young adults now, but are STILL HERE. I know there are many out there who have grown away/out of Mene, but we still have a place in their hearts, and that seriously brings on the warm fuzzies.

My over-riding first impression of this site was a direct comparison to my experiences on Gaia. So simple shock at being able to post out in the forums, in the GD of all places, and not get a load of abuse. That just blew my mind because I'd soon learnt to not post outside of guilds on Gaia, for fear of getting flamed by some 14 yr old total stranger. I still remember that feeling of joy, such an unimaginable sense of freedom after the basically 100% likelihood of being trolled on Gaia's forums.

I don't I have any experiences to share though. Which I'm somewhat disappointed about xD

Chi: was the thread Juru and myself were in Purkle something? Purkle Couch is the guild we are both in on Gaia, an extention of the same guild on Neopets, which is where I first got to know Juru =3

Last edited by jellysundae; 07-28-2013 at 07:16 PM..

Mostly void, partially stars

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Old 07-28-2013, 03:28 PM

To be honest, I don't remember how I found Mene in the first place. I think my official join date is back in 07, but I didn't really get active until late 08-ish, I think. But I haven't disappeared since. I think it's amazing at just how nice everyone really is. I was on Gaia, too, and I never bothered going into the forums to begin with, it just wasn't worth it. But the atmosphere around here is just completely different and more welcoming and it'll always feel like coming home, I think.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 03:47 PM

I am not as shy as I used to be. When I first joined Menewsha, I stuck to the art forums. To be honest, I only joined because all of my friends on gaia joined and I felt left out. So I joined and pretty soon all my friends left. But I stuck in the art forums. In 4 years on Menewsha I only managed to post about 6,000 times which is pathetic in my opinion. lol But I came back after a hiatus during my senior year of college during the summer of 2011...and I started to try to get my exchange thread to be my main hangout. Hummy, SDG, and Ace started posting in my thread constantly and I made new friends! I became incredibly active. I decided I really didn't want to be shy anymore because it just meant that I had no one to talk to! Since I came back, my post could raised to, now, almost 28k posts in 6 years! That's a big difference in my posting activity!

People in real life notice a difference in me as well. My best friends and their mom tell me now how confident I am and how I am no longer the timid person I once was! I give a lot of credit for that to Menewsha to be perfectly honest with you!

In addition, I never never never thought that I would be doing pixel work for any website. But when Jelly first announced the newbie store idea, I decided to give it a try. I made those boots that are in the newbie emporium and didn't have the courage to ping jelly. So hummy: pinged her instead. Those boots were terrible - the shading was all wrong XD But Jelly said they had potential. So I kept at it. They weren't the first item to make the newbie store...the Mina Scarf was and I am still extremely proud of that item! But the boots are in there...and even though I still think they are ugly, I'm proud they are there. Imagine my surprise when I was asked to be a pixelite for the site. But I'm honestly happy and gracious that I am. I'm learning so many new things and Demo and Wishie push me to be my best which I appreciate! I'm coming out of my shell in more ways than one because of this place and the people here!

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Old 07-28-2013, 04:13 PM

I just joined because it seemed better than gaia and I knew I could be a little shit on here and people would notice lol.

Honestly, its because I had nothing better to do and everyone seemed like they were in the same boat~

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 05:11 PM

I've been here for 4 years and everytime I log on, I find out something new. Something about myself and my personality, something about people that I've been talking to for years.

I joined because I was banned from Gaia -on trumped up charges- and I found Mene after a long and extensive search of avatar forums. Yeesh, back then I always went by the username Syraannabelle....
A lot of places seemed a little... elitist, for me, but Menewsha, it became home. *laughs* I went camping for a week and the first thing I did when I had internet access was log on and see what I missed. I spent my first while in the GD -where I still claim a couch to watch whats happening- and the RP forum. While I don't role play as often as I'd like to now due to real life, its still a fun getaway when a good story pops up ^.^

Eventually I've made my way to every forum. Posting something with a Codette-type flair, making my mark, however small it was. Eventually I stopped making my own threads, due to just never finding the right words to describe my ideas, and feeling bad for not having time to reply to everyone that posted.

Not just Menewsha, but also all you Menewshians, have made me a better person. Made me more thoughtful, more cautious, I re-read everything I type to make sure I don't accidentally insult someone without meaning too, when before I would just post, and then spend my next 5 trying to explain myself and my choice of words. I'm more generous here and in real life, thanks to the generosity of users that both know me, and don't.

I only wish I had joined earlier, back while I was in high school -soo 6 years ago- because I know if any online group could've made High School easier, it would have been you Menewshians. *hugs* I just want to thank everyone on the site. Because every single person that has talked to me, has change the possible outcome of what this 22year old could've been. And I have to say, I like who she is right now. ^.^

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Old 07-28-2013, 05:23 PM

I'm not the lurker I use to be. I still don't post as much as others but I feel I'm more open to posting in threads. I came here cause someone on Gaia was trash talking the site and I wanted to see for myself if what they were saying was true.I like the friendly community here and that there doesn't seem to be an elitist mind set here.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 05:32 PM

Yes! Purkle! I loved that hangout. I know it was active for a while as I remember talking about my wedding there, and that would have been in October 07! I'm not sure when it quieted down, but it lasted several months at least.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 05:51 PM

I remember stumbling onto mene because I was getting fairly bored with Gaia online, all my close friends had suddenly dropped off the face of the planet and it just wasn't what it used to be anymore! So I discovered mene while searching "avatar communities" and now here I am! A part of this wonderful community and I couldn't be any happier! I still occasionally log into my gaia account but it isn't nearly as fun as mene is! After all, mene is so inclusive and every one is a sweet heart and willing to help, it doesn't matter if you're a stranger or a friend menewshans will be there to help you! ^________________^

I you guys! Hehe <3

Star Valo
Silly Little Unicorn
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Old 07-28-2013, 07:33 PM

Aaah, Mene
I joined way back in march of 07? I think it was. Just after the Valentine's event
I like Avatar sites, and someone on Gaia had mentioned it, so i came to check it out
I took part in the Summer Carnival, roleplayed a bit in there with the few active members and mods (most memorably Gabriel, who has since been banned, but he, and that event made such an impression on me, he was so nice, I named my fish after him lol)

I lurked a lot, Saved up 1,000 coins for the Order and Chaos Sceptre Set lol
Stupidly sold my Welcome shirt and balloons :( I miss them now
I made friends with Mr Easter Bunny in his first appearance, I remember Vicky and her evil curse thing trying to ruin Valentine's, That was a lot of fun <3
I remember coded events and the Pheonix Jubilee, and all sorts <3

I was such a lurker, and really came out of my shell and chatted more during events, I soon started getting known for my activity in events, and I felt more of a connection to this site. In about 2009 I met Gary Stargazer, who wanted me to be more active, and through his encouragement, I did just that
Ended up with my own thread, which is still active, and I still love it <3

Mene is my home on the internet, I really do love it, it saddens me so much to see it getting so inactive, I miss all my old friends and how things used to be. I miss the coded events, i miss the NPCs, I miss the interaction between users and NPCs and everyone <3

Mene has really brought me out of my shell I think. Mene was my escape, It featured heavily in my Final Major Project for my Art Foundation course, My Menewsha Avatar, Star the pink haired, white skinned, long eared Elf, has become one of my favourite characters

Ramble, but I love you Mene
I really do <3

Dystopia is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 07:50 PM


bork and means

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Old 07-28-2013, 08:19 PM


Don't be yelling at me, girl. I might decide to ban you now, for signing up when you were younger than 13

R a n d e h
your best pal
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Old 07-28-2013, 08:30 PM

I love how a lot of people came to Mene from Gaia. It seems like it's a trend and I also think that's why we get more mature users and much better conversations; people are all looking for the same thing.

I joined Mene in 2008 when Anoni and others dragged me from Gaia over to this "cutesy" little site. I quickly befriended Shosho (whom I am still close with today through the book face) and Crepsley, Caroline & Jennifer. It was tons of fun. I made my home in the exchange just like I had on Gaia. It was fun because you could actually quest for items and achieve them through chatter.

Like Ling, I remember the sneaky chance card game where I lost too much gold haha. I also remember when your daily earnings on games was at 500 gold! When they reduced it I totally understood why but it definitely took a chunk out of your wallet ;D! But what did that mean? More chatter. If you wanted that pair of boots you now had to talk someone's ear off to get them instead of sit on Tetris for 5-10 minutes.

I feel exactly like Chi when she said that the overall conversation quality on Menewsha is better than any other site. That is the number one reason I stayed.

I remember the whole ownership mayhem and the new reigns being taken over. I watched as some of my friends became staff and then I remember the very first time we had event currency and common currency. That was cool beans. I remember (and miss) the giving back auctions and the quest raffles!

I eventually got tied down with real life commitments (why does being an adult mean responsibility?) and took a giant hiatus. I missed a lot. So you'd think that it would be tough to get back into it right? Wrong.

I came back and most of my close buds were gone still but what wasn't gone was the quality conversation, the genuine people and the staff that gives a shit. I made new friends quickly (momo, zombie, ruby and pro) and already my post count has gone up by 1k @____@;; I like being able to post in User's Pick after a year hiatus and have people go "HOMIGOSH RANDEH!" It's a good feeling to be remembered and liked. That's what Mene is though - a bunch of the nicest people all over the world coming together for good chatter and fun times. On top of that we have the best pixelers ever, so that's fun ;D

Poop this is a long post @____@;; Overall - I love you guys.

Dystopia is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post

Don't be yelling at me, girl. I might decide to ban you now, for signing up when you were younger than 13
q___q You ovve me for ~4-5 years of solid forum activity. Have some gratitude.

bork and means

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Old 07-28-2013, 09:43 PM

That is gratitude from me :P

In all honesty though, you're one of the first people I noticed on here. I was so shocked when I found out how young you were xD

Randeh, coming back to Mene after a hiatus is like coming home, yes =3

R a n d e h
your best pal
R a n d e h is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Randeh, coming back to Mene after a hiatus is like coming home, yes =3

bork and means

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Old 07-28-2013, 10:02 PM

Like putting on a comfy pair of fluffy slippers that you've not worn for a long time

R a n d e h
your best pal
R a n d e h is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 10:05 PM

...that legit just made me pull out my old shark slippers. Exact. Same. Feeling.

Dystopia is offline
Old 07-28-2013, 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
That is gratitude from me :P

In all honesty though, you're one of the first people I noticed on here. I was so shocked when I found out how young you were xD
q___q VVhy does your gratitude hurt so much?

rofl. VVhy?

bork and means

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Old 07-28-2013, 11:27 PM

Anna needs a new W

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Old 07-29-2013, 12:30 AM

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Anna needs a new W
q___q I need an entire nevv keyboard.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-29-2013, 01:26 AM

But Dys is cleaver in the least, without the use of a W.

Menewsha, oh how to describe my experiences with Menewsha. I knew about Menewsha back in 2007 when some friends on another site told me about it. They loved it even back then. But I was leery. Gaia had betrayed me, I felt like an outcast on Zantarni, Magivolve was under the user revolution that caused the thing to eventually go under. As much as I had loved avatar sites, I felt dishearted and truth be told. I told myself I was done. I told myself they where all the same, and none of them would be the ideal place I was looking for so why bother.

I finally caved to joining Menewsha in Oct 2008 and I never left. I was welcomed with open arms. An older user had quit and I had won some of her items....which included a welcome tee. I made a lot of friends very quickly. I tend to lurk a lot when I first join a site but I don't remember that being too much the case here. The people here just draw you into the conversations.

I found a thread at the time, which is still around today, called project mene. Which at the time was still relatively small. I joined the contest and.....was terrible. I was in the bottom two almost every time. Now, I was used to gaia and magivolve and even to an extent zantarni where I was known for being a fashionista. To flunk out on an avatar contest. I was extremely whiney at the time......I may have even thrown a hissy fit. But eventually Project mene became one of my homes here on mene.

Its funny to me, this is the only site I have ever been on in my life that I would consider the people on the other end of the computer my friends. I feel like I know a few of them so well, that yes I would consider them friends. They have seen me through some pretty rough patches in my life and I am grateful to menewsha for the simple magic it possesses. Its my home away from home.


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