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~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-25-2013, 05:38 AM

Name: Hikari
Age: Just created, but she looks about 17
Gender: Female
Status: Experiment
Bio: She has no history yet.

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Old 08-26-2013, 01:46 AM

Name: Albel Nox
Age: Seems to look around the age of 19 or 20.
Gender: Male.
Status: Rogue Ninja, scientist, ex-member of the Akatsuki.
Bio: Albel had been born and raised as an uchiha during the time before the whole clan itself had been wiped out by the single shinobi named Itachi. Throughout the entire time he had lived within the village, rather than going to the academy to learn how to become a better ninja who fought all the time and did nothing else but go on missions. Albel had also paid much of his attention onto the fact of learning about science and different types of jutsus, studying up on the history of the shinobi world he had come across a name that caught his attention. Some rogue ninja by the name of Orochimaru. He had done many different experiments that had been considered forbidden to the ninja world due to how cruel it was toward other innocent shinobi.
Even though Albel had liked the whole fact about science and learning about new jutsus, even he wasn't so far insane as to use those techniques that the rogue ninja had decided to use. Around after another few years had passed by, when Itachi had decided to attack the Uchiha clan itself; it was lucky enough that Albel had been outside of the village on his own mission to find ingredients to make some herbal medicine for his parents; who were sick at the time. By the time he had returned to the village, finding everyone dead even his own family, Albel hadn't wasted anytime to escape from the actual village before he would be targeted next.
On his travels, Albel had soon come to learn about a group named the Akatsuki; who seemed to had been made of nothing more than a group of different rogued ninjas. Unaware of Itachi being part of this group, it seemed as though they had easily welcomed Albel into their group quite easily. For the time being, which was several months he had kept on working for the Akatsuki as he learned of their intentions and had done several missions that had been instructed by them towards him without question. However, soon when he had found Itachi; the killer of the entire Uchiha clan there, he had immediately left the Akatsuki to avoid being killed just like the rest of the clan had been.
To this day, he continued to try and live his life alone with creating several different jutsus. Hoping that one day, the group of Akatsuki would get what was coming towards him for all their crimes. Eventually, he had ended up creating an experiment named Hikari, she was to become the perfect shinobi that he had hoped would be able to show the true shinobi world that there was no such thing as a difference between all the different shinobi villages. He had made sure to give her every emotion as a regular human would have, almost as though she was an ordinary human in the first place.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-26-2013, 03:56 AM

((AND we're off!!))

Darkness. Silence. She slowly became aware of herself, her surroundings, as if waking from a dream. But there was no dream, only profound darkness. There was muffled noise coming through now, a voice that sounded far away. She was now aware of her body, knew that she was curled up in a fetal position, and floating. Floating...where? That voice...outside...I want to be outside... She could not speak, but her thoughts worked just fine. Slowly, her eyes opened. She saw that she was in some sort of tank, surrounded by fluid that kept her afloat. Outside the tank there was a room, with all sorts of blinking and beeping things that she couldn't identify. There was also a person, the source of the voice from earlier she guessed. It was hard to see the person clearly through the fluid and glass, but she guessed it was male. Not like her. No...she was sure that she was something called female. Slowly she uncurled herself, so that she was standing in the tank. She was completely nude, but she didn't know that that was wrong. She placed a hand on the glass, trying to get the attention of the person outside. She wanted to be outside.

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Old 08-27-2013, 06:09 PM

With only several different lights shining within the large laboratory room that held the single tank of water with a female experiment from within it. A single white-haired male wandered left and right with a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other. He had been chewing on the end of the pen continuously while he paced back and forth as he stared at the statistics for his experiment on the female and other tests for creating new jutsus, medicines, and much more. As he had paced back and forth, a small white and red colored fox-like creature had sat in front of the tank of water as it watched how the female within the tank had only kept curled up the entire time. When she had began to move, it's ears had quickly perked up and it's head tilted slightly to the side. Throughout the many times the little creature had watched the tank while the male had worked on his tests, the female had never actually moved before.

Watching as how she was seeming to try and get the attention of the male shinobi, the white fox quickly ran over toward the male as it jumped up to tug on his white lab coat. At the slight tug of his coat being pulled at, Albel had turned his gaze downward to the small fox who had it's gaze still focused on the tank. Noticing as how the experiment girl was now able to start moving normally and even begin tapping against the glass, both of his eyes had widened up as he ran over toward the nearest computer panel before pulling a lever downwards to drain out all of the water from the tank but as well as raising the glass container up and over her body. Immediately a fog-like smoke would surround the entire room as the tank rose upwards and all the water had been drained out. "Yukito. Get a towel." He instructed the little fox as it ran off quickly to the side of the room only to return over toward the female with a large white towel in it's mouth. "Take it..and wrap it around your body." He had instructed the female as he raised a brow toward her. It seemed his experiment was a success to make an actual mortal-looking experiment rather than it being all deformed in someway. The only thing really left was to see if she had the right emotions of an ordinary human and as well as being able to use jutsus just as he expected the experiment to go like.

"How do you feel?" Had been his last words toward the female, he had already named the female by 'Hikari' but he had wanted to make sure to see if she had known anything when she had first stepped out of the tank. Or if she was completely at a lost for any words for knowing anything at the time being. Either case, it wouldn't really bother him too much since it wouldn't be that surprising. The little fox creature had watched the female the whole time as it quickly ran to hide behind Albel's leg in case the female experiment had been dangerous in any sort of way.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-28-2013, 05:50 AM

She saw something small run around, getting the attention of the person outside. Within a matter of minutes, the human had drained the liquid and raised the glass. Now standing without any support, she quickly collapsed, her legs unable to support her quite yet. She stared at the small creature that was holding a white thing in it's mouth. The person- definitely male, she decided- instructed her to wrap it around her body. She frowned. "I do not think the creature will fit around my body." She said, misunderstanding what he meant. The creature ran away and hid behind the male's legs, and the male asked how she felt. Again she frowned. "Feel...? I do not understand. I am able to feel quite well. I can feel the metal, and the water, and the air. I feel by touching. Is that not how humans feel?" She asked.

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Old 08-29-2013, 03:06 AM

After the female had stood up only to speak about how the small fox-like creature wouldn't be able to fit around her body enough to cover it up. The male couldn't help himself but to raise a single brow towards her statement, she didn't seem to realize that he had meant to wrap the towel around her body; not the fox. He didn't try to correct her right away or consider her being a fool since she was still knew to the whole world around her, she may had looked like a human, could act like one, feel like one, and speak like one, but in the end no matter what she was still an experiment who was unaware of human life. Shaking his head lightly to what she had said about the fox creature as well as about how she 'felt', he bent over to take the towel from the fox's mouth before petting it's head. "Don't worry, she's good. She won't attack you." He reassured the creature as it let out a light purring-like noise from it's lips before nuzzling itself against the man's leg.

Turning his attention back onto Hikari, he stepped forward toward her with a calm expression across his face before wrapping the towel around her body to keep her from freezing over within the room but as well as to cover up her nude body. "No, I did not mean that type of feel. I understand that you can feel by touch the objects around you. I am sure you are still quite curious about everything around you as well as yourself..but in time, you'll know much more. Until then, I will try to help you the best I can. When I had said 'feel' I was speaking about your emotions..look deep within yourself and you should be able to know what I mean. How do you really feel deep down within yourself? Do you know your name? you recall anything at all?" When Albel spoke about it all, he had been referring to see if throughout the entire time of her creation of becoming what she was; he was wondering if she had gained any of the eyesight jutsus that he had tried to randomize out from all of the ones he could find within the systems of shinobi.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 09-01-2013, 04:16 AM

Letting the man wrap the cloth around her, she realized that he had not been talking about the creature. She filed the information away in her memory so that later she would know that the cloth was for drying wet things. Now he was explaining what he meant by 'feel' and she nodded, understanding her mistake. "My emotions. I am...curious? Yes, curious is the word for that emotion. Also I am confused. And excited, because I am outside now." She said, testing the words carefully as she said them. "I recall darkness. I recall a voice,saying that another one failed. I recall a vision, a creature that looked like me. It told me that I must live, for all the others who could not. Then I recall more darkness, and silence, and then I woke up. I do not recall having a name, and I do not recall what a name is. I understand that I can see things you cannot. I can see points of energy in your body." She reported. She seemed to be describing the Byakugan ability to see chakra within the human body. As she said it, her eyes changed color, revealing an advanced stage of Sharangan. "I can see more now. I see the fur on that creature, I can count each strand. And now I cannot." She said, confused, as her eyes went back to normal.

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Old 09-03-2013, 12:39 AM

Listening as to what and how Hikari had felt as an emotion after he had explained to her what it was in the first place, Albel had given a simple nod before turning his attention back down onto Yukito; who remained hidden right behind the male while watching the female with both of his bright sky-blue eyes. Once she had began to explain the last things she could remember hearing while she had floated in the tank, she stated that she saw another creature like her and also words from what he had originally said before in the past about how other experiments he had tried to create had failed and that she had to surpass those that did. Taking all this information, Albel had wrote down everything he listened to onto a clipboard that he had in his grasp. When she also spoke about seeing points all over his own body but as well as seeing and being able to count each strand of fur on Yukito's body. Albel couldn't help but raise a brow at the confusion on how she was able to obtain both the abilities of the Byakugan and the Sharingan. Whatever the case was though, he simply wrote down the information needed and nodded to understand that what he heard.

"Alright. The points that you were able to see on my body. Those are called chakra nodes; you have them all over your body as well. Those nodes allow you to do jutsus..which i will show you later on. I am quite sure if you search within your own database from within yourself. You will find that you know quite a variety of different abilities. As for the fur on white creature here, that will allow you to also read and copy other people's abilities when you are to come into combat with another being." He explained throughout the entire time before making his way over toward one of the nearby silver drawers within the room. Opening it up, he had thrown over a black and red kimono along with a pair of black and red boots for her to wear, on top of all of the clothing was a leaf symbol headband that he once wore in the past, rather than having the slash across the headband to prove he was a rogue ninja, it still looked brand new. "Put these on. They'll feel much more comfortable then the cloth. By the way, your name is Hikari. Once you are done. I will answer any questions you might have and explain more of what you are to do." As Albel had spoken, Yukito had ran around the entire room at full speed as it searched around the smallest corners of the room as though it were looking for something.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 09-03-2013, 04:52 AM

She listened and watched carefully as the male wrote down her words, and then tossed some more cloth at her. Examining it, she managed to figure out that she was supposed to wear it, and how to put it on. She started pulling on the kimono and the boots as she listened to the male speak. "Hikari..." She muttered, testing her name on her tongue. She liked it. When she got to the bow on the kimono, she stared at it for a while. She had no idea how to tie it. The male wasn't wearing a bow, so she couldn't copy him. Frowning, she searched her mind to see if that information was there yet. No, there was nothing in her databases to tell her about this bow. "Human male, I need help with this." She said, thinking about what he had told her about her eye techniques. If she tried hard enough, she could see these chakra points that he had spoken of on her own hand. She could see them in the small creature as well. "I wish to learn your name as well." She said, looking at the male while she waited for him to help her tie the bow.

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Old 09-04-2013, 06:42 AM

While Yukito had continued to run around the room at top speed, the male shinobi had stayed in front of the silver drawer even after throwing over the clothing and headband for Hikari to put on. He was now in search for the rest of the equipment that she was going to need to protect herself as a shinobi in the world. There was no doubt that the Akatsuki weren't simply going to allow Albel to wander around the world without keeping an eye on him or soon learning about his experiment. If anything were to happen and Albel was unaware of it, he would need her to take care of herself. While he had kept on searching, he could easily hear how she was slipping on the clothing he had given her; only to be called out that she needed help with something.

Turning his head over his shoulder slightly, he had noticed how she was in need of help to put the bow on her head. That wasn't too surprising, he hadn't put something like that information into her database since it wasn't really something of a big importance to know immediately out of nowhere. So simply making his way over toward her, Albel had taken the bow from her grasp before tying it into her hair perfectly. With a half smile spreading across his lips, he nodded at the fact that he had gotten it right. It wasn't completely too difficult since he had a long ponytail that was tied using a long red ribbon after-all. When Hikari had asked for his name; he also gave a second nod. "My name is Albel Nox. You can simply call me Albel though."

Within moments after he had introuced himself, the small white fox creature had arrived back over toward him with a small brown bag in it's mouth and a green toad-like bag on it's back. "Ah, there it is. Thank you Yukito." Albel spoke as he had taken both the bags from the fox's grasp. First opening the brown bag to reveal shurikens, and kunais; Albel had pulled out one of each separately to show Hikari how to wield one of each of the weapons. "These are weapons considered Shurikens and Kunais. You should be able to know how to use them, but just in case..I am letting you know that these should only be used in combat if not used for personal use such as cutting things that you might need to cut." After explaining the weaponry, Albel had opened up the green toad-like bag to reveal that it had money inside of it already. "This is money that you can use to actually buy or get anything you might want within the village. It will start to run out slowly, so make sure if you want to get more you help out others around the village. Many of them will pay you for your services..especially the hokage. The hokage information should already be stored in your database as well as information on missions and such." He stated before turning his back to her and beginning to make his way toward another side of the room which had a large white door to it. "Follow me. We're going to see if the information i gave you on your jutsus are correct or not..and to make sure that you dont accidentally misfire any jutsu."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 09-05-2013, 04:40 AM

Hikari frowned and shook the ponytail out of her hair. "No! I need help with this bow, that goes around my waist!" She said, upset that he wasn't paying attention. She held out the obi that was meant to be tied around the waist of the kimono. "My hair is too short for a hair bow." She added, thinking that should have been obvious. She then took the weapons from him, her kimono still completely open because the bow wasn't on it. "I know these. Weapons are easy. I do not understand this money, however." She said. She refused to follow him outside until he helped her with the obi.


Last edited by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~; 09-08-2013 at 04:30 AM..

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Old 09-08-2013, 01:34 PM

(sawwi it taking me longer then usual to reply x.x' i was going to post yesterday but family had to drag me out for my birthday x.x'' I'll post when i come home from work today. o.o

~Wild Spirit Wolf~: me finally got a post out xD'')

After slipping the small bow into her hair and watching as how she would simply shake her head and cause it to fall out of her hair in an instant. The male shinobi had only raised a brow at to why she didn't want it in her hair, whatever the case was; she seemed to had explained about the bow she was speaking about that went around her waist to keep the whole kimono together rather than having it just be left open the way it was at the moment. He had thought for sure she would've known about how to wrap the bow part around her waist but it was still quite understandable that something like that wouldn't be in her database until she had learned it by experience instead. Some of the things Albel had left out of her creation since they didn't seem to needed to learn immediately by knowing instantly how to do it. If that were the case though, there had been no telling how long she would've been asleep for until all the information would've sunk into her database completely.

Only giving a single nod when she stated that her hair was too short to be given a bow, he had only taken a second glance at her hair for a moment before grabbing the separate bow strands to wrap around her waist and tie a slight bow-like figure behind her. Considering how big the ribbon was, it had also left two long strands of the ribbon itself hanging down behind her. It wasn't long enough that it would cause a problem with her walking or fighting, but it simply made her look as though she had two tails coming out of her bow. Once the bow had been all settled in, when she spoke of knowing about the weaponry already but being unfamiliar about the money thing, even Albel was slightly confused on how he was going to explain it. "The money that I had showed you. It can be used to purchase different weapons if not food for nutrient inside your body and keep it going, like energy or fuel for machines. The people you will give the money to will tell you the amount to give them, simply look onto the coins and money paper I had given you. Read the number and if it is correct if not more than what you need, give it to the person. They will subtract the amount of how much it was in the first place and return whatever is left over." He had explained thoroughly before taking a step or two away from her. "Do you have any other questions before we head out to the training field?"

Albel had known well enough if he was going to bring Hikari out to the open plains to instruct her how to use her jutsus, there would be a chance they could attract dangerous wildlife, other village members who were also dangerous, if not the worst on bringing any members of the Akatsuki into the situation. There was no doubt, without the proper training given to Hikari; she wouldn't be ready to fight against any of the members just yet. She had the ability to beat nearly any of them and all, but if she didn't know how to fight properly; it could still lead to a quick death.

Last edited by happydeath; 09-09-2013 at 12:18 AM..

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 09-09-2013, 04:15 AM

Hikari stood still and paid close attention to the way her creator tied the bow. Good, now she would know how to do it herself. Tilting her head slightly, she absorbed his words about the money, soaking in the information. "I see. So I simply trade the paper and coins to merchants and in return i receive things that I need. Simple addition and subtraction dictates how much I should give them." She recited back, making sure she got it right. He seemed anxious to get outside, and to be honest she was also curious what true outside looked like. "No, I have no more questions. I am feeling anxious, and nervous, and also excited. I wish to see this outside place." She said, no ready to venture out of the room.

((Oh, Happy Birthday!!! ))

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Old 09-10-2013, 05:54 PM

Listening as to how Hikari returned the statement about how to use the stuff that was considered money, Albel had only given a slight nod of his head to confirm that she was correct about it all. Turning his back to her once she didn't have anymore questions for him to answer on how to begin her life at the moment, the male shinobi had simply began to make his way out of the room he had been in the entire time. Once making his way deeper into the room, it had seemed almost as though most of the lighting around had dimmed down till it was nothing more than complete darkness. Albel had already made sure to fit her with the ability to see within any dark area by fitting her eyes with auto night-like vision. Unlike most night visions where everything would normally turn green, the ones that he had fitted her within her database would allow her to see everything with simple clear color as though the lights were on in the first place.

Obviously enough, Albel wasn't able to see anything in front of him; but that wasn't much of a problem for him. He had lived his life within this large place for what seemed like several years already, so everything was pretty much always where he knew it should be. The lights of this area was always left off in case anyone from the Akatsuki or any other curious ninjas from other villages wouldn't notice the doorway into his hideout. By the time he had reached the exit to the actual room, Albel had twisted what seemed to be a strange round-like knob that almost resembled the steering wheel of a pirate's ship. Once turning it to the left a few times, he had pushed the large steel door open to reveal the sunlight shining into part of the room. "C'mon. Lets go." He instructed Hikari as he went forward first until they had been revealed to a large plain of lush green grass all over. If turned around, it would show that the two had just walked out of what looked to be a hole in a large mountain side. If the door were to close back up, it would look as though the large hole was not even there and simply just another part of the mountain itself. Once outside, Albel had taken his gaze upon Hikari with a single brow raised. "So? What do you think of the outside world?"

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 09-11-2013, 03:21 AM

Hikari followed the male through the large dark room obediently. She knew it was dark, even though she could see perfectly. She looked around as they walked, carefully taking in her surroundings and committing them to memory. Whenthey finally reached the exit, Hikariw as wondering just what outside could look like. Surely it couldn't be larger than this. But she was wrong. The door opened and she was led to an immensely bright place. It took her eyes a moment to adjust, but when they did she was struck dumb by what she saw. Open sky, grass, rocks, so much of everything all around her. The sun warmed her even as the breeze lifted her hair and kept her cool. There was so much to see, to hear, to smell. For a moment it was sensory overload. Then she smiled and looked at her creator, who looked very different in the sunlight. "It's so big! So much! Outside is an amazing place! I think I will enjoy living in a place like this." She said breathlessly. Suddenly, she placed a hand on her abdomen. She looked confused. "My stomach. It growls. What does this mean?"


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