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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-01-2014, 09:05 PM

Four years after the outbreak, two sisters find themselves in the middle of chaos as the infected overrun the quarantined city they've called home for the past two years. Separated from their mother, they try to make their way back "home" to their cabin on the lake where they hope to reuinte.

This roleplay is for zigbigadorlube and Kisu only, thank you.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 11-01-2014 at 09:14 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-01-2014, 09:14 PM

Name: Samantha Waters
Nickname: Sam, Sammy
Age: 23
Bio: Sam was in her first year at the university when the first rumors escaped or a virus that rendered its victims psychotic and violent. It hardly felt real at first however and the university only took minimal precautionary measures. After the first incident on campus however, all hell broke loose. Parents recalled their children back home and Sam's were no exception. She didn't even get the chance to finish packing her bags before her father showed up and dragged her out to the minivan where her mother and sister waited. The plan was to ride out the coming storm at their summer cabin secluded in the woods. For the first two years, things were relatively calm, if not boring, until her father hurt himself in a hunting accident. In the end he succumbed to infection, leaving behind his wife and two daughters. After that, their mother insisted on seeking out safety in numbers. The remnants of their possessions were packed into the minivan and they made their way to the nearest quarantine city where they joined hundreds of other lost souls seeking the safety that could only be found behind concrete walls and military defenses.
Personality: Since the death of her father, Samatha has lost some of her playful/joyful nature. Now she does what she can to ensure the safety of their family.
Other: Samantha's glasses are her most prized possession. Without them she can barely see so she guards them with the utmost care.

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 11-07-2014, 12:17 AM

Name: Karma Waters
Age: Fifteen
Bio: The outbreak had interrupted Karma's socialization and happiness. It had made her family pick up and go out into the middle of the woods, without anyone else, and it was one of the main things she hated. So Karma ended up turning to her big sister for the basics of life. She rarely turned to her parents for anything. What teenager wanted to do that anyway? Then their dad died and Karma was wracked with guilt, spending as much time with her mother as possible. She's a typical fifteen year old girl, with the added stress of the infection all around her.
Personality: Despite the anger Karma feels inside, she tries to stay positive for her family, constantly pointing out good things. She loves animals, and misses basic technology that is lost. She has deliberately kept herself from learning too much about the disease plaguing the world, not wanting to see the darker parts of life now.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-09-2014, 03:48 AM

Sam lay awake atop the sunken mattress that served as her bed. Across the room she could hear Karma’s steady breathing. She should be asleep like her sister but too many thoughts were swimming around in her mind, refusing to let her sleep. Most of them were bad memories: memories about her father, about the time after his death. An odd sound in the distance made her swing her legs over the side of her makeshift bed and walk over to the window. In the quarantine zone there was always noise—babies crying, people shouting, the occasional shot being fired. This was something else though, something that send chills down her spine.

Drawing back the curtain, Sam saw fire in the distance and blinked. Fires happened occasionally and were quickly put out lest they spread like wildfire. These fires weren’t being tended however and in the glow of burning buildings she could see people running, and finally understood that was she had heard were their faint shouts and screams and an eerie sort of shrieking. Her skin prickled, her instincts warning her that something was very wrong. Whatever was happening was coming their way and she didn’t want to be here when it arrived.

Tearing the curtain away to provide light to work by, Sam shook Karma awake. ”Karma wake up,” she growled, trying to keep calm for her sister’s sake. ”Hurry up, get dressed, we’re leaving,” she added, throwing clothes at her sleepy sister. There was no time for explanations, she could hear the noise escalating outside. The young woman threw her own clothes in record time and shoved her feet into her ratty sneakers. Grabbing the pack that she always kept ready just in case, Sam took one last look back at her sister to make sure she was up before going to shake her mother awake.

((Don't worry about posting a certain length, quality is better than quantity in my book and I've been wanting to work on making some shorter posts myself.))

When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 11-15-2014, 03:56 AM

It's safe in the walls...It's safe in the walls... This was the mantra Karma chanted in her head everynight while trying to go to sleep. It didn't seem to help much, though, and it seemed like her sister was shaking her awake a moment after her eyes closed.

She grumbled and rolled over, before her sister's words set in. Leaving? Why were they leaving? Alarmed, Karma sat up, grabbing the clothes Sam had thrown on her bed. She pulled the ripped jeans on over her shorts and tugged down the t shirt over the tank top, before reaching to grab the backpack her sister insisted she keep packed. The Fluttershy pin glimmered oddly in the light from the window, so once Karma was ready, she went to the window, tying her long brown hair back with the ribbon around her wrist.

Outside all the buildings were on fire. People were running and screaming. Panicking now, Karma turned from the sight and rushed to the next room. "Sammy?" Karma called out, her panic creeping into her voice. "Sammy....Sammy, what's going on? Why is everyone screaming? Sammy, where are we going?" Her sister had run her through so many drills, that even though the world seemed to be spinning, she was turning and grabbing various items. A screwdriver from the dresser, her shoes on her feet, food into pockets, and many other tiny items.

It might have been strange that she was calling for her sister, if this was a normal world. But, the world was no longer normal, and Sam was always calm and clear headed, keeping them protected. She made Karma feel much safer than her mother currently did.

(Okay. Again, sorry it had taken me so long. v.v)


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-18-2014, 03:42 AM

Jessica bolted awake when Sam shook her by the shoulders. Light reflected off her daughter’s glasses as the young girl quickly explained what was happening. Jessica stood and dressed as Sam left the room, her fingers trembling as she buttoned her shirt. After the death of her husband, she had pushed her grief away just long enough to see her two daughters safe behind the concrete walls and barbed wire fences. That accomplished, she let the grief that she felt swallow up her heart. Sam had taken over running their meager household, procuring rations and teaching Karma. By the time she had come out of her stupor, she felt like too much of a failure to take back her role as mother. Still, the guilt burned her every day that she had left her daughters to fend for themselves their first year behind the wall. She should have been there for them more, taken an active role in their day to day lives… It was too late for regrets now though. She would need to be strong once more to protect her daughters.

- - -

Sam reappeared from their mother’s bedroom a moment later. It was clear that Karma was freaking out but she was proud to see her sister mechanically running through her duties the way she had learned from the drills. ”I think the wall’s been breached,” Sam said quietly, hefting her heavy pack onto her back, ”It isn’t safe here anymore. We need to get out of here, out into the countryside where we can hide.” Their mother appeared a moment later and Sam helped her into her backpack.

Taking a quick look around the apartment she regretted all of the things they had to leave behind. The rations wasted, the water left untouched. They needed to travel light however, if their packs were to heavy they wouldn’t be able to run if the need arose. ”Time to go,” she said and without further explanation threw open the door to their apartment and headed down the stairs. It seemed that they were the first to leave as the stairs were empty but she could hear noise behind some of the doors, yelling and scrambling as others realized what was going on and came up with the same plan on action as Sam had.

((Jessica is the Mom, feel free to help me play her if you want.))


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