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sheepcakes is offline
Old 11-07-2014, 05:36 AM

Hello, welcome to my shop.

I work on the honor system. Which means you don't need a form or to wait on me to send your order via PM.

I sell pixel bits for your signature, mostly sweets. To be clear, these are not one of a kind adoptables. Pixels can be sold to more then one user. These are collectables. Some might have a limit, to numbers or time or season. But if everyone buys them then everyone gets the same thing.
Once I get a new computer I'll possibly take custom requests.
Custom colors can't be requested at this time, sorry.

1. Save what you want to buy and upload it to photobucket or imgur.
2. Send me a donation for the total.
3. Post here telling me what you took.
4. Put it in your signature or profile.
5. These are for Menewsha please don't use them anywhere else.

Have a complementary bottle of water for visiting. Please post if you take it.

Last edited by sheepcakes; 11-07-2014 at 05:52 AM..

sheepcakes is offline
Old 11-07-2014, 05:36 AM

Cakes - 5 gold each

Strawberry, Blueberry, C Strawberry, C Blueberry

Mushroom Cakes - 5 gold each

Grape, Blueberry, Tangerine, Cherry, Watermelon, Blue Raspberry

Last edited by sheepcakes; 11-07-2014 at 05:52 AM..

sheepcakes is offline
Old 11-07-2014, 05:37 AM

Snail Shells - 5 gold each

Purple, Blue, Brown, Green, Pink, Cyan, Yellow, Gray

Last edited by sheepcakes; 11-07-2014 at 05:53 AM..

sheepcakes is offline
Old 11-07-2014, 05:38 AM

One more reserved just in case. When I get a new computer I'll put custom stuff here.

Feel free to post now.

Last edited by sheepcakes; 11-07-2014 at 05:53 AM..

sheepcakes is offline
Old 11-07-2014, 05:51 AM

Almost forgot an affiliates list. I'll have a link button eventually. If you'd like to make me one just post a link to your shop or send me a PM.

To have your shop or thread linked here just post your button in this thread.

My threads:
My "It looks like every item ever" quest
Stone Soup game
Its dangerous to go alone.. take this with you (game)
Copper Dragon Tavern - just jump in (RP)
My characters (RP journal)

Last edited by sheepcakes; 11-15-2014 at 11:07 PM..

linapoo is offline
Old 11-19-2014, 07:14 AM

These are adorables!
no I'm just going to take the free bottle water :D and a strawberry cake...and a mushroom..ahah

(hmm as for a tip, it would be wise to do a watermark so people don't just steal these cute pixels ;v;! and then sent out unwatermarked versions to users. and perhaps have a list of users who officially own items so no one can steal without getting punted ;D)

sheepcakes is offline
Old 11-25-2014, 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by linapoo View Post
These are adorables!
no I'm just going to take the free bottle water :D and a strawberry cake...and a mushroom..ahah

(hmm as for a tip, it would be wise to do a watermark so people don't just steal these cute pixels ;v;! and then sent out unwatermarked versions to users. and perhaps have a list of users who officially own items so no one can steal without getting punted ;D)
Thank you for buying and the (gold) tip <3

I used to watermark my stuff but then I get backlogged on sending orders (aka I'm lazy but even when I'm not irl likes to eat me). This way people can buy even if I end up away from Mene for an extended time and be able to use what they buy right away. For the most part I've found people in mini shops/art forum to be trustworthy. I've been away a long while but I figure if I can trust Gaians I can trust Menewshians. Probably more so to be honest. I've had to deal with several thieves on gaia, in the form of them selling mine/others work. Never had that issue on Mene or other avatar sites I've been on. Wow didn't mean for that to sound so rude, I do appreciate the tip but I've been doing the whole mini shop thing for like 10 years and I've found that if someone is going to steal a watermark won't stop them. If they're good at pixels they'd more likely copy it just differently enough it's not the same. If not or if they wanted it for free they'd just go find someone who's already bought it and save it from there. The not so clever ones just save the watermark version and -usually with lack of skill- edit out the watermark, which then becomes obvious it was stolen and edited. And honestly, these took me like an hour each to make. They're also pretty tiny. If I'd made say detailed dolls on a base I made or something else that would take hours or days to do, yeah I'd probably watermark them. Also, once I get a chance to get limiteds up they'll likely be watermarked. Especially numbered limiteds. Timed and seasonal possibly not since I tend to recycle the same timed/seasonal limiteds, adding in new ones when I've got time/computer access to make them. But numbered limiteds get only the number stated sold.
Since customers need to post what they saved the thread will act as a list of who's purchased from me. At least until I've had enough customers that I actually need a list.

And you reminded me I forgot I've got a tip gift. I'll get it up and send you one once my head stops trying to swim away.

linapoo is offline
Old 12-05-2014, 02:09 PM

Oh! That makes reasonable sense then. 8)
It's great you have had good trust with customers! Wow 10 years is long! XD I think I've only been on the internet for about 7 or 8...
(Getting old..T_T)

Haha, not rude at all. <3

It's okay, no worries. I'm just happy to get cute cakes uvu


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