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~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-18-2014, 05:15 AM

Taking her cue from Wess and Sage, Rosemary swallowed and made an attempt to smile. "H-hello. I'm's n-nice to meet you." She said, trying hard to keep the tremble out of her voice. Hearing Wess, she tilted her ears slightly. "Oh, me? I was looking for food. After the winter, it was hard to find anything at all. The only good berries were up high in the trees, and I can't climb very well so I had to search on the ground." She explained.

Nightshade nodded at each Pokemon in turn as they introduced themselves. He could tell that the Vulpix- Rosemary, he reminded himself- was terrified of him, and he didn't blame her. He had worked hard to make sure that was the general reaction. "I suppose it meet you all as well." He said.

Kawaii Neko Teaa
Kawaii Neko Teaa is offline
Old 11-18-2014, 09:38 PM


Sage nodded at both replies, seeing as they were talking to each other. Looking towards Rose she said "Ah, well, yes it is very hard to find on the ground. Luckily Wess found you, huh?". Then looking at Nightshade for being pleasant, she gave him a reassuring nod that he did good. "Well if you'd like Rose, you can stay with us for the winter, if you'd like! You too Nightshade, if you're interested."


"Ah that's interesting. No wonder why you looked so curious." he then looked at Sage after she offered Nightshade a place to stay. He didn't stop her, but he was concerned. Not giving input on it, he continued eating. "So Nightshade, how did you get yourself to be so feared around here?" He asks, trying not to get annoying by asking everyone questions. He was trying to get to know them.

((OOC: ~Wild Spirit Wolf~: ))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-21-2014, 04:40 AM

Rosemary smiled at Sage. "Thank you for the offer, but winter's almost over so I should be fine." She said politely. She didn't really know how to respond to Nightshade, so she didn't.

Nightshade's eyes narrowed, but he kept his tone pleasant. "I simply battled and defeated every Pokemon I met. My reputation grew on it's own. For me, it was just survival. The fact that other Pokemon feared me enough to stay away was a stroke of luck that I tried to stick to."

Kawaii Neko Teaa
Kawaii Neko Teaa is offline
Old 11-21-2014, 08:15 PM


"Oh, alright then." she said with smile and chuckle. Sage glaces at Nightshade and with a friendly tone says "Well that seems very good. You must be a very strong Pokemon to have gotten that reputation, huh?" with a bit of an intrigued look. "It seems you have trained long, and fierce, yes?" curiously asked.


"Oh wow Nightshade, that must be hard to have accomplished." Wess said slightly interested in Nightshade's strength. "We should train some time, haha. Oh, speaking of which, didn't you want to train with us today Rose?" he asked, thinking of the night before.

((OOC: ~Wild Spirit Wolf~: ))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-25-2014, 04:39 AM

Nightshade shrugged. "I trained for a long time, and I worked hard, that is true." He said, not wanting to discuss his past anymore.

Rosemary nodded. "Oh, right, yes. I would like to train a little." She said, perking up a little.

Kawaii Neko Teaa
Kawaii Neko Teaa is offline
Old 11-25-2014, 10:50 PM


"Alright then Nightshade." she said, respecting his privacy. Sage turns to Rosemary "Alright! We'll head out after breakfast!" she sad with a cheery tone. "I wonder what we should work on for you, Rose."


"Yep, sounds good Sage!" he looks at Rosemary as well; examining her body he tries to determine what she should work on once they train. "I'd say maybe her torso, since she's a tiny Pokemon. Train her special attacks as well, her physical will be fine." Wess says, smiling at Rose.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-29-2014, 04:24 AM

Nightshade listened to the conversation curiously. "Her torso? How exactly are you going to work on her torso, and why would you bother? What exactly about her torso is wrong, and what about it has anything at all to do with battling and training?" He asked. He had never heard of training a Pokemon's torso, or any other part of their body that didn't directly affect their attacks.

Though she hated to admit it, Rosemary had to agree. "What's wrong with my body?" She asked. Sure, she was small, but that didn't affect her ability to battle. "And you don't know what moves I have, so you can't say that my physical are fine or not. Actually, I've always been better at Special Attack, Hit Points and Speed. My Special Defense is okay...but my Attack and Defense are horrible." She informed them.

((Using a chart on Serebii to determine her stats, after applying the effects of Nature. Wolfie is giving her a Quirky Nature.))

Last edited by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~; 11-29-2014 at 04:26 AM..

Kawaii Neko Teaa
Kawaii Neko Teaa is offline
Old 12-01-2014, 12:47 AM


"Well Nighshade," Sage begins "the torso helps with her physical attacks, and defense. Since she says herself she is weak in that area. The torso is the main part on a Pokemon that helps it fight, physically. You see?" she says informally. She smiles at the two, given the advice.


"Well, I was correct with your physical moves, needing to work on it. Since Attack and Defense are for physical attributes (physical hits and physical attacks). But alright, we'll work with that then! After breakfast." Wess says, chewing more of his food.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 12-06-2014, 04:55 AM

Nightshade snorted. "I disagree. The legs are what a Pokemon needs to be strong in a fight. Strong legs help to deliver stronger attacks, to dodge easier, and to run faster. While the torso shouldn't be weak, it isn't the main part that should be trained. And should it be trained, it should be more flexible, not stronger." He said, still keeping his polite tone.

Rosemary frowned. She had already finished her breakfast, so she was ready to go, but there was one thing bothering her. "All that is interesting and all, but I still don't see what it has to do with me. My legs are just fine, and so is my torso and my head and my tails and every other part of me." She said, feeling like they were picking on her for being small.

Kawaii Neko Teaa
Kawaii Neko Teaa is offline
Old 12-06-2014, 12:42 PM


"It's nothing honey, don't worry. We're just seeing what we could do for training, since we've never trained others before." Sage says with a slight giggle. "We can go over by the water or pond, or maybe even a cave if you all are brave enough."


"Ah, nevermind. Rose you do what you'd like." he says, smiling to her. "You'll be fine either way, we're just giving suggestions." Wess says while walking to Sage's sink, depositing the dishes that he ate off of. While washing the dishes, he says "Once everyone is finished we can head out once ready." with a smile. Sitting back down he converses more.

((OOC: ~Wild Spirit Wolf~: ))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 12-18-2014, 04:08 AM

Rosemary nodded, feeling a little bit silly for overreacting. "Okay...thank you." She said. After finishing her breakfast, she gently took her plate in her mouth and brought it to the sink. It was too high up for her to reach. "Oh dear...I cand weach." She said around the plate in her mouth.

Nightshade shook his head, watching the little fox's predicament. He couldn't help her, and he had no desire to try anyway. Without a word, he finished his breakfast and brought his plate to the sink, having no trouble putting it in.

Kawaii Neko Teaa
Kawaii Neko Teaa is offline
Old 12-18-2014, 10:37 PM


"You're welcome hun!" she said kindly. Walking over to where Rose was, she helped her out by taking her plate and placing it in the sink, along with hers. "Thank you everyone for bringing your dishes to the sink." Sage says, with a kind, gentle smile across her face.


"Awe, poor Rose." he thought to himself. About to go help her out, Sage does so instead. Watching Nightshade bring his plate to the sink without a problem. "Hey Nightshade, how did you do that?" with a soft, friendly tone; being curious so that Rose may like to hear as well.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 12-28-2014, 04:47 AM

Rosemary thanked Sage, then backed up a bit. She was a bit curious to hear what Nightshade was going to say.

Nightshade tilted his head. "What, put the plate in the sink? It's easy. I'm tall enough to reach." He said, thinking that much should have been obvious.

((Kawaii Neko Teaa:))

Kawaii Neko Teaa
Kawaii Neko Teaa is offline
Old 12-28-2014, 05:44 AM


Sage observes as well, as how Nightshade replies to Wess.


"Oh... yes of course." he blushes lightly at the thought of being obvious. "Sorry about that." Wess says, with a smile. He lightly scratches his head in embarrassment and goes to wash the dishes for Sage. "You guys should get ready, we're about to head out."

((~Wild Spirit Wolf~: ))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 01-06-2015, 03:24 AM

Rosemary went to stand near the door. "I'm already ready!" She said eagerly.

Nightshade simply remained in his seat. "I am ready to leave whenever you need me to." He said.

((Kawaii Neko Teaa:))


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