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Old 02-01-2014, 10:50 PM

[<usually dear when your being fallowed I would say for you to go to one of the night clubs and slip out the back with a change of coat if you can help it.but this time we need to take him along.>] She felt a pink twing appear in her cheeks when she thought about it, now that he had said it, it seemed like the obvious thing to have done. Shortly after he gave her further instructions, which she committed to memory.

It was a map to Mulberry street. That part of things was simple, she knew where mulberry street was. The hard part was the acting skills, but then she'd been acting the part of a male for so long and pulling it off that acting should be easy to her, at least she hoped so. She continued for a few more moments like she had been, stopping at a window display that help a collection of books in it. The bookstore. She pulled a battered pocketwatch from her pocket and examined the time.

Suddenly she jumped up after examining the time and took off rather quickly in the opposite direction from what she had currently been doing. She knew it had been a rather poor acting job but the Giant of a man had continued to follow her none the less as she headed in the direction of Mulberry street.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-02-2014, 08:28 PM

Fallowing Blaine Vincent realized that he was going to have to find her an acting couch in the next few day if they were going to survive. Maybe he could have Warrens human do the teaching. she seemed to know what she was doing when it came to that. He would have to ask warren about loaning her to him for some time to teach Blaine. If he could not have Sasha then he was going to have to find another person that might be able to teach her. yet at this time his mind could not think of who would be able to.

Fallowing her accrossed the roofs a few times proved tricky. one of the building tops had been fitted with a wooden fence, beyound it had been a still and a bunch of half starved dogs. he did not think that they owners had thought to have some one from one of the other buildings jump onto their roof but it had caused him to spend some time dealing with them.Another time he had come in on a roof only to find he had barely missed landing on a young girl who was asleep on the roof, in case of fact the whole roof was filled with people sleeping there. he wondered how much they were being charged for sleeping space on the roof.

he caught up with them as they were reaching Mulberry street. As he watched them move down the street to where he had asked her to go he plotted out the next route to lead him down. the street, though near empty did have a few people upon it. he could not take the large man with this many eyes to see what happened. <Next turn onto Washington and walked three blocks towards the center of town.> he said before she reached Washington. showing her as he spoke the map and the way she was to go.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-25-2014, 01:25 AM

She continued down the road towards Washington street like she was told. Every so often checking her watch in a exasperated sort of way as if pretending to be late for something very important. She was very aware of the man close on her tail and it made her slightly nervous, she was being careful, however, not to let this show in her face.

The big man could sense what she was doing. The movements seemed far to calculated, planned, but it was alright with him, in the end he'd come face to face with the Vampire and that would suit him well enough. The prince needed to come out of hiding, because the woman he was following was not the prince. She smelled very distinctly like a woman that she could be nothing else. Though the smell of Vampire told him that the other was still not very far off.

((Lamest post ever))

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 02-25-2014, 08:16 AM

he had planned on taking the man when they got to the stock yards where he knew that no one was going to be. somewhere a fight would not be looked into, and a place a body like his could be gotten rid of if needed. yet as they turned onto Washington a better opportunity presented its self to him. <Blaine. do you see that construction site there on your left? I will meet you there. do not speed up or slow down just turn in as if you heard something as you go to pass it.> he hoped that the man would fallow her into the site.

It was a large site that looked to have one held three buildings but now was in the middle of being turned into one of those large tall buildings that the new government projects were putting everywhere to give men jobs. Skyscrapers was the term that had been recently coined in the news papers. others called them Towers of Babel, saying that humanity was never meant to build things that high. that god would turn on them all if they allowed for the buildings to be built. on the brown weathered fence along the edge of the property were papers slapped up with pasted calling for a community meeting about the building.

speeding up Vincent jumped into the darkness of the metal bone structure of the building. catching one of the lower beams he used that to get down to the ground well before Blaire and her follower would arrive. clasping his arms behind his back he stood there caught in the only beam of light from the area outside. his face without feeling, his suit perfect not a single thread out of place.

As she turned into the lot he allowed one small smile before falling back into the unfeeling mask. <move to beside me and kneel facing the entrance.> he did not know who this man was nor what he was used to but he wanted to present to him the view that most Vampires saw of a servant and prince. she was the one that would bow to him and do as he said, the more he kept to that view the less likely they would think she had all the rights of an employee. how many of them even knew what an employee was due in this day and age. <he may expect you to act like a slave to me, do so until I tell you otherwise. I want them to think your weak and know nothing of what your life could be like outside of this world.>


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-25-2014, 12:12 PM

[Blaine. do you see that construction site there on your left? I will meet you there. Do not speed up or slow down just turn in as if you heard something as you go to pass it.] She continued on her path and then suddenly briefly paused as if she heard something and changed direction into the construction site. She looked around the place at the place where the new building was to be. It looked dangerous to someone who didn’t know better, but she knew better, it didn’t just LOOK dangerous it WAS dangerous. She closed her eyes and waited for the sound of the heavy footfalls that were sure to soon follow.

[Move to beside me and kneel facing the entrance.] At first she found this response rather odd, but then he explained further so she went with the flow, she walked towards Vincent, her employer and now friend, and knelt beside him as if he were her captor and master. She didn’t say anything; she simply knelt there in a move of respect and what in the giant’s eyes submission. If it was needed to happen, she didn’t mind right at this very moment.

The giant watched as the woman entered the construction site and thought to himself, so the game begins. He waited for a few moments before entering the construction site after her. As they entered the construction site the woman paused and then walked over to the vampire prince and knelt before him. So then he had been correct in his assumptions, she was his human. He looked over to the dark spot where the vampire stood. He smiled a rather wolfishly dog like move and decided to tip his hand just a bit, catch the other off guard.

“So then Vampire,” his voice had a gruffness about it, a deep almost growl like quality mixed with the accent of something distinctly foreign, Vincent might distinguish its origins but no one in the modern world would be able to. “Has our game finally begun? I know you’ve been trailing me, I could smell you.”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-11-2014, 09:33 AM

as Blaine moved through the gates into the construction site he could see the lines of fear in her body. he wanted to take her away from here and wrapper her safely up in blankets. no I cant go hiding her from the world just because she is a woman and I am a man. I have to think of her like I did of Lewis. at this time she knows my secret but she is not important to me as he was. thoughts of the lose of him brought that anger boiling up in him. if he every caught the person that had killed him he would rip them to pieces with his bear hands.

As she knelt beside him he could feel a stirring of feelings he had thought he had driven out of him long ago. there was a power here that once he had loved to have over humans but he knew that down that path madness lay. he did not want to become his old sire, hungry for more power and ready to use his own child to bring it about. reaching out he gently set his hand on her head, his thumb rubbing gently against her hair. it was softer then his, maybe he would have to ask her what she used after this was over. he watched as the man moved near the entrance for a few moments as she knelt. so our stalker is wanting to set his terms of this encounter is he? let him think he has.

"and what game is this creature?" his voice was soft and deep. his hand dropped to Blaine's shoulder his hand seeming to claim her as his in that gester. "I have only been fallowing what is mine, it was you who were trailing some one." he sounded a bit bored with this talk. "your master on the other hand seems to have decided that she will not protect you any more. she has given you up for lost and fled this city." he smiled knowing that the creature in front of him might have a way of checking where she was. the funereal home where Warren was taking Lewis was far enough out that it would seem that she was leaving town.

<you have done well Blaine, but there are things we are going to have to work on before we can pull off this farce to any that might have met me.> his mind voice was warm and filled with care where his actions only showed his possession of her. <I think after we have dealt with this and made sure no other vampire is getting a bright idea to try for my throne, that we should go away for a week or so and have you lean.>


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-12-2014, 06:18 PM

Cerberus shrugged his giant shoulders a bit at the comment about him trailing them, and not the other way around. After all it was certainly the truth. ["your master on the other hand seems to have decided that she will not protect you any more. she has given you up for lost and fled this city."] He closed his eyes for a moment, drawing from the night air and trying to pinpoint her location. She did seem to be rather further out then normal. Was she fleeing? Did she know that she had lost? What did all this mean for him?

He did not let his thoughts on what it would mean for the spell play out on his face. He did however let out a deep hallowed laugh. It was a booming sound that carried through the construction site, "If I truely thought that woman cared in the first place I might have been upset, but really, that woman only cares for one person and one alone, and it ain't me. I'm nothing more then that woman's dog" There was an anger that flared in his eyes at that moment at the truth of it. It was a truth he could not change, and still it didn't stop him from being pissed off about it.

he ran a hand through his mane of shaggy hair. "Listen prince," he said quite simply, "I din't have no orders to fight with you, my orders where nothing more then to observe. I'm willing to walk away, you go your way, I go mine. However, if you chose to fight, I will have no choice."

Blaire resolved to not look at the giant, though there was a slight fear of the man. Perhaps it had something to do with his shear massive size, or perhaps something else. Was it the fact that he killed Louis? Her mind told her it was true, and yet there was also something gentle in the way he spoke, at the very moment she was merely confused. She wanted to call out to the man ask him why, but her good sense and reason told her not to, and so she remained silent.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-13-2014, 09:38 PM

Vincent sighed as he watched the large man shrug and then close his eyes to find her. It was surprising to him when the large man laughed. Had he been attached to a more powerful vampire who gave me the order to fallow her enemy and then runs away, he would have been worried about that. “and what will her dog do now that the master has fled? Who is it that she cares for other than herself?”

He watched as he ran his hand through his mane. Raising his eyebrow he tried not to laugh about the large man going his way and leaving Vincent and Blaire alone. There was no way that this man was going to not become a problem for him later if he did not find a way to flip him. “I did not plan on fighting you just finding out who you were, why you were fallowing us and what to do with you.” Reaching out he ran his along Blaire’s hair, he wondered what she was reacting to that was making her fearful of the giant. What did she know that he was missing.

<what are you afraid of Blaire? What do you know about that I seem to be missing?> He did not want to dig through her mind to find why she was reacting the way she was. But he needed her to tell him the truth about what was going on. Something was not right with this whole set up.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-14-2014, 01:17 PM

[“and what will her dog do now that the master has fled? Who is it that she cares for other than herself?”] “You sure do ask a lot of questions prince” he said it in a half light hearted way but there was a twinge of warning in his voice, trying to tell the prince not to question him much further than that, “I will however in this case grace you with answers. I will wait on her until she returns for me or until she is destroyed and my keeper changes.” He wasn’t forbidden from speaking about himself, so that much he could tell the vampire prince in front of him. The next answer he gave without a thought. It was the one he was ordered to give should he ever be questioned down this line of questioning. “When I said she loved one person and one alone, I merely meant herself and nothing more. She does not have a heart to care about anyone else.”

[“I did not plan on fighting you just finding out who you were, why you were fallowing us and what to do with you.”] Cerberus shook his giant head and once more laughed, “More questions from you, prince. My patience for questions is running quickly thinner prince” he growled a little bit, “Lucky for me you are not my prince, and I don’t have to listen to you. Still” he brow furrowed a little bit, “I will answer you one more time. My name is Cerberus, though I am not from this land. My current keeper brought me here. As to why you were being tailed, the answer is simple, to know what you were up to and keep tally on your whereabouts.”

When Vincent asked what was wrong Blaire knew she could not lie. She shifted her glance up at him for a moment but quickly went back to staring at a spot off in the distance, {I have seen an image of this man before tonight Vincent…..I think he is the one, the one that killed Lewis and yet….} she closed her eyes not wanting to say what was running through her mind, it was shear madness. He had killed a man, a man that meant so much to Vincent and yet she didn’t want to be his enemy, {I don’t think he’s a bad man, I don’t. I just don’t know what to think}

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-15-2014, 10:54 PM

“Questions are the way one learns what one needs to know to be able to get passed problems without having to fight a war you will lose.” Was Vincent’s answer to his comment about the questions. “And how would your keeper change?” he raised his eye brows at the thought that the only one she could love was herself. <warren would you say that she can only live herself?>

<I would say that she could only love herself and one other. Who that other is I am not sure, would you like me to draw it out of her?> there was a cold hearted tone to Warrens voice that made Vincent shiver. He had never heard him that way before, even when they had to kill their sire he had not been that cold. Something about that woman had driven him to a dark place.

“so you were sent to keep watch on me but you were not given any instructions beyond that. It seem so strange that she would give you such orders and then just leave you.” The name seemed to tickle his mind but he just could not think of what it was reminding him of.

The moment that Blaire said he had killed Lewis Vincent was no longer standing where he had been. He stood behind Cerberus his right hand on his throat and his left pulling his head back and to the left as he looked at him over his right shoulder. “and why should I not kill you right now” his voice was now cold, colder then Blaire had ever heard from him, his face a mask of a cold unfeeling supernatural beauty. He had to hold his body still from ripping the man to pieces right there. Something about the way Blaire was acting told him that he should wait to kill this man, but his gut told him that this man had to pay the price for what he had done to his partner.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-16-2014, 11:10 PM

"Someone always loses in the game of war, neither side comes out without a scratch" he said simply, again he could talk about himself, that was not a forbidden topic. "My keeper changes only when my origonal keeper willingly declares ownership to another, or she dies. Nothing more or less then that." he had said it in a rather bored drawling sort of way, as if it was nothing more the a day in life to him. He had after all had many keepers before her and he was sure he would have many after her. Hell hounds lived forever, and he was the oldest of the helhounds.

Cerberus was growing bored, with the questions about Alice. He wasn't going to tell the prince anything about her under his direct orders not to, so why then was the prince still edging on the same path. "I don't pretend to know how the damn woman thinks, Prince" he nearly spat the last word out, in discust and anger. However, when the prince attacked him he finally lost any shred of calm collected demeanor he had left in that moment. He let out a growl, very much like a wolf would make before speaking one final time, "I warned you Prince that I would not attack unless you attacked first. I tried to warn you to simply walk away. You Prince, eldest of your kind should have well known my name and the threat it held for those who did not heed my words."

Cerberus ignored the hand that was on his throat and hair, they would not be able to hold him quite like that momentarily anyways. He cracked his shoulders briefly and then began the transformation. All the shadows from the construction site appeared to gather around him as his body began to mold and take form. His body changed shape and his hands and feet melded and molded into paws before there eyes. His skin receided into dark black fur. His eyes, which had previously been a golden brown where now a vivid red. His head split into not one, but three wolf like heads.

If they thought the man had been a giant of a man it was nothing to the three headed dog that now stood before them. When he opened his mouth he was still able to speak, but it was an odd sound, as if the voice was coming from everywhere in the construction site all at once. "I warned you prince. Here my words, you may have gotten to the top by being cold and ruthless and only looking out for yourself, as is typical of your kind. There are other ways of negotiation without resorting to violence. Earthlings are all very much the same in the end"

He did not initially attack but rather growled and snarled as he crouched near the man as if giving him one last chance to redeam himself.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-18-2014, 09:13 AM

the moment that Cerberus stated to shift all thoughts of killing the man that had killed Lewis vanished and he move back between Cerberus and Blaire. whatever this monster was he was going to have to get through Vincent to get at her. her life now was the only one that he needed to be thinking about. "I am not unfeeling and cold as she might be. you killed a man that I cared very deeply for." his voice was raw with the emotions of that lose and the anger, hatred for and of the man that had taken Lewis before his time. "did you know that man you killed has a family? his wife now will have to bury him in place of having their second honeymoon. I took so much of his life that I glad he would be able to go home to her and never have to worry about dieing for me. and you took that from him." he wanted so much to rip the dog's heads from its body but he knew the moment he tired to make that attack again Blaire would be open to attack. if she were not here he might have risked it but no there was no way he could make her go without putting her in harms way.

"how can I just let you go and be on my way. you will fallow me and mine and then you will strike again." he hated this, hated showing so much that could be used against him and he not able to do anything about it. the only thought was that they could run, run as far and as long as it took to escape from this monsters power and the power behind him.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-18-2014, 02:52 PM

When Vincent moved between the girl and himself, Cerberus may have laughed if he hadn’t been so incredibly angry at the time. He had originally had no intentions to hurt either of them. Now however his rage was building at the man, and his twisted sense of morality. He did not blame the prince for his hatred of him, hell he’d probably hate him too, but there was a blindness in his rage. He was so blinded by his hatred of him and of her that he could not see what was right before his eyes.

["I am not unfeeling and cold as she might be. you killed a man that I cared very deeply for."] Cerberus crouched for a long moment trying to think of how to answer this, “Prince, you are so blinded by rage that you have not heard a word that was spoken to you. I know you have a right to hate me right now, but I won’t just lay down and let you kill me. Think, Prince, take a moment to think, do you think if I had had any choice in the matter that your friend would be dead? I cannot disobey my Keeper under any cause. Just as you cannot blame the gun that killed someone, you cannot blame the tool for his death. I am nothing more than a tool, used for the sake of destruction. I can assure you, His death was both quick and painless as I had the power to make it”

["how can I just let you go and be on my way. you will follow me and mine and then you will strike again."] He looked sad at these words, if only he could be under a keeper less greedy, less wanting of more….but when one becomes pet to the devil himself, only a stronger and more powerful being can destroy them. He looked at Vincent and then at Blaire behind him, “I would be folly to deny the fact that I am a threat to you, Prince, but truly it is against my wishes to fight you. I also won’t just bow down and let you kill me. Even if it won’t ever change, I still hold hope for humanity and all beings of earth and that someday I will regain my post.” He knew that Vincent had no idea what he was talking about but he shook his head anyways. “I am not going to attack you, but if you attack I will defend, that is the simple truth”

((I’ll hold off on the Alice post for now))

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 03-19-2014, 09:28 AM

"you are telling me that your are not the muscle just the Tommy gun the muscle used to line the men up along the wall and mow them down?" his anger was slowly ebbing and now the words this creatures was telling him were sinking in. he could tell warren right now to kill her and her control of Cerberus would fall to Warren. "what were her orders to you about Lewis? was it to kill him or just to keep him from escaping?" now he wanted to know what his orders had been and Cerberus seemed to be happy to talk about himself even when he skirted talking about his master. could that be part of his orders from her, that he not talk about her and her master. would that change if he were to gain control over him by killing her.

<Warren I want you to bring her gagged to my office over the club through the back way. there is something I wish to know from her but I dont want her seen going in nor do I want her able to talk to anyone. if you can bind her so she cant talk to anyone like we do as well.> his eyes seemed to have glazed over as he spoke to Warren but now they cleared as he looked back at Cerberus. "if you leave us now what will you go do? will you just fallow us?"


"well it looks like your not going to be taking that long trip off the short pier any time soon. the prince wants to see you." Warrens voice was cold and a part of him wanted to kill her right there so that Vincent did not need to deal with her. Yet he also knew that he could not protect his brother as he wished now that he was working with the structure that the older vampires had set up in this new world. one day he was going to be able to do as he wanted to those that hurt him and his family and then they would know the Black Angel once again.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-25-2014, 12:40 PM

“Took you long enough to get there” he said with a gruff, but there was not an unkindness there, he was calming down for the moment. He even chose to shed his monstrous appearance once more. Before long the giant of a man was once more looking at Vincent in a serious manner, “I was told, that if he tried to escape, I was to take him down. My orders where absolute, nothing I could have done would have stopped that. Trust me, I’m tired of living with her, with the endless orders of violence. I was not made for violence.

When Vincent asked him exactly what he would do if the two where to leave he looked thoughtful. “I was not given orders to fight you, nor was I given any orders to follow her.” He pointed in the direction of Blaire who was still kneeling on the ground, “I only trailed her because I knew it would draw you out. My suggestion, you are free to take it or leave it, but that girl wouldn’t stand a chance if a fight where to occur. On my orders I have no choice but to continue to trail you, but you are better off sending her somewhere safe for now. I won’t harm either of you unless I am ordered.


Alice looked at Warren and although there was a sadness hidden behind her pale eyes a smile did play her lips. After all she needed to do was play her part until the bitter end and it was something that she would do. “So the prince does want to play again does he, my my I did tell you so” there was a playful coolness in her voice. She looked up at the ceiling and simply sent one last message to her master and loved one, “I love you master” and then she let herself be willingly blindfolded without even fighting the issue, after all she was crazy but she wasn’t stupid.


A man sat alone in the darkness of a elegant chair, watching as the scenes played out before him. Alice had been captured, and he was inclined to let her die to serve his purpose and protect his identity. He had made the first move, sending his pawn into battle, and things were falling into place, one move at a time, it would be a game of chess between two players, two friends, or maybe not friends. How long had it been since he called anyone friend.

He heard her final words to him and laughed, it was a cold ruthless laugh. He had no room in his heart for love, but the foolish woman had done anything he asked of her in the name of love and that certainly suited him. He stood from his chair and went to the window, letting the moonlight shine on his palid skin,
He said it to no one in particular, “Your move Prince.”

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 05-30-2014, 07:10 AM

Vincent waited without breathing as the man spoke ideas seemed to blossom in his mind only to die as the man spoke again. “if you are tired of the orders of violence why do you not leave this place?” he shifted slightly so that Blaire was ones again close to him. The movement was more subconsicly then consisly but after he had made the move he knew why. Even if he said that she would be safer away from him Vincent could not once again let another double out of his sight. Loosing Lewis was bad enough but then to loose Blaire it would kill him. He was already stretch to thin. “what would it take for you to join me as a body guard. Not to kill when killing was wanted,” he brushed that through aside with a flick of his wrist. “no I already have a hunter for that. I want someone that would be loyal to me and would stop those that tried to kill me.”

Looking at Blaire he thought at her. <more like those that tried to kill you not me. I can defend myself better then most can, but he is right that you are in danger if we don’t deal with these people soon.> there was worry and concern in his thoughts. <I had hoped that our first case together would be something that had to do with a human problem not vampire politics.>


Warren grumbled as he packed Alice back into his car to take her back into town to Vincents office. That dark part of him wanted badly to just toss her into the river and have done with her but orders were orders and his oath was pushing him to do as he was told. He did not treat her gently knowing full well that she could take a few bumps and bruises. As he slammed the door on her he cast the binding spell so she could not speak or send out a mentle message. There was going to be no one that could find where she was by the time he was done with this set of spells. Of that he would be sure of.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-20-2015, 06:05 PM

[“if you are tired of the orders of violence why do you not leave this place?”] Cerberus look at the small man before him and snorted at that, but answered kindly enough, “There is magic in this world that is greater than either you or myself. Magic that both manages the way things work and binds things together. I am a hellhound, in case you haven’t noticed. We, or perhaps only I anymore, are bound to the ones we call master. I can no more run away from her then a raindrop can stop itself from falling from the sky. To run or disobey is to foreit ones life”

“what would it take for you to join me as a body guard. Not to kill when killing was wanted. No I already have a hunter for that. I want someone that would be loyal to me and would stop those that tried to kill me.” Cerberus wondered on this, how much was he allowed to tell Vincent without breeching his orders. She had never figured that the prince would ask him that, so technically she had never told him not to give out that information. He knew he was taking a risk, but he supposed it would be alright, “My ownership to a new master can only pass hands if my current master willingly relinquishes ties to someone else, or….” He paused for a moment before continuing, “or if my present master dies the one who kills her would be my new master.”

Blaire only slightly inclined her head to look up at him <Well at least we can get this part done and over with, things will get simpler I imagine, after this>

Last edited by Cora; 01-20-2015 at 06:23 PM..

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 01-21-2015, 10:32 PM

Reaching out to Blaire, Vincent sighed. Three times the hound of Hades had said that his master had to die by the hands of the new one. Three times he had said that it was the only way. No matter if it had been a lie in the beginning it now was the truth as he was a creature of magic. “well then Hound of Hades, we shall have to fix the little problem of your master.”

<take my hand> taking Blaire’s hand he lifted her up to stand beside him. the moon light cutting through the clouds and construction to alight on them. Their similarities so much alike that they looked like twins. <you may not want to come with me and see what I have to do, I cannot say this is not going to get messy. But you may come if you so want.> he hoped that she would turn him down and he could take her back to their home and she could rest. The night had been much busier than he had thought it would be.

“go on your way as I will go on mine. I know I will see you once again soon.” Saying as such he wrapped his arms around Blaire and lepted into the darkness of the structure above them. he carried her from there as if she weighed nothing, passed the buildings that they had passed by earler till they reached a more populated area. There was a sadness in his eyes as he looked down at Blaire.

“I am of a mind to cut my ties with you and send you away with a nice amount of cash to life off of, but I fear that even that would not save you right now. Our lives are now bound together in ways that only the death of one of us can end.” He kissed her on the forehead. “by the way what is it that you use on your hair. It is quite soft.” Reaching out he brushed it gently and smiled.

Tossing Alice over his shoulder Warren carried her up the back stairs to the office. This was not how it was supposed to be done, he was the one supposed to do all the killing for his prince. The prince was just supposed to decide who lived and who died, not get his hands dirty. He gritted his teeth as he tossed her onto the floor next to a chair and pulled the blind fold off. “don’t think for a moment that your going to be able to get out of here, passed me. It may not look like it but this place was built to be a safe tower from all who might attack.” He jerked his head to the chair in a command for her to sit in it. “the Prince will be here soon.”


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-26-2015, 12:42 AM

Blaire took Vincent’s hand when she was instructed to do so and stood. [<you may not want to come with me and see what I have to do, I cannot say this is not going to get messy. But you may come if you so want.>] She fell silent at this, looking at Vincent, trying to determine the best course of action. The truth was Alice frightened her, not in any way that she was ever going to admit, but that was the truth but then there was a nagging in the back of her mind and a promise made to an old man. Would Vincent be ok to fight Alice? Would Warren be with him as well? But then what could she do? She was a human in a Vampire’s war. She was definitely the weaker player in all this.

If this was a human battle that would be one thing. She was a capable girl who had taken care of herself for a long time, but this was different. In the end, despite the pain it caused her to have to say it, she felt she would probably only hinder Vincent by going with him, “I….” she started and then looked away, but before she had time to continue she was being swept away by the Vincent onto the building before them.

[“I am of a mind to cut my ties with you and send you away with a nice amount of cash to life off of, but I fear that even that would not save you right now. Our lives are now bound together in ways that only the death of one of us can end.”] She had fallen silent again but at these words she looked up at him and there was a fire that returned to her eyes that had left earlier, “Wouldn’t I get a choice in that matter? I may not have asked for any of this, but now that I’m in this deep you aren’t getting rid of me that easily. It would be foolish to lie and say I’m not afraid of that woman, or of what might happen to me, but I’m not leaving you.” She crossed her arms over her chest and put her nose in the air in a very womanly fashion, a side of her that only he seemed able to bring out, and a side of her that only he was allowed to see.

He kissed her forehead and a slight pink twinge appeared in her cheeks, but it was quickly replaced with a small laugh when he mentioned her hair, “When all of this is said and done I’ll show you sometime” she said and then laughed again.


[“well then Hound of Hades, we shall have to fix the little problem of your master.” ] Cerberus nodded but said nothing. He almost felt bad for her, his current master. He didn’t know her secrets as she was always guarded even from him, but he had always sensed a goodness deep within her that she showed to no one. Part of him believed that reasons beyond what he knew for doing the terrible things she did, but all the same he wasn’t sad to see her stopped, she deserved what she was about to get, he only hoped that the prince would kill her quickly.

[“go on your way as I will go on mine. I know I will see you once again soon.”] As much as he would have liked to, he couldn’t let this happen. Technically ownership hadn’t passed hands yet, so his orders were still intact. He would however give Vincent and his plaything a head start. He watched as Vincent grabbed the girl and then jumped onto a nearby building. He sat back in the clearing and waited. He gave Vincent a clear 20 minute start, which he knew was well more than enough time to muddle his trail before starting to once more track him.

Alice was hoisted up over Warren’s shoulder, and although she hadn’t been fighting to this point put up a bit of a fight on this one, “I do have two perfectly good feet thank you very much!” she screamed, but to no avail, in the end Warren got the better of her and carried her up to the office. He nodded at a chair in an unspoken command and she scowled. But in the end she sat in the chair and pouted.

Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Sh...
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Old 01-28-2015, 01:10 AM

“yes you would get a choice.” Vincent sounded a bit surprised that she would think that he would try to send her away without giving her a choice. All he had said was that he was of a mind to send her away, not that he was going to send her way. He tired not to smile at her front she put on as they stood there. He could hear below him the Hound waiting for something. Probably he is waiting for us to be moving before he fallows me. I must make sure that he can not hear any orders she might give if she has the chance. “if you were to say that you were not afraid of her then I would cut ties with you, give you a bit of money and just disapper. It is better in our line of work to admit to our partners that we are afraid. But I am not going to ask you to come with me to deal with her.”

Looking off into the night he woundered how long he had before the hound fallowed them into the darkness. He would have to move soon if he was going to deal with her and not have the hound to deal with. Warren might think he could deal with him but Vincent did not think that ether of them could. “I just would prefer that you don’t have to see the side of me that I am going to show her any time soon.” While he was not mainly a mage he did know some spells and there were a few that he recalled from an old book he had once seen that he wanted to try out.

He smiled at the hint of pink on her skin in the moon light as he kissed her. Maybe after this she would… NO! he mentally yelled at himself. He could not let himself develop these feelings and thoughts for her. Maybe if other things were not involved but they were. Picking her up he jumped from building to building till they reached where the car was parked. “I would like you to drive to Warrens place and stay there till I call you. If I don’t call you by dawn your to get out of town during the day.”
“you may have two perfectly good feet but I don’t want to try to hobble you and get a face full of shoe” Warren said as he shifted her on his shoulder to knock the breath from her. “no this is a much better way of dealing with you.” He was rather enjoying her fight, he liked it when he got to be a bit rough with the ones his prince called to be brought to him.

As she sat down he pulled out his knife and cut the tip of his finger. Walking counter clockwise about the room he left tiny marks upon the wall when he stopped ever few feet. By the time he was done no one could send a message from the room but for by the new telephone his prince had at his desk. Walking over he pulled the cord from the wall for that too. Better to be safe then have her get word out where the prince was and kill him.


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