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Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 04-06-2015, 12:00 AM

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I am going to use this place, to chat, talk about my diet, post pictures of my cat, happy thoughts, and things of that general nature.

You are totally free to talk to me too, I don't bite (much)

Last edited by Cora; 04-08-2015 at 05:11 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 04-08-2015, 07:08 PM


So then I guess today is my first day to write in this thing.

Current weight- 241.2 (in case you don't know this about me, that's 71 lbs down ^.^)

Current thoughts- So this last week at work has totally been a BEAR. I work for a company that builds the software that goes into a pretty big name IV Pump. Well right now there was an issue found so things have been pretty crazy. Upper management is looking for someone to point fingers at and of course.....that means everyone is trying to point fingers at everyone else, go figure. Those above us are really truely trying to fight to have our team be the fall guys and I'm not having it.

Today, however, after a few very heated discussions yesterday it sounds like we may be coming to a common ground so yay for that.

On the thoughts of my diet and stuff- Today's lunch was Yogurt(Banana cream pie) and string cheese. It doesn't sound the most appealing, but I like it. I think I might do some chicken or tuna for dinner though, so that'll be a change of pace.

I haven't been able to get up and move as much as I normally do which makes me kind of cranky. Normally I walk 4-6 miles a day, this past week its been like 2 miles if I'm lucky. Very Cranky cora on that front.

Daily Challenge- Today's challenge is "work was". when I saw this I actually laughed out loud, my cat gave me a rather evil look at that point . Lets just say I have that one covered in the previous thoughts.

Ending Thought- [Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. –Robert Frost]


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 05-11-2015, 02:40 PM

So, once more I failed to keep this up to date, however, you can't fault the past only remember in the future, so lets start fresh and new. As many of you may know if you read Zigbigadorlube's Journal, this week I've been visiting her for a totally crazy, supah busy, but amazingly funtastic week of running from one place to the next. Because there is so much to write about, and so many things that we saw and did I will be trying to get this all written in day by day as well as trying to remember to do the daily challenges. I'll start with the first day of my vacation.

Wednesday 5/6/2015- So this day was the day before I actually headed to New York City to see the sites. I spent the entirety of the day packing and unpacking my bag because knowing me I was most certainly sure to miss, something. I am going to go out on a limb and say the whole thing probably got unpacked 20 times. The rest of the day I spent pacing around my house from one thing to the next just trying to find ways of keeping myself ultra busy.

I took a walk with my mother along the canal before lunch with my nephew and the dogs. We walked pretty far which was nice. The baby was in heaven. Every few feet he'd sit down on the ground along the edge where he could reach the rocks and would throw them into the canal it was fun. My knee was still acting up a bit (back tracking a bit here, My knee somehow got twisted, I still don't even really know what happened, one minute I was standing the next I was on the ground. I probably need to see a doctor about it, but with the trip to New York I haven't had the chance).

The rest of the afternoon I spent helping my brother babysit, playing Kingdom Hearts, cleaning my room, and sleeping. I totally took a rather long nap. It was still a super long day, waiting for my trip.

Daily challenge- Fact of the Day- Hmmm....what to write about this? Lets see should I give you a good fact of the day about me or perhaps a neat trivia fact instead. Perhaps one of both, yeah, I think I'll do that. Ok so a fact about Me, My favorite color is teal, but I don't tend to wear it too much here on menewsha because I think that everyone will think that I am copying the famous Hummy. Not that I don't love hummy lol, because I love hummy and always will. I just don't want to be a copy cat .

A general fact about life. many to choose from. Lets see, I just found out this morning that the guy who plays Jean valjean in the Broadway edition of Les Mis (Ramin Karimloo) also played in the London production and Has played the roles of both Jean Valjean and Marius in various productions. Also he is stepping down from the role August 30, and will be relaced by alfie boe who has played the role previously. Alfie Boe also randomly has a cooking channel on you tube, who knew!?


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 05-11-2015, 10:17 PM

Thursday- 5/7/2015- This was the big day, the day I was set to leave to come down to NYC to meet ziggles and spend the week with her. I had to be up really early that day because the lady on the phone said to be there an hour early. So my train left at 9AM, I had to be there by 8AM, takes an hour to get there, so I was up by 4:30 to check my bag for the hundreth time as well as pack all the electronics that had been charging around my room the previous night to take with me on the train ride.

My mother and the baby(my sisters baby, not mine) came with me to drop me off at the train station. We got there at like 7:45, brought the back in had that checked in by like 8:00 and then waited. And Waited, and waited some more. So my mother drove me down the street to McDonald's to grab some breakfast while we waited. My train showed up at like 9:30, half hour late, oh wells.

So then I spent the train ride watching the Blacklist and playing on my phone and documenting the number of stops. There where some interesting characters on the train. One guy who lives up in the mountains (and totally looked like a mountain man) spent over an hour giving me a history of western new york. Another girl spent the entire 9 1/2 hours sleeping. The one lady was really loud and had a Jamaican accent and kept saying things that I found really amusing.

Overall the train ride was interesting but by the end of 9 1/2 hours my knee was screaming and my butt was asleep.

Meeting Ziggles was fun too! We left from the train station. Walked through NYC, which I had totally forgotten just how big it was. Walked to the Subway station (which I am totally getting to be a pro at btw) took the subway which at the time was confusing, and I think I nearly fell on my bum once or twice. But then we walked from the subway to her house, we stopped by this little fruit stand which is really close to her house, that was fun too. Then we went up to her apartment, set up an air mattress and cooked us some gravy sage chicken. Fun times!

Daily Challenge- Fortunate- Well I must say I think this fell on a very ironic day. I will say that I find myself to be very fortunate that I was still able to come to new york and not miss out on my big NYC adventure when I had hurt my knee so badly just days before. Thank god my knee was good enough under a brace to go.

Shoot to kill
CycloneKira is offline
Old 05-12-2015, 10:08 AM

How are you?


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 05-12-2015, 11:10 AM

Doing very well. A little sad that I'm going home today but otherwise really well.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 05-13-2015, 02:15 PM

Friday 5/8/2015- Oh my goodness was this day filled with adventure and fun. In the morning we headed to the 9/11 memorial museum, which had been one of those things that was planned from the very get go. We stood in line to get inside, get to the doors, the woman scanned are tickets and ba da dum, we are denied entry. Apparently dopey me ordered the tickets for 5/5 instead of 5/8 and they had expired. Not going to lie, I was definitely more then a little upset with myself over this.

Still, we spent the morning walking around the parts of the memorial that you don't need tickets to see. Each of the original tower locations has since that point been turned into giant 30 foot waterfalls that span the area where the building was. Around the outside of the waterfalls are these plaques with all the names of the victims, it was really neat and super heartbreaking all at the same time. I was really glad I got to at least see this. Prior to, my last trip to NY had been the year it happened. At that time the twin tower location was just a pile of rubble.

From there we went to see the two famous Churches (Trinity Church and I can't remember the name of the other one but its the one that George Washington had gone to or something like that) and had seen the tree. The story of the tree and the church where very harrowing, I felt a little blessed to be able to see them and experience this in person. Definitely a cool thing.

We stopped at this giant department store which sold many designer things at discount prices. Three whole floors of womens clothing! It was very enjoyable walking around the store looking at the many different things. We walked the entirety of the womens clothing, walked over to the lingerie, and then went all the way back down to look at the purses. I ended up leaving with a new Hat, and I think Ziggles bought a new shirt for her sister. It was an enjoyable way to spend a few hours.

At this point we took a break for lunch. We went to this really cool Ramen place. I had to try the Ramen burger because, well, its a totally new and exciting thing to try. I went with the chicken ramen burger, but I digress. I'll have to admit, this was a little weird to me at first. Totally amazing tasting but the concept is really unique and new. I liked it quite a bit, and the chips were really good too. I ended up eating too much this day, my stomach hurt for a little bit, but not too too terribly.

Then of course we walked up Wall street. Not a whole lot to say about wall street itself of course, but it was definitely interesting to see all the places that where so easily recognizable from television and movies. I ended up taking a few pictures here as well. I even took a picture of the NYPD, which is dorky perhaps, but what can I say, I'm a dork.

We considered taking the Ikea ferry, but decided against this when we found out it wasn't free. That's ok though, because we ended up taking the Staten Island Ferry instead which was not too far away. While waiting for the staten island ferry there was a street act playing a barbershop quartet which was actually quite good. So that was a neat thing to sit and listen to. We were on the wrong side of the ferry to see the statue of liberty on the way there, but it was definitely nice to see her on the way back. There was a 30 minute wait between the ferry there and the ferry back so we got to sit and watch the city scape which was beautiful.

From here we went back to her apartment, sat down and ate the Macaroons we had bought at a little boutique in town, and then went back out to go grocery shopping. The rest of the evening was spent cooking(sage chicken) and chatting until the two of us just couldn't keep our eyes open anymore. Overall this day was a supertastic day full of fun!

Daily Challenge- Going on an adventure- what a perfect day for this to fall. This whole day was an adventure through NYC. Full of exciteing things to discover and see!


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 05-13-2015, 07:24 PM

Saturday- 5/9/2015- In the morning we took a bit of a slower start, both of us having been tired from the day before, but that was perfectly fine by me. Around 11:30 the two of us headed up to Coney Island. Ziggles really wanted to walk along the beach and put her feet in the water, so after we had walked through the park and watched people on the rides, we headed towards the beach.

Along the way one of the men running the games stopped us to give us a free try at his game. I gave it a try and found my aim to be ridiculously off, but at least we all got a good laugh out of it. Ziggles however got the ball in the bin on the first try. Of course the man then wanted us to play some more but we declined at that point, so he told us to “send our husbands over” which made the two of us giggle like crazy as neither one of us is married.

After that we did head down to the beach. I don’t normally walk in water that isn’t pools or in a bathtub, but after walking along the beach for a while the sand started to look soft and the water looked rather cool. So in the end even I took my shoes off and walked along the beach. It was really quite lovely.

We walked along a peer there, which with the wind blowing the further off the water that we went got colder and colder and colder. I was in a tank top without a sweater and freezing my ass off. When we finished walking the peer we went shopping in a Coney Island gift shop, where I bought a few things for my family back home as well as a few things for myself.

We had intended to get little ceasers pizza for dinner on the way back to her place. However when we had got to the pizza joint they were out of pizza and waiting on more to come. They told us the wait would be like 15 minutes. We decided to just go back to her place and make something instead. When we got back to her place we made chicken cheese crepes, they took a lot of work, but they were super yummy. I have to remember to get the recipe for them from her.

Time to get ready for the play (cora was squeeing this entire time, no lies). We took a subway over to time square and walked through the bulk of time square to the avail of hundreds of people, but it was totally worth it. Our seats where super close to the stage! The staging was built amazingly! And the show , I have seen Les Miz in many forms now, but none of them even compared to this one, Les Miz on broadway is AMAZING! Of course let me tell you for a moment how incredibly hot the guy they got to play Jean Valjean is >.>, he takes his shirt off towards the beginning of the play and holy sit them abs man >.>. He had an incredible voice too off course, but I couldn’t help but drool over them abs a bit >.>

We had a bit of a late start back due to one of the subway stations being shut down, but we didn’t actually make it back too incredibly late so it was good! This was an amazing day!
Daily Challenge- Gotta Catch them All!

Pokemon? I guess I like pokemon, but I tend to only like it in small doses so I’m not even sure how to write about today, sorry folks.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 08:00 PM



Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 05-13-2015, 11:29 PM

Yes >.>


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