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Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 10-07-2015, 10:47 PM

On cue, the ship shook again. "For the love of Ra, I'm DONE with this bullshit!" Haine growled.

"She's Haine, by the way. I'm Takano." Takano said, bracing himself.

"Dartz." Dartz said by way of introduction. "Explanations will have to come later, Aki and I need to get to the bri--AGH!" And again the ship shook.

"Fuck regulations, I'm not listening to them." Haine said, entering the lift. She paused to address Yuya. "Also, kid, I hope you don't get spacesick easy."

Rin gave her a look. "I hope you're just talking about finding some aspirin." But she doubted it.

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 10-07-2015, 11:07 PM

Aki sighed.
"We are at the bridge you idiot" she sighed, facepalmed, then she remembered. "REI! I forgot to have a trainee to look after her!" Then she darted back to the elevator.

Rei stopped.
"Asprin doesn't help with depression you idiot" she growled.

Last edited by musasgal; 10-08-2015 at 02:51 AM..

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 10-10-2015, 08:44 PM

Selena was standing there with her arms crossed. "What are you two doing here?" She asked, then held up a hand. "No, I don't want to know."

Looking to the other newcomers, she focused on one in particular. "Sakaki Yuya." Was all she said.

"No, but counseling does." Rin said, coming closer. "I'm sure that's a better solution than...whatever you've got planned."

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 10-11-2015, 06:13 AM

Aki arrived at the nick of time.
"No Rei, you are not going through my supplies" she said sternly, then she came over and pulled her away from the table. "You are going to go back to your room young lady." As Aki escorted Rei, a glow came from quarantine.

"Wait...Sakura?" Yuzu exclaimed, "What are you doing here? The last time we saw you, you were about to help us with riding practice before we teleported."

A flash of light happened and a young man landed on Laria's bed.
"Ok, this is unexpected" he said as he pushed up his glasses, "Am I interrupting something?" All that Laria could do, was scream.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 10-21-2015, 09:48 PM

Rin jumped at the light and the scream. "What in the heck?"

Selena nodded, slowly. "I remember." She replied, then shook her head, facepalming. "You kids picked the worst time to show up...."

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 10-22-2015, 05:58 AM

"Both of you. GET OUT!!" Laria yelled, "NOW!" The stranger blinked, and left without a word. He was still confused on what happened to care about the girl yelling her head off.

Yuzu looked at her braclete.
"Want to tell that to this thing?" she asked. A shadow appeared behind the male.
"Don't fret Yuya, you know you can trust her" a voice pipped up, "Remember? She was the one who stuck with you guys while you are in the Synchro Dimention."
"I know" Yuya replied, "I remember when she saw Crow. She was spazzing everywhere."

"Follow the light" a voice popped up, "There is something of yours in that room."

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 12-03-2015, 11:32 PM

Selena repressed an eye twitch. "I don't spaz."

Dartz gave her an amused look. "Really? Not from what I've seen...."

Selena shot him a look. "Okay, peanut gallery."

Haine rubbed her temples. "So we're being shot at and these kids just came from either the past or an alternate dimension. Am I the only one whose head is hurting?"

"It's...complicated." Selena replied. "For now, we've got bigger problems." She jabbed behind her at the viewscreen, which was taken up by the three ships attacking them. "You're here, so let's see how you can handle space combat."

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 12-07-2015, 11:23 PM

"Then it's the alternative Sakura that we saw then" Yuzu sighed, "Um....did you see us disappear anytime to a different dimension?" she asked Selena.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 01-19-2016, 01:14 AM

Sakura peered at the girl. "...I sensed something, yes." She admitted at length.

Haine was looking from her to the group of newcomers. "You know them." It was more of a statement than a question.

Kamikaze Sakura nodded. "It's been a long, long time since I saw them, though."

Haine just gave a nod in reply, before looking back to the viewscreen. "Next question; how the hell is space combat supposed to work with mages?"

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is online now
Old 01-19-2016, 01:50 AM

"We were going to go to practice, then we ended up here thanks to our bracelettes" Yuzu said, the pouted, "And it was for a tournament too."


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