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Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Old 02-20-2016, 03:02 AM

Hi guys, what's up? The good times, are they rolling?

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-20-2016, 03:03 AM

like a buffalo for another hour =3

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Old 02-20-2016, 03:10 AM

I guess buffalo do kind of roll. Or lumber.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-20-2016, 03:12 AM

hmm, lumber is a good discreption


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Old 02-20-2016, 03:44 AM

they can also Run 'nods' i would not wanna be in a herds of them's way if they got spooked..

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Old 02-20-2016, 03:48 AM

Yeah, a lot of animals are surprisingly fast. Even hippos can pick up quite a lot of speed on land.

Clair Voyant
Clair Voyant is offline
Old 02-20-2016, 04:13 AM

Hello all! :)

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Old 02-20-2016, 04:38 AM

M i r o: lord have mercy I've got a big ol post to respond to! i verbally said "Holy shit" when i saw what you said!!

Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
Oh momo that doesn't sound as bad as what came to mind then.

Momo... watch ALL GHIBLI :D
They are all really good. Castle in the Sky is another I've seen. If you haven't seen Totoro that's a must too. The theme song of Totoro often plays whenever I talk to jelly
;) you'll see

Haha yisss! I know, i still need to watch the Ghiblis. x3 TOTORO. WAS. SO. GOOD. SO. CUTTEEE.

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salvete is offline
Old 02-20-2016, 04:49 AM

Clair Voyant has turned a toxic green!

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Old 02-20-2016, 05:00 AM

Aye clair! 8D She is quite the pretty green! <3

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Old 02-20-2016, 05:01 AM

*nods in agreement*

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Old 02-20-2016, 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
Trueeee! xD
But I am enjoying talking this much, though \ o /

My other mene peeps hate text walls and like to just have one-liners.
I mean, it's fine but I just want to gobble their eyes* with words!!!!

Thank yous! Yeah, so far I think it's $40 to have an appt? Idk about the doctor actually doing/prescribing things. I got a book guide to read over the health insurance I did get. It's nice since you can search doctors on the list online w/ reviews/credentials.

Ugh. Be careful of taking any kind of vitamins, though! Your body can only take so much and vitamin pills are disgusting, they will make you sick too. It's easier to get them naturally through food instead of substitutes. ^^; I've tasted both pills/gummies... they're gross and make your head feel kinda waterlogged.

I hope you never have any more problems!
It's tough living as it is, in life.

LOL pap... I hate that name for it. I don't look forward for that, either. During the check-up with my regular doctor to get more refills 2yrs ago, she listed off about potentially having a pap smear and I yelled: "NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT! I DON'T WANT TO* DEAL WITH SALAD TONGS!" She gave me a a exasperated expression, lmao. I've never been sexually active, so, it wasn't like it applied to me anyway.

awh! I was going to sniff some of the sweet pea but the place was packed for valentines... and my sweetheart kept pushing me around because he does not like shopping in crowded areas for too long. He bought me the shimmer mist of the Cherry Blossom (the glitter spray). LOL I hate Twilight!!! It's my moms favorite movies ( finished her collection not too long ago ).

BUT GLITTER! SHINY THINGS! They're my Achilles heel *bricked*

Yessums! My mom was happy about it because she loved the Cherry Blossom first. lol I mean, it's not like they know what to get me for Christmas anyway... I don't see his family unless its the holidays or a special day??? So, they don't really know me. And they live about 40mins-2hrs away from each other/us. I either get a scarf, lotion or random things. Kinda like playing with a jack-in-a-box?

I never ask them for anything and I don't expect them to, though.

hahaha, you should!! It should be with the sun tan/sun screen lotions.
It's blue with little bubbles in it, it soothes burns.

Yes... I had to deal with that 24/7 during school. And now, I'm getting the same crap from my sweethearts family.
He tells me to ignore them but it's hard to ignore it when it always been thrown into your face...

You're right, that's true - tanning stuff is bad. I don't use tanning beds to tan, though. I mean, have tried to use them (when the boys hurt my feelings) but all it does is turn my skin red and no color. I just put that stuff on to tan regularly, in the sun if we're going for a walk or something. I also don't get in the sun much, especially in cold weather (once I get cold, I stay cold).

I try to be confident in my skin ^^
It's just people suck.

To be honest, I've been procrastinating on working out myself xD
Recently, it just feels like my body has got me down? or my mind, idk.

awww! I feel very happy for your mother and for her to have you! You guys seem quite the pair <3
and tons of congratulations on her beginning able to continue her school - getting good GPA!

Oh that's good then! Maybe it's just the National Guard that's iffy??? My cousin went to Iraq & Afghanistan (he almost died there) and once his term was up, they were supposed to pay for his schooling/health program. But they didn't want to do it and stalled the entire process for almost 2yrs. He had to really fight to get it and once he got it, he finally was able to go to College.

So, several months is not bad at all! That is a lot faster than how they usually handle things.
I wish both of you Good Luck!!

Ooo, idk but I somehow think that's magical??? I've never been outside of the US. Oh, bases are a life-saver then! xD I'm not sure how they function - why I asked. I mean, I'd assume if they needed help they'd have a interpreter? But that would be such a pain.

awwwh, their first US tenants? I wouldn't doubt they'd love you both! Especially since your their first good experience
You may have even touched on their lives, which is a wonderful thing to have when you're involved with war/military stuff.

So weird xDD
I have watched on TV with Anthony Bourdain? (idk how to spell his last name)

He went somewhere, where they have a hair museum? It's really creepy... like "Jeepers Creepers" creepy. But they have made art out of famous and infamous people and stuck them up in frames on walls. You can even get your hair cut and have it turned into art too. It freaked Tony out and he left. lol

aha! You can also get knock offs on ebay too c: I got this panda hoodie/dress from China/Hong Kong??? I think they copied/duplicated it because the stitching inside on the hems is horribly done but it's cute none-the-less!

Ohhh, okedokeys! Thanks for telling me!!! I've been in no-mans-land about those things.

What... offense over no-Christmas trees? Seriously, with cookies too? The cookie expands witch stretches the design made on it, it's not the bakers fault for having that kind of similarity especially on a fast-food kinda coffee place.

The crap kinda crack are people snorting...
That is an over reaction x1,000. *sigh*

Oooo, I want to make coffee cake! I hate dense coffee cake peeps keep making, though. I want air-y/fluffy homemade kind. The first one I've tasted was back during a school over-night field trip thing. I can't remember the name of the place... But it was sooo good!

Is your town not big on bringing businesses in???
I know how you feel, it's like living in the stone ages - kinda. xD

My towns like that too, there's not much there. And the city council won't approve of anything beyond what they want. It stunts growth and kids getting jobs because it's such a close-nit town that only people who know people get hired. If they don't know you, your on their bottom hire-to-do-list.

Oh, they were idiots. Most of them deserved it for being morons... Only 1 girl may have actually wanted it?
Few dropped out of school either because of pregnancy/drugs/trouble with the law or just didn't feel like being there.

LOL I guess they came to our school as a introduction hub? Then they split off in different towns surrounding ours???
I'm not sure if you can even break your exchange thing when you're already in a different country.

Well, she told her friends in whispers/confidence. Then somehow it went down the grape vine and my friend heard about it then told the girl to tell me about it. And that's how I found out about it. I think the girl said they were looking for somewhere else to re-home him? I'm not sure if that actually happened but he did make it through to graduation. I think he was a Junior, though??? I'd have to look at my yearbook xD

Yes ~ it's funny and not funny at the same time!

ahh, it wasn't like it was dangerous? Or creepy or your life was in any danger at all. The school was as clean as a school can be, excluding the bathrooms at times. It's just you had to be careful about the hot-heads and the morons who loved confrontation all the time. And kids just tested the limits of schools tolerance of non-sense.

Some kids stooped as low as stealing computer equipment from the computer labs. So, yeah.
The school went through a lot and just cracked down on everyone.

I have to admit I was one of the kids that left school early during pep-rallies. I HATED THOSE SO MUCH! It's a waste of time. I'd rather have gone home :/ Sometimes I would hide out with my other friend in the bathroom until it was over or leave the school during passing period to go to the pep-rally. Couple of times my other friend who drove to school would agree to leave and take us home in her car.*

At one point, my school got at a low point because we were on academic probation. LOL

Our test scores fell from average, I guess. So we went through 3 different principles in HS to reform our education.
It got better, though. And once we graduated, the kids after* us outdid our smart kids by having 4.6 GPAs, etc.

The athletic teams kinda took a dive when "random drug tests" were being given, though. Most of them dropped out because they didn't want to give up doing the "partying" crap. Especially those who drove to school, they also had to take random drug tests. Most of the druggies were smart and timed what they did? Or used a drug to flush out of their system? I think a couple got caught or reprimanded here and there. I know some girl went to rehab either when we were transferring from MS to HS or during the beginning of HS?

lol that's okay! I used to read them in the back of magazines.
I tried keeping up on MSN but stopped after a while because I was getting negative blaahhhrgy!

haha, she has??? That's kind of her ~ w ~
Don't feel bad about that, though. I love planets/stars ' n ' stuff but I don't know how to read those things either.

But I do love astrology as a onlooker.

Same! Just sorry if it ends up taking me a while to get out responses. :P

LOL Yeah, I've noticed generally you don't see something more than a couple paragraphs at most. Usually the wall texts are rare. or they're in certain discussion threads.

Oh wow! that's really cheap 8D Congrats, bruh! Hah, yeah it's good you can view that! You can order any doctor you want. XD

Yeah, true. you gotta be careful. gUMMY VITAMINS ARE SO GOOD DOE. Well, some are. Our newest bottle (which is close to being out thankfully) is gross. you can taste the vitamins. e.e We had gotten a bottle previously that was REALLY delicious :3

Same, I also hope you don't have to either. Life issues suck butts! -huggles- C:

Yeah, I just call it that because that's it's widely accepted name and medical name, so. Unless it has another name. But yeah. x.x One person made it sound really scary, so the idea of getting a pap scared the crap out of me, and then someone else had to tell me it's not that bad.

Awhh, I'm sorry hun! I like it. ^^ Its a nice sweet scent. If you could use their lotions, I'd suggest it to ya. SHINY THINGS CAN BE GREAT DOE 8D

And twilight...that movie literally felt like 3 or 4 hours long. It was terrible. The acting was terrible. Why the hell would a monster glitter like that? They may glisten, which can be creepy, but it's usually because they are slick with something whether it be ooze or blood.

Oh wow. xD yeah, I can understand not asking them for things. At least they try, though! Maybe you can ask them for books. :)

Ohhh yah I need to try that! sounds cool honestly, haha. xD

Definitely, people can suck. It makes being comfortable with yourself really hard at times.

Awh hun, I'm so sorry! I know that feel, though. Just do what you can when you can and don't rush of force yourself. Do little bits, if you can. :)

Aww, thank you hun! I'm happy to have her too. We get along quite well and rare have issues or fights. We can talk pretty easily, too! She's a pretty relaxed parent, so. ^^ Mhm! I'm happy for her 8D It's exciting, plus because of the GI bill, we get an extra three hundred. So extra money will be coming our way soon. Thank you for the congratulations, though!

Well, it was quite some time ago when she was in the military, and it's probably very different now. So while they gave it to her pretty easily to my knowledge, they may be butts about it now. I'm so sorry he had to go through that, though! That's awful. To nearly die while serving your country, and they don't even want to pay for his goddamn college. That's stupid, it's the least they could do.

I know right? I'm really happy! Thank you, hun! <3 I wish you luck too for whatever you do~

o.o Idk who that is. but If I'd of know that, I'd of sent my hair there when i shaved it!

I hope we did! I know they were going to get more American tenants after us, so we did something i guess! ^u^ Even for a baby I was very quiet, so they had no issues with us.

It is pretty cool! Sometimes I wish that we could have stayed in germany longer. I think I was like two when we left, so i remember nothing of it. :/ But I'd of loved to be bilingual and have a german accent. Would have been easier growing up in a german area and picking it up there than having to learn it later in life, ahah.

Ohh I know that stuff! Yeah, we don't buy from Ebay since my mom hates it. But at least the stuff you got was cute, amiright?

No probs! It just wasn't christmassy enough, so it obviously was an attack on christmas. Even though the starbucks logo is green and white and the rest of the cup was red, save for white plastic bits...SOUNDS PRETTY CHRISTMASY, TO ME. >_>
And I know right? it's so stupid. Like starbucks would release a fucking cookie that looks like a polar bear with a slit throat..or getting decapitated, that's how some people described it. So stupid.

Coffee cake is delicious. I am a pastry lover, so. <3 Cheese danishes are sooo good. I really want one now, damnit. xD Bake for meee Miirrooo ; ^ ;

No, we have plenty of people. It's not a small town, but we just don't have much? We have certain stores, but they're further in town and we can't get to them. Any craft store is thirty miles away. idk if it has a problem with big businesses, but I do know we are a highway town so there are a LOT of fast food places and hotels.

That's stupid though, and is really bad for your town. People can be such idiots, I swear.

Yeah,true. they were being stupid! At least from what you said below, nothing was dangerous. It's really sad though, how a lot of kids acted. Drug, what can you do. But stealing computer equipment? really? At least the school started getting their shit together. Woulda been nice for them to have done so during the times you were there! Sounds like it was a rough time there during your schooling. @__@

yesyes! Amane is one of my best friends, so. ^^ yah. And I should prolly read more horoscopes, it might do me some good.
Mhm! Astrology is really cool.

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salvete is offline
Old 02-20-2016, 05:22 AM

I love gummy vitamins too

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Old 02-20-2016, 05:30 AM

They so good~ Just have to resist the urge to not eat more than two..which I don't always do, LOL

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Old 02-20-2016, 05:42 AM

wow, I satisfied yesterday's pasta craving, but now I want coffee cake o.o

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salvete is offline
Old 02-20-2016, 05:43 AM

momochan! no overdosing on gummy vitamins! *hides the bottle in the kitchen*

Cardinal Biggles, I loooove coffee cake <3 and pasta too! and here I am sitting with a carton of yoghurt

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-20-2016, 05:43 AM

i can share coffee but have no cake

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salvete is offline
Old 02-20-2016, 05:45 AM

I had a cupcake before, but I ate it.


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