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kelseydee is offline
Old 10-08-2016, 08:40 PM

Camel abuse!;!;

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-09-2016, 03:23 AM

Originally Posted by the Cheshire Pisces View Post
Camel abuse!;!;
I think a camel would be a fine mammal addition to Menewsha. Why not request one in the regular item or CI request forum?

Don't delay. Put in your request today!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-09-2016, 03:34 AM

I already put in the request for a camel actually if you peep the suggestions thready

---------- Post added 10-08-2016 at 11:34 PM ----------

I hope we will get one

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-09-2016, 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by salvete View Post
I already put in the request for a camel actually if you peep the suggestions thready

---------- Post added 10-08-2016 at 11:34 PM ----------

I hope we will get one
Thank you for doing that, salvete.

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-09-2016, 10:40 PM


kelseydee is offline
Old 10-12-2016, 04:17 PM


Inzanebraned is offline
Old 10-12-2016, 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by the Cheshire Pisces View Post
It must be humpday! Lol!

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-13-2016, 12:30 AM


Planet Rock
ladydiana is offline
Old 10-13-2016, 06:02 PM

Does anybody know about a site called twinity.A 3d virtual avatar site .You can have virtual party's on their .

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 10-13-2016, 08:00 PM

A camel would go great with the dessert items we have on the site.

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-13-2016, 09:09 PM

I've never heard of twinity and neither does Clyde the wonder camel. Harley the wonder dog don't either.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 10-13-2016, 10:33 PM


Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-14-2016, 05:15 AM

Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum View Post
Clyde the camel and Harley the wonder dog are Cap's animal friends.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 10-14-2016, 10:42 AM


Inzanebraned is offline
Old 10-14-2016, 10:22 PM

I, too, think that a camel would make an excellent addition to Mene...and am kinda surprised that there hasn't already been one!

Well...this will be my 6th (I think) attempt to actually get something posted...
Either the internet goes down or Hope wants the IPad or Sarah is making her noise and I can't think...but, mostly, I have spent a lot of time writing "just what I want to say and have said it all right," only to have the words all disappear into the black hole of cyberspace...
It kinda makes me wonder if this is happening because I am just not supposed to tell anyone else about what I have been going through lately...
I am NOT in an emotionally good place right now...
I am fairly certain that, if it weren't for Hope and how much she loves me, Sarah and I would be deceased today...
I had a rough night, listening to Sarah moan until 5:30am, trying to keep her quiet so the rest of the house could sleep...
I haven't felt such desperation since we were all cooped up in that motor home for a year...but even THAT was more bearable because it was our OWN space...we were NOT under the roof of other people who have jobs and schedules and a different lifestyle!
This is becoming too difficult for me and I am considering having Sarah placed with the State...and that depresses me a lot...because, if Sarah could just have a room all her own, it wouldn't matter how much noise she made for I could hang blankets on the walls and keep her door closed...and put CARPET on the floor!
Hope's room has hardwood floor and little on the walls...Sarah's voice echoes and off every hard surface...directly into the middle of my brain!
So...there are few options that are in MY best emotional interest...
I have come to the conclusion that MY emotional state really doesn't MATTER! FACT, it would seem that I am expected to be an emotional garbage disposal and should just swallow it all down like VITAMINS or something! (and, I don't take vitamins, btw)
If it can be harder to do, it will find it's way to me to resolve...
Example: Where we lived before, Sarah's bed faced the opposite of how her bed is now...making it harder for her and me to get her to sit the bed is lower and doesn't allow her to sit without her knees being bent too far...making me have to lift her weight to her feet so she can stand.
Also, the bathtub is backwards...making all those routine movements backwards and pulling on muscles not accustomed to those actions.

Yeah...the only real solution for me is a house of my own where Sarah can have her own room and lots of level space to wheel herself around in her wheelchair...
I don't see that happening without it being on conditions that I am not prepared to meet...
So I'm sunk no matter which way I turn...and I'm getting pretty tired of it always feeling that way.

Well, Folks...thanks for "listening!"
I don't have many opportunities to "let a little of the CRAP out," so I appreciate that I have been allowed to do it here.

I hope everybody is having a good weekend...the weather, here, in the city, has been rather sharp contrast to what the BF is experiencing in the mountains.
Hope's mom has a sad little garden of a variety of tomatoes and some small eggplant and golden zucchini...
They were about to just let it die until I came and rescued it!
(Have I ever mentioned that I can ALWAYS nurse a sick plant back to health...even if I don't GROW them very well?)
The zucchini have been delicious and Hope is still plucking tiny red tomatoes to pop in her mouth...That kid LOVES tomatoes!
Oh...and the broccoli that was left to flower has brought fuzzy bees to collect the nectar...
The garden is still in pretty sad shape, but the plants have survived 2 frosts, thanks to my extra sheets thrown over them.

I guess I will wander some threads and probably lurk a little before Hope returns with her parents from running errands and wants the iPad..
Have a nice weekend! !

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 10-15-2016, 11:45 AM

I am so sorry you are going through all this. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope things get better for you soon. *Huggles*

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-16-2016, 01:53 AM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
I, too, think that a camel would make an excellent addition to Mene...and am kinda surprised that there hasn't already been one!

Well...this will be my 6th (I think) attempt to actually get something posted...
Either the internet goes down or Hope wants the IPad or Sarah is making her noise and I can't think...but, mostly, I have spent a lot of time writing "just what I want to say and have said it all right," only to have the words all disappear into the black hole of cyberspace...
It kinda makes me wonder if this is happening because I am just not supposed to tell anyone else about what I have been going through lately...
I am NOT in an emotionally good place right now...
I am fairly certain that, if it weren't for Hope and how much she loves me, Sarah and I would be deceased today...
I had a rough night, listening to Sarah moan until 5:30am, trying to keep her quiet so the rest of the house could sleep...
I haven't felt such desperation since we were all cooped up in that motor home for a year...but even THAT was more bearable because it was our OWN space...we were NOT under the roof of other people who have jobs and schedules and a different lifestyle!
This is becoming too difficult for me and I am considering having Sarah placed with the State...and that depresses me a lot...because, if Sarah could just have a room all her own, it wouldn't matter how much noise she made for I could hang blankets on the walls and keep her door closed...and put CARPET on the floor!
Hope's room has hardwood floor and little on the walls...Sarah's voice echoes and off every hard surface...directly into the middle of my brain!
So...there are few options that are in MY best emotional interest...
I have come to the conclusion that MY emotional state really doesn't MATTER! FACT, it would seem that I am expected to be an emotional garbage disposal and should just swallow it all down like VITAMINS or something! (and, I don't take vitamins, btw)
If it can be harder to do, it will find it's way to me to resolve...
Example: Where we lived before, Sarah's bed faced the opposite of how her bed is now...making it harder for her and me to get her to sit the bed is lower and doesn't allow her to sit without her knees being bent too far...making me have to lift her weight to her feet so she can stand.
Also, the bathtub is backwards...making all those routine movements backwards and pulling on muscles not accustomed to those actions.

Yeah...the only real solution for me is a house of my own where Sarah can have her own room and lots of level space to wheel herself around in her wheelchair...
I don't see that happening without it being on conditions that I am not prepared to meet...
So I'm sunk no matter which way I turn...and I'm getting pretty tired of it always feeling that way.

Well, Folks...thanks for "listening!"
I don't have many opportunities to "let a little of the CRAP out," so I appreciate that I have been allowed to do it here.

I hope everybody is having a good weekend...the weather, here, in the city, has been rather sharp contrast to what the BF is experiencing in the mountains.
Hope's mom has a sad little garden of a variety of tomatoes and some small eggplant and golden zucchini...
They were about to just let it die until I came and rescued it!
(Have I ever mentioned that I can ALWAYS nurse a sick plant back to health...even if I don't GROW them very well?)
The zucchini have been delicious and Hope is still plucking tiny red tomatoes to pop in her mouth...That kid LOVES tomatoes!
Oh...and the broccoli that was left to flower has brought fuzzy bees to collect the nectar...
The garden is still in pretty sad shape, but the plants have survived 2 frosts, thanks to my extra sheets thrown over them.

I guess I will wander some threads and probably lurk a little before Hope returns with her parents from running errands and wants the iPad..
Have a nice weekend! !
I love that u saved the garden. Any word from the bf?

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-17-2016, 09:42 PM

I'm glad you are contemplating putting Sarah in state custody, Inzaned One. Such a move would lift a great deal of stress from your shoulders.

If you could live where you wanted to, where would that be?

Dazzlingdreamberry is offline
Old 10-18-2016, 01:27 AM

Hello, everyone! My last post joined izzys in the ether realm. I have lost total control of my pink clubhouse! Must vacuum, replenish snacks. Hi to Kirin! Well it rained wonderfully on Saturday. Almost 2". The poor hay lawns are so grateful. I've been unseasonably busy with personal desky. Another two applications arrived today. Hopefully done by years end.

Mr go went on a one week vacation to Hawaii. He had fun. He has moved so I don't see him for lunch anymore.

I did hit a new restaurant. Asian fusion. Indian influence. It was so spicy hot! I liked the unique flavors, but will only order mild. Went with my pal, biker guy. He likes motorcycles.

My fair town had art and wine festival last weekend. Went with Mr x both days. Just went to eat, listen to music, and people watch. I didn't buy any earrings, and didn't miss it. Used to walk it with gf, but she moved.

Hi Izzy! Caught up with your posts. Is hope settling in better now? Do they do trick or treating there? All the shooting etc sounds scary. I read a community had a tail gate Halloween somewhere. The participants would come with vehicles to a lot. Open up the trunk to display the candy. The rents could dress up. The kids would go car to car to collect. Trick or treating seems dying holiday. In my town they're doing a goblin walk on main st. Businesses would have candy. But it's 7 or younger! That's not the Halloween I grew up with:( does your town have a neighborhood web like you had in the mountain? Got to know what's going on. I hope you find a place back on the mountain.

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 10-18-2016, 05:43 AM

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
I'm glad you are contemplating putting Sarah in state custody, Inzaned One. Such a move would lift a great deal of stress from your shoulders.

If you could live where you wanted to, where would that be?
Oh, but placing Sarah creates a whole different kind of stress that I am not fully prepared to deal with...
I have concerns for her safety and how vulnerable she would be to many risks she might face while in the care of a facility...and to even consider the fact that it would have been MY choice to put her at that risk, should something unmentionable happen to her, I could hardly live with myself!
Sarah is 34 years old but looks like she is 13......(I think you know where I'm headed here, so I won't elaborate on my fear...the fear any mother of a non-verbal daughter might have.)
No...I have not, yet, convinced myself that things are so bad that Sarah should be cared for by the State...
Not yet.

As for where I would choose to live...I think I would choose to be right back in Conifer, Bailey, Aspen Park...somewhere along the 285 corridor between Conifer and Grant would be ideal.
I have no desire to return to Oregon, where I was raised, but would rather live out my existence nestled somewhere in the Rocky Mountains...breathing cleaner air...not hearing the constant noise pollution...seeing the bazillion stars that city lights drown out and make invisible...
I want to watch wildlife...the seasons change...
In the city I see a hawk every so often...and the neighbor says a family of skunks lives down the block, but I haven't seen a deer or a bear lately...but there was another shooting...about 2 blocks from our house...(I read that it was a pot robbery, but that was early speculation and I haven't seen any further news about the incident, other than 2 persons were taken to hospital and are expected to survive.)
News media rarely follows stories about these crimes in this area of town...
This might be considered the "nicer" side of "the hood," and hoodlums run rampant!

I do NOT like being in the city!!
I can't say that I "fear" being here...I just don't FEEL good here!
The air stinks! ...the WATER stinks! ...everybody is in SUCH a RUSH all the time!
We live a couple blocks from a main road and the sirens are always blaring...the police, the fire truck, the ambulance....Oh! And did I mention that we are right under a flight path for 2 different helicopter rescue services? travels over us in a southeast path, the other travels northeast....both are loud!
Oh! ...and on some Sunday's, the jets fly over to start the Broncos football game...rattling the singles and jarring my nerves!!

Though I lived within sight of a federal highway before I was thrust into the mouth of the beast called Denver, it was QUIET compared to the residential areas of the city!
Here, I hear squealing tires of drag racing/showing off...loud exhaust...the "BOOM BOOM" of loud sound systems...
There is NO "CALM" here!

Well, Dazzy...Hope is probably as adjusted to this transition as she ever will be...
I see where she holds her dad at a distance...often wanting ME to play with her instead of "bothering" her dad...
I believe that this is a direct result in the fact that her dad is a negative kind of guy...
Where I taught Hope by praising her for all that she did,...her dad tends to focus on the things she does wrong...or not to his liking...(which, to my biased eye, is EVERYTHING!)
I makes me sad that Hope can have a day full of laughter from playing....until her dad gets home...
Then, she cries because she can't do something she wants...she cries because dad got hurt while they were playing rough and won't play with her any more...she cries, sometimes, just to cry...which really makes dad upset!
This not being my house, I can't tell him how wrong he is to tell her that crying is "wrong,"...but it breaks my heart while he is unintentionally strips her of owning the emotion of sadness!

I soooo badly need to leave this house...
I feel like I am always walking on rice paper, trying to not make a sound or leave any footprints (or messes) behind me...for fear of waking the guy who sleeps in 90 minute intervals...(he seriously wakes up every hour and a half or so to pee/smoke/eat a snack).
I don't even smoke my "before bedtime cigarette" any more because the floor creaks so bad I'm afraid it will wake him and he will come out to smoke, too...
No thanks!

BF is depressed and working hard to make money...
He is eating microwaveable food unless someone offers him a meal...
He sleeps in a room over the office at the auto shop he works at.
He is presently the only mechanic working for the boss...and there is lots of work needing to be done.
He sounds pretty down when we talk on the phone.
I miss him a lot.

I'm trying to get into the spirit of most favorite holiday...
Yes, they have door to door trick or treating here in the city...
With the Clown Scare, most schools banned clown costumes and clown costumes are discouraged.
I hope to help Hope and her mom decorate the house by the end of the week...providing the BF can bring me the decorations from the storage unit, up on the mountain.

Well...I have typed my fingers off and must put myself to bed to regrow new ones...
I hope I haven't bored anybody!
Have a great day, All! !

Last edited by Inzanebraned; 10-18-2016 at 05:46 AM..

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 10-18-2016, 05:15 PM

I just want to let you know, Inzane,

If I had the space, the funds and lived close enough to you, I would take Sarah in! D:
I love Sarah, she sounds like she's so precious and I wouldn't mind taking care of her.

I don't have any family members who are being cared for by the state, but I immediately thought, "OMG SARAH!" when I read Mr. Wrong saying he thought it was a good idea. My mind totally said, "NONONONONO"

I love hearing about Sarah's shenanigans and hearing about what Sarah is doing. I'd be so sad if Sarah went into state custody, but I can definitely understand why you'd consider it. If it does come to that, I will do my best to help you find a good place for Sarah to go where she'll be super safe! :C I want Sarah safe too!

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 10-20-2016, 06:06 AM

Ava...I really appreciate you understanding my worries...we need more folks like you, who would step up and be more than a caregiver to Sarah. be her number 1 companion!
I have grown old with she has gotten "old" to me...
Not much has changed since she was a toddler, though she never toddled!
Her skills have regressed due to lack of a more structured day, and I have grown tired...
I have been Sarah's sole parent since she was about 12 years old...her father has seen her ONCE since she was 13...
I never get breaks from Sarah...maybe a trip to the store, or run an errand...but I never get what one would call a "vacation" from the every day, every day Sarah stuff...
My only chance to "recharge" myself is the few hours of sleep I get every night...knowing that tomorrow will be just as draining as the day I just had!

Oh well...that is my life...that's what's been handed to me and I just need to learn to live with it!
Some days are worse than others...

I think I am also extra bitter from having to live in the city...
In light of the recent shooting just blocks away, I am finding myself feeling....not "paranoid,"...but terribly uncomfortable!
I DO NOT FEEL GOOD being here!
Add my lack of affection for Hope's dad and her parents' lifestyle and everyday choices....and my fear of being an imposition and that they are secretly grumbling to each other when I'm outside of earshot...
Yeah...I have little to feel good about...Even Hope has begun to change and grow more distant toward me...

The BF is depressed and lonely...but he got a pay he is being paid $20 an hour for jobs done...except his boss keeps "unintentionally" sabotages his progress...and NOW, he was SUPPOSED to paid last Friday and still hasn't recieved his check!
BF was supposed to come down yesterday, then today...and wasn't able to make it because he couldn't afford the gas!
He is in just as dark a place as I have been in.

Something has drastically got to change/ SOON! that I have written yet another depressing wall of text, let's see if I get it posted before it disappears!

I hope all are well and things are good! [ Heart ]!

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-20-2016, 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
Ava...I really appreciate you understanding my worries...we need more folks like you, who would step up and be more than a caregiver to Sarah. be her number 1 companion!
I have grown old with she has gotten "old" to me...
Not much has changed since she was a toddler, though she never toddled!
Her skills have regressed due to lack of a more structured day, and I have grown tired...
I have been Sarah's sole parent since she was about 12 years old...her father has seen her ONCE since she was 13...
I never get breaks from Sarah...maybe a trip to the store, or run an errand...but I never get what one would call a "vacation" from the every day, every day Sarah stuff...
My only chance to "recharge" myself is the few hours of sleep I get every night...knowing that tomorrow will be just as draining as the day I just had!

Oh well...that is my life...that's what's been handed to me and I just need to learn to live with it!
Some days are worse than others...

I think I am also extra bitter from having to live in the city...
In light of the recent shooting just blocks away, I am finding myself feeling....not "paranoid,"...but terribly uncomfortable!
I DO NOT FEEL GOOD being here!
Add my lack of affection for Hope's dad and her parents' lifestyle and everyday choices....and my fear of being an imposition and that they are secretly grumbling to each other when I'm outside of earshot...
Yeah...I have little to feel good about...Even Hope has begun to change and grow more distant toward me...

The BF is depressed and lonely...but he got a pay he is being paid $20 an hour for jobs done...except his boss keeps "unintentionally" sabotages his progress...and NOW, he was SUPPOSED to paid last Friday and still hasn't recieved his check!
BF was supposed to come down yesterday, then today...and wasn't able to make it because he couldn't afford the gas!
He is in just as dark a place as I have been in.

Something has drastically got to change/ SOON! that I have written yet another depressing wall of text, let's see if I get it posted before it disappears!

I hope all are well and things are good! [ Heart ]!
I'm sorry Izzy. There's nothing I can do but pray. That and give u cyber hugs.💞💕💓💗

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 10-20-2016, 04:45 PM

More bad news, Inzaned One. I read online some reports of abuse at Colorado's adult care facilities and was disgusted by what I read. Your fears are correct. There is a systemic pattern of abuse of residents. It's become so common with the lack of oversight that the most outrageous acts are committed against these residents on a routine basis. I'll spare you the gory details, but those hell hole facilities seem like a step above Nazi death camps.

I know that sounds extreme, but the complacent oversight allows for those who "care" for residents to do awful things. I'm sorry for bringing this information here, but I could not in good conscience withhold what I read.

kelseydee is offline
Old 10-20-2016, 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
More bad news, Inzaned One. I read online some reports of abuse at Colorado's adult care facilities and was disgusted by what I read. Your fears are correct. There is a systemic pattern of abuse of residents. It's become so common with the lack of oversight that the most outrageous acts are committed against these residents on a routine basis. I'll spare you the gory details, but those hell hole facilities seem like a step above Nazi death camps.

I know that sounds extreme, but the complacent oversight allows for those who "care" for residents to do awful things. I'm sorry for bringing this information here, but I could not in good conscience withhold what I read.
No Mr Wong, you couldn't and shouldn't. Good job


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