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Li Mei
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Old 11-14-2016, 04:37 PM


August 26, 2015

Originally Posted by BellyButton View Post
In a bit of a rush, but I wanted to share today's pick with you ~ Car'a'Carn:

I went out looking for a good male avatar and this one popped right out at me. I feel like it might be a cosplay of a character I'm unfamiliar with so I won't ramble too much, but, with only a handful of items used (and I'm always impressed when folks manage to do a lot without a bunch of matchy-clutter) it's a tight 'lil character - especially like the eyes. This is a guy with a burning vengeance in him! Or maybe he's just a mean drunk? Either way, I dig it!

Congrats, Car'a'Carn, on your first star! :)

January 4, 2016

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
Last week I closed out 2015 and now it seems that I have the honored distinction of opening up 2016. And our first AP of the year belongs to... Car'a'Carn:

Car'a'Carn the Barbarian roams the wasteland, taking names and kickin' ass. And since taking names is of little use to him, bein' an illiterate barbarian, 99% percent of his waking time is spent plantin' his foot firmly into a multitude of asses. A brutal savage with teeth gritted, brow furrowed, muscles rippling, and loins girded by various dead things... Car'a'Carn the Barbarian wanders under the burning sun, swinging his mighty sword and tearing his foes asunder.

So congrats to Car'a'Carn on your second star! ;D

October 21, 2016

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Woohoo, we've got a new winner! And it's Car'a'Carn:!

This treasure hunter sure isn't having the best day - Was someone else fighting them for the map? Or did they just stumble through the wilderness and take a tumble because of those sandals? Either way, I certainly hope that Carn's avie finds whatever it's looking for. It looks like they've been through more than enough trauma to deserve it.

Great job on your third star!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 11-16-2016 at 03:00 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:37 PM


July 2, 2014

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Today's win goes to Queen_Andais:! Yay!

Looks like someone is ready to celebrate the Fourth of July! Woohoo, look at all that red, white & blue! This saucy lady just finished watching the parade and now she's ready to get her patriotism on.

I can just imagine Queen partying it up with firecrackers all night long and dancing around with that sparkler - This looks like such fun.

Congratulations, Queen!

April 18, 2016

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
My pick for today is... Queen_Andais:

Fun times? Fun times, indeed. As much as I love our little peoples, I also love when you guys can take the avi out of the avi and make something magical. That's what Queen_Andais has crafted here, a scene made of pure magic. It's mystical and serene. The warm background works well with the cool blues and pink. It's like someone was out exploring one day and came across this supernatural clearing and just had to capture it. Nice work. ;D

So congrats to Queen_Andais on her second star! :)

November 25, 2016

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
It's time to congratulate our newest AP winner, Queen_Andais:!

I'm loving this midnight, out haunting in the dark. The way Queen set up the shadows here, especially with that light edging, is incredibly ethereal. It really makes it look like this avie is floating along through space.

Congratulations on your third star!!

March 8, 2017

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
And my AP for the week is... Queen_Andais:

Now lookee here... Queen has created a queen! ;D But she is no ordinary queen. Oh no. She is also a sorceress, a mystic... A regal, yet menacing figure. Hers is a darkened kingdom, not easily found. One must travel over land and sea, to the shadowy corners of the globe. Her castle lies with the depths of a fiery mountain, and you would swear her throne room was the seat of hell, itself. And to see herself, this enigmatic creature, is to be struck with awe by her elegance, but to also know fear. For behind that masked visage, is a woman possessed of untold power. --- So yeah, it's a killer avi. The mystery! The mystery of it all! The blackened vignette and the flames hidden behind the golden curtain make a great surrounding. Nicely done. ;D

So congrats to Queen on her fourth star!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-10-2017 at 07:11 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:37 PM


March 25, 2016

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Let's all congratulate today's winner, DivineHeart:!

I have to admit it, I'm such a sucker for well-used accent colors. Give me an avie like this, that's mostly monochrome with just a couple soft color variations tossed in, and I swoon. How lovely can you get?!

This avie is definitely a long forgotten celestial goddess. The world means little to her right now, especially since it's so small and silent of prayer, so she enjoys her days lazing about the heavens and tuning into the energy of the cosmos around here.

Congrats DivineHeart, you're adorable!

May 23, 2016

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
And my pick for the week is... DivineHeart:

I fear, oh yes I do, that I may become known as the no-avi avi admin. For I am often charmed by these little pixelated scenes. But... But I love the fantastical and the magical and the otherworldly. And DivineHeart has given us this in spades. It's like a fantasy novel illustration. A noble unicorn calf lounging by a mystic pool in a crystalline forest, beneath an enchanted sky. And adjectives... Adjectives adjectives! Yeah! --- The mix of purples and blues is always a winning combination. It's good work all around. :)

So congrats to DivineHeart on her second star!

November 28, 2016

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
And my AP for the week is... DivineHeart:

Sometimes i'm amazed at what you people can do with your avis. Gobsmacked, even. See i'm a simple man, with simple abilities, and a simple, simple brain. ... But I look at how you all can manipulate the layers, and i'm awed. DivineHeart, I think, is a prime example of this. I really like how the all the pieces fit together and work in harmony. There's nothing here I wouldn't change. The colors are so nice, right down to the skin tone and the eyes. And you guys know me already... I love a magical avi, and this is the very definition of magical. Great work all around.

So congrats to DivineHeart on her third star!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-21-2016 at 05:30 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:37 PM


October 6, 2013

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Congratulations to today's winner, Roachi:!

Now this is how you really make a color pop - Between the background's black void and the swirling waters that cascade form her head, I'm impressed. Roachi looks like a vengeful spirit in outer space, waiting until the time is right before she attacks her unsuspecting victim. This avatar was very well planned out and shows a creative use of items that rarely tend to get the spotlight. Everything flows together so perfectly, it's like a whirlpool at night.

Well done!

January 3, 2014

Originally Posted by Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa View Post
This Friday's Pick goes tooo Roachi:!! And it's her second time, woot!

Oh my, Roachi. I see you're very err... hands-on. Those poor birds don't realize what's happening, or going to happen. But maybe I'm wrong! Maybe Roachi is just, you know... wanting to eat some chicken and feed some birds and... slice some apples? Maybe? I can dream? Well, in any case, at least it will be fresh! And these are free-range birds which is also a plus. I hope they're getting a good last meal.

Dinner at Roachi's house (sliced apples for those not eating chicken)!! Congrats~

December 6, 2016

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
And my AP for the week is... Roachi:

This being the season that it is, it's not uncommon to see avis decked out in snow and holly and warm woolen sweaters, mixing whites and reds and greens. But not Roachi. Oh no. Roachi said, "Snow?! Snow way!" Ha! ... ... ... Nope, Roachi takes us below the waves, to a wondrous and mysterious underwater kingdom. Is she a sentinel or a guardian, or perhaps the princess? Either one could work. And what also works very well is how she presents the feeling of water, without using typical watery items. The smoke and blue splatter combine to convey the sense of being deep on the ocean floor. Well done. :D

So congrats to Roachi on her third star!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-21-2016 at 05:38 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:38 PM

R u b y

December 21, 2015

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
It's Monday! And Monday is Howdy day! I've spied from behind trees, peeked through windows, rifled through drawers full of delicates ... searching for this week's AP. And I have chosen... R u b y:

This time of year is filled with golds and greens and reds, but today we're all about the gold, green and black. R u b y has put together an elegant avi. She looks like a powerful queen made of jade. You can just imagine her, majestically moving through her jade castle. And FYI, when you're made of jade and so is your castle, you're the best hide and seek player evar! :D

So congrats to you R u by on your first star!

June 24, 2016

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Oh my stars, it's time to announce the newest AP winner, R u b y:!

Wow, who is this opulent queen?

This is an avatar that absolutely screams "Look at me!" Whether it's the gold dust in her hair or that swirling ball gown, here is a lady that knows exactly how to achieve the sort of ethereal glow that high society demands.

So congratulations R u b y! I hope that youe avie is always treated like the demi-goddess she obviously is.

December 28, 2016

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
Evening, to all my little winter wombats! 2016 draws to a close. For many people it's been a trying year. But let's keep our heads held high and hope that 2017 treats us better. Wishing you all a happy and safe New Year! :)

And my AP for the week is... R u b y:

This will be my final Admin Pick for the year, and it's very fitting. That's because R u b y's avi showcases many of the things I think make a memorable avi. She's enigmatic, she's enchanting, and she's just so dang magical. Snow queens aren't uncommon to find, but R u b y has created an icy monarch who is just so regal and so lovely. I appreciate when you guys can create a character who seems to hold an air of mystery. It draws me in, make me wonder what this person is about. Basically gets my old, rusted wheels turning. ;D Nice work!

So congrats to R u b y on her third star!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-25-2017 at 07:04 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:38 PM

The Wandering Poet

July 18, 2014

Originally Posted by wishie View Post
I choose you The Wandering Poet: as today's winner for Admin's Pick!

Somebody just found the power of fire! Looks like you got a little something on your forehead there. Better be careful not to get the rest of your body charred

Thank you AA's for letting me guest for AP <3

October 3, 2014

Originally Posted by CK View Post
So, the Admin's Pick for today seems to continue last pick's theme of birds....

The Wandering Poet:'s previous incarnation of their crow/raven avatar was pretty awesome - but this newer version with the angry sky and fellow winged friends just sealed it for me. It's a great early October avatar - creepy, but not overtly Halloween... yet.

Congratulations, Poet! ::flings bread on the ground and edges away:: >____>

January 25, 2017

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
And my AP for the week is... The Wandering Poet:

Here we go, my first non-avi avi of 2017! You people know how much I enjoy a good non-avi avi! And I, meaning me, must admit that The Wandering Poet has offered up a real dandy. As they say, "Watch out for that first step, it's a doozy!" Poor Chibi Mayor, he took quite the tumble. But... was it an accident, or was he pushed?!

DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! *dramatic reverb*

Who killed the king?! Was it murder? Murder most foul?! Other Hamlet references! ... My money's on Peeblo. ... ... This is an avi of relatively few pieces that fit together so perfectly. The smeared hand print from the Fright Night CI, and the blood from the Helplessly Headless EI line up with the wall and stairs so well. It's great! ;D

So congrats to The Wandering Poet on their third star!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 01-25-2017 at 09:38 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:38 PM


September 30, 2013

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Here's my pick for this week, it's Kent:

This is just so funny and clever An inspired use of the birds! And the fur collar, it's makes such perfect straw! That hat too...if it was blue it would be the ultimate old Munchkin hat on the Wizard of Oz scarecrow. Though I don't think the temperament quite matches

Now I'm imagining an alternate version, with a seriously angry scarecrow...xD I'd not mess with him, straw man or not, not when he's armed with a pitchfork! I'm not gonna touch your carrots, honest!

Fantastic avie Kent, well done!

December 9, 2013

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Here's your Monday winner, it's Kent:

So another 2nd winner! A worthy win too, Kent looks like a guard in an exotic summer palace. A pretty intense guard at that! Absolutely no sneaking past this guy! Beautiful layering for the background, the white pillars and gold trellis really does make the setting look extremely opulent, maybe that stern face is more fear than anything else? Being a royal guard has got to be as scary as it is gratifying.

Good choice of clothes for this role too! I especially like how the rose border makes it look like the pudao has a rose attached to it. With any luck, Kent will finish their shift safely amongst the flowers, and not end up grovelling in the dirt at her majesty's feet!

Now soldier, back to your duty!

February 24, 2017

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Hooray, Kent: is today's winner!

Just look at this lovely, uh, baby? And it's handsome...parent?

Whoever (or whatever) these people are, they're certainly dashing! Some keen fashion sense and an eye for dramatic sunsets has turned this avie into a striking composition. Well done, Kent!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-25-2017 at 02:31 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:38 PM


May 13, 2015

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Clap your hands for Mnemosyne:, today's winner!

This is the beginning of every horror film that's haunted my nightmares.

It's so creepy, I adore this avie! The monochrome color scheme is perfect especially paired with that shadow. This is such a wonderful balance of a well-made outfit and a chilling theme - It's so tough to manage both of those at once!

Well done!

August 28, 2015

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Let's all congratulate today's winner, Mnemosyne:!

I can't get over this color scheme - Everything looks so soft, delicate and ethereal. This is the best use of the new CI background that I've seen so far, and adding that fog to it was such a great choice. It makes this avie look like a sweet little snow princess. Everything is in soft focus, almost like an Instagram filter.

Congratulations, you did such a great job! You're making me wish that it was December instead of August.

February 28, 2017

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
And my AP for the week is... Mnemosyne:

You know Howdy, avis that tell a story give me a warm tummy. And Mnemosyne has got my wheels turnin'. It puts to mind an urban legend, or perhaps some age old piece of folklore. --- A lonely traveler walks the roads on a moonlit night. All is quiet and no one is around... But then he spots someone standing in the distance, almost hidden by the mist. It is a beautiful woman. The traveler inquires what such a lovely creature is doing unescorted on such an unforgiving night. But all she does is smile, asking the traveler to walk with her. He, of course, obliges. But this is a decision he won't live to regret. For this beautiful woman is in truth a terrible wraith, leading unwitting humans to their doom. --- Aside from the story, Mnemosyne has done some good work here. The loveliness of the pinks and purples is a great contrast to the eerie and ghost-like qualities. Nicely done! :D

So congrats to Mnemosyne on her third star!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-10-2017 at 07:19 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:38 PM


January 7th, 2015

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Time to congratulate X---AznCo0ki3:!
Isn't this avatar nifty? I can just imagine it being a forest spirit that spends every day fighting to protect their beloved trees. If I were a lumberjack, I know that I'd be a little freaked out to see this thing jump out at me!

The colors and items here are a great balance without ever feeling overwhelming. I can think of a couple backgrounds that would work well with this outfit, but honestly, it doesn't need anything else. Sometimes a good collection of items is more than enough to stand on its own, without filling the entire avatar's frame with layering and backgrounds.

Awesome job!

February 25th, 2015

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Throw your hands together for X---AznCo0ki3:!

....Welp, looks like I'm not sleeping tonight.

Isn't this avatar wonderfully creepy? I can just imagine it sneaking around in the dark once the sun sets, flitting through the woods after some unsuspecting prey. Silent, deadly, and insatiable - How could anyone stand against this thing?!

Great job! You managed to fit a lot into this monochrome avie, so this win is well deserved.

March 10th, 2017

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Congratulations X---AznCo0ki3: on today's win!

I'm really digging this look. Not only is the color combination downright heavenly, but the entire outfit brings to mind the sort of celestial sky-pirate that wouldn't be out of place in the movie Stardust. Fancifully dressed heroes in search of a fallen star? Roving the sky in a tricked out dirigible? So cool!

Great job!

Last edited by Elirona; 05-30-2017 at 09:26 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:38 PM

Precarious Fool

June 16th, 2016

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
It's time to congratulate Precarious Fool: on winning Admins' Pick today!

Look at this cute little lizard person! What a great combination of skin, hair and accessories. Using one of the bright skin colors usually comes across as overwhelming, but it works so well here: Every little item mixes together into such a lovely whole.

Great job!

October 7th, 2016

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Let's celebrate our newest AP winner, Precarious Fool:!

Isn't this avie just a rose gold dream?

Usually I'm not a big fan of when users get overly matchy-matchy with their color scheme, but it just plain works here. There's something very airy and ethereal about how all these shades melt together. It genuinely does give you the sense that this avie is an otherworldly being, flitting around the sky as dusk.

Great job!

March 17th, 2017

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Congratulate today's winner, Precarious Fool:!

I have to admit - I'm not the biggest super hero fan. I never got into comic books, I've only seen a handful of the Marvel movies and the whole genre is hit-or-miss for me.

But this hero? This avatar right here? I want to know everything about them! Someone please make a tv show about how this acie was bitten by a radioactive artist! I'd watch that every night before going to bed.

Great job!

Last edited by Elirona; 05-30-2017 at 09:30 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:38 PM


November 5th, 2016

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Let's congratulate today's winner, *Hime*:!

OMG! It's Tigra the Tiger! Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've seen an avatar equip that CI? It's been ages, probably years!

Not only is Hime giving me a fun sense of nostalgia, but her outfit looks amazing here to. This is a wonderful mixture of color, and it creates a great warrior theme. Nice job!
February 7th, 2017

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post

And my AP for the week is...


Yes yes, I know, I know. I see it. There's a trend here. Where is Howdy's head lately? What dark cloud has invaded my little world to make me choose three avis in a row incorporating blood? And what dark presence has persuaded me to choose a fourth? While the answer is simple... I saw *Hime*'s avi and couldn't pass it over. --- A sweet looking wolf maiden, who has shown the world that her claws will not be contained. She went medieval on them fools. But most of all, this avi is about color. The pops of yellow and orange, spread across the cooler blues. The striking red of the blood and curtains... and mostly those eyes. They pop the most. Very nice. ;D

So congrats to *Hime* on her second star!

EDIT: Holy cow, it's the fifth avi i've chosen with blood in it! I'm all kinds of violent lately.

April 28th, 2017

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Woohoo, let's all congratulate *Hime*: on winning a THIRD STAR!

My mind is so jelly right now, I was genuinely dreading having to look through a list of avatars and pick something out for today's win. So bless Hime for coming up with an outfit that legitimately made me stop and mutter to myself "Ooooo, look at the pretty colors..."

Fantastic job! This avie is ornate and delicate, I don't know how you managed to create such a lovely balance of both color and texture!

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 12-30-2022 at 08:58 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:39 PM


June 17th, 2015

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
It's time to congratulate today's winner, Pistachio_Moustache:!

This is so comfy cosy, it almost makes me forget that my room is 90 degrees and sweltering!

Pistachio's avatar looks so happy to sit inside on a thunderstorming day, curled up with a cup of coffee and a pile of good books. Who could really ask for more? Everything about this avie is home-y and just seems to fit together perfectly. I can absolutely imagine someone dressed like this in real life, enjoying a well earned day off.

December 16th, 2016

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Let's congratulate today's winner, Pistachio_Moustache:!

Maybe it's just because today was below freezing outside. Maybe it's just that I've been shivering all day long, even though I'm wearing a thick sweater. But there's just something about this avatar that really hits home! Just look at all that ice and frost! PM's avie is certainly appropriate for the season, and darned if I don't appreciate a well-timed fashion choice!

Great job!
December 30th, 2022

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
A new Admin's Pick WHAA??

Yes that's right! You heard correctly!

Today I bring you news of a brand-spankin-new Admins Pick (well not BRAND-spankin-new... it will be their 3rd win)! Today's pick is going to be (because apparently I can't pick myself :/ ...)

As I was scrolling through users looking for a worthy Avatar... I spotted something that immediately stopped me in my tracks. I was instantly trasported, diving head first through moth eaten wool coats, squeezed between wood paneling that I am sure left me with splinters in places unspeakable, only to end up face down in a fresh, fluffy pile of frosty white snow. I can't be sure but for a moment I thought I heard Mr. Tumnus ahead in the trees... His voice warbling on the wind, far away but still warning me of what peril lay behind... Lo... The White Witch Jadis stood in the snow, dark, dead eyes casting her commanding aura over my prone figure...

I looked up at Mr. Tumnus and thought... This is not how I wanted to visit Narnia...

Congratulations Pistachio_Moustache on your third Admin's Pick Star!

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 12-30-2022 at 09:07 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:39 PM


January 8th, 2016

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Put your hands together for today's winner, ghostPastry:!

Sometimes an avatar just works, you know? All the bits and pieces come together in order to create an outfit that can't help but make you smile. This is definitely one of those times: I don't know what's going on here or what this little guy is supposed to be, but darned if I don't like him anyway! This seems like a fella that Peeblo would love to hang out with for an evening of mischief and mayhem.

October 27th, 2017

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Hooray for today's winner, ghostPastry!

Ah! This is so simple, and I love it so much!

I never would have thought to create a bubbling flower cauldron, but ghostPastry: did a wonderful job creating it. What better place for some young witch to brew up her latest love potions? Or for a forest spirit to entrance travelers to come just a little bit closer?

April 30th, 2018

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post
Evening, friends! Again, AP escaped me for a while. Personal matters have just messing with my head. Nothing that needs exploring. ... I certainly wasn't frolicking on a beach somewhere in the Caribbean and drinking daiquiris with a handsome artist named Balthazar. ... Please, I don't frolic. And I avoid the sun like I was a vampire. ...

And my AP for the week is...


I think it was Socrates who said, "Life can be a butt, and you know what, it can turn you into a nut." Brilliant man. But yes, sometimes life can be annoying, so take time to seek out things that calm you, even the little things. And that's what ghost is giving me right here... just a little scene of serenity. Who is this person? A soothsayer? An oracle? Another synonym? That's what it reads to me, a mystic, deep in meditation. What are they trying to divine? Mysteries of the universe? The nature of the human mind? The In and Out secret menu? Animal style burgers are good. ... You have the bright green and purple and stark white, but I think it's the pale blues and violets that pop most for me. Very nicely done.

So congrats to ghost on his third star!

January 31st, 2023

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
The last Admin’s Pick of January!

Today I bring you someone who’s style changes as often as the weather where I live. Unlike the weather… Their style brings a smile to my lips whenever I see a new design! Today will be their 4th win! Please put your hands together for…

The city is dark, but the lights are so bright, so hot, you wouldn’t know it. Cameras flash bright like winking stars as a throng of people press against velvet security ropes.


They scream, hands waving, reaching, hopping to touch the adorable bit of fluff that’s just exited it’s hot pink limo. Panda turns… And the crowd erupts! Those eyes... They’re getting lost in them! Positively hypnotized by the way Panda’s walkin! Fans are screaming! Chanting, “Panda! Panda! Panda!” So many friends, Panda can’t even name them. And who could blame Panda when they are simply… Too famous…

Congratulations ghostPastry on your fourth Admin’s Pick Star!

Inspiration and lyrics heavily used from…
Haven't You Noticed (I'm A Star)

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-03-2023 at 10:45 PM..

Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 11-14-2016, 04:39 PM


January 6th, 2017

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Let's all congratulate today's winner, Hadsvich:!

You don't need a lot of items in order to create a fantastic avatar - Just look at this little kitty! The Heaven Kitty is an older item that doesn't get as much love as it really deserves, but here it is in full force. Set up against this snow bank and dark background, all I want is to run up and scoop that poor little cat into my arms.

Great job!
April 21st, 2018

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
Hooray for today's winner, ghostPastry!

Ah! This is so simple, and I love it so much!

I never would have thought to create a bubbling flower cauldron, but ghostPastry: did a wonderful job creating it. What better place for some young witch to brew up her latest love potions? Or for a forest spirit to entrance travelers to come just a little bit closer?

March 3rd, 2023

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Hello all! It's been crazy times over here in Zigland but I'm here for the next Admin's Pick! *cackles until she starts coughing* Ahem, anyway, without further ado, I present to you...


When I saw this avatar, I just knew it had to be the next pick. The lucky cat is sadly a rarely used item. I was tickled pink to see this magical scene appear before my eyes with our favorite lucky cat batting at a host of gentle monarch butterflies as they dip and swirl in the air. Just behind them, we have a hint of something more to come. Magical lights begin to twinkle and glow, and, is that some sort of disturbance? Perhaps a portal to another world? I certainly hope only good things will emerge from it! But maybe we will never know...

What I DO know however is that we should all give a big round of applause for Hadsvich's third Admin Pick star! Congratulations!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-04-2023 at 02:01 AM..


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