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salvete is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 07:34 AM

What are your plans for Valentine's Day? <3

Besides enjoying this Masquerade Ball, of course <3

Glitter Fae
Setsunaela is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 08:27 AM

I'll be going with my partner, and his mom and dad, to Medieval Times for their Valentine's Day special package deal. We get, in addition to the regular stuff you'd get with a normal ticket, a free couples' photo, two light-up fake roses, two glasses of sparkling cider or champagne, and two free small cheering flags for whichever team we pick. And you get to keep the glasses, and they have the Medieval Times logo etched on them. We've gone every Valentine's for the last couple years.

ghostPastry is online now
Old 02-12-2017, 02:42 PM

None, really! My partner and I don't have any plans yet, although I am staying at his house for a bit so I will get to see him at least. Also, this season is great for finding recipes I can make him for our anniversary in July. He's gluten-free, sugar-free, preservatives-free and he also has a hard time not eating leftovers right away, but I was able to find a really nice recipe for two one-person strawberry chocolate cakes I don't have the money to buy all the ingredients now, hence my saving it for our anniversary lmao. I am gonna draw him something nice though.

Liquid Diamond
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Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 02-12-2017, 08:04 PM

My lad and I are going out for some Sushi!! It's expensive, so we hardly ever go. Always a treat when it happens

He has work that day and doesn't come home until about 5:30pm, but I expect some nice champagne and a roaring fire that night.

I'm a Buzy Bee!
LiviInLove is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 12:05 AM

My plans for Valentine's Day: Lay low, trying to sleep when the twins sleep... enjoying a low key dinner with my love and kids. Nothing big. I don't need big. We do little things all year.

Vinny XIII
Vinny XIII is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 12:36 AM

Hi everyone! -waves-
Hubby and I are gonna go to McDonalds lol. It doesn't sound like much, but it's more of a sentimental kinda thing for us cause it's the same McDonalds we first said "I love you" at lol. That and he has something else planned that he won't tell me about yet lol.

How bout you Sal?

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apricotbaby is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 12:48 AM

Hi, everyone! *waves* I had almost forgotten how gorgeous the Mene avis are. Tomorrow starts a 9 day vacation for me from work. (I work the night shift at a hospital.) so I will be off on Tuesday and hopefully my girlfriend and I can have some much needed together time with a bottle of wine. That's if we can both stay awake long enough (we're old). Enjoy the event! <3

Kasumi Ocada
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Old 02-13-2017, 12:49 AM

I have many sweet things to give my husband. He works until the late afternoon though...


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 12:49 AM

im trying to last minute come up with something for my bf ... i just have tomorrow while he is at work.... XD i dont know what to do. im thinking about buying him chocolates maybe?

Kasumi Ocada
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Kasumi Ocada is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 12:51 AM

I don't get anything for Valentine's Day. I have to wait a month for my gift.

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apricotbaby is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 01:20 AM

How come, Kasumi? I already got mine, 2 days early.

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onsenmark is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 02:27 AM

I don't celebrate Valentine's Day, so...

but yeah, I'll be working, anyway.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 02:55 AM

I don't know if I'll be working on Valentines Day or not,
But if I'm not I'm going to watch Crimson Peak and eat a load of kale.

the Galaxy Fairy
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Libra is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 06:23 AM

My plans for the day involve sleeping, then laundry, then going out to dinner with the BF (he's taking an 1.5 hour long break at work to have dinner with me). Don't know if I'll get to my usually grocery shopping, might have to revisit that on Wednesday. I'm pretty excited for it, not sir when the last time i went out for Valentines day

Michy Lea
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Michy Lea is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 06:31 AM

I have no clue what we're doing for Valentine's Day. I know that morning, we have an appointment to look at a condo. (We don't plan on purchasing it, but a guy was at the mall "giving away" a car, so we signed up for that, and he convinced us to come look at the condos and supposedly in exchange for our time, we'll get $100, a cruise, and a two-week stay at a resort. So, we're curious to see if any of that is legit.) My husband said he's going to take me out for a fancy dinner, but we'll see. He's a lot of talk.

*Hime* is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 10:25 AM

We don't really celebrate valentines day. My partner his bday is coming up so we celebrate that one :3

2Femme is offline
Old 02-13-2017, 04:31 PM

Working! Because it's a Tuesday in the middle of the week! :P

Unfortunately for me, this past weekend 3 big movies just opened and Tuesday is cheap day at the theater (I work at a theater, obviously...)

So we're going to have all the couples and ladies going to see 50 Shades Darker, the parents and Kids going to see Lego Batman, and everyone else seeing the other one.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 02-15-2017, 12:17 AM

I got to do everything I wanted to do today, plus I went to work!

I watched Crimson Peak. :D

Moonlit Freedom
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Moonlit Freedom is offline
Old 02-18-2017, 03:17 AM

We got a babysitter, and went out to dinner. Nothing extravagant - but it was nice. :)


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