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Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 03-24-2017, 08:05 PM

"Ah great! You brought a lot of wood! That should last us all night!" Carl said jubilantly when Stacy came back with her arms chalk full of fire fuels. Carl was about to get down next to the fire and set up the sticks but Stacy beat him to it. Already having squatted down next to the fire pit he dug, Stacy expertly set up the campfire. She even had her own lighter! Dang it! Carl thought in his head as he fingered the flint striker fire starter in his pocket, She totally beat me! "Wow Stacy, I'm really impressed! I didn't think you'd know how to set up a campfire but you did it really expertly!" It was hard for Carl to admit it but Stacy had really impressed him with her outdoors skills.

Stacy Changed the subject then, asking Carl about his camping gear. "I'm not actually hugely into camping but I believe in being totally prepared for anything! So when I set out on this quest, my parents helped me gather up all this equipment in case I had to spend a lot of time out in the wild." He replied. "Hey Stacy, don't you have a tent? You might get all wet and catch a cold if it rains!" Carl asked, concerned for Stacy's health. "I mean it's great sleeping out under the stars! I've done that a few times so far, but I'm usually the kind of person that likes to feel protected when I sleep!"

It was true that Carl had slept under the stars a few times since setting out. He didn't want to tell Stacy that it was because his tent malfunctioned on those occasions though. Sleeping outside under the stars was all well and good, but Carl really preferred to have something over his head when he went to bed. And to be quite honest... Carl didn't like bugs much at all.

((XD This could be a fun development. Carl doesn't like bugs and so will get freaked out by bug type Pokemon! XD))

---------- Post added 03-24-2017 at 01:05 PM ----------

((PAGE 4 GET!!!!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-19-2017, 08:31 PM

((We totally need a fun bug scene now! ))

Stacy frowned at Carl’s compliment. She hated it when people underestimated her, which they often did because she was a girl and because she dressed a certain way. It was frustrating to constantly be labeled and thought of as too “girly” for this or that. Still, she knew Carl meant well and did her best to make light of the comment. ”What did you think that because I’m a girl I wouldn’t know how to start a campfire?” she asked, more teasing than accusing.

Stacy watched Carl as he explained about his camping gear. He seemed like a bit of an OCD boy scout to her and it seemed a bit ridiculous to leave home with every possible camping item but not enough money for food but she kept that thought to herself. Hopefully he would be able to earn a bit of cash from the tournament when they got there.

Stacy tilted her head when her traveling companion asked her about her tent or lackthereof. ”Nah,” she said waving her hand, ”It’s too heavy to carry and I don’t really need it. Usually I check the weather before leaving town or do my best to find dry shelter. Oh, but I do have this really cute umbrella that I use when it rains!” she added, excitedly recalling her favorite rain gear.

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 04-22-2017, 04:52 AM

"Cause you're a girl? No, not at all! It's just because I like being the most prepared!" Carl muttered under his breath at Stacy as she finished lighting the fire. He pulled his hand back to scratch the back of his head, a rather sheepish expression on his face. Thankfully she dropped the subject as Carl started to explain about his camping gear.

"But what if the forecast is wrong for that night?" Carl asked Stacy, "You could end up getting wet and sick! Carl pointed out as he started to stoke the fire. It was turning into a very nice campfire now. Stacy really had done a good job preparing it! Carl sat down next to the fire warming his hands. "But you know... It's been a long time since I slept under the stars. I think I'll sleep out side with you tonight! Carl exclaimed. Partly he didn't want to be outdone by Stacy but partly too, It HAD been a long time since he had slept out under the stars.

"But! We should have a little dinner first before bed!" Carl said, turning to rummage though his pack. He pulled out his dried camping food that he used whenever he was on the road and started chewing on some dried meat and crackers. "Mmm... Would you like some Stacy?" Carl asked presenting Stacy with some of his food.

((We do need a bug scene now! I'm thinking anything regarding sleeping and a bug pokemon XD Either when they go to go to bed or when they wake up XD))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 08:29 PM

Stacy shrugged in response to Carl’s comment about the weather being wrong. ”That’s true,” she admitted, ”But it’s rather rare and I haven’t really had any problems so far…” she said with a shrug. Of course it would be more practical to stay in a tent but really she didn’t have the strength or willpower to carry that sort of gear with her everywhere, especially since she usually tried to camp out in Pokemon Centers whenever she could. She was quite surprised when Carl suddenly changed his mind about his tent and decided to sleep beneath the stars with her. ”Following the bandwagon, huh?” she teased with a smile.

The fire was strong now under Carl’s ministrations and Stacy sat down on her sleeping bag where Chip was already stretched out basking in the heat of the fire. ”Dinner sounds like a great idea!” Stacy exclaimed and called Boo and Prim. Rummaging around in her bag she pulled out a large plastic bowl and filled it with some of her father’s special poke chow. ”Oh, thanks!” Stacy said when Carl offered her some dried meet and crackers. Biting into the meat she savored the slightly spicy flavor. ”Mm, this is good!” she said, enthusiastically taking another bite.

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-28-2017, 05:15 AM

"Well you know... When in Rome right? And plus, it's been a really long time since I slept out under the stars." Carl added in reply to Stacy. "It's good to try new things right?" Carl watched as Stacy started feeding her Pokemon before grabbing a bite of the meat that he offered. "OH! My gosh!" Carl exclaimed after a moment. "I'm sorry you guys!"

Carl fished around in his bag again and pulled out some Poke Chow for his Pokemon. Pulling a long trey off the side of his bag, Carl filled it up in 4 places with the Poke Chow and set it down in front of his sleeping bag while he called over his Pokemon. They all trundled over and sat down in front of Carl and began munching down their dinner with gusto. Even though Carl had momentarily forgotten them due to the change in his normal routine, Woli and the rest all give him an appreciative pat or headbutt. In Mige's case, she just splashed some water at Carl from the container he had her sitting in. Ip Man was still a little aloof after having been caught but was behaving well and enjoying the food and freedom from the pokeball. "Ah! I'm glad you like it!" Carl replied to Stacy as he munched on his own meat. "They really are quite tasty aren't they?"

After His Pokemon had finished, Carl straightened out his sleeping back and pillow and took off his shoes before crawling inside it. "That was a pretty good dinner eh?" Carl stated. He put his hands behind his head and laid on his back, staring up at the stary sky. "Sure is beautiful, Isn't it Stacy?"


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-19-2017, 05:42 PM

”That’s true, I’ve tried a lot of new things on my adventure so far,” Stacy said with a nod before turning her attention back to her pokemon. They were all crowded around the same bowl but it was big enough for her small team…for now. I’ll have to think to pick up another bowl if I catch anymore pokemon, Stacy thought to herself as her pokemon sat back and waited for her to refill it. She poured in another helping of food and then stowed the rest away. The bowl had originally belonged to Chip but he didn’t seem to mind sharing. He was one of the most outgoing pokemon of her party and extremely friendly.

”It was! Thank you! Stacy said as finished off the rest of the meat and crackers Carl had offered her. Then seeing her companion getting ready for bed, decided to do the same. She packed up the empty food bowl and took off her shoes, setting them neatly beside her bag before slipping into her own sleeping bag. Boo, Prim, and Chip came over and lay down beside her. She took a moment to pet each of them looking up at the sky. It was a cloudless night and stars twinkled overhead. Taking a deep breath of fresh air she sighed softly. ”Very beautiful indeed,” she said quietly. Then, after a moment she added, ”Goodnight Carl.” Closing her eyes she drifted off to sleep with the comforting warm weight of her companions beside her.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-22-2017, 04:26 PM

Carl watched his Pokemon finish eating and, once they were all satisfied, cleaned up the dinner mess they had made. Carl reclined back against his backpack and stared up at the stars. Stacy was shuffling things about, getting ready for bed before finally saying goodnight. "Night Stacy!" Carl replied. He stayed gazing at the twinkling stars for a while, enjoying the warmth of the fire. His Pokemon had all curled up together on a sleeping mat he had pulled out for them.

Finally feeling sleep tug at his eyelids, Carl got up and put a few of the larger logs on the embers of the dying fire. "That should last though the night." He whispered to himself. Feeling the call of nature, Carl walked off though the grass to a nearby stand of trees. As he approached, Carl thought he heard something shuffling in the bushes. Flashing his light over to investigate, Carl peered into the darkness but could see nothing. Shrugging, Carl went about his business before returning to camp. Pulling off his shoes, he dumped them in a pile next to his bag before slinking down under the covers. Before he drifted off to sleep, Carl could have sworn he heard a shuffling sound again, but before he could fully register it, he drifted off to sleep.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-12-2017, 06:57 PM

((Did you want to have anything happen in the middle of the night? Creepy crawly bug encounter? Rain storm? Etc?))

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-13-2017, 12:22 AM

((I remember talking about the bug encounter. It's been so long I can't remember what we had decided on. If you wanna do some rain, that's fine with me. I did set it up for the nextish scene to be a bug sort of thing with the rustling in the bushes. I didn't have anything in mind though for if it's gonna happen at night (like Stacy wakes up and sees a bug and wakes up Carl) or in the morning. So if you don't prompt anything I can just wake up with something in my sleeping back or something. Maybe a wormple or a weedle or something that doesn't look to freaky but will have the same effect on poor Carl XD

Anyways, TL;DR Go for something that sounds fun to you cause I have nothing specific in mind!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-13-2017, 04:13 PM

((Kk, here goes! You can do with it what you will.))

Stacy grumbled something in her sleep and tried to roll over. The movement of her body woke up Chip who had been sleeping on top of her. Chip growled in disgruntlement which in turn woke up Boo who let out a snort of fright which woke up Prim. The noise and shifting movements of her pokemon woke Stacy up in turn. Letting out a groan of her own, Stacy cracked open her eyes and realized it was still a bit early in the morning but late enough not to bother going back to sleep.

Sitting up, she yawned and stretched then looked over to where Carl had bed down for the night. She was almost surprised to see him still sleeping. He seemed like the early riser type. Rummaging through her bag, Stacy pulled out a hairbrush and started to run it through her long dark hair. It seemed that no matter how peacefully she slept, her hair was always a mess when she woke up in the morning.


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