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Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 01-24-2017, 11:02 PM

(("do something, probably stupid..." Ouch!!!! ))

Dragumand watched a little stunned as the ramp completely fell away from the ship, dropping the Dark Jedi to his back. Taking the opportunity that was presented him, Dragumand force leapt to the Dark Jedi, lightsaber coming to bare against his throat. That was suprisingly easy Dragumand thought to himself. "Surrender! You have been beaten Sith!" Dragumand yelled into his face

Cleary intimdated, the Dark Jedi dropped his carbine with a panicked look on his face, "Wait what? I'm not a Sith! I'm just a Mandalorian Pirate! I'm not even really a Mandalorian! I just say that so people will be scared of me! Please don't kill me Jedi! Have mercy!" He said very quickly, fear clear in his now squeaky voice. He had raised his hands in surrender, flinching away from the glowing laser milimeters from his throat.

Dragumand Backed his blade off a bit. "So you... You aren't a Dark Jedi..." Dragumand stated trailing off. "Of course not! I'm a somewhat productive member of the Republic!" The pirate said with a small nod. Dragumand was very disappointed. With a heavy sigh, Dragumand turned off his lightsaber and backed away saying "Get up. We aren't going to kill you. But you are under arrest."

---------- Post added 01-24-2017 at 03:02 PM ----------

((PAGE 3!!!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-27-2017, 09:11 PM

Lielieja stood back and let Dragumand do his thing. Leaning against a nearby crate, she watched the spectacle. This should be fun… she thought to herself. With his saber at the “sith’s” throat, Dragumand wasn’t fooling around. A real sith would have never surrendered, preferring to fight to the death rather than admit defeat.

Lielieja snickered at the confused expression on the Mandalorian’s face. The poor guy looked like he was about ready to shit himself in fear. Oh, but that last bit sure was an upset! Not even a Mandalorian, pft! Though it made sense she supposed since had had been so easily beaten. Poor Dragumand looked defeated as his fantasy bubble popped.

Standing up, Lielieja approached the pair. ”I would have just lopped his head off and been done with it,” she chided, her eyes boring into the Mandalorian’s as she flashed him a acid-sweet smile. ”You’re lucky this paladin was here to stop me,” she said, theatrical disappointment in her voice. Lielieja looked back at Dragumand, ”So are you gonna cuff him or what?” she asked impatiently.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-01-2017, 11:44 PM

“Always so violent.” Dragumand said with a shake of his head. Crossing his arms he watched the frightened pirate as Lielieja verbally abused him. “Who me? I didn't bring and cuffs. Hang on...” Speaking into his com-link, Dragumand contacted the ships security team and requested a team to come and secure the pirate. They didn't have to wait long before the security team ran out onto the deck of the hanger bay. Taking the pirate into custody, they hauled him off to the on board holding cell.

“Well that wasn't nearly as exciting as I was hoping it would be. I was so convinced that he was a Sith! And now I just fell so... Disappointed...” Dragumand kicked a spent carbine cartridge across the deck and watched it skid and spin out of site. “I need an exciting mission Lielieja! I'm so bored!”

Dragumand was interrupted by an approaching security guard. “Excuse me Jedi, I'm sorry to interrupt but the captain would like to see you on the bridge. The Pirates gave up their attack as soon as they heard their Captain was captured. If you could follow me please Jedi.” Dragumand turned to Lielieja with an exasperated look. The Bridge was all the way at the other end of the ship! With a sigh Dragumand said, “I'll go talk to the Captain then. Maybe you can find some way to sort out the rest of the boarding parties if there are any left” Dragumand waved the Security guard on and left to the bridge.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 02-09-2017, 06:25 PM

Lielieja sighed and sat down on a nearby crate as Dragumand called their capture into the ship’s security team, keeping an eye on their prisoner to make sure he didn’t try something stupid though the “mandalorian” seemed docile enough now that he had surrendered. A few minutes later she heard the elevator ding and a small group arrived to haul him off, presumably to some holding cell so they could question him.

Lielieja turned her attention back to her partner as he spoke up, describing his woe. ”You seemed excited enough when you were squishing your face against my chest…” Lielieja said, the snark apparent in her voice. She was cut off when another security guard showed up. As he spoke, she thought to herself how inconvenient it was that the plural of “jedi” was “jedi”. So how was she supposed to know if he meant the both of them? Or rather Dragumand, to whom he was speaking.

Dragumand cleared that question up for her when he suggested that she stay in the bay while he go up top to talk to the bigwig of the ship. ”So you’re just gonna leave me here to clean up this mess?” she asked with mock annoyance. ”Obviously it must mean you think I’m the better fighter,” she added before he could interrupt, ”I guess I could take care of it, though you’ll have to make it up to me later,” she said, crossing her arms against her chest.

In all honesty she rather liked this arrangement. Talking and diplomacy weren’t her favorite things. She would much rather kick a couple of pirates if they showed up…or maybe just take a nap behind one of those stacks of crates…

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-17-2017, 07:21 PM

((LOLOL XD The plural of "jedi" XD That cracked me up!!))

"I didn't say that!" Dragumand called over his shoulder at Lielieja's quip about being a better fighter. "Fine I owe you one this time!" He added as the security guard led him away. Just as Dragumand had suspected, the trip to the bridge took what felt like an hour even if it was was only a few minutes. The Captain gave him the usual spiel of thanks and gratitude and "Can I offer you some sort of compensation?" Why do they always ask that? We are Jedi! We don't take compensation! Dragumand thought, shaking his head. "And lastly," The Captain said, starting to wrap up their conversation, "My ship took a pretty good beating today. Unfortunately the first thing the pirates went for was propulsion. Our engines are all shoot up. Hyperdrive is offline. Our engineers don't have the necessary parts to fix it. Luckily our communications still work and we were able to send a distress signal. But..." Dragumand didn't like the sound of that. "But it's going to be 3 standard days till the transports and repair ships will arrive."

Dragumand sighed, "Thank you for letting me know Captain. I will go and inform my companion that we will be staying a bit longer than we intended." With a nod to the Captain, Dragumand excused himself and made his way out of the bridge. Dragumand used his holo to check in with Lielieja to see where she was. "Nobody ever answers when I call..." He said after he received no reply. Checking the holo tracker he saw that Lielieja was still in the hanger and made his way down to fill her in.

It was well over an hour by the time he got back to the hanger bay, having to stop every so often to talk to insistently thankful passengers. Making his way across the deck where their short battle took place, Dragumand Looked around for Lielieja but didn't see her anywhere. "Lielieja? Hello? Where are you?" He called out checking his tracker again. It said she was right near by but he didn't see her anywhere.

Last edited by Car'a'Carn; 02-17-2017 at 07:36 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-19-2017, 06:59 PM

Lielieja watched Dragumand’s retreating form until he disappeared into the elevator and then gave herself a pat on the back for getting the “easy” job. Looking around she walked toward the hangar bay shield doors to see if there were any other incoming ships. As she watched however, the few remaining pirates zipped away, fleeing into hyperspace after the beating they received. ”Good idea,” she muttered, ”Saves me the trouble.”

Walking back across the deck, she kicked a spare bit of armor and watched it skitter away until it came to a clanging halt against a pile of crates. That seemed like as good a place as any to lay back and wait for Dragumand. Looking back toward the Mandalorian’s ship though, she got a better idea. With a force leap she jumped over the gangway that was lying on the floor where she had cut it away and up into the ship.

After stepping into the cockpit Lielieja looked around to see if their Mandalorian friend had left anything worthwhile but apart from a spare blaster and some bits and bobs there wasn’t really anything interesting to be found. ”It kind of smells like ass in here…” she murmered to herself, ”But I guess it will do.” Falling back into the copilot’s seat, she kicked her feet up on the controls and put her hands behind her head. After wiggling around for a moment to get comfy, she quickly dozed off.

- - -

Lielieja roused when she heard Dragumand shouting somewhere nearby. Opening her eyes and taking in the sight of the controls underneath her boots it took her a moment to recall where she was. Yawning, Lielieja stretched like a cat before disentangling herself from the chair and jumping out the back of the ship. ”Finally,” she said, ”I took care of things in here hours ago, where have you been!” she asked, covering the fact that she had in fact been sleeping for who knew how long.

((Reminder of what the ship looks like: SS-54 assault ship | Wookieepedia | Fandom powered by Wikia))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 03-24-2017, 04:40 PM

Dragumand was a little startled by Lielieja suddenly appearing behind him out of the ship. She was so silent when she moved that it often made it hard to know when she was sneaking up on you if you weren't paying attention with the force. "Ah there you are!" Dragumand said as he listened to her complain about the time. "Hours huh?" Dragumand muttered, "You know I've only been gone for around an hour and a half right?" He added, loud enough for Lielieja to hear.

"And what were you doing anyways that made you so busy you couldn't answer my holocall earlier?" Dragumand was getting a bit suspicious. "Anyways... I went and talked to the captain. I have some bad news." Dragumand walked over to a nearby crate and leaned back against it. With his arms folded across his chest, Dragumand retold what the Captain had told him, occasionally waving around his hands or pointing at Lielieja. "So basically... We are stuck here for 3 days and there aren't any ships on board that can get us out of here." Dragumand summed up. "Well, except for the one you cut up over there." Dragumand added, pointing at the pirates SS-54 assault ship and poking at Lielieja's tendency to destroy things first and ask questions later.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-24-2017, 05:00 PM

((OMG I laughed so hard at the waving his hands around part. XDDD))

”It felt like hours…” Lielieja grumbled quietly, not in the least bothered about being called out on her exaggeration of the passing of time. It was something she did quite often so she doubted her companion would suspect her for it. Lielieja opened her mouth to respond to Dragumand’s inquiry as to why she couldn’t take his holocall earlier but was spared answering when he swiped the issue aside to tell her about his meeting with the ship’s captain. Lielieja listened silently as he explained, his hands gesturing needlessly around as he spoke. ”Three days?!” Lielieja grumbled. That was simply unacceptable! She had shopping to do and clubs to visit!

Turning to look at the ship behind her she gave it an appraising glance. ”Screw that, we have places to be!” she said, the annoyance clear in her voice. ”That thing is a hunk of junk,” she said, pointing over her shoulder to the ship behind, ”But we can definitely fix it up enough to get us back to Coruscant,” she said confidently. ”Now be a sport and force lift that gangplank back into place,” she ordered, flashing Dragumand her best smile in hopes of winning him over to do as she asked.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 03-28-2017, 06:18 PM

((HAH! XD I was hoping that would get a good laugh!! :P))

Dragumand wasn't surprised by Lielieja's soured mood at all. She always hated it when their plans got derailed! Then again Dragumand did as well. "Hey now... Thats ship is a classic! A little love and some fresh parts... Someone could turn that into a really nice ship!" Dragumand retored, "Plus it would look really nice in my hanger back on courascant..." He added trailing off. Dragumand was surprised by her suggesting but it totally made sense. If they could get the ship in good working order, they could be out of here and on to their next mission in no time! "Good idea Lielieja, I wasn't too keen on waitin a whole 3 days either!" Dragumand replied.

"Aren't you better at foce stuff than me...?" Dragumand said when Lielieja asked him to lift the gangplank. She really was better than he was with force abilites but then she flashed him that smile that he never was able to refuse somehow... "Oh alright... Even though I always seem to get stuck with the heavy lifting!" Dragumand said before turning his concentration on the dismembered ship. Closing his eyes, Dragumand raised a hand towards the gangplank and reached out with the force, feeling it flow through him. Carefully, Dragumand raised the gangplank back up to it's original angle, the melted edges of the sheered off durasteel just barely touching back together. "How is that position? Do I need to adjust it at all?" Dragumand asked as he held the gangplank suspended in the air.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-19-2017, 07:45 PM

Lielieja regarded her companion as he assessed the ship behind her. ”You can’t be serious…” she said wryly. But from the expression on Dagumand’s face it was clear that he was at least considering it. ”I wouldn’t want that ugly thing parked at my apartment on Coruscant…” she said doubtfully. Still, she was happy that he was at least interested enough to fix it up for the short return journey to Corucant. It would be far from pleasant with no sleeping chambers or creature comforts but it beat sitting around waiting for rescue and they could always go into a meditation trance to make the time go by faster.

Lielieja just shrugged when Dragumand asked why she wasn’t the one lifting the plank. In truth it was a compliment and she was indeed better at using the force where he excelled at the saber but like all jedi both were well rounded enough from their training as padawans. The female jedi watched as her companion lifted the heavy metal plate into place and waited until he held it steady to bend down close to examine the bond. ”Looks good to me,” she said, pulling out her lightsaber. A familiar hiss echoed throughout the hanger bay as she activated the weapon and methodically began to use it to weld the metal back together.

Once she was finished she extinguished the blade and stepped back to admire her handiwork. ”Not bad, eh?” she asked, glancing back at Dragumand. Stepping back up to the ship she punched a button on the outside panel to lower the landing ramp. It creaked and groaned loudly in protest but stayed firmly in place. ”We should probably run some diagnostics first though…” she muttered to herself. It wouldn’t due for them to suffocate in space due to an imperfect seal. That would be a boring and meaningless way to die for sure.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 04-22-2017, 05:23 AM

"All the more reason for me to keep it then!" Dragumand said with a clap of his hands. Lielieja had stopped listening though and so he moved on.

Dragumand wasn't supprised when no answer was forthcoming from Lielieja. She was much more powerful in the force than he but sometimes it seemed like she'd rather stab an enemy in the back or kick them in the face than use her ample force power. He hoped she had taken it more as a compliment and less of him whining about his job. Dragumand held the ramp firmly in place as Lielieja inspected it, "That's wonderful. Now lets zip this ship up before I lose my concentration..." Dragumand replied as he struggled to keep the loading ramp steady. His words were flat and lifeless but it wasn't surprising considering how hard he was concentrating.

Dragumand released his hold on the Ship's ramp as soon as Lielieja extinguished her Lightsaber and walked up to the joint between the ship and where the ramp had been cut away. "Well... Dragumand murmured as he inspected the seam, "I'm impressed! You used the force to flatten out the melted portions of the ramp as you melted them back together! That was brilliant!" Dragumand raved on as he looked at the fresh weld. "A diagnostic would indeed be prudent before we lift off." He said patting the ship affectionately with his hand. He was glad it was back in one piece.

Finishing his inspection he started walking up the ramp into the ship. "Well done Lielieja! I guess it was better I held onto the ramp after all! I don't think my joint would have been as smooth." Dragumand said over his shoulder, praising his partner. "Comon, Lets go get that diagnostic out of the way and get out of here! I bet there won't be any problems and we can leave at once." Dragumand entered the ship and made his way towards the bridge. Seeing the Captains chair, dragumand dropped into it and stated running some preflight diagnostic tests while he waited for Lielieja to jump on board with him.

((XD hehehe! Did you see what I did there? With the Captains chair? XD lolol! If it isn't clear, I was trying to set it up for a moment like when we play and you get mad at me for sitting in YOUR chair when we are on your ship XD Let me know if you like it otherwise I can change it a bit!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-16-2017, 07:10 PM

Lielieja followed Dragumand into the ship, smiling at his praise in spite of her usual snarky attitude. ”I’m all for getting out of here,” she said, her voice echoing in the enclosed metallic corridor. ”It’s just a shame I won’t get to see the captain’s face as we blow on out of here…” Lielielja was cut short as she reached the bridge to find Dragumand sitting in the captain’s chair. Frowning, she cleared her throat but her companion was too engrossed in the preflight process to notice her distress. Stepping around his bulk, she leaned back on the controls and crossed her arms and legs. ”I’m pretty sure we talked about this…” she said cryptically. Pausing for effect, she waved towards her companion and the chair he was currently occupying and cleared her throat again. ”I think you’re sitting in my chair…” she said at last, raising her eyebrow and giving Dragumand a poignant look.

((Sorry for the long wait!))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 05-28-2017, 04:43 AM

Dragumand heard Lielieja as she came down the hall, "Well we could always start a holocall to say goodbye before we leave!" He suggested cheerfully as she entered the bridge. Dragumand continued his preflight checks of all the systems. He raised the gangway that Lielieja had chopped in half and ran a test on the seal to make sure nothing would happen during Hyperspace. Everything checked out ok.

Dragumand was so ready to be back at Coruscant after their little adventure aboard the transport. He was so engrossed in his system checking that he hardly noticed Lielieja clearing her throat. He was just about to suggest that she sit down and strap in when she stepped around him and leaned against the control console. "Umm... I was just about to..." Dragumand started but was interrupted by Lielieja. "Huh? Talked about what?" Dragumand played dumb. "I think you're sitting in my chair..." Lielieja added pointedly.

Dragumand looked up at her, noting her quirked eyebrow and poignant look. "Ah... THAT this... I was just thinking you know... I mean... You ALWAYS get to fly! I just thought that I... Maybe... Just this once..." Dragumand's shoulders slumped a little. "...Oh fine!" With a great effort of will, Dragumand peeled himself away from the Captains seat and moved over to the navigation and communications station. Thank goodness there was more than one seat on the bridge. From his new chair, Dragumand finished that last of the preflights before turning to address Lieliela with a glower. "Preflight checks are all done. Everything is ship shape so we're ready to leave whenever you are." He finished with a frown, turning his attentions back to his station. "One of these days..." He mumbled under his breath.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-19-2017, 08:21 PM

Lielieja rolled her eyes at Dragumand’s suggestion about the holocall. The point was that she wanted to see the captain’s surprised expression as they blasted off, not call to chit chat and say “tata”. And besides, his holographic projection just wouldn’t do it justice. Any further thoughts about the captain were pushed aside apart from who would sit in the captain’s chair.

”Yes, THAT this,” Lielieja said with her hands on her hips. ”Of course I always get to fly!” she said indignant, ”If you were the one flying it would take us forever to get anywhere! You always wait for the takeoff and docking procedures and you fly like a grandma!” she said. ”My way of flying is much more time efficient.”

He obviously wasn’t happy but Dragumand eventually gave up the chair. Lielieja saw his disappointed/pouty puppy dog look and it make her feel at least a little bad about making him get up. But what she said was true, he did take forever flying places and she wanted to get back to Coruscant quickly.

Sitting down in the unoccupied chair, Lielieja waited for Dragumand to finish the last of the preflight procedures. ”Alright, let’s blow this joint!” she said when they were finally ready to roll. Bringing the engines online Lielieja gave them a little extra oomph before zipping out of the docking bay and out into space. ”Bye Captain!” she said sarcastically as she put on an extra burst of speed heading out towards the open space where they could make the jump to light speed.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-21-2017, 07:26 PM

Dragumand cinched the straps of his harness. With Lielieja flying, he would definitely need them. "And... I think you mean, I follow the rules and observe proper and SAFE docking and take off protocols?" He replied after giving the all clear form the preflights "Also, I do not fly like a grandpa! I fly normally! Your way is only more time efficient because you push the engines to the max!" Dragumand argued further. It was no use though. Lielieja probably wasn't even listening. He didn't think he'd ever get to fly them anywhere unless it was an emergency.

Suddenly Dragumand heard the whine of the inertial dampeners as Lielieja punched the accelerator. "Hey take it easy! I want to keep this ship you know!" Dragumand complained at Lielieja's rough treatment. "And you know, it wasn't the captains fault we were gonna have to stay. It was just bad luck that the pirates were out here today." Dragumand sent off a quick goodbye to the Captain before turning his attentions back to the navigation screen. "Alright... Course laid in for Courscant. Ready when you are for the jump to light speed." Dragumand said, still sour about not getting to pilot the ship.

((So where do you want to go? Are we gonna go back to Courscant? Should we intercept a transmission along the way back and divert to a different adventure? I remember last year talking about a dystopian sorta of planet like Taris but I don't remember what the story line idea was XD lol. Let me know what you think!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-12-2017, 06:59 PM

((The original plan was to go back to Coruscant but like you said we could always have them be diverted to somewhere else. I don’t have anything special in mind. If they go to Coruscant Lielieja will want to go shopping/clubbing and then you could drag her off on a mission or we could skip that and have them go save the world or something. XD What do you think?))

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-12-2017, 11:44 PM

((Hmm... The clubbing and shopping sounds like it would be fun XD Like it would be a little more fast paced and less detailed than fight scenes and stuff Also it would be fun to see them in their leisure time :P Lets do that! Coruscant HO!!))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-13-2017, 04:28 PM

((Sounds good to me!))

”You totally fly like a grandpa,” replied Lielieja as they whipped out through open space. ”I still can’t believe you want to keep this hunk of junk…” she muttered when he began to complain about the way she was handling the ship. She simply rolled her eyes at the part about bad luck. They always seemed to run into these sorts of situations. It was part of being a jedi she supposed but still, it wouldn’t hurt for things to go smoothly just once at least…

”Coruscant here we come!” Lielieja said, punching the button for light speed. White lines of light began to form in front of the screen and with a slight jerk the ship made the jump. Kicking back in her chair Lielieja put her hands behind her head. ”I’m so ready for a break,” she mused. ”I think when we get back I’ll do a bit of shopping then visit the clubs…” she let out a dreamy sigh, already imagining what sort of sexy getup she might wear and which of her favorite clubs to go to first.

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-13-2017, 08:05 PM

(( I should be working... ))
"I fly responsibly." Dragumand retorted under his breath. "It sure will be nice to be home for a bit." He agreed once they had made the jump to hyperspace. "Ooorrr we can report to the Jedi Temple like we are supposed to for a debrief..." Dragumand trailed off as it was clear Lielieja was completely ignoring him, already imagining shopping in the Old Galactic Market. She's probably thinking about some new sexy outfit she can add to her collection. Dragumand thought to himself.

It would be nice to go out though. It had been a while since he had been able to wear anything besides his Jedi robes. "I guess a bit of clubbing wouldn't hurt" He said, "We can always find a dealer that we can persuade to stop selling death sticks..." With that, Dragumand made sure to punch in his appartment landing pad as their destination and kicked back in his chair. It would be a much shorter flight with ship they had commandeered and he couldn't wait to get home.


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