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star2000shadow is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 05:31 PM

Well at least they tried. i know other sites who didnt' even bother 'shrugs'. lifes jsut been hard on everyone and im listening to my roommate complain because oh y eah he's got to stay up another two hours because the landlord was finally reached, she coudlnt' be bothered to call all last week what witht he snow storms. to let us know and stuff. and he's torn between how cluttered the apartment is and all that. its frustrating.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 05:33 PM

yeah, that's true! i'm just glad mene's still around, i wasn't expecting an event at all, so this is really nice. i'm just getting stressed on the EI front because i had this whole weekend free, but the next few days are going to be incredibly busy, so i just know i'm gonna miss out on the EIs, if they release them at all. :/

that does sound really frustrating...

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 05:40 PM

I'll take care of you. Open me up a trade and tell me what you want

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 05:45 PM

you're so sweet hummy!! thank you

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Protagonist is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 06:11 PM

I appreciate it but...Id like some memorabilia


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star2000shadow is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
yeah, that's true! i'm just glad mene's still around, i wasn't expecting an event at all, so this is really nice. i'm just getting stressed on the EI front because i had this whole weekend free, but the next few days are going to be incredibly busy, so i just know i'm gonna miss out on the EIs, if they release them at all. :/

that does sound really frustrating...
it is and now i've decided we'll gog et a whole twenty dollar check just so weh ave food 'sigh' the last few weeks of this month are gonna suck.

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 09:02 PM

Hello everyone! Howdy here to bring you the update on the event rares.

So unfortunately it seems we won't be getting any this time around. Cora would have liked for us to have the shinies, but real world obligations come first, which we totally understand. She put in a lot of effort into the event commons, and we here are all very grateful for her work.

I hope for your understanding, and hope regardless that you've a had a fun time with the event.

The forum will be closing shop tonight at midnight Pacific.

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Old 02-18-2019, 09:09 PM

Aw man D: I will have to buy bunch more commons then.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 09:21 PM

No worries Cora! Thank you for the commons!

Thanks for the update Howdy :3

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 09:33 PM

That's okay <3 I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss out on something <3

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 10:32 PM

thank you for the update! totally understandable.


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star2000shadow is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 11:49 PM

WELL I DON'T oops don't get EIs' but that just means i can get a whole BOAT load more commons 'happy squee and runs off for the store'

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 02-18-2019, 11:49 PM

Haha that's what I've been doing too buy all the things!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-19-2019, 12:36 AM

Buy them all!

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 02-19-2019, 03:11 AM

Ohhh thanks for the notification about the EIs! Thanks Cora for all the hard work with the commons and the staff for organizing the event

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 02-19-2019, 03:13 AM

Yeah definitely thanks everyone! :D This was a lot of fun


Kent is offline
Old 02-19-2019, 04:15 AM

Great job with the commons, Cora!! And I thoroughly enjoyed the event stickies. o uo

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Old 02-19-2019, 07:37 AM

They’re lovely, Cora, thank you!

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 02-19-2019, 07:57 AM

Thanks for joining our sweetheart's soiree! ;D

I'm gonna start closing up now.


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