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ghostPastry is offline
Old 05-25-2019, 10:12 PM

here are the ideas we have so far!

Originally Posted by Antagonist View Post
I had this idea about how there are two large continents in the world (where the stage is set, anyway...could add more continents or whatever as the thing goes ), one is occupied by live people (races undetermined...dwarves, beastfolk, humans, elves, and the usual etc?) and the other by undead (basically the same races, but dead ) and basically the setting would be something like how one side goes to the other to explore, and the things, conflicts, treasure, etc. they might come across and stuff...idk, got the idea from this youth novel I bought ages ago. ;;
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
that actually does sound interesting to me, Antsy. :0 is it too much commitment for you to do 2 rps at once?

i'm also lately really into superpowers, not really the traditional Superman/Batman kinda stuff though, like people who have superpowers but aren't a superhero or supervillain, they just have some power (kinda like Xmen) and it's sort of slice of life, like they just wanna be normal and blend in except maybe suddenly monsters start appearing in the world, and our characters would realize they had to use their powers to stop it, but it would be like smaller monsters gradually building up to a bigger monster?

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 05-26-2019, 06:31 AM

I'm drawing a blank on further ideas atm

ghostPastry is offline
Old 05-27-2019, 11:49 PM

that's ok! tbh i liked your idea, if you'd be ok with me being undead. i was thinking, it could either be that we were from separate continents and one was going to the other's, or maybe meet halfway? or we could both be undead and be travelling together to the land of the living.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 05-28-2019, 01:06 AM

I was thinking we could do multiple characters, like one or two from the living side, one or two on the undead side, etc. They could have either eventually meet up somewhere or just have completely different stories develop without ever coming across each other, depending on what happens.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 05-28-2019, 02:01 AM

i love coming up with characters, so i love it, sounds like a cool idea! do you wanna kinda play around with characters independently, and then compare notes and kinda worldbuild around what we've got and tweak our characters as needed?

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 05-28-2019, 08:15 AM


I have in mind two undead characters and maybe a couple of living ones so far, though none of them are really fleshed out or anything, just a vague notion of what they do and stuff.

As for worldbuilding, do you have anything in particular in mind?

ghostPastry is offline
Old 05-29-2019, 08:14 PM

cool! i have one undead and three living in mind, although one of the living ones is more of an NPC because he can only communicate thru mimicry.

also, i thought it might be fun, even though we're not playing DND, to do dice rolls to plan out encounters with monsters, we could roll a huge dice to decide their HP, then roll a fair-size dice for each attack, and then write out how we do the attack based on our number, and then whoever drains the monster of the last of its HP gets to describe how it happens and what kind of loot there is.

but i think it would also be nice to have some characters just visiting to explore around, and not necessarily on a hunt to get treasure from monsters, and we could come up with NPCs for each other's characters as needed or have our characters meet. it'd be cool to kind of explore the world as we write the story. i'd imagine there's every kind of terrain, if you travel far enough in either continent. and i like to think that the more rural places are more traditional LOTR-type fantasy setting, and in the cities it's more steampunk or modern fantasy like Harry Potter, depending on the city.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 05-30-2019, 01:30 AM

The DnD idea sounds great! I've always been interested in the whole Dungeons and Dragons thing but never got the chance to play it with anyone, though I have read a bit about the dice system.

And yeah, having NPCs would be nice to flesh things out more fully, though I'm not very good at doing NPCs unfortunately Hopefully it's something I'll be able to do okay once we start.

And totally yes in regards to the whole LOTR-fantasy type setting along with the differences in various cities

For the races I'm thinking just about anything goes, whether it be halfings, orcs, mixed races, or whatever, though I'm not sure if there should be segregation between the races...maybe some places are mixed, some aren't, and some races are especially shunned, etc.?

ghostPastry is offline
Old 05-31-2019, 01:59 PM

yeah, i think it'd be good to have elves be really like... convinced of their superiority over all other races, because i think that gives more depth to half-elf characters, and then i think there should be like... villages surrounding major cities that are lived in almost entirely by one race, but other races pass thru (think Chinatown or Little Italy), and then maybe areas of the continents that certain races are more likely to come from (this doesn't have to be decided/set-in-stone but it could be part of a character's bio that they came from, say, up in the mountains where a lot of Dwarves live, so they're not used to seeing other races.)

then besides that it'd be cool if everywhere else was a pretty even mix of all the races, and have the most uncommon thing be for someone from the undead continent to be in the living continent and vice-versa. like, there's definitely a good number of undead on the living continent, but they get weird looks everywhere they go.

also, one of my characters is a Tiefling, and i'd been thinking of him as being alive, but since he's demonspawn and demons are more undead than they are alive imho, i wonder if he'd be sort of trapped in between. oh! or, like, the living human parent of a Tiefling who gets stuck with them when the demon leaves always dumps their kid in the land of the Undead. The undead, in general, would be much more tolerant of Tieflings but still really suspicious of them.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 05-31-2019, 02:08 PM

I was thinking that most living races would be suspicious or hostile towards the undead since they're traditionally thought of as evil or sinister, but some races (or occupations like necromancers) would be more tolerant towards them and the same vice versa for the undead?

I don't know much about Tieflings, what're they like?

ghostPastry is offline
Old 05-31-2019, 02:33 PM

oh i like that idea!!

Tieflings are... actually this describes it better than i can and it's a pretty quick & interesting read:

i actually have 2 tieflings i'm trying to decide between ahaha. might be interesting to use both & make one of them from the living side and one from the undead side... hmm...

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 06-01-2019, 11:50 AM

Ohh cool! So they're kind of like half demons in a way?

I have a demon character, but I'm kind of wondering if they'd fit into this world, or if they'd be from another plane of existence entirely outside of the world of the living/undead.

Should we start posting character profiles here or make a separate thread for that?

---------- Post added 06-01-2019 at 07:56 PM ----------

If we're going to use a dice system for the battles and stuff, should we have like attribute numbers for our characters? If so, how many attribute points should we have?

ghostPastry is offline
Old 06-10-2019, 11:26 PM

Antagonist: aaaa sorry this is so late! i was out of town all week. and yep! actually, demons in the way that people with a Jewish mom are Jewish, basically. Tieflings' only difference from full demons is they don't live in the infernal realm and that they have one human parent.

it might be easier to do the profiles in a separate thread, just so we don't lose em since we're each doing multiple characters.

if you want, we could always make portals to a demon realm!

oh smart idea! so, i think the standard 5e stat rolling would be easiest, just roll 4d6 for each stat and subtract the lowest from each, then add the total of the remaining 3. so maybe when you encounter a beast or another NPC, i can step in and play them (and vice versa) and tell you when to roll and what skill to roll for? we can discuss that kind of stuff in OOC or just introduce them in our RP posts, both/a combo of both are fine with me.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 06-12-2019, 01:34 PM

lol No probs, I've been distracted by Pantheon myself so I haven't been on Mene much lately.

I have no idea how dice rolls work...what does 5e and 4d6 mean?

And portals to a demon realm would work nicely. Maybe they occasionally pay a visit to the life/death realm or just pass through, and vice versa~

I can't remember if you're on Pantheon or not, if not, would you be interested in joining? We could make our RP thread there. I've been pretty absent from Mene lately. Sorry for springing this on you

ghostPastry is offline
Old 06-12-2019, 06:45 PM

no, sorry i'm not on Pantheon, and i don't think i can really learn a new website rn... i am on discord, though, i could set us up a nice server, it's really easy to navigate.

oh, sorry! 5e is the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons, 4d6 is four 6-sided dice. and in this case, for stats, you'd drop the lowest die and add the other three.

yeah that sounds cool!

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 06-13-2019, 08:27 AM

Sure that would be great! :D I don't know how to set up servers yet.

Oh cool. 4d6 sounds good, I found an online random dice generator which I can use for those stats. :D

How many stats should we have? I don't know all the DND ones...Strength, Intelligence, Constitution, Luck...?

ghostPastry is offline
Old 06-16-2019, 12:45 AM

i have loads of experience, i'm a mod in 6 servers, two of which i made myself, and i used to be a mod of one more before it got infested in trolls, but ours won't have that problem since we won't post the link publicly, i'll DM it to you on Discord once i've made it, and just in case you miss it i'll DM it to you here too.

these are the stats for 5e (the 5th edition of DnD)

i'll pin it in a channel. and i can set up a bot that can roll dice for us and show you how to use it. the bot also has a help command so you can learn it on your own too, i'll make a channel just for playing with it.

---------- Post added 06-15-2019 at 07:59 PM ----------

and if the bot ends up being too hard it's ok to use the dice roller you found, i trust you haha

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 06-16-2019, 04:57 PM

Thank you so much for setting things up!! I guess I still have a lot to learn about discord's functions.


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