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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-26-2019, 07:11 PM

As the doctor finished talking, silence seemed to descend over the room, punctuated only by the steady beep of the monitor. The doctor waited a moment to see if anyone had any other questions before lowering the clipboard. ”You are welcome to stay with her until the end of visiting hours. I’ve got to make my rounds now but if you have any questions you can speak with the nurse on duty.” With that, the left the room, pausing a moment to set the clipboard back in place before his steps retreated down the hall.

Marissa wiped away a tear and turned to look at the other two occupants in the room. She knew Kevin well from the time the boy spent over at Elise’s house. The poor young man looked completely lost, eyes downcast on a can of soda in his hands. Coach on the other hand sighed and checked his watch—6pm. Visiting hours ended at 8pm. ”Why don’t I go grab us some dinner?” he offered, looking back and forth from Kevin to Marissa. ”Is there anything either of you want?”

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Old 05-30-2019, 11:34 PM

((no biggie! welcome back :> ))

Kevin's grip around his soda can tightened slightly as the nurse spoke before hurrying off, but his posture didn't change much. He didn't even glance at the nurse. Visiting hours.. Wasn't there some way he could stay with her? He felt pretty childish, but he didn't care. Ellie was everything to him.. She was his best friend and she kept the bullies away from him during school. He tried to be everything to her as well, but now he didn't really feel like he was much of anything. His mind was slowly started to drift into a darker place with the settling silence.

His thoughts were snapped into reality and he lifted his head to look at James. Food? He wasn't hungry.. But, he knew Ellie would worry if his health started slipping, so he nodded lightly. "Can I come with you, to see what they have?" Kevin asked. He didn't want to accidentally ask for something they didn't have.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-08-2019, 10:45 PM


Coach nodded to Kevin, ”Yeah, of course.” It would be good for the boy and he could use the help carrying their meals back. James turned to Marissa, ”What can I get for you?” he asked. The woman opened her mouth and seemed at the point of refusing his offer and then closed it again. Finally she said, ”I’ll take soup if they have it. Thank you.”

James nodded, ”Sure thing.” He took one last look at Ellie before heading out into the hallway. He paused a moment to make sure that James was following and then went off in search of the cafeteria. ”I think maybe it’s this way,” he muttered, halfway to himself, halfway to Kevin.

It took a few minutes of walking but they finally turned a corner and the cafeteria came into sight. There were a few others milling about either looking at food or sitting at the nearby tables. Some wore scrubs marking them as employees while others were clearly visitors. ”Now let’s see what we can find,” James said as they approached the counters.

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Old 06-10-2019, 05:28 PM

Kevin nodded lightly and set his Coke can on the table near the chairs. He glanced at Marissa as she and James briefly talked, then he stood and followed the coach out of the room. He knew where to go, but chose to stay quiet and let James lead. Kevin followed closely, but not too close and kept his eyes focused on his feet as they walked. He only raised his head once James mentioned finding something, which meant he found the cafeteria.

Kevin avoided eye contact with anyone wearing a coat or scrubs, hell he even averted his eyes with the others. He didn't like hospitals, even if his mom was a nurse. While he was examining the food available, a pale, thin woman with wavy blond hair and blue eyes rested her hand on his shoulder. She was wearing scrubs like other nurses. "Kevin.. Baby.. "

Kevin's eyes widen some and he turned to look at the woman before turning away and looking over the meal options. "Coach, I'd like a burger please." He murmured, briefly glancing at James.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-14-2019, 09:24 PM

Coach’s eyes wandered over the food. There was a salad bar and a hot meal area with food waiting under heat lamps. Shelves held various snacks and a drink station featured a soda fountain along with coffee and a few other options. Coach was still trying to for any sign of soup when Kevin murmured that he’d like a burger. ”Sure thing, one burger coming right up!”

Coach spotted a tray and grabbed it. He loaded the pastel pink sheet of plastic with 2 burgers and side of fries. Finally spotting a small soup display, Coach ladled hot liquid into a carton for Marissa and grabbed a couple of packets of crackers then surveyed the drink options. He’d already had a soda so he settled on a bottle of water instead.

He turned, looking for Kevin to ask if there was anything he wanted to go with his burger when he noticed the younger man standing with a woman who quite resembled him. From her dress and her badge it looked like she worked here. Not wanting to interrupt anything, he went over to the condiments bar and grabbed some ketchup, napkins, and a spoon.

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Old 06-16-2019, 10:40 PM

When Kevin tried to walk away from the woman, his mother gently gripped his shoulder and allowed her thin eyebrows to furrow some. "Why won't you talk to me? What happened?" She asked, making sure to keep her voice down as to not raise a fuss. "If I had known.."

Kevin's own eyebrows furrowed as she spoke and he tugged his shoulder out of her grasp, his pained blue eyes glancing at her. "What would you have done, mom? There's nothing you or anyone else can do except let time do it's thing. You weren't even there." He lowered his gaze and swallowed hard around the lump forming in his throat. Why did it have to be this hospital? "I came with Ellie's skating coach, he's probably waiting for me.." Kevin murmured quietly, noticing the woman nod and get a tray of food for herself. "Alright sweetie.. I'll be home late, but I'll keep an eye on her okay?" She said before kissing the top of his head.

Kevin nodded lightly and then trailed back over to James, keeping his head low and his eyes on the floor.


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