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Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-07-2014, 01:23 AM

Akira frowned, not really paying attention to what was going on right in front of him now. The girl's mind had shifted, her thoughts were a jumble. He caught whisps, but with the distance between them and no real connection established, he could not dive far into her mind at this point. He closed his eyes, gently pressing a finger to his temple. Calm yourself...I have no intention to hurt you in any way... I can hear you just fine, you need only think your words he said once more to her, you are confused and is understandable, a lot seems to have happened. I do not believe that all of it is as bad as it seems, but new things can be scary indeed he sighed a bit inwardly, moving his hand up to run his fingers through his hair. No one can hear us, your words are just between us....unless you wish otherwise, perhaps you may think of me as your voice he chuckled slightly, if you ever wish to say something that is.

He opened his eyes, thinking he might be scaring her more though. He frowned slightly again, looking over to the pillar with a slightly saddened look. Not everyone will hurt you or is bad...such simple black and white reasoning could make you miss out on special and beautiful bonds...will you not at least let people prove themselves? I do not believe Solaris is evil....he has not done anything to harm any of us, it is what we do not know that scares us...but then again, that is normal.. he stopped, not wanting to scare her at all. He wondered if his light conversation would help her to open up, or continue to make her pull back more. He hoped she would give him a chance and others, they did not seem as bad as she thought. The unknown was scary, but once the shadows were revealed to be harmless, the light allowed for things to calm and be better.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-09-2014, 08:35 AM

Kurako raised a brow at the drow, it was clear from the expression his face that he did not believe her story. Why would a female of a matriarchal society where there men had almost no rights run away because of the death of a brother? It didn't sound right to his ears, besides, wasn't it an honor to be sacrificed to Loth? His eyes traveled over her form. She wasn't dressed like a typical female drow, weren't all the females supposed to be priestesses of Loth? Kurako wasn't too sure. His information on drow was secondhand at best, he did know they weren't to be trusted. No one, as far as he knew, had ever met a friendly dark elf before. "I'll put my weapon away when I'm sure you aren't going to harm any of the people here."

A thief with a noble heart. Though perhaps his desire to protect people came from his inability to protect those close to him from himself. His jaw was clenched a bit, lips pressed into a tight line. They should probably take her to Solaris, so he could explain this place to her and then welcome her with open arms the way he had all of them. Kurako's grip tightened a bit on his small dagger, there was a small chance that she wasn't a threat to them all but that chance was far to tiny for him to bet on. "I'll let Solaris decide what to do with you." Sol was the one, more or less, in charge here. Kurako circled around behind the drow and gave her shoulder a slight push to indicate the direction she should go in. For a moment his lavender colored eyes landed on Akira, to see what he would do.

Lune rested a gentle hand on the unicorn's neck, running her fingers against the soft hair there. "Yes. Please lead me to them if you can." Ever the polite young thing. Or at least, she always tried to be polite, it was the way she was raised. To be proper and polite, and to keep your head down. Except, she shouldn't just keep her head down, there were things happening she didn't understand and some she couldn't fully accept, but just keeping her head down would get her absolutely no where in this world. Lune would wait for Patrin to take the lead. Though she more or less planned to walk beside him. "Are there many unicorns in your world?" Lune spoke the words uncertainly, still finding it hard to believe that other worlds like that could exist, even though she was in a world so completely different than her own already.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-09-2014, 10:13 PM

He nodded his elegant head and started clopping away. The stone walls, pillared corridors, seemed much the same to him one way or the other. Patrin was used to forest ways, grassy paths, rivers and lakes. The hard floors made him want to wince with every step. Instead, the unicorn concentrated on his charge; he thought of her as that now. She needed some kind of protection, companion, to keep her calm of mind and safe of body.

"There are others like me, yes. Quite a few herds of unicorns that I know of roam the forests, the mountains, even deserts. There are sea unicorns in my world and dangerous brethren that seem like us, but aren't. There are all manner of wondrous beings, creatures, in my world. If the whim takes us, we choose a human to befriend, to follow and bond with at the deepest of levels. " His ears flicked back and forth. They were very near the others now. He could catch the scent of the elf and the man from earlier, the one with transparent stone in front of his eyes.

The unicorn peeked his head around through the doorway, and saw them all. And where they were was fresh air and green grass.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-14-2014, 06:29 PM

The conversation was definitely causing Lyra to pull back even more, doing the opposite of helping. She didn't want anyone in her head or her thoughts. That was a private place, the only place Lyra could ever really be safe. She found the strength to stand up and push herself away from the pillar. She'd get as far away from him as she could, maybe then he couldn't be inside her head.

She hadn't seemed to respond to anything he'd said. Perhaps she wasn't listening over her own thoughts. Lyra moved away from that spot until she could no longer see any of them when she looked over her shoulder. She found her way back inside the temple and back to the room she'd been in once before. She was calmer now, and despite being inside of a room, she felt less caged somehow. No one could see her, hear her thoughts, or touch her with hands that would show her things she didn't want to see.

Inside the room, Lyra moved to a window where she could look out and down over this place. It was fake. All of it. None of this was good.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-14-2014, 08:57 PM

Akira sighed as he felt her freak and move away from him. He mentally kicked himself for a moment, before shaking his head. The woman was to quick to assume all was evil and out to get her. Then again, many of them here were. Though he had not known them long, he had come to see some things quickly. He glanced at Kurako, who had moved away and behind the other female.

He was looking at him, and Akira realised that he had no idea what was going on for the moment there. He cleared his throat, gaining from a quick glance into the man's eyes that he was thinking of taking this female to the man from before. He gave a nod, "yes...that would probably be best" he said, hiding the fact that he had really been paying no attention to them whatsoever. He glanced at the temple, before turning. The other should be within the room still...shouldn't he?


The cloud had shrunk, before vanishing completely. He took a breath, before turning to head back inside. He frowned slightly, walking into the large building. He walked along the hall, his body and mind tired from the work, and the strain. As he walked, he passed a room, to which he caught a glimpse of a familiar face. A female, the one who could not speak. He hesitated, before gently knocking upon the door. He held up his hands, and kept his distance, to show he meant no harm and was no threat. "Are you...ok?" he managed, then sighed, "of course you're not...why would you be..."

He looked away a bit, "I did not mean to scare you, or to hurt anyone....though I think that does not mean much at the moment..." He gave her a bow, "I just wished to apologize, and I will keep my distance so you can feel a bit less stressed. The kitchen is full if you become hungry and you may go where you wish." He looked to her, "I have to go now...I have to fix stop what is brewing so it may not harm any of you, and you may return home safely when you are ready" he nods, before he turned away from the door and walked on down the hall.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-18-2014, 07:24 PM

Lune stopped walking, her hands clasped together gently at her chest. "All of this. All of this is just so strange to me. I don't understand anything that's happening here. It's too hard to believe that this is real. Unicorns and magic, things like that, they don't exist where I'm from. Things like that, are impossible." Impossible, but here she was, standing next to a unicorn that could talk and turn into a man. Even after seeing that, it was still hard for her to wrap her mind around these things.

She reached out then, to place her hand gently against Patrin's neck. As if to make sure he was still solid, not just some kind of hallucination. It was possible she had snapped and gone insane from all the pressure and stress her family put on her. Though Lune was almost completely certain she had not gone crazy yet.

Kurako had the point of the tiny dagger just an inch or so from the dark elf's lower back, if she tried anything, he planned to stick it in without hesitation. The resolve in his eyes said as much, even though he didn't really want to harm or kill anyone here, a certain amount of caution was needed when dealing with a drow. He gave her shoulder another shove, to encourage her to move in the direction he had indicated. She did move, but it wasn't what Kurako had been hoping for. The drow stepped forward, and then to the side, with elven agility and grace she turned and ran past Kurako.

He reached out to catch her arm, as quick and agile as any half elf and thief could be, but his fingertips missed. Just gently grazing against her arm, Kurako moved as if to chase her but stopped. His left hand clenched into a tight fist, and with a flick of his right wrist, that tiny dagger in his right hand vanished up his sleeve again. He could go chase her down, maybe even catch her, but it might just be best to warn the others that a potentially dangerous person was loose. He turned to Akira. "We should warn the others, drow are dangerous, they can't be trusted." There was annoyance and a bit of frustration in his voice and eyes, and the way he held his body. It was clear he was mostly annoyed and frustrated at himself for letting his prisoner slip away so easily like that.

Something like that, it never should have happened, he could blame his human heritage for that though he supposed. Then again, wasn't just a way of making an excuse? Even if he wasn't as quick or quite as agile as a full blooded elf, he was still better at those things than humans. A sigh passed his lips and he ran a gloved hand through his hair. If the drow killed someone or just harmed someone, it would be his fault though, he had let her get away. Kurako grit his teeth. It was becoming clear to him that he couldn't protect people from himself or from any other threats.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-18-2014, 09:12 PM

Lyra turned her head quickly away from the window at the sound of a knock. Light golden eyes found Solaris. She frowned. It wasn't an angry frown, more of a curious, wary one. He wanted to know if she was okay. Honestly, she was fine, if she thought about it. Incredibly anxious, stressed, scared... but not hurt or anything.

She stayed there, by the window, watching him talk. It wasn't until he left the room that she moved to the door, bare feet padding softly against the floor. She peeked out around the corner to see Solaris walking away. It was so strange. All those things she'd seen, yet Solaris didn't seem bad. Just the things she saw of their future when she touched him. Well, she wouldn't have seen those things if he didn't have something to do with it.

But, was it possible, that that was because he was going to help them? It was a foreign concept to Lyra. Someone who helped others. Someone who didn't want to hurt at least some large group of people for various reasons; usually power. And what was brewing? What sense did that make? The cloud? Was he talking about the cloud? So he would stop bad things from happening, and then they could all leave?

Lyra couldn't understand it. Why had any of them been brought here anyway? Now they couldn't leave until Solairs stopped something? She frowned again. It didn't add up, and that meant Lyra didn't trust it. All the while she was standing there in the doorway, lost in thought.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 10-28-2014, 03:34 AM

Akira turned to look back at Kurako as the female elf seemed to take off into nowhere. He wondered how far this place went, but it did not seem one could tell merely by looking. Even by his eyes, it seemed to go on for quite some time. Kurako was speaking then, Akio turning his eyes back on him. He said that they should tell the others, that this woman could be dangerous. He frowned for a moment, "is that so?" He had never encountered one before. Earlier thoughts however drifted into his mind. He cleared his throat a bit, glancing away. "About earlier...thank you for attempting to protect me, weather it was mean specifically as so or not" he gave him a slight smile then, "but I am tougher than I look as well, so do not underestimate me either." His words carrying a slight playful tone, trying to lighten a mood that had otherwise seemed to turn a tad cold. He glanced once more off into the distance, then back at Kurako. "Shall we then?" He smiled, before turning back towards the temple. He wondered where the others had gone off to. Looking up near the steps again, he did note two of them. He raised an eyebrow. The horse man and the other lady.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-28-2014, 11:54 AM

Patrin whickered softly. "But everything is real. You wouldn't have your hand upon my neck otherwise." He tilted his head to nose the young woman before making his way down the steps, and quite awkwardly at that. Those things just weren't made with four footed hooved creatures in mind.

He waited at the bottom for Lune. He flicked his lion-like tail. The tuft of long mane at the end swished about. His great amber eyes flicked to the elfin man and the dark haired one. He hoped they weren't going to upset Lune.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-30-2014, 07:20 AM

Kurako's lips parted, as if he were about to say something, then they closed. He stood in silence for a moment, looking off in the opposite direction of Akira. Only for a moment though, then his eyes were on the other male. "I'll always put myself between danger and others. Without hesitation." For a moment his hand clenched into a tight fist, perhaps one day being so reckless would get him killed. After all the only danger he couldn't shove himself in front of, was himself. He couldn't protect anyone from himself. He would just have to make sure he kept everyone at arms length.

His eyes were on Akira for a moment, then he looked towards the two approaching them. The lady and the unicorn. It seemed an almost fitting pair. Unicorns were often depicted with fair maidens in fine dresses. Kurako started towards them, though his eyes darted this way and that as he moved. Keeping a look out for anything, or rather, anyone dangerous that might come at them.

Lune had patted the equine's neck gently when he reassured her that all this was in fact real. Then she watched with a smile half hidden by one hand as the unicorn made it's way down the stairs as best it could on four legs and hard hooves. It stood at the bottom, waiting for her, and she gathered the skirt of her dress in one hand and lifted it daintily before descending the stairs like a proper lady. Once at the bottom she let go of the fabric and placed her hand against Patrin's neck again. "It could be a dream, or I could have gone crazy from stress and be hallucinating. Maybe even I was in an accident and now I'm dreaming this while I'm in a coma I shall never wake from." Lune chewed her bottom lip softly. Some of those ideas didn't sound too bad, actually.

She didn't really notice the other two until they were closer, and then she stepped closer to the unicorn. She wasn't exactly afraid of the other two, just uncertain of everyone and everything around here. "This place frightens me." She spoke the words softly to the others.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 10-31-2014, 01:05 AM

He couldn't say very much to the young woman. This uncertain filly-ish lady needed protection, and reassurance. The unicorn swore to himself he would give her that. Patrin eyed the other males and wickered. He pawed a hoof against the ground. They knew he could talk, but not in this form. He refused to talk to them.

Patrin moved. He shifted so he could stand between Lune and the men without making it impossible for them to speak. The unicorn leaned against the lady too, a silent reassurance that he would stick by her.

Bikari is offline
Old 05-29-2016, 03:50 PM

Xullrae ran from the half-elf, and hid away in an alcove. She knew it was only natural for him to distrust her, but she had hoped to find people who would overlook her race... After all, shouldn't a half breed like him know what it is like to be judged by an accident of birth? She decided to wait a while where she was and wander around later. This place was beautiful. Hopefully she'd run into someone less likely to draw a weapon on her.

lillianrose21 is offline
Old 12-10-2020, 04:34 AM


Niko sat in the alleyway, cold and hungry. He had been dumped on the streets by his parents when he was a baby and he had been taken care of by other homeless people until they passed and he was all alone. He had been left in an alley by his parents because they believed him to be a freak. He was born with unnaturally pink hair and he had cat ears and sharp fingernails. His eyes were as blue as the clearest ocean. He normally wore his favorite shirt he had found behind a store, a white skull t-shirt. He had tattered jeans and he often stared out into nothingness as if he were imagining himself in the stars, with a better life, a family who would love him! But Niko knew that would never happen. He was just a freak accident who would eventually starve on the streets. As Niko went to sleep that night, he made a wish on his favorite constellation, which he called the Night Star. He wished one last time for a batter place to be, for a family and friends, and with his last seconds of consciousness, He let go of hope.

Last edited by lillianrose21; 12-10-2020 at 04:40 AM..


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