
05-14-2021, 09:42 PM
Still though..
As he left the room, E.v.a felt something bubble up inside of her. Guilt? What was this feeling? She stood there long after he left, letting his words echo in her ears. She slowly lowered down to the floor and sat on her knees, bringing her arms around herself. Why did she feel like she'd said something terrible? It was true, he never taught her to censor what she said, but he never ran from her like he just did.
Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon
☆☆☆☆ Penpal

05-27-2021, 11:41 PM
Kaede didn't know how long he wallowed in his own self-loathing but a ding finally left him lifting his head. On the largest screen at his work desk, a message flashed in neon green letters. He stared for a long second before dropping into his rolling chair, opening it despite the name displayed at the top.
Sender: Pietro Mendoza
[6:17pm May 27 20XX]
Kaede, my old friend, it's been a really long time, hasn't it? How are things in Hokkaido? I was beginning to think you off and died since you never get in touch with us anymore! Sorry, sorry. Poor joke. Anyway, I just received your request for the custom circuits. If it's you, I can get to work right away, anything that you want. Just send the specs in an attachment. If it's not too much, I should be able to deliver it by the week's end so you better keep your calendar open!
Kaede scowled at the message, his fingers already flying over the keys in response.
Sender: Kaede Asakawa
[6:19pm May 27 20XX]
Just send a delivery bot or use that shitty apprentice of yours. Don't come over every time!
Sender: Pietro Mendoza
[6:19pm May 27 20XX]
;) No way. I'll be over as soon as I can! You can’t say no to your own best friend~
Smashing the offline button, Kaede launched himself out of his seat again and flung the lab door open. Best friend, his ass! "Everyone! The entire house must be cleaned this week! Someone get me a broom!"

06-29-2021, 07:04 PM
((I'm so sorry i poofed like that >< in-between jobs right now and been super stressed with my current job, with not having anyone wanting to come to work.. um.. did i go too far with the neko rp? O.o))
E.v.a jumped slightly when she suddenly heard Kaede shouting about cleaning the house, and stood. She opened the door and curiously poked her head out of the room before going over to him. "What's gotten into you, Kaede?" She asked, never having seen him so worked up about getting the house cleaned. Did something happen?
Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon
☆☆☆☆ Penpal

10-19-2021, 10:36 PM
((uh, you're good. I hope your work is going better if you're still around. I've had no motivation whatsoever so I'm sorry about the wait. I'll get to the other rp soon. I think. Hopefully...))
Kaede jumped despite the fact that he'd basically invited company upon himself. "E.v.a." He stared at her for a second before glaring at his computer. "A dumbass colleague plans to visit and I just know he'll get himself into everything I own so I plan to give him nothing to look at. Stupid, Mendoza. Who just invites themselves over!?" He was seething so hard that he didn't even think about how he'd stormed away earlier, probably leaving E.v.a and all the bots unable to calculate. One emotion at a time though. He would seeth about this for now and go back to moping later.
"Anyway," Kaede stated as he pushed past E.v.a and started to grab random tools off his work desk before throwing them back down again, even knocking down a whole stack of rejected designs. "Didn't I ask for a broom or something?! How am I supposed to even clean? I don't-" He paused. "Well, I think I remember how to clean."

10-27-2021, 04:52 PM
E.v.a tilted her head curiously as he glared at the computer. "Mendoza?" She repeated, blinking and straightening a bit when he shouted and stepped aside as he pushed passed her. "The man you used to work with?" She asked as she watched him clear his work table. He said the house needed to be cleaned this week.. How soon did this man plan on coming over? She remained quiet as she remembered the short conversation they'd had about the man.
Spotting a broom in the corner of his office, she wandered over to it and picked it up and handed it to him, her eyes falling to the rejected designs now dumped onto the floor. She lowered down to carefully collect the designs and moved to organize them in the cabinet.
Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon
☆☆☆☆ Penpal

11-20-2021, 04:24 AM
Kaede scoffed. "Worked with is a strong notion. I just happen to use his skills sometimes since I already knew his name." As much as he hated to admit it, Pietro was a skilled man. Kaede would never work with anyone he didn't respect a little bit, but that didn't mean that Pietro didn't also drive him up a wall.
Pausing, he dragged a hand through his hair, noting that it probably needed a good wash at this point. However, he took the broom that E.v.a offered him, holding it awkwardly away from his body. In hindsight, it was looking like he might have fallen into a wee bit of melodrama. Seriously, he was holding a broom right now. Kaede cleared his throat and tried to answer E.v.a's questions with at least a little bit of rationale. "I suppose he will stop by when he finishes the project I sent him. Since it's Mendoza, a week would be most accurate. I doubt any sooner. The problem is, he never announces his arrival so when he's here, he'll already be at the door!"

11-26-2021, 05:19 PM
E.v.a paused in her collecting of the discarded parts and plans to glance at him when he spoke, before continuing to try to organize them in their proper places. He'd only need a week to finish a project Kaede sent him? That told her enough of what she needed tk know about the man's skill. "Kaede.." She started quietly, seeming to hesitate as she processed a new, unsettling, feeling in her core. "I feel frightened.. of this man.." She finally said after a moment of collecting herself. "The way you talk about him.. What will he say or do when he sees me?" She asked, wondering if the man would even give her an answer. "Does he know about me?" She asked, merely curious. It was likely he didn't, seeing how the two didn't seem to talk very much, but was it possible? Absolutely.
Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon
☆☆☆☆ Penpal

03-23-2022, 07:17 PM
"Why?" Kaede asked, turning to give his creation a strange look. "The man's only one shade off from an idiot. Why would you be afraid of anything, especially something like that? You're mine so it's not like I'd let something happen to something I made with such painstaking care," he added with a roll of his eyes, feeling a bit insulted by the notion. E.v.a was his precious creation, as much as he didn't admit to any sort of feelings. But compared to a human colleague, E.v.a's importance ranked much higher.
Finally starting to move the broom around in a vague motion of sweeping, he continued to answer E.v.a's questions with a wave of his hand. "He's never seen any images of you or anything of the sort, if that's what you're asking. Does he know that I planned to build a perfect humanoid, far better than any real human? I suppose so, since it's been my goal since my college years. But that guy..." Kaede had to pause and make a face. "Despite working with codes and numbers all day long, he's always preferred people to creations like you. I doubt he has an interest."
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