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Eldweena is offline
Old 10-01-2017, 03:33 AM

Is anyone into yoga or meditation? I only do light yoga and only with an instructor cause I have no idea what I'm doing... But I do enjoy meditation, both at home and with groups. It makes me feel so clear-headed and peaceful! I feel more alert and awake after meditating for 20 minute or so. I find it's best in the mornings, though, because the last thing I want to feel at night is alert and awake. ha ha ha

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-08-2023, 06:44 PM

i am! i'm bad at doing it regularly, but before the pandemic i was going to a lot of yoga classes and doing meditation with my campus' Buddhist alliance. i really need to get into it more this year, even if it's just 5 minutes at a time. yoga usually calms me down before bed, shavasana really relaxes me at the end of the practice. but i struggle meditating before bed, because i can't tell what's overthinking, what's me falling asleep, and what's meditating, so i try to do it in the morning before i start my day or in the middle of the day when i'm feeling overwhelmed.


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