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ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-13-2023, 08:32 PM

banner art by Bianca Van Dijk and Patrick Hendry

Main RP thread

The conversation up to this pointX

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Are you craving anything in particular right now?
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
Cora: Something with a scifi time travel element would be fun! I’ve also been interested in something with siblings/twins that have to take each others’ places at various points, or a prince and pauper-like switch.

(pretty avi btw!! you look so regal )
Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Well, I am really up to anything these days. I've been looking for a new challenge. So any of those would suit me well enough. ^_^

I cannot guarantee I'll be a frequent responder. But I can guarantee a response once a week or so.
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
Once a week or so works for me! Don't worry about how frequently you post, I'm just in it for fun. :)

Ok cool! So would you want to do a twin RP in a modern fantasy setting? Maybe the twins could be very different people and always had a hard time getting along, but something, maybe some sort of magical mission or quest, forces them to switch places and doing so opens their eyes to what the other is really like and they learn to understand each other. And only working together can they complete the quest at hand. Something like that?
Originally Posted by Cora View Post
That sounds fun! What if we made them both part of some like magical agency, like spies or assassins or something of that nature but with magic, but one of them got out. Which caused a fight between them, or something. Dunno I'm making up details as I go. Only to have this mission force the twin that got out to come back in.
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
i like that a lot! what if they're both part of an agency that manages magic use and the agents go out to stop the use of any magic that goes against their guidelines and retrieve magic artifacts that have fallen into the "wrong" hands. but one twin had a change of heart after a bad mission and started believing that magic should be free to use by anybody and that the agency had gone too far in its pursuit of order. so they went off the grid and started basically being an eccentric sorcerer in the hills that creates potions and spells for people who can't do magic themselves. but one day, an evil force gained possession of a massively destructive artifact, and the twin still in the agency has to go into the hills to ask the twin who left to come back, maybe because the twins have a special magic power that can only be unlocked when they work in harmony? and when the twin who left does come back and they try to use the power, they're not able to and they can't figure out why, so they have to spend the mission trying to figure out how to make it work, not realizing the whole time that all they have to do is truly understand one another.
Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Sure! I could work with that! Do you have any preference as to which twin? I'm assuming they are identical. Male or female?
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
i'm feeling a draw to the twin who leaves the agency! would you be all right with playing the twin who stays? and it might be fun for both of them to have been assigned female at birth, but my character identifies as masculine, so even though they can pass as identical, most of the time they just look like regular siblings? that way it could be like a secret that they're able to switch places.
Originally Posted by Cora View Post
I'm sorta getting an image in my head of a woman who is feminine and beautiful, but also bad ass. I think she's a captain in the agency, and because she's beautiful guys used to hit on her a lot, and look down on her as weak for being a woman, but she beat every one of them in sparring with a "don't underestimate me because I'm a girl" attitude. Very strict with rules, very militaristic in nature. She's actually annoyed that she has to go get her twin, because in her eyes her twin abandoned agency and in turn her. But she knows she needs her twin because their joint power is the only thing that will work against the enemy.
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
that's awesome, she sounds super cool. and i like the idea of her being super strict, and my character could become more of an eccentric hippie after he leaves the agency, and always had a hard time following orders correctly, and was always kind of a loose cannon. i feel like he would be really guilty about leaving, knowing it's an important cause, but his guilt would hold him back and make it harder for him once he comes back, especially since the other agents are probably hurt by him leaving too. so he kind of stays closed off, and it stops his abilities from working, but he doesn't realize that's why they're not working.

what are you thinking of for a name? do you think they should have names that are related to one another, like a theme or opposites or same first letter? or should they just be normal names?
Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Side note - Love the changes to your avatar. Really lovely.

The names could be related, if you wish. I'm not too picky about it I can really work with anything. Same first letter would be the easiest way to relate them I think but I'm fine with anything.

I think more then closed off on her end, She's more bratty and actively shuts him out. Even though she misses him a lot, and there will be small signs of that, her strict order of her own self imposed rules wont let her be hurt again.

Do we have any physical characteristics in mind? Like hair color? Eye color? Height?
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
tysm!! i like to think this is what my backyard would look like if i lived on an island next to Menewsha

hmmm ok, maybe something like Hazel and Hemlock? both types of trees starting with H, and i feel like the sound of Hazel fits your twin's more sharp personality, and Hemlock really sounds like an elf's name or something to me, so i think it fits the hippiness of my guy

ooo i like that too, so my twin would have to gain her trust, but to do that he'd have to kinda get over his own insecurities first.

i like the idea of them being pretty short, it could add to Hazel's whole "don't underestimate me" vibe. and dark hair? maybe my twin bleaches his hair after he leaves to differentiate himself even more, so to pass as your twin, he has to dye it back. i feel like their eyes should be hazel and maybe that's where your twin got her name, but maybe that's too on-the-nose i'm fine with any color.
Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Sure, I'm fine with that! I can't think of too much else we might need before hand. The best RPs always leave SOME stuff up to the story to move along at its own pace.
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
definitely, i agree! i'll go set up the thread then. do you have any ideas for the name of the RP, or should i make something up?

---------- Post added 01-12-2023 at 03:47 PM ----------

oh, and do you want an OOC thread?
Originally Posted by Cora View Post
My Brain, due to lack of sleep, is failing to think of anything clever so you can go ahead and make it up

As for OOC. We should probably have one just in case yes

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-13-2023, 08:34 PM

Cora: all right, everything's set up! i have my in progress character profile up in the main thread, you can add yours whenever you're ready. you're welcome to use the same template and icon maker as me, or whatever other one you want. and there's no rush to fill everything in. i know certain stuff i want to wait until we're a little into the story to fill out.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-13-2023, 10:54 PM

Okie doodle, I'll probably keep your template just for consistency sake. I am headed into work for some overtime tonight but I'll get her profile up and ready this weekend some time ^_^


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-21-2023, 10:01 PM

Just poking in here to let you know that I am working on a response to our RP. Its probably going to be pretty long for the first response just to sort of set the stage a bit, but most of my posts will be closer to the length you posted. Hopefully I finish this today, if not then it'll be over the next couple days

EDIT - I take that back. Originally I had a dream sequence at the beginning that doubled the length but gave a bunch of insight on the internal workings of her mind. I decided to save some of that for later and cut out the dream sequence. So its not as long. Still kinda long....but it was like 2k words previously. I'm just doing final edits and I'll be posting!

Last edited by Cora; 01-22-2023 at 07:18 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-22-2023, 10:10 PM

oh wow, thank you for writing so much, even if you chose to save some of it for later! it's cool to know you're as excited as i am :D


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-06-2023, 02:05 PM

Just popping in to say I have not forgotten you! I've been dealing with a bit of crazy in life, but its settled down now. I should have a response by the weekend at latest

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-10-2023, 03:28 AM

no worries! i'm glad things have settled down, i hope you'll be able to take some time for yourself

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-28-2023, 05:32 AM

hi! just wanted to let you know i haven't forgotten about the rp. thank you for being patient, life has been busy so i haven't had a chance to get a response written yet.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-28-2023, 08:32 AM

No Problem! Thanks for letting me know


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