Chemical Kimono

11-17-2007, 02:28 AM
Wow. Great post.
Dead Account Holder

11-17-2007, 11:37 AM
Thank you for putting this up, I really didn't have a clue on how to earn money..
But.. How much gold do you earn with everything (I just want to know how much is much (?) :D)
It's good to have to earn your ow money, but it's a bit awkward to be in your underwear untill you have enough money for clothes lol :P
Everyone fight-O! :P
Queen Kaya

11-17-2007, 10:09 PM
thanks for the great help and advice on earning gold it was very helpful
`Akira Shinju

11-18-2007, 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Michan Starfire
Thank you for the information! I really needed it. ^^;
I really like the avatars on this site. The hairstyles are so pretty! ^^ I'm glad this is a literate community as well.
I know. I prefer this to those awful chatspeak forums any day, don't you? :D

11-19-2007, 02:00 AM
oh please... help me... i dont know what to do.....

11-19-2007, 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by naibesmelaire
oh please... help me... i dont know what to do.....
What do you need help with? If you want to learn how to earn gold please read the front page. ^^ If you have any other questions you're welcome to PM me or another moderator and ask us.
Trash Flavored

11-23-2007, 12:16 AM
Very helpful to the new ones. Thanks a lot! =]

11-23-2007, 04:31 AM
I cant afford anything.... boo me... xD
Thankies for the info
Last edited by Ferra; 10-26-2009 at 09:00 PM..
Reason: Old double-post
King of Cool

11-23-2007, 09:11 PM
This is really helpful.
When I got started on Gaia Online, I had no idea how to play.
I think this site is going to be fun, like Gaia. I just need to be good at the games. Like I was.. on gaia.
e _e
Am I making any sense?
Thanks for the thread!
It helps.
Katsue Akera

11-24-2007, 10:58 PM
thank you this will help out a lot... this site is way different then gaiaonline!!! :D
Miss Awesomeness

11-28-2007, 12:57 AM
Thank you very much.
I see that this site is quite like Gaiaonline.
Originally Posted by Katsue Akera
thank you this will help out a lot... this site is way different then gaiaonline!!! :D
I think it's a lot the same. xD
Last edited by Ferra; 10-26-2009 at 09:01 PM..
Reason: Old double-post

11-28-2007, 01:56 PM
Thank you! This was very helpfull, i joined yesterday, and i have never been so confused in my entier life! Once again Thank You!! :D

11-29-2007, 09:44 PM
I think its really cool that you made this little guide its such a big help!
Dead Account Holder

12-02-2007, 08:28 AM
Now, this should help my progress quite a bit.
Thank-you for all the help of creating this thread and helping others. That's so nice of you. ^0^
Dead Account Holder

12-08-2007, 06:59 AM
Thank you for the tips and such, I found it to be a bit helpful^^

12-10-2007, 02:33 AM
Thank you very much for this guide.Earning gold on this site is quite different than on other sites.
Moon boi

12-10-2007, 06:56 AM
this is good info.. :wink: this site sounds familar but at the same time very different. moon boi likes his new hair. 8)

12-12-2007, 10:33 PM
This was very helpful. Thanks for the help, although, I will probably stick with Gaia.

12-15-2007, 09:10 PM
Wow, that was really helpful. When I just signed up I had no idea how to earn gold, but now I do so thanks. :D
Dead Account Holder

12-16-2007, 07:59 PM
thank you! ^^
that was helpful. :3

12-17-2007, 12:37 AM
Thank you for the help I just joined an hour ago and I dont seem to get a thing about this site!
Granger Danger

12-17-2007, 01:21 AM
Thank you for making this. And I like the idea of earning gold by being literate and writing out your sectences, that's a REALLY good idea.

12-22-2007, 07:11 AM
Neatos, thanks for the lovely guide 8D
Aeris Dracona

12-24-2007, 04:04 AM
It all seems kinda complicated :?

12-27-2007, 07:06 PM
but still it isn't easy to earn gold here :(
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