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Wrenja is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 03:10 AM

Originally Posted by Squid-chan
@ Wrenja - It has a lighted tower thingie, and it switches colors from red to blue and the pieces change. It's really weird. xD

@ Thunder- I had a really good year too. I was a little surprised.
that sounds crazy o.O I'mma have to check it out.

Tilly is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 03:12 AM

I had a great Christmas! Family and gift-wise.

I knew I was getting an iPod nano, but I didn't know it'd be 8GBs! XD I was so extatic.

I also got 2 cds (The Fiery Furnaces and Patti Smith), 2 movies (The hitchhikers Guide and Amélie), a gorgeous sweater and lots of gift cards.

I was very happy. :3

Asahi Kumoru
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Asahi Kumoru is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 04:38 AM

I got some really nifty stuff that wasn't even on my wishlist =O My dad managed to find Redwall... the graphic novel. Didn't even know it existed. And the best part? It's signed by the author *O* Oh the happy childhood memories~

I also got some movies. "Edward Scissorhands", and "The Lives of Others". Plus a gift card that I can use to get more movies. So happy~

I wish I'd been able to be a bit merrier, though. I also got a sinus infection or something. Couldn't hang out with company tonight for very long 'cause I was tired and sneezy. Dearly hope I'll feel better by tomorrow @.@

Wrenja is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 04:54 AM

Originally Posted by Asahi Kumoru
I got some really nifty stuff that wasn't even on my wishlist =O My dad managed to find Redwall... the graphic novel. Didn't even know it existed. And the best part? It's signed by the author *O* Oh the happy childhood memories~

I wish I'd been able to be a bit merrier, though. I also got a sinus infection or something. Couldn't hang out with company tonight for very long 'cause I was tired and sneezy. Dearly hope I'll feel better by tomorrow @.@
There is a graphic novel for Redwall? o.O whoa.

I hope you don't have a sinus infection, those things are nasty. The last one I had spread into my ears, and screwed up the equilibrium just enough that my ears pop all the time, when they never used to before. Getting my tonsils pulled fixed that whole "getting sick" problem though :wink:

Asahi Kumoru
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Asahi Kumoru is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 05:06 AM

Yeah, 'twas a new thing to me, too =O It looks really neat, though. I'm going to wait till I'm feeling a little better to really read it, so I can enjoy it more, but just from a quick glance, the artwork looks really nice.

I get sinus infections a lot, unfortunately. Something runs in the family, I think, that makes my sinuses a good place for germs to have a party. I had one get into my ear this past semester, too, but it wasn't as bad as yours D= I hate how ear infections mess up so much. Make things sound funny, mess up your balance... as if it's not enough that it hurts and all :<

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Old 12-26-2007, 06:29 AM

It came with two games too. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and FM2. I no idea what the 'F' stands for, but the 'M' is for motorized... It's a racing game. It's a weird game though because it's way too realistic. There isn't any action because you can bump people, or drift, or anything. I also got Superbad; unrated and extended version from my sister. My mum almost killed her. XD

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Squid-chan is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 06:31 AM

I'm sorry if this seems gross or whatever, but have you gotten your wisdom teeth taken out?

I had two on one side of my mouth, and it pushed one of them into my sinus, and it turned out that was the reason I got sick all the time.

I got them taken out and I've only gotten light colds.



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Amp is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 07:20 AM

From my mom:
Two clothing sets
My first perfume(which I probably won't use much because I'm afraid it'll make someone sick)
Extra ink set

Pitched in from my dad/god father:
Male USB Cable
A new printer! (I has a spasm for this one)

Ryouku-chan is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 08:23 AM

Well, I got a straightener from my friend at school, stuff from my parents friends, including Naruto Vol. 18 and I'm not even at Vol. 7/8 xD,Fly Pentop computer from my parents[OMGyes! I'm going to pass Frnech noa :'D] and a wall plug in USB thing from my brother. Now I can charge mah iPod anywhere. |D

Oh yes, and our neighbours' son works with Udon, and I got they're first 3 releases of their first 3 Manhwa! 83 It was an early JesusDay gift. x3

Sagitar is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 10:55 AM

nah... I got "practical" stuff, like things for kitchen.. >.< I was pretty dissappointed. Most of my gifts were something I don't even need more than once in a year :<

I did get money though, and a nice necklace that has my initial on it.
Also, I got a chinese writing set from my fiance's sister, and a manga book from his other sister.
I was surprised they got me gifts at all, they don't really like me :?

and meh fiance didn't get me anything again, but ish okay since I don't like christmas anyway

blu_sour_skittle is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 12:11 PM

I got pajamas that are a million sizes too big for me and a painted fairy plate ((<3<3)) from my grandma.
A small, stuffed penguin, a bracelet, and a ring from my baby brother (he's 11).
Fifty smackeroos from my mother, which is going to buy presents for all of my friends.

And that would be it.

chrystiana is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 12:38 PM


I got the i-pod I've been wanting for like three years now and World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. Burning Crusade took like four hours to load onto my computer and had to be installed twice because it didn't like me the first time, but it's on there now and I am happy :)
... now I jsut need to create me a blood elf. XD

Other than that, I got some pjs, vanilla jasmine lotions and stuff from Avon, gift cards, and Lair for the PS3. I go to my mom's house tonight, so I'll see what i get from her, but more excited to see her reaction when she sees what she got from me.

\ (•◡•) /
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kimu is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 12:49 PM

I didnt get anything : )

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Zizia is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 01:03 PM

I almost died when I got my Playstation 3 <3

I was always complaining about the price and everything and now this~

\ (•◡•) /
titaneatomoe is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 03:29 PM

I got a few things

Sister: $25. gift card
mom: 2 shirts
dad: mini backpack with money XD
son: a pretty angel statue
boyfriend: foot spa, weights, promise ring <3
boyfriends dad: bath set ^_^
santa: fairy calender, dragon plushie and a baby fairy puzzel
stocking: Gum, 2 candy canes, icy squares, doll stand, picture frame, sanding blocks, costers, dentel floss ^^;;, 2008 agenda, puss in boots pen, do it yourself button....I think that was it ^^

Shadowfflur is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 03:33 PM

Diamond Earrings @3@

And a bunch of movies, games, a new book, candies from World Market, and soem new collectible ornaments. X3 My hubby spoils me<3

Naeru is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 03:40 PM

I got hmm... a kitty keychain, some candy, a cinnamoroll mug, a belt, a lipstick o.0, these little wooden horse figures, a necklace, and a chinese lucky cat figure. >w<

Titenya is offline
Old 12-26-2007, 03:52 PM

I kind of cheated... lol I made a list of books, games, and DVD's I wanted and told my Fieance to pick what he wanted to get for me. ^_6 heh of corse he got the book with a cat on the cover, and he also got me a neck massager too, chich was really sweet of him.

My parents got us a nice knife set and a george forman grill ^_^ and his parents got me a $100 visa gift card and him a GPS for his car ^_^

I got a $25 gift card from borders in a yankee swap, and my brother got me a lord of the rings figure from the first movie (wow, collectable yeay)

My grand mother got me some crafty things and a $50 check because she bought my brotehr more stuff than she did me.

And my friends on gaia gave me OMGift boxes, and a few of my Mene friends drew art for me *nods*


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