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FallenAshes is offline
Old 01-23-2008, 05:27 PM

It is many years after the fall of Voldemort. The wizarding world id at peace. Percy Weasly is Minster of Magic. Fred Weasly is now a ghost of Hogwarts and giving peeves a run for his money. The headmistress is now Hermione Granger. Her husband Ron, flight coach and Qudditch master. And Harry is holding the post as DADA teach, wife Ginny down the halls at charms. But this isn't about them. A new generation resides is the halls of hogwarts now. The world seems at peace, but is hogwarts facing an unknown threat?

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Old 01-23-2008, 05:27 PM


:o Be Nice. I dont want people feeling harrased in my Rp.

:o No cybering, Goddmodding, or Flaming.

:o be realistice. Love at frist site is rare.

Pm Profiles to me. In this format.

Bio and Personality:
Age and year:

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Old 01-23-2008, 05:29 PM


I need some peoples to sign up as Canons in case the adults are needed.

Ron: FallenAShes
Ginny: FallenAShes

Made ups

Username: Sun
Name: Aurora Shaw-Lovegood
Parents: Julia and Julien Shaw. Adopted by Luna Lovegood when she was a baby.
Bio: Aurora's parents were muggle friends of Luna's. When their baby started showing signs of magical ability, they handed her care to Luna, who they trusted to raise her in her own kind. Aurora was three when she became Luna's.
Since then her birth mother died, and her farther, while living in Sian, still keeps in touch occasionaly.
She began attending Hogwarts when she was ten. She currently abodes with Luna at her old house, when not at school. Since comming to Hogwarts, she threw herself into magic, and is quite skilled. An early childhood intrest in science leads her to look beyond the raw magic, into the science of it. She hopes to persue a related career when she leaves.
Personality: She is a person who is neither one of natures natural speakers, or quite people. She is mostly reserved in her attitude towards others, and keeps an open mind. She has little intrest in people really, and finds magic and chemisty much more time worthy.
She enjoys a good laugh with her few good friends, and will willing talk to anyone who speaks to her, or if the mood fancies it she may initiate conversation with younger students.
Age and year: 17, 7th year
Wand: Mahogany,Unicorn horn fibers
Likes: Reading, writing, drawing, biology, chemistry, people.
Dislikes: People, runes.

Username: FLLLENAshes
Name: Hugo Weasly
Parents:((Ron and Hermione))
Bio and Personality: He is charming and nice. HE is sarcastic and can be a bit pessimistic at the wrong times. He knows how to cheer peoople up.
pets:owl, fred
Age:17, 7th year
house: Gryffindor.
Wand:White Pine, dragonheartsring, 10 inces
Likes:girls that play hard to get, food, Reading
Dislikes:Girls that paly hard to get, potions, rudeness

username: fallen Ashes
Name:Aria Black
Parents:( two random people from the black family)
Bio and Personality:She is sweet and sassy. She loves music and quidditch. Dont get her mad. HEr parents are overprotective and for good reason. She in her 5th year at hogwarts
pets:a snake. Mani
Age: 15 , 5th year
house: Ravenclaw
Wand:7 inche, mahogany, pheniox feather
Likes:music, getting her way, going to school
Dislikes:her parents attitudes, boys who think are are something specials and muggle food.


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