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Berzerker_prime is offline
Old 04-10-2008, 08:21 PM

This is my no-frills dream avatar quest! Mainly posting for my own enjoyment and tracking. Feel free to chat or comment with ideas on how to make it look all the sweeter.

Here's what I'm going for.

I'm starting with the dress, since that's the biggest part of the whole ensemble. Currently, a little over a third of the way there.


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Shloobi is offline
Old 04-10-2008, 09:23 PM

That looks cool, I like how the lantern brings the other brown and green items together, because of it being both colours :)
Maybe more white items? It seems like the scarf is a bit on it's own in the colour stakes. Or maybe a different coloured scarf is you didn't want more items on your avi...
Just a suggestion anyhoo, the white scarf still looks ok too :)

Berzerker_prime is offline
Old 04-11-2008, 05:55 AM

Hmm. Thanks for the advice. I might noodle with that a little bit.

LivelyKat is offline
Old 04-11-2008, 10:46 AM

Love the colour scheme, greens and browns, very earthy and natural ^^.

Is there something for your head? Something with green and white maybe? Just to bring a little more of that bright green on your pants to other parts of your avatar ^^.

Lots of luck on your questing! I'm questing for a dream avatar too (although mine is a little brighter on the eyes XD beware). Ah, clothes seem so expensive here, hehe.

Berzerker_prime is offline
Old 04-11-2008, 06:06 PM

Well, I've got one of the silver circlets on already, but it is largely hidden by the hair. Something else I'll play around with.

I wish the Temptress Dress came in green. I like green.


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