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ScarletStratholme is offline
Old 04-10-2008, 06:18 PM

Time: Medieval
Characters: Undecided

In a land called Skala. The human section of it has a capital city called Tear (a legend behind it..), there is an intermediate huge city called Rhiminee. Southwest of Rhiminee there is a city named Strayer, which Lysis begins in but nobody lives in now because there are raiders that go all the time and kill and pillage and such. To the east, are huge mountains, and then the land of elves and such--the names are odd and seem to change with each legend, so nobody has a durn clue what it actually is.

Lysis took half a step back. He gazed at the pale sliver of a moon, hiding barely beneath a dark cloud, and smiled. The air was thick with something more dense than casual fog. The biting cold was just beginning to shift into Rhiminee this time of year, and it looked like the raiders hadn't entirely died off. He secured a tiny bell somewhere in his cloak, and walked silently across the cobblestone path, which turned into a small dirt road just around the corner. The silly bell sometimes gave him away if he wasn't too careful-he drew people he didn't mean to. While it wasn't a hassle, persay, it did throw him off a beat when he had more than one person to deal with.

There hadn't been bread baked in this tiny shop since at least half a year ago. It was rundown, abandoned. Not even rats came anymore. The raiders had sacked the place numerous times, wearing away at the people till there was finally so few left, it wasn't a town anymore. He quietly slid towards the back entranceway, where milk used to be delivered. He whispered something into the night, before removing his shoes and stepping inside. The floor was filthy with dust, but he loved the pulse. The planks ebbed with life. To all those outside, the place looked empty. Indeed, even had people managed to get in, it would still look empty from the outside.

It was and yet wasn't entirely. This was his haven and his pool of life.

Lysis carefully traced what appeared to be spiderwebs, which hung right next to the stairway. He came to a pause only when he reached the top, and then he removed his face, pulling the already decaying skin off his chin. As he did so, he burned the flesh he'd peeled off in his hand so that nothing but ashes remained. I should sweep someday, he thought absently. He ought to, but he hated holding a broom-it required both hands, and he had to have one free hand. Just in case.

Finally free of the clinging mess of dust, webs, and ash, Lysis stretched out and flopped onto his bed. He stared at the patchworky mess on his ceiling. It needed repairing soon. Maybe tomorrow he'd do it. Why was this place so dirty? Wasn't it cleaner yesterday?

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 04-11-2008, 05:53 PM

Jin Sirus sood in the center of the city, looking like the god of the dead world the town had become. His ass length black hair was caught in the breeze, along with the white robe he wore. "This won't do..." He muttered, his slender bone white fingers wrapping htemselves in the fabric. He slid his hands down the soft white cotten, watching as it moved and changed to something more appropriate. The area seemed less than safe, and honestly, the only thing that came to mind was cameo.

The white fabric wrapped around his legs, forming a pair of white army pants. Spots of color began to appear, starting small and spreading acros the fabric until it turned the various shades of green he wanted. The top faded to black, becoming a fitted tank top. He stretched his fngers as if there was a ponytail holder on them, and within seconds, there was. He tied his hair back in a losse ponytail, then slipped into some heavy black boots.

He seemed to pretty for the rough clothing with his porcilian skin and cool gray eyes. But then he wasn't there to be pretty. There were thousands of death gods, or so you could call them, out there. Jin was just one of them. Specializing in the ill, it was his job to nurture the soul, and if there was no hope for it, to guide it into the after life. Not to let it be eaten by some creature.

He began walking, sensing vaugly where his target was. He had to search a few buildings before was sure he had the right one. He stepped into the house, looking around in disgust. "'Ey! Anyon' here?" he asked, having a very slight accent.

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ScarletStratholme is offline
Old 04-12-2008, 01:46 AM

A sudden intrusion had forced Lysis out of his beloved (though dusty) bakery. The delicate runes skittering across the outer perimeter had been broken through; this meant something big had come. They'd set off screeching alarms only Lysis could hear, and without waiting to see what it was, he had taken his threads of shadow, woven them around himself, and moved himself out of the area. He was quite irked but mostly panicking as to what just happened. He'd been quite careful. He managed to take his emergency supplies of energy with him; he'd always packed these just in case. Still, he wanted to know what came in.

He was tuning in to the inaudible singing, sharp snaps, and arrays of misc. noises that his devices sent out, which gave him more of an idea on the intruder. From the runes that surrounded the bakery he found the intruder wasn't human, was at least half his own age, and quite powerful. From the confused reports of the void mites (similar to dust mites, which did his bidding in exchange for the dust that bore remenants of dark energy...unfortunately they also poop all over), the only thing he could really make out was that the intruder was a male with unusual clothing. That helped Lysis very little.

His lips mimed the song that allowed him to view through little slivers of broken shadows scattered in dark corners--where they would be noticed the least. He sought out the intruder. wasn't in his closet so far. He made a mental note to try to put those things in more useful places in the future. He went on to another bunch of slivers.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 04-13-2008, 06:59 AM

Jin clicked his tongue, not liking all the nearly inaudible sounds. The high pitches irritated his sensitive ears. "Quick to hide and slow to die I suppose... what a pain in the ass you've been." He muttered as he traced a pattern in the air. A gold serpent appeared, seeming to float from his finger tip.

He paused a moment, trying to pinpoint the rank smell of death he'd followed there. In this place though, it was near impossible. He could feel he was being watched, which meant the target couldn't have gone too far. "I could chase you on for years, which would be a pain for both of us, or we could just deal with this now." He said clearly, his accent still tweaking a few words.

The serpent, still dancing in the air, seemed persistent in taking away anything inhuman that was in the house, any spells it could lift, anything it could to to aid it's summoner. "Where the hell did you go?" Jin voiced his frustration, kicking down a door. The heavy boots made it quite satisfying to kick stuff around.

(( I'm so dumb. u.u I forgot this was a medieval setting. Should I change his outfit or do you want to switch it to a more modern setting? Or perhaps he's gotten his information from the wrong time period...? ))

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ScarletStratholme is offline
Old 04-17-2008, 09:12 PM

Ooc: lol :) Modern clothes or a mixed sort of clothing due to a different region would work? 's a fantasy world, dun fret, anything's doable here. :)

Lysis quickly withdrew his dusty void-imps upon hearing the stranger speak. Though it could've been a bluff, he didn't want to risk a trace spell running backwards and finding him.

He didn't want to duel this one just yet; not without supplies...but he couldn't get the things he wanted from his bakery right now. He had emergency supplies, but hardly enough to throw a war with this guy. Maaaan...he really needed to practice those offensive warding spells. That other thing in there should've been long dead by now, not teasing him about running off.

And it's not running away technically...He thought, correcting himself. He scowled and headed to the more impoverished portion of the town as the sun set below the horizon. He rang his silver bells softly. Lysis would need much energy for the battle ahead, and there was no time to waste. He no longer cared if they were on the verge of death or not; he rang and rang and if he could get the spirits to float out of the bodies, he did.

He hummed a soft melody, singing to the little imps he'd left here and there. They would help him seek out those that were weaker, as well as keep an eye out for whatever was looking for him. The imps made of soot, ashes, and remenants of stolen souls, seeped into crevices and shadows and reappeared here and there, clinging to the shoes of those that were ill. They replied in their own tune when he sang to them. Back and forth, till he narrowed the distance, and in a blink of the eye, he added another soul to his energy supply. He had more trouble with those that just began to sleep, so waited till they were in deep sleep to come back and retrieve. Lysis moved carefully, quickly.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 04-17-2008, 10:00 PM

The thin serpent was panicking over the spot the target had been only moments before.

Jin frowned and crouched, scratching a symbol on the ground in chargoal. It shone brightly, then carved itself into the wood, filling the pattern iwht gold. He made several more of these marks around the building, then headed out of the house, his senses sharp and searching for any sign of the target. If He'd left the city, Jin would know, he'd set a few splls around for that.

As he got a safe distance away the building began to explode, each of the spells detanating one after another. The remains were over run with gold mice, equiped with self detruct spells, ready to detroy anything unearthly they could find.

His ears twitched slightly as the sound of bells, but they seemed to echo aroudn the empty city. "Damnit... at least I've got that much..." He muttered, setting an amplifying spell on the sound. "There..." At least he had the general direction. He placed a hand on the ground, summoning more or the small gold creatures, and sending them ahead to search. They were fragile and didn't take much energy. Made of spirit fragments and gold dust, they were easy to control, and solid enough to carry spells. He followed, humming softly to himself to the sound of the bells, spotting one or two of what apeared to be imps. he was getting closer.

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ScarletStratholme is offline
Old 05-19-2008, 06:00 PM

Sorry I've been away for so long. I'm trying really hard to get a lot of RL commissions finished up to pay bills. x_x' It's eating so much of my time it's ridiculous. I'll try to PM you when I actually get done with this batch of stuff and can spend more time on Menewsha. Ty for your patience.


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