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Xaevan is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:09 AM

*tilts head*
What does fuyumi think?

But yeah, for me, it's not really that bad, considered pretty normal as far as most people are concerned.
After all, there is the fact that most asian are naturally shorter than westerners for some reason. xD;

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:11 AM

I'm not asian but I'm really fact all the women in my family are. hmm... wonder why.

Well I figured that you were a male cause your avatar is male.. but I could be wrong.

Xaevan is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:15 AM

Then for fuyumi's case, it would be the genes. =D
Tall and short, it has a lot to do with that as well as the food you eat. ^^

I am a girl, actually. I have a habit of using male avatars for avatar communities and games. As an artist, I enjoy drawing them better, if you get what I mean. That is why I usually use male avatars for places which uses avatars and such.

Though there was one memorable experience, though it was not an avatar community, it was a community forum, I was somehow mistaken as an adult male when I was 14 then. lol

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:18 AM

Oh wow. you're a girl? O_O You must be pretty then!

lol. Ah I see your logic XD well.. I prefer drawing females personally. men tend to lack curves that are easier to draw for me..

Xaevan is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:25 AM

Nein, I doubt I am ever that pretty. ^///^;
Mostly, I've been called cute before, but that opinion differs too, depending on the person saying it. Hmm... >.>

lol When I was younger and during my first few years of drawing, I couldn't draw males properly at all!
Then I found a proper style for them after my horizons for manga and anime broadened, so the males I draw get much better because I much better references for guidance and eventually, I couldn't draw females properly. xD;;

But drawing for avatar communities changed that. 85% of people who wants art drawn ask for female characters, so in that way, I did improve on female art quite considerably. lol

I started ranting again. xD;

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:29 AM

oh it's okay. I don't mind rambling. lol

i need to use more references for my art I think.. I'm more working towards pixel art right now since my scanner won't scan T_T"

I think the bulb died.. anyway yeah ^^...well You're a nice person, so I think you'd look nice on the outside. even if others thought you didn't, I'd still think so cause eyes are the real thing that make a person pretty or not, and almost everyone has pretty eyes. ^^ I'm sure you do too.

Xaevan is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:33 AM

I've tried pixels... once. ONCE, and I did not even finish it. I couldn't find the inspiration to continue the piece. xD;
I'm not very good at pixels, because the lines have to be pretty much precise. I like the free lines of the normally drawn art better because of that.
I wish I had more patience with pixels, though, as I do like them when they are done nicely. Such as Blondheart's pixel works. Hers were really nice. ^^

Ah, thank you, fuyumi! ^///^
The eyes? Hmm... That's interesting. I should try looking at others' eyes sometime are compare and see what I can get.
How do you see people accoriding to their eyes, fuyumi? =D

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:42 AM

Only once? XD Well pixeling is very tedious and takes a lot of practice. A lot.. You only find out the tricks of the trade by experimenting and by others telling you. otherwise your stuff tends to look..blah I suppose.. I only recently learned about dithering and stuff.. someone was nice enough to teach me.. I also finally learned how to use transparancy lol..

Yes, eyes are like..well.. they express emotions. they can change color in the sunlight, and sometimes you can tell whether that person is nice or not, by looking into their eyes and reading their expressions.

Eyes are so pretty cause they're all so unique. People dont' seem to realize that. they just point out the main colors of the eye. they don't notice the hint of gold or silver it might have, the shades..etc. Eyes can also tell you if a person likes you or not..someone can be very guarded though, and not really show much.. can also tell if someone gets enough sleep XD....or if they've been crying or something.. you can also tell if someone is wearing color contacts since those tend to be a bit too similar..not too many people wear those, but models do.


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Iro is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:52 AM

Yes, well. It was a large piece. Full body in real size. Does fuyumi want to see? xD;
I don't even know what dithering is. lol
Transparency I am only familiar with the layering sort of transparency using art programmes like Photoshop. ^_^;

Hmm.... That's interesting. Thank you for the explanations, fuyumi.
I'm not too sure yet, but I'll see. Some people might not like me staring at them for too long, though. But with my lecturers and tutors, it might be an easier start for me. =D

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:54 AM

oh, okay sure ^^I'd love to see. basically limiting the colors you use in a picture.'s weird..idk what it does but many sites use it.

Oh, cool. Good luck looking at people's eyes. lol..hopefully they don't think it's rude >_<


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Old 07-22-2008, 11:03 AM

Here you go ^^

It's a rather large piece. I was being very... what was that word... ambitious? at that time. The bottom black is the base sketch for the piece. xD;

Hmm... Ah, you mean a set of colours in a small range for others to use and follow? =D

lol For my lecturers and tutors, probably not. It's the other students, maybe. I hope not, though. ^^

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 11:10 AM

well..I think so *nods* I'm really not sure but a lot of sites use it. lol..

lol.. well..

Hmm..that's actually really good for pixel art O_O good. such clean lines >_<

you did a great job, your style is different from mine, but I tend to make mine from scratch XD


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Iro is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 11:19 AM

If I'm not mistaken, it is to make the colours for item making consistent and colour matching easier, like on Mene. They did redo some of the earlier clothings and items to match the newer ones. xD

Thank you, fuyumi! Now you see why I got tired of trying to finish it half way? lol
I can't make mine from scratch, I need a base reference, lines to at least follow vaguely, or the proportions would be way off. For smaller things, maybe I could make from scratch, but not for something as huge as that. :lol:

I need someone to teach me about pixels properly. There was once, I tried making a hairstyle for a site, I've gotten complaints about it lacking transparency, stray pixels and I was like, "Whut? O.o?" because I didn't understand. xD;

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 11:27 AM

Oh I see. Yeah I understand *nods* oh..well.. they'res tutorials. I'm not sure how to teach someone to like...pixel. I mean I do it..but like.. I know what transparancy is and such. but stray pixels? O_o''

Oh well.. I look at various references when making pixels. I've never made big ones. Perhaps I should for my site... that way I don't have to rely on my scanner to get pictures up.

ah, so that's what dithering is. Now only if I could get colors to stay consistant XD Probably need a permanent color pallette thing..should make that soon.


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Iro is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 11:34 AM

I think he meant pixels not looking like it belonged to part of the work or something, I suppose? ^_^;

Hmm... I tried looking at various pixels myself. But some sites, they do not exactly use pixels as it is, but more like CG pixels, if you get what I mean? So for me, those are a little more complicated and difficult to refer from, as I could not really see how it is done, sometimes. xD;
I still prefer drawing at the moment, though. It's much faster for me. ^^

I hope that is what is it too. But I've heard of the permanent colour palette. Does fuyumi pixel for any site? =D

I need to go to sleep soon. I have an early class tomorrow and I hope I could wake up in time for it. lol

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fuyumi_saito is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 11:48 AM

Yeah I know what you mean by cg pixels..they're a bit odd and they tend to be hand drawn then painted on.

Yes, I pixel for a site, and I have my own site as well ^^ I made all the bases, just finished 3 npcs a little while ago..well got done finally. and I'm now working on basic clothing so I can open the site as soon as it's organize. *is making own avatar site* I'm really excited.. I'll pm you about it when it's open ^^

alright, i should go to bed too XD I'll take a nap then get back to work.. umm..need to finish laundry too.. so I'll do that first.. anyway good night sweet dreams.

Alexander Linden
Alexander Linden is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 01:40 PM

I LOVE IRO!!! <33333

MiserableDisease is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 01:45 PM

I'll vote for fuyumi_saito's avi. ♥♥

Alexander Linden
Alexander Linden is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 01:52 PM


Intoxicate - 4
CK - 3
Fuyumi_saito and Minoru LaVerite - 2
blueblackrose and Paprika - 1

I will allow the votes to last until tonight, and then I will send out the prizes!

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 04:14 PM

wow that didn't take long now did it?

Alexander Linden
Alexander Linden is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 04:35 PM

What do you mean? It's been days... lol

Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 04:45 PM

I know XD
-rolls around-

Xaevan is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 04:47 PM

*rolls around with shinigami*

Alexander Linden
Alexander Linden is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 04:52 PM

So... xD


Dead Account Holder
shinigami2 is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 04:52 PM

-continues to roll-
oh hi you can call me Shin :)
how are you?

I'm not mean alex I :heart: you.


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