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Delusional Muffin
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Old 01-15-2009, 03:03 AM

Why, hello there!
Salutations and welcome to Delusional Muffin's quest for the Holy Grail a nice literate someone who will roleplay with me. So, anyway, please feel free to call me Muffin for short, and before you post or anything please read the rules and such. Thankies! <3

NOTE: Always looking for roleplays so please ignore the post count. ;D

Last edited by Delusional Muffin; 01-15-2009 at 03:08 AM..

Delusional Muffin
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Old 01-15-2009, 03:04 AM

The Almighty Rules of Justice
1: I'm literate. You should be too.
2: All the writing must be in 3rd person.
3: No god-moding.
4: Do not leave right when we start the roleplay. I want the roleplay to last a decent amount of time.
5: It takes me some time to post since I am sometimes a perfectionist. Please don't bug me about it.
6: I prefer roleplaying on the forum. I will consider roleplay on IM or PMs if you have a good reason.
7: No, love at first sight. You can have crushes and it can progress into love. It's more fun that way. ;3
8: Blood, violence, cursing, etc is allowed. Whatever floats your boat. Just make sure it's PG13.
9: If you write one paragraph, I write one paragraph. If you write a novel, I write a novel. 'Tis how I am. :3
10: Yes, I roleplay het and yaoi. I never tried yuri before. Though I don't prefer it, I am opened to it.

Delusional Muffin
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Old 01-15-2009, 03:05 AM

Roleplay Key
A list of different colors that I use to show what I'm in the mood for. My mood for different roleplays seems to vary so don't be suprised if I change the colors on the type of roleplay around.

Dark Red = Craving.
Navy = Would really like to.
Plum = Slightly interested.
Pale Green = Not interested.
Black = No opinion.

Note: Characters that are bolded mean that I perfer to play the certain character. If neither of them are bolded it means that I don't care which.

List o' Roleplays
---& Tortall Series (Any one.)
---------& Beka x Rosto
---------& Kel x OC
---------& OC x OC

---& The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
---------& Kyon x Haruhi
---------& Yuki x Koizumi
---------& Kyon x Mikuru
---------& Kyon x Koizumi
---------& Yuki x OC

---& Fantasy/Medieval
---------& Prince x Servant
---------& Servant x Servant
---------& Prince x Prince(ss)
---------& Human x Angel
---------& Human x Demon
---------& Higher Demon x Lower Demon
---------& Higher Demon x Lower Angel
---------& Higher Angel x Lower Angel
---------& Higher Angel x Lower Demon
---------& Knight x Royal Mage (Works for the palace.)
---------& Knight x Knight
---------& Vampire x Hunter
---------& Vampire x Human
---------& Vampire x Vampire
---------& Witch x Human
---------& Human x Human
---& Mythological (Original or Greek)
---------& God x God(dess)
---------& Human x God(dess)
---------& (Humanistic) Mythical Being x Human
---------& Mythical Being x Mythical Being
---& Futuristic
---------& Human x Cyborg
---------& Creator (human) x Cyborg
---------& Scientist x Experiment
---------& Experiment x Experiment
---------& Human x Human
---& School
---------& Student x Student
---------& Teacher x Teacher
---------& Teacher x Student
---------& Upperclassman x Underclassman
---------& Good Girl/Boy x Bad Boy
---& Pirate
---------& Pirate x Navy
---------& Pirate x Pirate
---------& Captain x First Mate
---------& Captain x Cabinboy
---------& Pirate x Noble
---------& Pirate x Civilian
---------& Rival Pirate Captain x Rival Pirate Captain
---& Modern
---------& Vampire x Hunter
---------& Vampire x Human
---------& Vampire x Vampire
---------& Witch x Human
---------& Neighbor x Neighbor
---------& Best Friend x Best Friend
---------& Stranger x Stranger
---------& Rival x Rival

Delusional Muffin
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Old 01-15-2009, 03:05 AM

Original Plots
Sorry, none yet, but I shall be adding some soon.

Delusional Muffin
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Old 01-15-2009, 03:06 AM

Literacy Samples
Sample #1
Tom stared listlessly at the extensive whitewashed hallway and the extensive whitewashed hallway looked listlessly back at him. He knew that he would eventually cross the line of insanity after years of having the constant theme of white accented with more white as his only form of atmosphere for in most of the rooms and hallways of the facility. Would today me the day when he finally snapped? Tom sure hoped that was not the case. There was no fun in being locked in a cushioned room with only a nice, comfy straightjacket to keep you company.

Slowly, Thomas began to stroll down the lengthy hallway towards his first destination. The same “first destination” he had been going to for years. Was it really impossible to switch it up a bit? He was sure it would not really affect a thing if the ones who managed this schedule of his at least changed the times around. It would not be much really, but at least it would be something. Tom wondered if it would be possible to ask a faculty member to propose such a notion, but he was certain that they would merely laugh this off and go back to their regular mundane work. Just like he would have to deal with his regular mundane schedule for who knows how many more years. He was the life of the party, but without an actual party to go to. It was irritating for him and he assumed it was for the other patients, in which he saw little of, as well.

Thomas slid his fingers against the smooth walls as he followed the regular route. It was a bit depressing for him that he had been here for so long that he now knew the correct way to travel purely by heart. Although this allowed him a few minutes to daze off into oblivion, which he did – strangely enough – enjoy, he had to consider the question of where the past few years of his life had gone… and where his future was heading. He knew full well that his future looked grim and he might be a resident in this facility for the rest of his life, which he suspected was eternity. He generally did not think about such things often since it was utterly depressing for him to think about the ugly, little theories, but today for some reason he could not help, but turn and listen to the thoughts he had been so desperately trying to push into the deepest, darkest corners of his mind.

He blinked in surprise as he neared the metal door that was isolated at the end of the hallway. He had reached his destination much too quick for his liking and he wanted desperately with all his heart and soul to run to the nearest exit, but instead he opened the door. If it had been cowardice or practicality that had forced his fingers to the door’s handle he did not know.

Without even acknowledging the presence of any individual in the room he reached into a pocket with one of his gloved hands and forcefully pulled out a small, but thick wooden block. Still keeping the door opened with the toes of his foot he bent over and placed the wooden block in between where the door and the door frame would have met. He released the door and watched as the door closed by itself to make sure that the block, that would not allow the door to close fully, would stay in place. Happily for him it was successful.

Tom did not exactly remember when he had realized that the door locked the individuals in the room from the outside and would only open with the correct code combination, but he had been proud of himself when he had figured out the ingenious, and potentially short-lived, plan to place a hard object in between the door and its outer frame. It was a simple plan and it certainly had not been difficult to convince a bunch of faculty members that he had a desire to take up wood wheedling. The problem was that this idea would most likely be found out immediately by the scientists, but at least it added some spice to his dull life no matter how bland the spice probably is.

Finally he turned his body to face the room and instantly spotted something that was out of place. Tom stared at the other occupant of the room with curious eyes. The individual was a girl with a pretty face. Surely, he would have remembered such a face if he had met her before so immediately Tom concluded that they must have never met each other before. He nonchalantly pulled out a chair from under the table and sat across from her purposely putting the large table in between them so they could space themselves accordingly.

“New?” Tom finally asked after a few moments of silently staring at the girl. He wondered if she was an immortal. Truthfully, he did not really care for other immortals. It was a bit contradictory since he himself was one, but nonetheless he preferred the normal girls over the ones with the ability to live past their normal due date.

Sample #2
(Note: There is a line in here that says "...unless you were all a bunch of queers." I'm sorry if this may be offensive to some and I'm not trying to insult anyone's sexuality. The character is merely trying to provoke the group of men.)

"Let go of me, you monster!" Her screams rocketed out of the front door of The Salty Tavern, bounced off of buildings, and finally dissipated after reaching the bakery three blocks down. Her cries of help were so powerful that it could wake a sleeping baby, yet no one came. No knight in shining armor on a gallant white steed came. No strong, rugged sailor from the Royal Navy, either. Hell, even a dirty ol' farmer with a rusty pitchfork as a weapon would have sufficed. But no, no one came to her rescue. Everyone was quivering under their covers in the protection of their own homes at the thought of even encountering a pirate.

"Come now, lassie. We jus' be wantin' to buy ye a drink." The pirate's voice was so rough that he could have been coughing out the words, which was the aftereffect of too much booze and too many smokes. The pirate grasped her arm tightly, but had no apparent trouble of keeping her trapped despite her fierce struggling. The pirate looked dirty as if he hadn't bathed in weeks and since water was carefully conserved on ships it was most likely he hadn't. The two other men (also, apparently pirates) were just as unclean.

"You have quite a scream, miss. I heard you half way down the street." Elisa spoke in a conversational tone as she entered the tavern, her family's tavern, from the front door behind the three pirates and one female. The two pirates, not in possession of the girl, spun around each placing a hand on their scabbards. The third pirate, the one who was holding the girl, turned around more sluggishly.

"Are ye trying to be a hero, lassie?" The pirate growled in warning, his gray eyes fierce with agitation. "If ye are I find ye a fool. Trust me, girlie, ye don't wanna be crossing paths with a pirate belongin' to the Red Rodger." Elisa's heart gave a thump as realization and fear sank into her skin. This could be one of the most idiotic things she had done in her entire life. I wonder if it's too late to say 'just kidding' and then run for the hills, Elisa thought glumly, but she knew that it would be impossible. I'd rather get killed right here than live my life in fear and regret. She would save the girl. That was that.

"A hero? Oh, no. I was just coming up here to tell you that it defies logic to keep this girl. I mean there is three of you and only one of her." Elisa told them in a nonchalant manner. Her stomach churned in fear as her hazel eyes lay upon the inch of shining steel that peeked out at the top of the scabbard. She gulped in dismay then focused on contradicting her own feelings and on making a convincing, easy-going facade. When she felt that she could speak without choking on her own words she began again: "I guess you could all have one big four-some, but that wouldn't work... well, unless you were all a bunch of queers." Silence devoured the room as every patron in the tavern became awestruck at Elisa's words. Who in there right mind would insult a group of scary pirates? Well, nobody ever said Elisa was in her right mind.

Anger flashed through the eyes of the pirates as the two with the free hands grabbed at their hilts and unsheathed their sharp, double-edged blades. "Put those swords away, laddies. I be tellin' ya she ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer." The pirate with the girl at his side wheezed out. "Now lassie, this be your last chance. Be a smart lass and run home to ye mother." Elisa inhaled slowly through her nose, close her eyes for a few moments, and then opened them again. How I really want to take up his offer, Elisa thought bitterly.

"Well, my good sir, you're the only one who did not get angry when I insulted you about your sexuality. I guess that means you are not the straightest arrow in the quiver...?" Elisa almost scoffed at her own metaphor. Creativity was not exactly one of her fortes.

"Ye stupid wench! This is the last day ye live! We're killin' ya!" Barked the pirate as he threw the trapped girl out of his grasp and into a bar stool. He then unsheathed his own sword and marched to the front of the group. The rest of the patrons' eyes widened in shock. A girl standing up to pirates? They were all to much in awe to laugh heartily at her own folly.

"Yes, yes. I'm going to die, but first there is a catch..." Elisa said, trailing off at the end. The lead pirate arched his eyebrow in question. "To kill me you're going to have to first out run me!" Elisa shouted this out so hastily that when she bolted out the front door of the tavern and began sprinting down the cobblestone street ahead she did not actually know if the pirates had been able to comprehend her spoken challenge. Although, a few moments later to her relief and horror she heard the sound of hard leather boots against the stone ground at a high-speed pace.

The world whipped past her like a blur as she fled from her pursuers. Elisa was a sensible young girl and she knew that she could not keep at this pace forever. And much to her dismay, the pirates had a better chance of being less easy to tired than her especially because of the weight and structure of the feminine clothing her mother made her wear. Elisa's lungs felt if they were on fire as she inhaled the crisp air of the evening. Her legs felt like lead pipes under her billowing baby blue gown and she knew that there was not much time left.

But then, lo and behold! It appeared as if a gift from God and despite Elisa's doubt towards there being a higher power she thanked Him just in case. With new found energy she sped up racing towards her beckon of hope. Adrenaline pumped in the back of her head as anxiety pressed at her heart wondering whether or not she could make it. But then it was there. Leaping into the air with all her might she shot off of the small dock and head first into the dark waters below. Elisa pushed her way through the murky water blindly until she felt the comforting yet grimy wood support of the dock. Using the support she dragged herself slowly under the dock careful not to make a sound. There in the icy cold waters she had to wait until the storm she had led here passed. Elisa just hoped it would pass before the rising of the tide.

Lestat is offline
Old 01-15-2009, 03:14 AM

Oh my curiosity has been struck.
I haven't RPed on this site much at all, but I did perviously on other sites to a similar calibar as yours. Right now I'm just trying to do some RPing to take a break from the novels I'm working on and to change things up a bit.

Delusional Muffin
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Old 01-15-2009, 03:19 AM

I'm glad you're interested. =D

What kind of novels are you working on?

Lestat is offline
Old 01-15-2009, 03:21 AM

One is a medieval fantasy based novel, it's going to be a trilogy (eventually) where the protagonist becomes possessed, it's her journey before it happens, through it, and then the revenge she seeks afterwards.

The other one is a modern day, almost murder mystery style, vampire book set in Boston, MA.

Delusional Muffin
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Old 01-15-2009, 03:24 AM

Ooh. Both of them sound cool. I particularly like the first one, but that's mainly because I'm a medieval fantasy freak. :drool:

Tell me when you get published. :O

Lestat is offline
Old 01-15-2009, 03:25 AM

Haha yeah, I'm with ya on that one. Most of your darkred original ideas appeal to me. xD

Well it won't be for quite some time, I'll probably get published after college, just because it'll be too hectic to deal with it on top of studies.

Delusional Muffin
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Old 01-15-2009, 03:30 AM

Awesome-sauce. Maybe we're roleplay soul mates. Haha. xD

Yeah, I probably could never write a novel. I'm horrible at planning them out and I'm such a perfectionist when it comes to writing so if I ever did attempt to write one it would most likely take me fifty years or more. >_>

Lestat is offline
Old 01-15-2009, 03:44 AM

Haha, possibly. That would be cool.

Yeah I understand that. I've already edited some chapters five or six times. It's a work in progress but it'll be worth it in the end.

So what you feel up to RPing? I can do just about any of those Original ideas in the darkred. (Except maybe the Angel one, because I'm not a very religious person so I'm a little weary about it. I'm not sure what exactly you had in mind for that.)

Delusional Muffin
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Old 01-15-2009, 03:54 AM

Hmm. Maybe something from the mythological, futuristic, or pirate section? I'm really interested in a mythology-related roleplay, but I don't have any ideas for a plot line. =/

Lestat is offline
Old 01-16-2009, 02:03 AM

I could help you out with the plot idea easily, once I know what kind of character you have in mind. Would yours be the god(dess) or the human?


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