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Joey Kitsune
Joey Kitsune is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 01:19 PM

I think I've found a good place to hang out if Menewsha ever has another database error. Anyone agree with me?

Tre Le Coco
Tre Le Coco is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 12:13 AM

Nope :) lol

PhantomLolita is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 09:37 PM

Solia isn't really my thing. I found it boring compared to Mene.

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D-CRESCENDO is offline
Old 11-24-2009, 10:36 AM

Wow. Subtle Solia bashing going on here. o3o
I'm pretty regular to Solia, I prefer it to this website but that is solely because that is where I found friends.

I like the art, it's quite a bit more aesthetically pleasing to me. I think it's kind of... interesting to see the comments made about the staff -- I've had several conversations with quite a few of their staff members and when people are punished it seems like they deserved it.

I'm trying to get into Menewsha.

Princesse is offline
Old 11-28-2009, 12:37 AM

At first I really enjoyed Solia, and I played everyday after school >_>"
Then it started getting kinda...drama-like and just lost the interest to post.
I grew bored with the forums there.

Tre Le Coco
Tre Le Coco is offline
Old 11-28-2009, 12:58 AM

Everyone is entitled to their opinion D-CRESCENDO, if you don't like what someone says then you are more than welcome to ignore whatever they say

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 11-28-2009, 01:40 AM

You could also encourage discussions about the positive things about Solia. Ie: Features they have that you like, or events they had that made you excited. Something like that.

Dead Account Holder
Saiyouri is offline
Old 12-02-2009, 01:08 AM

I love that place. I have been spending way too much time on it alot recently. And with the huge updates they are to be having today I am waiting not easily for them. I have one main and 2 mules and one needs clothes still ; ; But I am slowly working on that. I love their items and how some of the things work.
I agree with someone on the first page though about the toy capsule system. I can't get a capsule item to save my life no matter how much I spend on them and I am spending too much on it and it is scary doing that too. I'd love to get their capsule item for this month but I have to wait to find a seller for it in order to get it since they rarely ever are gotten.

pachi is offline
Old 12-04-2009, 08:07 AM

I prefer its layout to other sites... It's simpler and clearer.

Angel Spirit Girl
Angel Spirit Girl is offline
Old 12-04-2009, 12:52 PM

The layout is nice.

I also like how active it is.

I really love the bases and items, too.

\ (•◡•) /
~Squiggle~ is offline
Old 12-04-2009, 07:16 PM

I think I may have an account there, its just if a site doesn't grab my attention in my first day I am never likely to go back as I can only really donate my site properly to one site. They do have some very nice items though!

Wazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzup!!!!! !!!!!
EvelynWn is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 09:48 PM

I really like solia. So far it is my favorite avatar site. Mene is my second favorite. I love how real the avitars look. Also the items rock.

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D-CRESCENDO is offline
Old 12-14-2009, 02:40 AM

Er... I don't believe I was complaining at all about other user's opinions, I was merely pointing them out. :\

Princess/Tombody Hybrid
Eden is offline
Old 12-15-2009, 05:49 AM

I used to spend all of my time on Gaia, but now I find that I'm spending most of it on Solia. I've only been a member here a day or two, though...So only time will tell.

Personally, I prefer the aesthetics of Solia. Their site design really drew me in, and their avatars are my favorite of all time. For Menewsha, however, I liked the look of the splash page, and I found the discussions on the forums really engaging. I decided to give it a try, and well, I really like it here! :3

KobatoChan is offline
Old 12-17-2009, 11:35 PM

i dont have one but me no need bother it cause i dont have the time or money

Heruuna is offline
Old 12-19-2009, 06:56 AM

Anyone enjoying their new event?
The inclusion of the pet system was incredibly kick ass, too.
I was actually quite surprised that the pet system wasn't riddled with bugs, as a lot of Solia's new features are. >.>
I like how it's set up, and the Profession System is neat as well.

So, what does everyone think of their new features?

Dead Account Holder
Saiyouri is offline
Old 12-19-2009, 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by Heruuna View Post
Anyone enjoying their new event?
The inclusion of the pet system was incredibly kick ass, too.
I was actually quite surprised that the pet system wasn't riddled with bugs, as a lot of Solia's new features are. >.>
I like how it's set up, and the Profession System is neat as well.

So, what does everyone think of their new features?
I personally don't really like how we get the gift bags for the items they released in the event form instead of a shop. Some people go an entire day without a bag and we mostly see the other items for the professions than bags and boxes. I wished those would pop up more often since there are 56 items to get before the month it is out for is up. I'd do the quests on a mule but I am not wasting an entire day on it again and longer. I can't stand being on my mules anymore. Otherwise it is fine. I don't really care for the new way to get eggs though.

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D-CRESCENDO is offline
Old 12-19-2009, 09:26 PM

The gift bags and boxes aren't part of Solia's Christmas event, the Christmas event won't launch until December 25th. This is only an opportunity to get a head start on getting the items that will be available next year in the Seasonal Shop.

I quite like the pet system, they've incoporated something that a lot of Solia's users were fond of -- a clickable pet system. They're thinking about their users. You can always ignore the eggs, or catcha and sell them.

I enjoy their events more than those I've seen on other websites.

Heruuna is offline
Old 12-20-2009, 07:30 AM

I know it's not the Christmas event, but I couldn't think of another simpler term for it. XD
I haven't had much trouble at all with the bags. I've gotten a few, and I haven't posted all that much.
I'm usually not one for clicky pets, simply because I find them somewhat annoying, but I don't mind this new pet system.
I like how giving them items can increase their mood and EXP, rather than just clicking them. That seems to add a lot more involvement with the pets.
I hope they get new items to raise EXP, because I don't have a Fantasma or Heaven's Cloak.

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D-CRESCENDO is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 09:28 AM

You can use that Bubble (Trouble?) too and some of the shop items, I used the buckled black collar from.. somewhere and it gave my little egg a few EXP.

\ (•◡•) /
Pink-White-Chocolate is offline
Old 12-29-2009, 09:52 PM

There's no way I can catch up in the Solia event. Plus...where is it at?
How do you get to forum? I'm so confused...

Angel Spirit Girl
Angel Spirit Girl is offline
Old 12-30-2009, 12:28 AM

For the stuff going on at solia, you just have to keep an eye out for items that pop up by your avatar's feet.

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RyaLee is offline
Old 12-31-2009, 11:30 AM

I swear if I see some one say "that's not part of the event" one more time I'm going to punch a baby. I know they don't want to open up a christmas event shop because everyone just spent all their gold on the halloween one but I'd be more inclined to sell my crap to get gold for the better nonevent items as of right now though I don't have 2500 gold to spend on a stupid whip so I can have a chance to get the christmas egg , I haven't seen a gift bag since the second day of the non-event and how are we supposed to track down this woman and report her posts to get another item? [one that costs 10k in stores or 5 bucks in donations?] Is the reporting thing the event? WTF why is that site so confusing .__.

Angel Spirit Girl
Angel Spirit Girl is offline
Old 12-31-2009, 01:17 PM

They never tell you anything on Solia. That is why people are so confused.

The gift bags, Christmas egg, and purse ARE what they are doing for Christmas.

Otherwise they will be having some event "for Christmas" that starts AFTER New Years. XP

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RyaLee is offline
Old 12-31-2009, 04:20 PM

A Christmas event after new years on solia wouldn't surprise me. XD


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