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Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 07:50 PM

@eri - Haha a fellow BJD quester. xD I want one but all the good bases are like 300 dollars. ;w;

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Old 07-31-2008, 08:02 PM

Feather: Lol, it's not so uncommon these days.

And aw D8; I'm still sorry you had to go through all that for a few years. I wouldn't have done well at all in that atmosphere.

Erised: Oh, good sky above my head I know that one -_-; Only I'm the one giving the time outs. Mom works 12 hour shifts at the hospital (7p - 7a) so I have to keep them quiet so she can sleep. It's hell.

Vampires ftw :'D

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 08:07 PM

@ise - Haha yeah. Hmm it's wasn't very much fun and I started not going outside my room a lot. But it;s in the past and it's okay. :3 Remember the past but do not dwell so much that it poorly affects your present.

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Old 07-31-2008, 08:16 PM

@_@; I'd imagine so. I'm a hermit if given the chance, admittedly. But that's because I rarely get time to myself. The only time I don't mind it is when I'm with my boyfriend <3

:bounces around excitedly about her Suu costume for Otakon:

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 08:21 PM

@ise - Haha yeah I became well acquainted with my room. <33 ;D Did a lot of art and stuff.

Oh cool! Im going as Allan Walker (D.Gray Man) to Nan Desu Kan. I need to make the outfit still. D| I bought a metal reproduction of the pin though so that's the first step. I might take my harry potter golden snitch and modify it to be timcampy.

Erised D. Sire
Erised D. Sire is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 08:25 PM

■ ■ ■ Sorry |D My sister wouldn't give me back my chair and I was watching a frog...and an ant |D

And 300 only? D: what size do you want?

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Old 07-31-2008, 08:27 PM

I used to do that :'D It was all I did in college, but then again I have a major in illustration.

Awesome! I'm having my Suu costume made for me since I can't sew a lick. My boyfriend's grandmother was going to teach me and help me make the costume, but she's recently become very bad in terms of health and has been in the hospital 6 or 7 times in as many months it seems. She's been in twice this summer alone. .-.;

I'm working on a little bird prop, though. x3 And my wings have been made. I can't wait to see it all.

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Ise View Post
I used to do that :'D It was all I did in college, but then again I have a major in illustration.

Awesome! I'm having my Suu costume made for me since I can't sew a lick. My boyfriend's grandmother was going to teach me and help me make the costume, but she's recently become very bad in terms of health and has been in the hospital 6 or 7 times in as many months it seems. She's been in twice this summer alone. .-.;

I'm working on a little bird prop, though. x3 And my wings have been made. I can't wait to see it all.
Aww that's a shame about the lady. >: I can sew and magically I have talent without ever being taught and I dont use patterns at all. xDDD SO my mom was like "Uh here having a sewing machine" so I make costumes.

Ive been asked if I would sell commissioned ones, but they would be hundreds of dollars considering material and labor costs. And most people wouldnt want to pay me so much as that. ;w;

I hope your costumes turn out awesome. :'D Im going to work extra hard to make this one super nice.

@eri - D: Yeah well I saw a 300 one on ebay I think it was mid size. I know that 600 is more normal though. ;O; *whines* So really I have to save like 700 to get a wig and eyes and a body and shipping. Clothing I can make myself.

Erised D. Sire
Erised D. Sire is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 08:44 PM

■ ■ ■ Yeah, I'm trying to save $700 too X3 For the doll, wig, eyes and a few extra stuff for face-up C: and although I don't have much experience with sewing, I plan to make pretty much all my doll clothes XD Unless I have money and there is a really nice outfit or something I can't shoes~

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 08:55 PM

@eri - Haha yupyup same. My friend just bought one and it reminded me I wanted to look into them. So I did and it was like a few hundred and I about died of shock. D: My birthday is in September so hopefully Ill get money...

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Old 07-31-2008, 08:58 PM

:snugs both: I have to get going. Tonight my boyfriend and I are taking his mom out for a belated dinner. Hopefully I'll be home in time for the end of the auction!

Bai bai. <3

Erised D. Sire
Erised D. Sire is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 08:58 PM

■ ■ ■ |D I was expecting as much so I wasn't in shock and I recently watched a video of someone making the model/cast? whatever for the head and I was like OMFG I would never have that kind of patience D8

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 09:00 PM

@eri - Yeah I think I forgot a zero in my memory. xD I was thinking they are like 60-80.

Mmmhm I haven't seen a video, but Ive read about it, and it really is a work of art to make the initial model.

Erised D. Sire
Erised D. Sire is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 09:06 PM

■ ■ ■ But it's AMAZING too D: omg, I was like watching the person mold the head and I was like, wait, why are cutting that off? I don't see a flaw D: and they cut, paste, mold over and over again OTL it's amazing.

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 09:07 PM

Ahhh that's cool. x3 I might youtube it later or something. They are the most gorgeous things ever. ;w; I waaaaant one. *whines*

Erised D. Sire
Erised D. Sire is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 09:18 PM

■ ■ ■ But lol, I can't, I'm kind of afraid of what my parents' response will be when I tell them I want to spend $700 on a doll |DDDD an that I have been taking RL commissions and have paypal >>;

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 09:21 PM

LOL Yeah I basically have the same feelings. xDD Probably taking real life commissions isnt a bad thing because you're making money in a responsible way. But spending that much on a doll is kind of... strange to most people. ^^;

I need to harass my mom more. She said she'll get me a debit card but she hasnt done it yet and I really want one. D: < I can take RL commissions and buy things online.

Erised D. Sire
Erised D. Sire is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 09:28 PM

■ ■ ■ I don't have a card? |D I plan to just use paypal...oh well, actually it might be more complicated because I have money with me that goes with the "BJD fund" so I'll probably have to talk to my parents to get it transferred or something D:

Yeah..but I have trouble getting RL commissions |D

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 09:31 PM

Ah ha well best of luck with that. I just want a debit to get a paypal to make like easier.

|D I might too I don't have very many watchers on DeviantART but it's worth the extra few bucks every now and then right?

edit - Ill be back in a bit. Im getting ice cream.

Last edited by Elegant Feather Duster; 07-31-2008 at 09:43 PM..

Erised D. Sire
Erised D. Sire is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 09:46 PM

■ ■ ■ Yeah, true |D ....but I would be scared with a debit card anyway, so whatever~

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 10:21 PM

Ah ha why do you think you'd spend too much?

Erised D. Sire
Erised D. Sire is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 10:54 PM

■ ■ ■ Mm...don't know D: Maybe, I's a card, not cash...if you use it, it doesn't disappear >>;

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 10:59 PM

>>; It depends on your logic and self control I guess. I never spend money... xD so I think I'll be fine. But it messes some people up a lot to to have one.

Erised D. Sire
Erised D. Sire is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 11:09 PM

■ ■ ■ I don't go out to shop much at it piles up and then I like use it up for manga stuff D: I don't think I'll be too good with it SO...I don't want one, at least not yet.

Elegant Feather Duster
Elegant Feather Duster is offline
Old 07-31-2008, 11:13 PM

Haha I do the same thing but mostly because I go to stores with my parents and just deiced there isnt much I want or much I actually need. Then I buy manga or whatever. xDDD <33


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