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Old 11-28-2012, 04:35 AM

"Yeah.. They seem pretty good for a solid structure. Are they far enough away from the ocean though? We wouldn't want to be swept away when high tide comes.." Kaeori added. She began the weaving routine on the vines. The bandages on her hands from before were working pleasantly well, and her hands were healing quite nicely. They would take a day or so to fully recover, but the sting of a fresh wound was long gone.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-28-2012, 04:39 AM

Jake pointed out, "If we were going to be swept away by high tide, it would have happened twice already. The first time in the middle of the night while we slept on the beach, and again during the day. The tide has never reached this far. I suspect the sand this far up is from typhoon season." He looked critically at them all and added, "But I plan to have found a way to attract rescue parties or to get off this island before the next typhoon season comes around." He started tying off a vine on one of the trees and pulling it tight towards the second tree. A base line to put the roof on would be good. If there was a way to get supporting vines connecting to it from higher on nearby trees too, then all the better.

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Ettilai is offline
Old 11-28-2012, 04:53 AM

"Oh. Well, alright then. You go ahead and set up the outline. Jessica, Shayera, Miranda, and myself should be able to finish the sides by the time you are done tying everything. Er.. If you need help you can ask Jason. He's probably handy? I guess.." Kaeori shrugged. Hopefully the 'house' would be finished by nightfall. It would most likely be a semi-chilly night since no heat was absorbed into the mud, but at least they would have someplace to actually stay.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-28-2012, 04:59 AM

Jack nodded in understanding. Reaching as high as he could, he pulled the vine tight and tied it off. Then he repeated the same for the other two sides. Creating palm leaf walls would be the time consuming part since Kae had already made the roof. It would take everyone to get it on top and tied on. He attacked two vines to each side as supports and then went to shimmy up another palm. Miranda threw a vine to him to tie off. It would help keep the wall for going down. He jumped down and found more palms to climb. Miranda tossed him a vine to tie up more of the vine supports. As he finished the last one, he called out, "Ready for that roof." Miranda replied, "After the roof is on, I'll go spear more fish for supper while you all take care of the walls." He swore under his breath, "Oh and double check that there is plenty of wood in the fire place too. We don't want it to die. It is a hassle to build."

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Superstition is offline
Old 11-28-2012, 08:06 PM

As Shayera was thinking of something to say to her horse-crazy friend, Kaeori's request came as if on the wind. Standing up and brushing the dirt off her shorts, she walked slowly over with Jessica. "I'm not sure how much help I'll be, but I'll try," she answered quietly. She looked down at the vines and palms uncertainly.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
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Old 11-30-2012, 06:45 AM

Jessie let out a glad sigh; she was saved for now. She got to her feet and joined the others. Maybe the work would get her mind off the horse or at least give her time to figure out how to handle the situation. Besides, she didn't want to worry any of the others any more.

Jason nodded and started helping Jack with the vines. He shot at a quick glance at Shayera. The girl was so quiet and shy, but at least she seemed to be making a friend in Jessie.

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Old 12-02-2012, 12:39 AM

"Thanks for the help." Kaeori grinned widely at the girls. "Well.. here's how it goes. We basically weave all these vines together, add some palm leaves, and top it all off with a few layers of mud. I figured Shayera and I could do the weaving and you, Jessica, could do the mud layers. It would just be so you wont have to overwork your shoulder. Is that alright?" She glanced over at Jessica and pointed to the already made roof. "Its not too overwhelming."

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-02-2012, 10:06 AM

Jack laughed, "Well before we work on the walls, how about helping me heft this roof you made up onto the vine rafters before it completely dries." He was feeling pretty confident. As soon as their basic needs were met, he was eager to start looking into a way off this island.

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Old 12-02-2012, 03:53 PM

"Oh... right, sorry." Kaeori waltzed over to the roof and picked up one side of it. They would need at least three people to hoist the creation up onto the roof. Truthfully, she could probably do it all by herself thanks to her countless years of gymnastics training, but she didn't want to seem like a show-off. She waited patiently for the others to grab their own sides.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
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Old 12-02-2012, 08:08 PM

Jessica grabbed for one of the sides, getting there before Jason could stop her. Come on Jessie, you got to let others do the hard work until your shoulder is fine, Jason admonished, gently pushing her out of the way. Jessie understood but it didn't stop her from feeling helpless. She was so used to work just as hard as any guy and she hated feeling like this. Though the logical part of her brain told her that they were right.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-02-2012, 11:03 PM

Miranda went to Jessica's side and stood with her while Jack took the third side. She suggested, "We can tie it on while they hold it in place." Miranda understood Jessica's wish to not hold back. She had been there before many times.

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Old 12-03-2012, 02:57 AM

Kaeori lifted her side up higher into the air. "Okay.. on three?" She positioned herself futher under the roof so that her arms were completely straight and her body was slightly bent. "One... Two... Three!" She pushed the roof as hard as she could up onto the support ropes.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-03-2012, 04:03 AM

Jack had shimmied up one of the trees and grabbed an edge from where he was at. Quickly he began tying the roof and cord together. It was a simple task after setting up the main vines as a border around the site. He saw Miranda rush to another corner to start tying it on as well.

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Superstition is offline
Old 12-03-2012, 04:21 AM

Shayera took over Jack's side as he climbed the tree. She really wasn't sure what to do but she followed Jason and what he did. I hope we get out of here before they find out how useless I am, she thought, trying for the third time that day to keep the tears from pouring. Instead, all of her strength went to holding her side up while the others tied it to the trees.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-03-2012, 05:09 AM

Miranda energetically finished her area and saw that Jack was getting help from Shayera. Shayera had an intense look in her eye. Miranda shrugged, figuring the girl was taking the task at hand seriously. Heading around, she helped the others to finished tying theirs' on. "Well awesome job. Later guys, I'm off to get some firewood before our fire runs out. Does anyone want more than one fish for supper?"

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 12-03-2012, 08:09 PM

Jessie shook her head from where she was finishing tying her corner up. She glanced over at Shayera and could tell that something was bothering the girl. She finished tying up her side and turned to Shayera. I'm going to explore a bit, see what else useful I might be able to find. Want to come along? If the girl didn't come then she might go looking for the stallion.

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Superstition is offline
Old 12-03-2012, 08:41 PM

One fish is plenty, Shayera thought, hiding a shudder. Jessica's words snapped Shayera out of her reverie. "Uh, sure..." She wasn't going to be much use here. Might as well come with Jessica and make sure she didn't get hurt.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 12-03-2012, 08:56 PM

Jessie smiled at Shayera before turning and walking onto the beach. I figured we would follow the stream back and see where it leads, she said matter-of-factually. Besides, the stallion probably will be near the water, she thought. Even if the others couldn't understand her and how she knew, she just knew that she and the stallion were meant to be together.

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Old 12-08-2012, 07:02 AM

"One is good," Kaeori grinned brightly towards Miranda, "Do you need any help? I feel bad not contributing much to our whole survival here." She giggled to herself and stood up, brushing the sticky sand off of her. She put her hand above her eyes to shield the sun and stared out into the ocean. It was beautiful. She hadn't really noticed much of it until now, but boy she was glad she did. She stared back down at the unfinished sides of the house. "Oh, wait.. Nevermind Miranda! I should probably finish this first." She knelt back down into the sand and began constructing a second wall.

Last edited by Ettilai; 12-08-2012 at 07:09 AM..

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-08-2012, 10:33 AM

Laughing at Kae's eagerness, Miranda waved her off and headed around looking for pieces of wood. Getting an armload, she carried them back to the oven. Bending down, she slipped a few pieces inside the shelter but under the wrack. Letting the fire catch, she stared at it mesmerized for a moment. Then stepped back and carefully stacked the remaining driftwood and branches beside it. Turning, she grabbed her pole and headed out onto the beach. Walking in the direction of the creek, she wondered if they were going to have anything besides bananas and fish to eat.

Jack saw her taking off and mentally checked off that she was the only one by herself. They should really set up a buddy system of some sort so that someone always knew where another person was. Shrugging it off, he worked on the final side of the hut. It might be a bit crowded, but they would at least have shelter the next time a rain storm came along. He had no problem sleeping out in the night air. As long as he was where the sea breeze could wash over him to keep the mosquitoes away, he was happy. Unless it rained...

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Old 12-29-2012, 05:07 AM

Kaeori tied the last strand of vines over the entire shelter structure. For extra support, she draped several more palm leaves on top of the roof. Hopefully the added palm leaves would protect the shelter from the occasional drips of water. If there was a real storm, the group would most definitely be screwed. She brushed her hands off for the final time and admired the groups handywork. It wasn't that bad, really, and was a good start. She decided it was too late to go and help Miranda, so instead she sat in the shade and watched the waves roll by. She wondered what the next project would be incase they were never rescued.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-29-2012, 06:08 AM

With her pole and makeshift net-like basket in hand, Miranda waded out into the ocean past the tide pools. Then she started swimming and trying to keep an eye out below her. Seeing a good area of coral, she dove down spear pointed and ready. Maybe she could get something bigger than she got last time?

Back at the campsite, Jack was getting ready to go exploring. If he could find pitch or clay, then they could coat their shelter enough to keep the rain out. It wouldn't be hard to do. He had watched the show Survivor and knew they already were well on their way to a good shelter. Maybe a platform underneath would be handy still. But for now they were doing good. And then there was always finding a way to be rescued to consider.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 12-30-2012, 03:24 AM

Jason helped finished the shelter and then looked around, noticing that most of the group had wandered off. Well they hadn't seen anything yet so maybe it would be safe for them to start wondering off on their own. He shrugged and looked around. They were alive and maybe not chilling on a cruise any more but it wasn't so bad here either. Would he want to live here forever? He wasn't sure but that was in the future, right now they needed to focus on the present and trying to survive.

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Old 03-25-2013, 08:58 PM

Shayera followed Jessica to the stream where they found a small animal trail leading right beside it. They walked along in silence for a bit, Shayera wasn't sure how long. She was too busy watching out for wild animals and jumping at seemingly every sound. I was not made for the outdoors, she thought, folding her arms in front of herself. Suddenly she noticed she was no longer cold, the temperature had warmed up as they continued walking. Curious, she turned to ask Jessica if that was normal but her friend seemed engrossed in her own thoughts.

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 03-26-2013, 11:51 PM

Jessica could tell that her friend was shy and she wanted to draw the girl out of her shell but she wasn't sure how too. Jessica wasn't used to reaching out to people and she still had that fear of opening up to people. People couldn't hurt you if you didn't let them in.


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