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Bunai is offline
Old 08-06-2009, 05:53 PM

Hello, ^_^ and if you don't mind.

I made a HP Thread in Media Forum that is more Movie focused. It can also go off to talk about various media and merchandise it has reached, so it is not Book specific, but I am going to link this thread to the one I created, so people have a place to go and discuss the HP series in detail.

So to any Moderators, please don't merge ^_^;;

sparkly cullen girl
sparkly cullen girl is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 04:06 AM

which harry potter book is your favorite? 1 through 7?
i like 7 cuz its the most interesting and exciting and it has the amazing ending ^^
what other books do you guys like? i like Exodus, by Leon Uris u guys probably dont know it its pretty old but its SUCH A GOOD BOOK OMG >.< :insane:
its better than twilight :shock:
jk no duh its better, i mean i like twilight, but its not THAT good.
i need a book to read. any recommendations?
ty ^^

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 10-16-2009, 02:46 PM

sparkly cullen girl, I've gone ahead and merged your thread with our original Harry Potter topic. Please remember to search the forum before making a new thread.

And if you'd like to get some recommendations, check out our sticky at the top of the forum:
Book Recommendations

Krendanya is offline
Old 10-20-2009, 01:28 PM

My fav harry potter book is definitely number four, not my fav movie but the book is awesome. I love the quidditch (spelling..??) world cup, its so exciting and detailed and of course fantastical.
The triwizard tournament alone is enough reason to read the book, and of course the helpful dobby. Who was left completely out of the fourth, fifth and sixth movies even though he makes his helpful appearance in all three.
As to the remark about not understanding the movies if you havent read the books, I would say that is pretty valid. I usually go to the movie with my family and we have dinner afterwards, where I explain in more detail anything that was confusing, or if they didnt get something. I understand sacrifice for movies sake but make a longer version for home video or something at least.

Thats my two cents. ^_^

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Aeronaut is offline
Old 10-21-2009, 11:09 PM

My favorite would either be four (Quartet? Triwizard tournament! Dragons!) or six, because that converted me into a Snape fan. I hated that guy books 1-5 and then loved him in 6 and 7. I don't care the the 'misunderstood, redeeming oneself' type characters are so over done. I love Snape anyways. <3

krishana is offline
Old 10-22-2009, 12:55 AM

i suppose this is the end of the discussions of harry since she completed it huh? sad.

The Embodiment of Geekiness
Mizayo is offline
Old 10-22-2009, 03:39 AM

Um...Harry don't die. Although Albus Dumbledore does in the sixth one. In the last book, at the very end [like ten years later] it tells about how Harry and Ron and Hermione grew up and their new families. So, Harry couldn't've died. If you hadn't gotten the last book in two years, I won't spoil it for you, but you better get to reding it before the movie for it comes out. The sixth book's movie just came out about three or four months ago. But in my opinion, the first, second, and third were the best movies and best books of the series. ;)

InevitableDisaster is offline
Old 10-22-2009, 03:26 PM

A book discussion doesn't have to end because the book ends.
That's when the discussion really begins.

Anyway, I enjoyed the books.
The movies were... alright.
I didn't watch any after the forth one, and I really don't plan on to.

Kole_Locke is offline
Old 10-23-2009, 12:55 AM

I liked the first two movies with the exception from the second I think they should have had the good old fashioned fisticuff fight scene with Draco Malfoy's dad and Ron Weasly's father in the bookstore. That would have been like death celebrity match lol. The third movie starting leaving out really big holes and the forth and fifth left out way too much. I was not very happy by that time but nevertheless I read and watched all the books and movies. (On a little side note, next time any of you go on look up Harry Potter and ADHD - a spoof was made titled "Harry Potter and the Ooohhh Something Shiny!" I thought it was totally hilarious! I'm kind of anxious to see what they do for the seventh movie as I heard JK Rowling did not want hardly any of it left out because she said it was all very important, with that said I heard the movie will be done in two parts. That could be interesting.

Le Phantastique
Le Phantastique is offline
Old 10-27-2009, 02:50 AM

Ah, The HP them!! I was excited but sad definitely when the seventh book came out. I love the series a lot and have read the books each at least four times!!! The movies are fun to watch but have some disappointments, especially when they leave out the scenes I look forward to the most and the add crap scenes that don't even make sense...but what can we do. As far as my favorite book, it is always going to be CoS, but all the books have their special something!!!

I just love how engaging the books are, how in depth everything is...I mean yeah I know there are plotholes, but with such a large universe it is expected. J.K. Rowling did such a great job though and really created a fantastic world! I absolutely love it!!
The only thing that I didn't agree with was the epilogue. It was a bit to happy-go-lucky for me. Buuuut...I know a lot of the readers feel that way so I guess it was sort of an either you love it or hate it situation.

And even though the series is over I know Harry will live on forever!! I think what I miss most about the books not being complete was reading editorials and sharing ideas, defending our opinions and having great debates!!!

Of course now we had fanfiction, fanart, movie discussions...again Harry lives on!!

Le Phantastique
Le Phantastique is offline
Old 11-20-2009, 01:03 AM

Hey I don't know...I searched for the harry potter tags and no threads showed yeah I had started one and posted more a mod kindly merged them for us...maybe, am I searching wrong? or do the words have to be specifically inn the tags box??? I mean if someone places the words in the title, but not as the threads not show up? I was confused...anyhow, hopefully more discussion will arise now~! sry about that =P

So, I have taken the liberty to start one for us!!

Have you read the HP series?
Did you enjoy them?
What is your favorite book from the series?
Any favorite characters?
Any favorite quotes?
* please, don't forget to use the
tags when you post these!!

Pretty much discuss everything HP, not just these questions!

How big of a fan are you? I am the type of fan who has read the book numerous times, have read and written fanfiction, have looked at and drawn fanart, has seen the movies, read tons of editorials, made predictions, went to release parties....discussed HP a LOT!

To answer my own questions:
Yes, of course I have read the series!
I loved them!
I love all the books but my favorite....its a tough call, I enjoyed both CoS and GoF the most and about equally!
Of course I enjoyed all the characters very much, but I really love Severus Snape. He is a fantastic character! I also like Luna Lovegood very much!
I have quite a few quotes but will post them when i flip through my books for them!

This is meant as a discussion of the BOOKS, not the MOVIES. If you have a short comment on the movies, I don;t see why you can't make it, but don't make the entirety of your post about one or more of the movies.

I can go on myself, but will let conversation strike up among you all now and then join in!

Have fun everyone, and be polite!!

Last edited by Le Phantastique; 11-22-2009 at 03:48 PM..

Re:no is offline
Old 11-20-2009, 06:00 AM

Originally Posted by Le Phantastique View Post
Have you read the HP series? ?
I've the series the whole way through five or six times now.
Originally Posted by Le Phantastique View Post
Did you enjoy them?
Obviously I did or I wouldn't have reread them so many times.
Originally Posted by Le Phantastique View Post
What is your favorite book from the series?
I think my favorite books is the Order of the Pheonix because more interesting things happen in that book than the rest in my oppinion.
Originally Posted by Le Phantastique View Post
Any favorite characters?
I'm a big fan of Luna Lovegood, in my eyes she can do no wrong. Ginny's pretty great too but that might just be because I have a thing for fiesty redheads.
Originally Posted by Le Phantastique View Post
Any favorite quotes?
"Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies. You must know this, Dumbledore."
- Lord Voldemort
"The Dark Arts are many, varied, ever-changing and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible."
- Severus Snape

I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 11-20-2009, 06:11 PM

We do have a Harry Potter thread - You were even the last person to post in it. :lol:

I've gone ahead and merged the two.

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~Squiggle~ is offline
Old 11-20-2009, 10:46 PM

I love the Harry Potter seris, it was one of the first book seris I ever read and it will always hold a special place in my heart! I was never overly enthused about the films, I mean to me they have infact cheapend the story but never the less I still go and see them.
I have all seven books, I even have the Tales Of Beedle the Bard. I loved all of them...except the seventh, I was very disappointed in it. I mean, hardly any of it was in Hogwarts and she killed off most of the characters, I was in tears for nearly the whole book, I actually stopped reading for a day after she killed off one of my favourite characters (huge fan of the Weasly twins) To me it almost seemed like she was too bored of it all to carry on, I mean she had earnt more money than the queen so why should she continue? But yes, I really was disappointed in the seventh book.
I loved the fifth book though, definately one of my favourites! I was devestated when she killed Sirius off but overall I felt that was the most exciting book of the lot.


shinigamikarasu is offline
Old 02-03-2010, 07:03 PM

Love this series. I've read the entire series a few time over already and I still never get bored of them. I'd have to say my favorite books were numbers four and five. The Triwizard Tournament and Hogwarts vs. Umbridge free-for-all wrer some of my favorite parts of Harry Potter. I loved Sirius, Neville, Lupin, Luna, and Hagrid the most out of everyone in the series.

Medu is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 01:23 AM

I like most of the books except the last two. The sixth due to the fact that Rowling has obviously never been a teenage boy.
Monster in the chest
? That wouldn't really fly as far I know. I've asked my cousins and they confirmed that it's pretty absurd to describe jealousy that way. I also didn't like how she introduced the Horcruxes in this book, despite having the diary in CoS. If I'd written the series, Horcurxes would have been introduced in the 5th book; Harry would have been smarter; Sirius wouldn't have died, and neither would Remus and Fred.

The seventh I've never liked due to the fact that she seemingly pulled the Hallows out of her behind like she did with the Horcruxes. Again, she seemingly plants clues, but doesn't give us the information to make the connection until the seventh book. Why not have Hermione say something to the effect of 'I wonder what your invisibility cloak is made out of, Harry. It can't be this or that because of x reason."

KarinKusari is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 01:33 AM

@ Medu, I know what you mean as far as JK never being a teenage boy, and not having talked to them that much either. I mean sometimes, starting book 5, Harry acts a lot more like a teenage girl...with PMS... than a boy. Then again, so does Batman, sometimes. Hmm...must be a side affect of the hero with issues thing. PMS: Potter Maniac Syndrome.:rofl:

--Lia-- is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 12:11 PM

Wow everybody likes the book ^^

Medu is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 10:12 PM

@ KarinKusari, either that, or HBS: Hero Behavioral Syndrome, or both Batman and Harry read the same 'A hero's alter-ego behavior' checklist/handbook.

LadyTruth is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 10:24 PM

Originally Posted by Jitsumi1221 View Post
hummm i dunno, i was kinda dissapointed by the last book she wrote, i eman all the sudden Harry is turning into an uber emo child? seems liek he did fine when he was being treated like crap before, and now all the sudden he seems so dark *mutters*

im pretty excited about the last book, i lvoe finding out how things end. hopefully it'll end in a good way and not in some way that makes you feel as if it was lacking, you know, tying off all the threads and such.

I'm thinking the second book is my favorite so far ^o^
HARRY POTTER DIDNT TURN EMO!!!! thereason he got depressed was that dumbledore had died and left him with a huge responsbility that seemed immpossible and he no cluse and n=he was going on a wild goose chase to try to figure out how to defeat the most powerful wizard in the world. he didnt even know if he was going to prevail against voldemort. voldemort killed extremly talented and and wise wizards and harry was only seventeen. id like to see you in that situation and not get dark.

Originally Posted by Medu View Post
I like most of the books except the last two. The sixth due to the fact that Rowling has obviously never been a teenage boy. ? That wouldn't really fly as far I know. I've asked my cousins and they confirmed that it's pretty absurd to describe jealousy that way. I also didn't like how she introduced the Horcruxes in this book, despite having the diary in CoS. If I'd written the series, Horcurxes would have been introduced in the 5th book; Harry would have been smarter; Sirius wouldn't have died, and neither would Remus and Fred.

The seventh I've never liked due to the fact that she seemingly pulled the Hallows out of her behind like she did with the Horcruxes. Again, she seemingly plants clues, but doesn't give us the information to make the connection until the seventh book. Why not have Hermione say something to the effect of 'I wonder what your invisibility cloak is made out of, Harry. It can't be this or that because of x reason."
well of course she doesnt give us the information to make the connection until the seventh book. its called PLOT DEVELOPMENT. thank god you didnt write the series. harry potter is plenty smart. id like to see you do all the things he does. its obvious to the SANE human beings who have read the book that you cant be dumb or even of average intelligence and do all the things harry potter does. the point is not for harry to be a genius. the point is for him to be resourceful, brave, intelligent(not sherlock holmes or albert einstein), and selfless. he is not as clever as dumbledore. if he was, we woud not need dumbldore. and DUH you wish fred remus and sirius hadnt died. we all do. the rest of us are smart enough not to go saying dumb things like that though. the reason is because its obvious WHY they died. they died because thats what happens in a war. people die. and not just people who live a million miles away and you dont even know nor care about. people you do know, people you love. they died because if they didnt we would all just think there was no immediate danger. we could all just go on living our ordinary lives. but thats not what happens in wars. and thats what their deaths show us. so i say again, thank god you didnt write the series.

Originally Posted by KarinKusari View Post
@ Medu, I know what you mean as far as JK never being a teenage boy, and not having talked to them that much either. I mean sometimes, starting book 5, Harry acts a lot more like a teenage girl...with PMS... than a boy. Then again, so does Batman, sometimes. Hmm...must be a side affect of the hero with issues thing. PMS: Potter Maniac Syndrome.:rofl:
he does not PMS hes pissed because people avoid him and tell lies about him and people hes known for a long time, like seamus finnigan, are treating him like dirt. that would make anyone short of temper. dont judje other peoples reactions to things youve never experienced in your life.

Last edited by Sally Sinema; 02-11-2010 at 11:41 PM.. Reason: triple posted

Medu is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by LadyTruth View Post
well of course she doesnt give us the information to make the connection until the seventh book. its called PLOT DEVELOPMENT. thank god you didnt write the series. harry potter is plenty smart. id like to see you do all the things he does. its obvious to the SANE human beings who have read the book that you cant be dumb or even of average intelligence and do all the things harry potter does. the point is not for harry to be a genius. the point is for him to be resourceful, brave, intelligent(not sherlock holmes or albert einstein), and selfless. he is not as clever as dumbledore. if he was, we woud not need dumbldore. and DUH you wish fred remus and sirius hadnt died. we all do. the rest of us are smart enough not to go saying dumb things like that though. the reason is because its obvious WHY they died. they died because thats what happens in a war. people die. and not just people who live a million miles away and you dont even know nor care about. people you do know, people you love. they died because if they didnt we would all just think there was no immediate danger. we could all just go on living our ordinary lives. but thats not what happens in wars. and thats what their deaths show us. so i say again, thank god you didnt write the series.
I know that people die in wars. I have a brother that went through two tours of Iraq through the U.S. Marine Corps and was worried about him both times. If I'd written the series, I would have chosen other people-Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid. People who were closer to Harry earlier on. I've read other book series in the same genre as Harry Potter and the author gave more information about the hero earlier in the book and more information for the hero to use earlier on in the series. Harry is intelligent, brave, and selfless, I'll grant that. I can see how Harry was resourceful. I never said he wasn't.

As for plot development, I'd say she did a half-bad job of it. Like I said earlier, I've read series in the same genre as Harry Potter and the hero or heroes have the information they need for their ultimate quest by half-way through the series at the maximum. The 6th and 7th books are hardly half-way through. The 4th book is, though. I would have planted the information invisibility cloak being a Deathly Hallow in either books 1 or 3-at least the Beedle the Bard part of it, Trelawney's first prophecy in the 4th book, and Dumbledore explaining part of what Voldermort did in the second book-not the name, but at least a small description. Harry's smart, like we both agree on. He would have understood and also would have made the connections by the time th 6th book came around. That was one of my biggest pet peeves with the series: Harry didn't have the information he needed until the person that could answer his questions was dead and gone.

Le Phantastique
Le Phantastique is offline
Old 02-11-2010, 11:52 PM

I think that this is half of the challenge though - for Harry to have to figure things out on his own. I do also think that eithr Hagrid or Hermione or Ron should have died. It's not that I don't like the characters, but to me it just seemed to unrealistic to have the 3 first people he really got to know in the wizarding world to come out completely unscathed...

Medu is offline
Old 02-12-2010, 04:46 AM

@Le Phantastique, I know what you mean. Fanfiction writers tend to make Voldermort smarter than he is in canon. If Voldermort was truly the villain that Rowling wanted him to be, Hermione and Ron, as well as Hagrid, would have been some of his first targets. That's why I had said that if I'd written the series, they would have been some of the first hit. Some would say Hermione's petrification in CoS counts, but not in my eyes. That was done by a Basilisk under the control of a Horcrux, not the real Voldermort. Voldermort had an entire year-PS/SS-in which to see who Harry's closest friends were. In my mind, Lucius Malfoy was a more cunning opponent than Voldermort, given what we see of him throughout the books.

Naja Baylee
Naja Baylee is offline
Old 02-16-2010, 12:30 AM

Originally Posted by KarinKusari View Post
@ Medu, I know what you mean as far as JK never being a teenage boy, and not having talked to them that much either. I mean sometimes, starting book 5, Harry acts a lot more like a teenage girl...with PMS... than a boy. Then again, so does Batman, sometimes. Hmm...must be a side affect of the hero with issues thing. PMS: Potter Maniac Syndrome.:rofl:
:rofl: I have to agree. He was completely out of it in Order of the Phoenix. He does get better though, and that's what I try to remember. Also, of course, blocking out everything from the 5th book, as well. Sirius is still alive!:illgetu:

@Medu I think Jo gave us plenty of information to guess a lot of what was going to happen at the end, however there was still an element of suprise in her writing with the Deathly Hallows. If Jo hadn't introduced that idea in the last book, everyone would know exactly what was going to happen and that would simply be boring.

And I do understand why it would have been smarter to try to kill Hermione or Ron instead of Sirius, however they were always right by Harry's side and therefore Voldy would be concentrating on getting rid of him rather than his friends. Also Hagrid was safe at Hogwarts the whole time:? well most the time, plus he's half giant and they're difficult to kill.:yes:

Medu is offline
Old 02-17-2010, 02:22 AM

@ Naja: She did give plenty of information, yes, but it's been the opinion of many of the fans I've talked with elsewhere that the stuff introduced in the last two books, namely the Horcruxes and especially the Deathly Hallows, were pulled out of nowhere. It's been my observation that as smart as Hermione is, she should have been able to find some smidgen of information on the Hallows at least. I understand Dumbledore had the Horcrux information, but the Trio should have puzzled over Harry's Invisibility Cloak. Lupin or Sirius should have said something about Invisibility Cloaks wearing down.


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