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Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 02:09 AM

Yes. I am cosplaying as a fog machine. All I need is some shoes, and I don't know why I'm being weird about buying a pair. xD

Yeah, drabble I think is the hardest category, which is why I tried to slant some of the better prizes towards it.

Send a message via AIM to Siri
Siri is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 02:10 AM

I'm really picky with all the shoes on Menewsha too. For some reason, I really don't like too many of them.
I love some of the sleeker boots and sandals, but I don't actually own an actual pair of shoes on this site.

And my drabble is frustrating, but it's helping me cut back on all the extraneous fluff I usually write.

EDIT: I finished my drabble--hopefully it's at least somewhat amusing.
And no... my parents would never do something like this to me. :sweat:

Dribble and Drabble
Username: Siri
Word count: 100

Ellen hated her life.

Parents always embarrassed their kids. Unfortunately for Ellen, her parents were jesters and made a living out of being embarrassing.

At the festival today, she found herself in line behind a mother and her daughter. A jester provided entertainment to everyone waiting and told a particularly corny joke. The mother burst out laughing, releasing a loud, unmistakable fart.

"MOM, OH MY GOD!" cried the young girl in embarrassment. At this point, the mom began to laugh harder and the farts kept coming.

Ellen then came to the conclusion that her parents weren't so bad after all.

Last edited by Siri; 07-15-2010 at 02:39 AM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 02:31 AM

Ahah, shoes are hard part of Mene indeed. Many of them are so bulky and stuff. We lack lady-like shoes that wouldn't make the leg look deformed, me thinks. x3

Send a message via AIM to Siri
Siri is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 02:40 AM

Yes, but I suppose it's challenging because of the shape of our avatars' feet to begin with--I don't think they lend themselves to fancy shoes too well.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 02:48 AM

Originally Posted by TaiyoTsuki View Post
No...that's be too evil!
Then it's a good thing I only did that to Abel...

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 06:40 AM

I wrote a poem without reading any other entries. I didn't want to get influenced by them. Of course there's another Afrodonkey poem! :gonk: But I'm still submitting it so our Afrodonkey poems can battle to the DEATH! :insane:

There are some grammar errors used for humorous effects. :D

Poetic Pranks
Username: For-Chan Cookie
Word count: 191 (195 with the title)
More Hawtsome than Rainbows

Come one and all, allow me to regale
You with a grand and wondrous tale.
The tale of a creature so stunningly rare
with a majestic coif and sparkling derrière!

It swims like a porpoise and walks up in spaze
With a big smexeh grin and glasses on his face.
Lovingly referred to as Afrodonkey.
You only wish you could be half as funky!

More hawtsome than rainbows and unicorns!
People thank the goddesses for him being born.
They worship his sparkles and his fifth leg.
He's too bootiful for you, even if you beg.

A champion borker of Menewshan events
Ever the cause of some Meneshan's lament.
Impervious to laserz and fishing hooks
He gets by with his charm and dazzling looks.

He can't spell for beans and he's addicted to caps,
but people still love this obnoxious chap.
You may not like him, but he harts u,
just not as much as he harts his shampoo.

And that, my friends, is the end of our story
But feel free to spread word of his glory!
We must help his legend to grow,
That mysterious donkey with an Afro!

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 06:43 AM

xD Afrodonkey poem duel to the death! >3
Haha it's awesome cookie. =D

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 06:45 AM

Yeah. Afrodonkey is just too amusing. I suppose I could have written a Yumeh poem, but Afrodonkey called to me!

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 06:46 AM

Yeah. The first NPC that popped into my head was afrodonkey. xD I spend my physics lecture not paying attention and writing this instead. Bad Seito. I blame you afrodonkey!

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 06:48 AM

It's always Afrodonkey's fault anyway!

I guess I should attempt a dribble drabble about Yumeh.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 06:50 AM

Always borking things. *sigh* So like him.

xD Go for it!


Finally done!

Tales of Tomfoolery
Username: Seito
Word count: 751 (not including title)

Tree aka The Questionable Sanity of Abel
There was a tree stump in the middle of the room.

Abel let a frustrated sigh under his breath. He was stuck once again in the monthly shopkeeper meeting that Mr. Mayor insisted on having. They were discussing everything from what to do with overflow, incoming new items and that wasn't the point here!

There was a TREE STUMP in the middle of the room.

Nevermind that there was no possible way for a tree stump to get into a middle of room. Certainly not one so firmly rooted into the ground. Abel couldn't sense anything magical about it and it certainly was not there last meeting. But perhaps the only thing that annoyed Abel more then said tree stump was the fact that NO. ONE. NOTICES. IT.

How can no one notice there was a tree stump in the middle of the room?!

“Are you alright?” Nalin asked.

Abel just grunted and continue to glare at the center of the room.

“What's up with tightpants?” Tesel asked.

Nalin shrugged. “I don't know. He keeps glaring at that one spot.”

Briefly, Abel wondered if he could just blast the tree out of existence. Certainly, all it would need was some fire right? But before Abel could even think about doing something to the poor tree stump, something strange began to happen.

The tree stump started growing.

Abel's eyes widen in shock. That... that was impossible!

The tree stump became a tree trunk that grew taller and taller to the point where Abel was sure it was going to break through the high ceilings of Town Hall. Then leaves began to appear on the ground. Slowly one by one floated up to the branches and reattached themselves, turning from a ugly brown to the vibrant healthy green color.

Against his better judgment, Abel reached out and tried to touch the tree. Instead though, he fell into it.

Yes that's right. Into the tree!

Baffled, Abel looked around trying to make sense of everything. Okay first, there was a tree stump in the middle of the room. Second, the tree started rewind itself. Third he fell into the tree. Fourth it was... snowing?!

How was it even physically possible that it could be snowing inside a tree? Much less how he even fell into the tree in the first place! Then Abel heard the one sound that would send chills down his spine.


Slowly, Abel turned around to face... vines. Yes vines. Not just any old vines, but rather moving and talking vines.

Before Abel had a chance to openly stare at them, they moved. “HUG!”

“ARGH! Get off! GET OFF!”

As if burned, the vines let go and if wilted slightly like a kicked puppy. “Hug?” it asked.

By now Abel had given up trying to make sense as to why vines could talk, move and ask for hugs of all things. He did not do hugs. “No. No hugs. AND STOP TOUCHING MY SCARF!”

Vines were determined though. “HUG!” It pounced again and Abel barely was able to dodge. Forget that this tree was breaking the laws of the universe left and right. He just wanted out of here!

A gust of wind tossed him in the air. CRACK! BANG! Suddenly Abel found himself back in the meeting room with Nalin looking at him strangely.

“Are you sure you're alright?” Nalin asked. “Why do you look like you've just came out of a snowstorm?”

Abel bristled. The tree was gone, and the only evidence Abel had that confirmed it wasn't all in his head, was the fact that he was soaking wet for now reason. “Don't ask,” he hissed before storming out of a room.


“And that concludes what we'll be doing with those seashells and ballgowns. With that said, this meeting is adjourned. See you next month,” Mr. Mayor closed with a smile.

He then retreated back to his office, making a mental note to talk to Abel about leaving during the middle of meetings. Mr. Mayor wasn't sure why the elf was soaking wet when he left.

'Perhaps Nalin will be able to shed some light as he was sitting oof!'

Mr. Mayor rubbed his new bruise on his head, wondering what on earth he could have tripped on when his office floor was always clear of objects. Slowly his eyes widen in shock.

There was a tree stump in the middle of the room.

Last edited by Seito; 07-15-2010 at 11:11 AM..

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 03:38 PM

I went for the triple in the Food contest, I don't think I'll be able to pull it off for the writing contest, but I do have a dribble drabble! And it's Yumeh this time!

Dribble and Drabble
Username: For-Chan Cookie
Word count: 100

Yumeh wandered into a brightly colored tent and sniffed the air. He smelled food. Sweet food. Usually, he preferred fish, but lately he'd had too many sardines. Yumeh hopped up on a table and let out a purr. Cupcakes. He saw a cupcake with a bunny fish on top and eagerly pounced.

The bunnyfish's head popped off the squashed cake and rolled off the table. Yumeh happily jumped down and followed it, leaving behind a squashed cupcake full of paw prints.

As Yumeh collected his prize, he heard a loud wail.

“What happened to my cupcake?!”

Yumeh innocently slipped away.

The dribble is referring to the Food Contest. Here's the cupcake the Yumeh ruins!

Send a message via AIM to Siri
Siri is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 03:39 PM

Haha, I love how Seito made all his entries about Mene. xD

Fulkth is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 03:54 PM

*stares at the green bunny fish*

I'm awed by everyone's writing talent. I need to start writing some stuff so my non existant writing skills aren't rusty and so non existant.

For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 04:10 PM

You can have the bunnyfish...even if Yumeh squashed him and stole his head. :gonk:

Send a message via AIM to Siri
Siri is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 04:29 PM

Poetic Pranks
Username: Siri
Word count: 146

Roommate Revenge

Poor Amy was not happy in her new home,
She swore her roommate had bitch syndrome
All of her other friends got along,
But she knew she could not take it for long
It was time to make a stand.

Amy then took out her planning book,
Concocted a plan that was fit for a crook
She quickly gathered all her things,
The foil, the tape and the fastenings
An evil grin spread across her face.

Sneaking into her roommate's room,
Amy plotted her enemy's doom
Diligently she wrapped everything in foil,
The bed, the pens, even the telephone coil
Now all she had to do was wait.

Amy's roommate stood at the door in shock,
It was like walking through a spaceship airlock
Everything she owned had a metallic hue
And she decided it was time to say 'Adieu'!
Soon, Amy was troubled no more.


Tales of Tomfoolery
Username: Siri
Word count: 266

David O'neil sighed. He had just finished making lunches for all of his girls. Carrie was the youngest. She just started preschool in the fall and refused to be late. Unfortunately, coupled with her tendency to oversleep, the only way that she could make it to school on time in the morning was if she got help from her parents. This is what started this morning routine. David would make lunch for his youngest daughter to help her get to school on time.

After some time, David's older daughter, Michelle, began to sleep in and ask for morning lunches as well. David couldn't refuse to help one daughter out but not the other, so he didn't hesitate to say 'yes' to this request. Unfortunately, the problem lie with his oldest girl--otherwise known as his wife. Getting up for work in the morning shouldn't have been such a challenge for her, but David agreed to make lunches for his wife as well.

Today, David decided to put in a cute message on a napkin to each of his daughters and a sexy little message to his wife. After both his daughters left for school, David found himself in the kitchen with his wife, who playfully opened her lunchbox to see what was inside.

"Oh, this salad looks gourmet!" she joked.

After digging around a while longer, she found the napkin and read, "Hope you're having a great day at school, honey". David looked up at his wife in shock, wondering how to explain what he had just sent one of his daughters to school with that day.

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 06:42 PM

:lol: That guy is in so much trouble.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 07:14 PM

Oh man, that amde me chuckle. XD

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 07:33 PM

What should I write for my blog...?

Ugh...I'm hungry..............

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by Siri View Post
Haha, I love how Seito made all his entries about Mene. xD
haha thank you. xD They are some of my favorite characters after all. xD

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 08:35 PM

Such as the poor Mayor, not getting enough sleep.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 08:38 PM

Ah, if I had more time I would have added more. But sleep called for me last night. xD

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 08:41 PM

@Keyori: Message me if I win, I have to go now. :(

Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 08:49 PM

This Soul Eater AMV is really good: YouTube - Soul Eater Amv W.U.N

Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 08:50 PM

Winners won't be announced today, I can tell you that for sure.

Entries are updated to this point. If you see an error on the first page, please let me know and I'll correct it.

Additionally, Siri won the page prize on page 15. Congrats!


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