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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 07-01-2011, 06:30 AM

There was a cry from the girls bathroom and Zeelith walked out about ready to shift when she froze as Kurt stood right infront of her. She was shaking and tears were in her eyes. She couldn't do it. She had wounded the girl and knocked her out but had almost killed her had she not gotten the upper hand in the scraple in the bathroom. She wanted to break down as she looked into Kurts familiar eyes. She felt so disgusted with herself, so dirty. She shouldn't be doing this, but for the fear of her son and Kurt she had forced herself to go out and do her best, though her resolve was crumblig and having Kurt there wasn't helping either. She didn't dare say anything, wondering if he had heard the fight.

Words are meaningless unless you...
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Marsyas is offline
Old 07-01-2011, 07:50 AM

Jin and Ty walked around the school grounds not really paying any attention to the normal students or non elites. Noticing that the younger mutant looked like he was spacing, the elder took it upon himself to start the small talk, "So little brother, what exactly can you do? Xavier only chooses the mutants that he recognizes to have a great deal of potential." After blinking and seemingly regaining his composure the younger male looked up at his senior, "I can manipulate plant-life." The answer got him an arched eyebrow. "Look, I don't know what Xavier see's in my power but I' pretty good with it already but it seems a little, odd to me that I just discovered that I had them." A small smile appeared on Tyrod's lips and for once, he didn't appear so psychotic to Jin, "Well everyone discovers their talents at different times for a number of reasons. Mine was triggered by my will to survive when I was growing up. I can't say what suddenly awoke your own but just be thankful they awoke while you were here and not anywhere else." The male paused for a moment seemingly reflecting on a memory from his past, "The world isn't always kind it comes to things it doesn't understand and can't control." Jin nodded as he took in Tyrod's words. "So what are your powers," he asked after a brief pause. Smiling at his new sibling the male replied, "I control gravity." Jin's eyes grew large instantly. "Well, that's unfair." For the first time since the two met, they shared a genuine laugh together. "Life's not fair, and mine certainly wasn't until Xavier sent Dante for me. So, I think I've earned the right to a bit of power." Not seeing any fault in the older male's words the raven maned mutant conceded, "Makes sense." As the two walked and conversed, each of them was searching silently for the leader of the spies. They seemed to have a mutual understanding that there was no need to waste time on anyone else.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-09-2011, 04:47 PM

Izzy almost laughed at the way men seemed to have a way of just showing up around this school but stopped knowing it wasn't the time or place.

She turned to look at the man. When she saw him she mentally sighed. Is everyone here good looking? She smiled widely, having decided that it would be best to make good impressions. "I'm Isabelle but everyone calls me Izzy." She tilted her head before explaining, "Izzy was easier in grade school and it stuck. And I can't say why I would remind you of someone. You certainly don't remind me of anyone." She laughed at his foreign words. "It is very nice to meet you too Remy. I have to say it is a great, and different, pleasure to meet someone who knows anything other then English." She stuck out her hand for a good old handshake.

((lol, thanks.))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-13-2011, 06:00 AM

Kurt had halted in mid-step as he passed the bathroom. He'd heard struggling . . . and then witnessed Zeelith exit alone. The pale woman froze when she saw him and they stood stone-still for many moments. Kurt hesitantly blinked, wondering if what he thought was true. The very fact that Zeelith looked panicked made him pray that his assumption was wrong.
"She is . . . alright, yes?" Yellow gaze filling with confusion, Kurt moistened his dark lips before clearing his throat. "The girl? She is fine?" The second time he said it came out a bit more desperate than he'd intended. Please say you aren't doing something you'll regret.

((HAhaha, anytime. ;) I just figured it would be nice if you actually got some interaction in here. Besides . . . now your lovely girl can be targeted by the others for being involved with the "bad mutants" that Xavier is tracking down. :mrgreen:))

Remy returned Izzy's smile and accepted her hand in a firm, but not overly so, grip. "Some people find the accent bothersome," he said with a chuckle. "It's good to meet someone who does not." His brown eyes moved to a few passing students before he spoke again. It was then that he let go of her hand self-consciously. "Is this your first year at the Academy, cherie?"

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 01:09 AM

Zeelith was shocked as Kurt asked her that question, and nearly fell because her legs buckled. Stumbling away from Kurt and the door she supported herself against the wall and looked away. She did her best to keep her breathing even, trying to make sure she wouldn't hypervenalate. She then glanced at him and looked at the floor. Licking her lips nervously she then studdered incoharently before gaining control over her nervous tongue. "Shes.... Alive..." Zeelith whispered and tears spilled down her cheeks.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 01:19 AM

((Yay, targetting by association. ^^ ))

Izzy smiled thinking that her southern farm accent was the same way. She noticed his eyes move to the other students and looked at them too before decided she would rather look at him. When he dropped her hand she swung her bag around to that shoulder. "Yep, this is my first year. I suppose I should say here. Completed three years of school back home then my parents decided this," she waved at the school, "would be best for me. You?"

Really she was happy to better herself at a school like this one but she had never really thought about it. She had planned on finishing high school, starting a business, and taking college classes. But mainly she had planned on never leaving her little neck of the woods, of meeting different and interesting people.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 06:55 AM

"Alive?" Kurt repeated, freezing. He had been reaching for Zeelith's arm to steady her while she stumbled, but his gloved hand suddenly recoiled as he heard her words. The teen hesitated for a moment before stepping to the side and into the shadows near the janitor's closet. With one last glance toward his friend, the youth disappeared with a wisp of smoke. His yellow gaze conveyed worry . . . and caution.
Instead of comforting Zeelith, Kurt went to her "victim." The teleporter was glad to find that there was an alcove just beside the door (just like in the male's bathroom) that he could slip into for a quick escape. ((I'm saying that he's still training with his powers: he can only teleport from shadows . . . or it takes more effort. He also isn't good at teleporting multiple people - as previously seen.)) The hooded teen stepped swiftly toward the unconscious girl who was slumped against the tile floor with a cry of shock. Zeelith . . . what have you done?
Wrapping his arms about the girl he pulled her to the shadows and forced his ability to carry them toward the nurse's office. He appeared nearby, and upon making sure his teleporting wasn't witnessed, carried the wounded girl into the windowed room. Kurt instantly called for the nurse, his accent thick with worry as he told the truth: she'd been fighting with another student and had been knocked unconscious.

Watching the girl be treated, Kurt's mind flashed back to Zeelith in confusion. Why? He could see the fear in her face; he recalled her guilty tears. Why would she do such a thing . . . even if she was listening to the headmaster?


((HAHAHA, yeah. :sweat:))

Listening to Izzy explain her association with the academy, Remy nodded a bit. His smile never seemed to fade. "I've been here for a while now. This is my fourth year, but they still find ways to keep me here." With a shrug, he started talking. "It wasn't my choice to come, but it's better than where I came from." He chuckled before shaking his head. "I decided this was the best for me, just as you did."
His brown eyes were warm . . . until they suddenly caught on someone across the crouded room. Remy's friendly demeanor faded a bit to reveal a cold threat . . . before he snapped out of it and let his smile return. He'd caught sight of Kurt pulling one of his . . . friends into the medical room. Something had happened to the girl - it had to be something about the meeting the headmaster had just called his (what the students called) "honor students" just a while before.
"I'm sure you've been asked this plenty of times, but have you seen everything here yet? Is there something you'd enjoy seeing, cherie?"

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 01:02 PM

Izzy caught the cold look Remy showed for a moment but didn't bother to turn. The last time she had seen that look she had been back home talking to a classmate. He had seen his girlfriend flirting with another man. When he didn't show up for class the following week she found out the two men had gotten into a fight. Both had been expelled and she had lots a lab partner. So even without looking she knew it was probably something about a girl.

"Well I'm glad to hear it isn't horrible here. And not realy. I've been told how to get to places and I was given a map. I've seen the pool and it is the only thing I really wanted to see. Is there anything you would suggest?"

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 05:43 PM

"Seen the pool already?" Remy chuckled, shaking off his stiff demeanor easily. "Have you seen the back of the kitchens?" He watched her for a moment before grinning. "I see from your face that you haven't. It doesn't sound very exciting, but the few people who know about it think it's the best place in the academy."
Offering his hand he seemed eager to leave the area. The black gloves he wore were fingerless and happened to match the leather of his boots - yet his appearance wasn't exactly kept pristine: he looked as though the rough look suited him (which it did). His dusty brown coat was long enough to brush the back of his legs as they walked out of the room.

He pulled her along until they were outside and he talked nonchalantly as they walked together. With their hands linked Remy didn't seem to mind the stares they got as they strolled along.

((:XD Sorry. I'm not feeling very creative right now. :())

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 05:59 PM

Zeelith watched Kurt go with fear and broke down. Crying she slid to the floor afriad of what Kurt had thought of her. Sobbing she laid there, seeing the blood in her vision. She shook as she laid there, her pale hair cascading down her shoulder. Walking past her Kaden didn't notice her until he heard a sob. Turning around the tall blonde male was surprised seeing her so shaken. He had expected her to have more strength and courage to stand up against the people they were hunting. Squatting down infront of her he shook his head. "Get up." he said softly and she snatched her hand away as he tried grabbing her hand. "Stay away from me!" she snarrled making him nearly jump out of his skin. Just like a bear protecting her cub. "Youre in shock. You need to go lie down." he said firmly and picked her up despite her thrashing. "Let go of me!" she snapped, over and over as he carried her to the infirmery. Once there he set her on a bed, a few down from where Kurt has set the girl as she sobbed and cried. "Shes in shock... I think she hit her head... Or saw someone who scared her." he said, his words held warning and he looked at Kurt before walking out, his blade cleverly concealed in his sleeve as he walked away.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 06:28 PM

Kurt's hooded features were full of wariness as Kaden brought Zeelith into the infirmary. The nurse listened to what had "happened" to Zeelith before assuring everyone that the girls would be fine. The words did nothing to keep the mixture of worry and caution off of his dark face. He was tempted to leave the nurse's office at that moment, but instead he forced himself to stand beside the girl he'd brought in.
Hands kept in his pockets, the youth watched Zeelith for a few moments before finally frowning and taking a few steps toward her. Just because she was acting strange didn't mean he suddenly didn't care for her. Stretching a hand out to press his gloved fingertips against the girl's wrist, he licked his lips before speaking.
"You are . . . okay?" Yellow eyes meeting Zeelith's gaze, he kept his gaze locked with hers as he tried to figure out what had happened. Why had she attacked someone?

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 07-14-2011, 10:23 PM

Zeelith looked up feeling Kurt's hand on her wrist and looked away. "N-no...." she choked and shook her head. "I-I have to go.... I-I have to keep going.... Or he'll.... Hurt.... You.... Chris...." she sobbed and she took his gloved hand in her regular white hand, squeezing it tightly. She then burried her face in the pillow as her hair fell out of it's pony tail, letting the soft white hair fall down her shoulders in soft waves. "I-I.... Can't let him.... Hurt..." she choked and then rubbed her eyes with her other hand.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-15-2011, 01:05 PM

Izzy was a little confused about going to see a kitchen but from experience she knew a kitchen could be a magical place so she didn't say anything. When he offered his hand she took it with a smile noticing his gloves. Those wouldn't help much with farm work, she couldn't help but think. As they walked she looked him over again and decided that he looked different from the school because he wasn't so prestine. And she kind of liked that.

When Izzy noticed the looks she blushed slightly. She wasn't used to this kind of thing. She had never walked along like this and had only had the one boyfriend. But she shoved the thought aside and enjoyed the small talk.

"You know, I wouldn't have expected one of the best spots in a school like this to be the kitchen but I do know kitchens can be amazing. After living in a place that squirrel brains, raccoons, and deer are considered good eats I can see a good kitchen being a wonderful place."

((lol, Don't worry about it. I'm feeling the same way.))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-15-2011, 02:21 PM

"You're doing this for us?" Kurt looked confused as Zeelith grasped his hand. The youth leaned against the bed before letting his second hand move to clear the hair from her face. "You listen to him because you fear for us?" His accent got heavier as he became more sure of what he was saying. "So you . . ." Kurt's voice dropped. "So you hurt her?"
Zeelith's tears were so sad. The mutant brushed a few of them away gently, wishing he understood what was going on more clearly.

"We get food a bit better than that," Remy said with a grimace. If he noticed her blush, he said nothing. "Though some of the students presume it to be roadkill and plastic, I think it's rather tasty." With a smile, Remy stopped just outside where the kitchen was. Motioning toward a large room with a row of freezers, he grinned. "This is the best part of the school, cherie." Letting go of Izzy's hand, he opened the first of the large containers. The lid lifted like a giant jewelry box. "Here. Do you want some now?"
Inside was a stock of ice cream and various frozen treats. The way they glittered in the sun was like sparkles and gems.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 07-15-2011, 09:55 PM

Zeelith nodded and snuffled, trying to calm down. "Yes..... It's better then what he told me to do..." she said and then sniffled and sat up slowly. "He asked me to kill her...." she whispered and shuddered. She trembled and looked into Kurt eyes, hers yes pleading him to forgive her. She then looked at her claw and closed her eyes. "I was just going to knock her out... But she fought me and cut me..." she said glanced at her side which was bleeding.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-16-2011, 12:43 PM

Izzy laughed when she saw what was inside. "Now every child will tell you that's a magical thing." She looked over the selection carefully, and quickly, before she picked up a wrapped fruit popsicle. She prefered the homemade ones but she did love raspberry. "I'm kind of suprised a school like this would have so much icecream. I had them pegged for the healthy school. No candy and soda vending machines here. Just wholesum fruit and veggies."

She pulled the wrapper off the pop but before she took a bite she smiled. "You know roadkill isn't that bad. Or at least the deer isn't bad. It also makes you feel better about the new huge dent in your car." She took a bite of the popsicle and looked around the room.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 07-16-2011, 08:52 PM

(GAAAAHHH!!!!!! So much :XD not really, but anyway. I'm working on a post and hopefully I'll get one up for you soon! I hope so anyway. Love and miss you guys! Sorry!)

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 07-21-2011, 02:32 AM

(Hope this is okay....)

Kyriean sighs. She lets Dante lead her to the door as she thought about his question. “I imagine we’ll have to use a bit of force to get the kids out of here. There is no way that a lot of them will want to leave, even with the danger of being murdered. Depending on the mutant, we may be able to talk to them about leaving...and maybe they can convince others. We will have to be quick and quiet about it, however. It won’t take long for Xavier to figure it out once we get the ball rolling…” She looks at him. “Your more the one for knowing how to capture. I’ve never been very good at any of it.

Sarn couldn’t keep the grin from plastering on his face. “I am not that much of a beast compared to most of the other guys in this school. I’m actually a pretty normal boy. Normal as I can get anyway.” He smiles at her as his arms squeezed just a little. “Same way as anyone else. I’m not that much of a mutation. Though I have to keep up with it more then normal boys….otherwise I wouldn’t have the strength to do what I do. And I think I’m starting to talk too much.” Without really thinking about it, Sarn ran a hand across the bare part of Emma’s back, savoring the moment a little too much…

Kainmin’s maroon eyes watched him as Eric talked and sat down. She was in an irritable mood suddenly, feeling uneasy. It wasn’t just what happened with Eric or what he was saying. There was something else going on in this place…she didn’t like it. She frowned at him when he asked his question. She looked out across the little bit of water, trying to control the hatred and nasty feeling in her heart. She would need an ally here, would she not?
She couldn’t keep her voice was grating as she spoke.
“What was what like? I don’t feel those things like you. First time for what?” She was also confused. Those things together never went well for her.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 06:22 AM

((Miss Kiona! It's alright! I also apologize for not replying. I've been far too busy for Mene recently. :sweat:))

With a chuckle, Remy chose a chocolate popsicle for himself. "I have never tried deer, myself." He leaned back against the freezer, crossing his ankle as he did so. "Do you like it?" Looking genuinely interested, Remy let his brown eyes move to hers. Izzy seemed like an open and trustworthy girl. Perhaps she would be another person on his team.

Kurt's eyes widened in alarm. His gloved hand moved to move fabric away from Zeelith's side worriedly. She's hurt. All concern for what she'd been doing seemed to disappear immediately. The mutant called for the nurse with worry thickly bound with his accented voice, and it took two tries to get the woman to understand what he was saying.
"Don't worry," he said in a hiss. "We'll find a way to get you out of this mess."

Dante growled playfully. "Capture has always been my specialty." It had been the best part of any mission: the capturing. Prisoners were far more interesting than corpses; life was always better than death. "Let's start with the cafeteria. We'll branch off to the hallways and classrooms next, then the dorms." The more ground they could cover before the others, the better. There were lives on the line, here.
Swiftly grasping Kyreian's hand and heading for the cafeteria, he glanced about for anyone who might be involved in the whole "rebellion" thing

Emma laughed, listening to Sarn's heartbeat for a few moments before realizing her eyes were closed. With a start, she cleared her throat and pulled her head away from his chest once again. "We should think about getting out of the pool. Or at least swimming around instead of just sitting here turning into prunes." Her blue eyes snapped up to his for a moment, and Emma pulled a tweaked smile over her face. "Unless you're having fun absorbing me, here." Wrinkling her nose, she let her telekinesis flit over the chain to see if there was a break in it once again. As it was last time, there wasn't.
She tried not to shiver as his hand ran over her back. Emma wasn't used to such touches: ever. Once again, her uncertainty about liking or hating the moment flickered. It was certainly enjoyable . . . but was it friendship? Probably not. Boys wanted more than that.


Eric slowly licked his lips and forced himself to calm down. "I'm . . . not normal. Not anymore. I'm a . . . mutant." The revelation startled him . . . but it wasn't as though he'd never felt like a freak before. Now he just had a real reason to be self-conscious. "Have you always . . . looked like-" He cut himself off, looking hesitant. He didn't want to offend her. Gray eyes narrowing, he started over. "Have you always changed when you're mad? Or did it just start one day?"
He felt his own emotion react to Kain's as she found fierce feeling rising within her. The blond male cleared his throat and tried to keep his own anger under wraps. It's harder than you'd think.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 12:41 PM

Izzy looked back to Remy. It still suprised her to be out of her home area. Back home everyone had ate deer at least once. "Deer is actually pretty good, as long as you field dress it. But I do have to admit this," she waved her popsicle, "is better." She smiled thinking she might have found a friend in this new strange place. She looked around once more before looking at him. "So why isn't their some kitchen aid or teacher in here running us off?"

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 12:54 PM

Shocked as Kurt realized she was hurt Zeelith looked up at him with a look of sadnessand hopelessness. She then allowed the lady to set her down and she did her best to grit her teeth and take the pain as she was poked and proded. Tears streamed down her face in pain as they began to get ready to stitch her side. Shocked she then let out a yelp of pain and a few nurses came over to hold her down as Zeelith did her best not to thrash in pain.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 09:37 PM

Kyriean smiles at Dante just a little before turning her attention to the few others that were still roaming around. Nothing as of yet.

Sarn actually laughed. For some reason, the way she had worded that was funny. "I am having fun but I'll let you go anyway." He gave no hint of movement before the chains slithered away from them and reform to become his necklace once more. He moves swims back from her a little way with a smile on his face. Then he made a funny face. A hand ran along the silver around his neck as he said, "Do you have to do that? The probing thing I mean. It feels funny when you do."

Kainmin jerked away from him as if he had hit her. She had thought....she thought she had finally gotten more control over herself then that. She thought she no longer changed. She looked down at her hands, seeing the long nails that weren't normally there and closed them into fists, the claws digging into her own skin. Without pause, she moved to the pond and waded into it, dropping when it was deep enough that she could sit in the water and it would be above her head. After a few seconds of being submerged, she could feel the nails recede from her bleeding palms and she stood up, shaking the water from her very normal dull black hair. She turned to look at Eric with normal green eyes and her face childlike once more. She stood there in the water, drops dripping as she shook the water from her hair. She was calm now. Too calm. There was nothing but a calm so serene that it should not be possible in any normal human being.
Her voice was no longer rasping but it still held that deeper quality. It was soft. She looked down at the water around her instead of at him
. "Always helps. No matter what mood I may get into, the water soothes it. Sometimes, sometimes the heat can be unbearable. That's so rare though. Only when it gets awful." Why am I telling him all of this?
Suddenly, her demeanor changed and the calm was gone. She looked up at him and her pale green eyes seemed a bit darker then the norm.
"Why am I talking to you about this? Why am I talking to you at all? I hate people." Her hands closed into fists again as she once more looks away. The stinging in her palms called back reality for her. "Maybe you should just leave me alone. It's obviously not a good idea to be around me. What with your...mutation and all."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 11:41 PM

Hearing that Izzy enjoyed the icecream more than her home-cooked meat, Remy couldn't help but smile. He then glanced toward the door that led to the inside kitchen area with a chuckle. "I'm actually quite surprised no one has noticed yet. Usually we only get a few seconds." Sending a wink in Izzy's direction, he sighed. "I suppose you're just full of good luck, cherie."
No sooner had he spoken: the kitchen door opened. A woman came out and, upon spotting Remy, rambled off an entire monologue in French. Remy ducked his head and blew the older lady a kiss without responding verbally. She tossed a wet rag at him.
"She doesn't like me bringing others around here. Valerie is quite forgiving when I'm on my own, I must admit." With another wave to the irritated kitchen worker, her slid his free arm around Izzy's shoulders and started to lead her back toward a more populated area. "Have you seen the outside of the academy, mon ange?" My angel. "It is one of the best things about this building."


Kurt watched in disdain as Zeelith struggled against pain. He distinctly remembered one of his fangs digging into the side of his cheek as he observed the girl's thrashing. Gone was his worry about the other girl - now it was Zeelith who needed his attention and worry. The mutant's slitted eyes narrowed as he thought about the entire situation.
I would rather find a way out of the academy entirely than have Zeelith trapped in the headmaster's web.
Perched on the edge of a chair as he waited, Kurt's hooded features were still and stoic: they needed to find a way out of this mess without letting Xavier know.


Dante sighed. They were searching so slowly. There has to be someone around here. The silver-haired male scanned the cafeteria area once again . . . and caught the French words being shouted out the back door. Curiosity piqued, Dante nodded toward the kitchen staff as a short woman grumpily came back inside. "There, perhaps? Certainly the staff would know if anyone is acting out of place. We're after rebels . . . so let's ask who's seen one."

Without waiting for an answer, Dante gave Kyreian's hand a tug that almost had her stumbling after him. Perhaps it was the thrill of the chase, but Dante felt his inner instincts clawing at his chest. He wished to ditch his human facade . . . but that wouldn't have been too smart. Freaking out the human academy for the sake of an adrenaline rush would result in Xavier killing him off.
Upon reaching the woman (who had previously been speaking with Remy), Dante grinned and released Kyreian's hand. "Have you seen any unruly students recently?" Valerie spouted something off in irritated French . . . and then nodded.
"Is there anyone in this building who hasn't?"
Dante laughed, and started on using his natural charisma to get names and descriptions. It sounded like a normal conversation (with a bit of gossip added in), but it was really some sort of interrogation. When Valerie finally turned back to the kitchens to resume her cooking, Dante sent a proud look over to Kyreian. "Do you remember Remy? He's been a trouble-maker since day one."


It was Emma's turn to laugh at the wording of Sarn's sentence. "Uncomfortable?" Wrinkling her nose, she seemed to revel in the sudden freedom. Without being trapped against her new friend the blonde was free to backstroke and float for a few moments until spinning about to look at the boy. "You can feel my powers?"
She suddenly seemed interested. "What does it feel like?" As far as Emma knew, no one had noticed when she used her abilities: even the instructors (save Xavier, but he didn't count). Resuming her backfloat, Emma strained her ears to listen to Sarn. She flicked a bit of water in his direction, but then settled down and let herself relax.


Eric almost started when Kainmin stood. She headed for the water . . . and for a moment the male was worried. What is she doing? When Kain splashed down into the water, he stood and stepped a few inches closer. Should I do something? Just as the blond was about to move and pull Kain out, she resurfaced as a renewed person. Eric's gray eyes filled with relief: he saw that she was calmer, so it was easier on both of them.
Swallowing, he watched her turn to him and start to speak. Water soothed the girl - it was like a salve on an irritation. Heat did just the opposite: it was like it made everything fester. Eric nodded slowly, still feeling like they were stuck in the Twilight Zone. This was such an odd conversation . . . it couldn't be real.

Eric's features hardened as soon as Kainmin's emotions took a turn for the darker. Her words were a spark in his usually calm demeanor: he reacted. "If you hate people so much, why did you bother talking in the first place?" His smooth voice was louder than usual: he hadn't risen his tone in a long while. "You're right. You probably aren't the best person for me to be around right now. Not with my . . . mutation." Eric's jaw set as his form stiffened. He subconsciously believed that his harsh reaction was because his emotion was wrapped up with Kain's, but Eric couldn't think straight.
With an exasperated growl, he turned away from Kain. "You'd be better off alone anyway." Eric started walking before he could even think about it. He didn't stop - or look back - until he was far from Kainmin and her strange fluxuating attitude. Raking a hand through his blond hair, Eric stopped and leaned against the doorway of the academy's entrance. Good riddance.

((Sadly, he doesn't really think that of her. :sweat: I just thought a bit of conflict would be welcome. *cough*))
Es apologizes for any delays - she has just moved and is piecing things together again. If Es is behind on something, feel free to poke her.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 07-26-2011, 01:51 AM

Izzy smiled the woman came in and tossed a rag at Remy. She was a bit shocked though when Remy put his arm around her shoulders. She let him lead her out of the room but right as they passed through the door she turned back to look at the woman. "Sorry to have bothered you ma'am."

She let Remy guide her out of the kitchen and laughed. "Guess I wasn't so lucky." She tilted her head to look at him better. "Sadly no. The only time I've spent out of the school grounds since getting here was when the bus dropped me off. Parents had a lot to do at home and I left my truck at the farm so they could use it. And I have to admit after riding on a bus for far to long I barely looked at the school.

Words are meaningless unless you...
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Old 07-26-2011, 03:43 AM

(Alright, since I really haven't interacted much with others I'm gonna make a scene lol)

As the two males walked along (Tyrod leading the way), the elder of the two led them stopped as they passed by the pool. "I can feel a few mutants in that direction. Lets do hope that things get rowdy. This manhunt won't be any fun if no blood is shed. Anyway, let's go see if anything odd is going on over there." Tyrod smiled at his statement and Jin sat there puzzled to know if he was serious. Fearing that he actually meant what he said, the desire to sate his curiosity melted away and he followed his senior obediently. When they reached the pool Jin was surprised to see the blonde who had helped him earlier swimming and seemingly in a good mood. She had seemed so cold towards him and now. . . this. It was unexpected. The raised eyebrow on Tyrod's face seemed to relay the same message of surprise but his was quite a bit milder than his comrade's.

Jin looked around the pool not able to tell who was a mutant and who wasn't. Just the fact that Ty could feel that showed that he was on a whole different level and it made him wonder how many other mutants could feel other mutants. Figuring he'd just ask this time he leaned over and whispered, "How come you can feel other mutants?" The older dark haired male didn't seem to be listening, but just as Jinesis was about to open his mouth again he spoke, "I eventually gained the ability one day. Not many other's can feel mutants like I can, so you may or may not have that talent. It'll awaken one day or you just don't have it." The green eyed teen folded his arms over his chest. He wanted to be able to tell a mutant when he saw one but he might not ever be able to. For some reason, that just didn't sit right with him.

There were five mutants here not including the them and there were quite a few normal students as well. This meant that he couldn't use his powers here to force any answers from the mutants. They were in a precarious situation, but he could use his status as a senior on the student council to his advantage. Tyrod was known for being a little off the wall on occasion so no one would suspect a thing if he said he wanted to speak with a few people privately. Leaning towards Jin the older male said, "Sit tight and don't say anything." His companion nodded and Ty simply grinned crookedly. Then walking up to the side of the pool he announced, "Alright people I'm going to have to ask that everyone evacuate the pool area, the headmaster has asked for me to speak look for potential student council members for the upcoming year so I'm going to choose five of you to talk to and I'd like for everyone else here to leave."

As suspected his words had garnered quite a few murmurs and some of the females were looking at him or maybe Jin, with hopeful eyes. Now in order to make things look convincing he tapped his finger on his chin as looked around. Then pointing at Emma and Sarn he announced, "You two." Then looking around briefly between each choice he pointed at a blonde haired boy towards the back, and a brunette close to him. Then finally he pointed to a dark skinned male sitting at one of the tables. "Now unfortunately I have to ask that everyone else leave, and the five I chose meet us at the back of the pool. Jin watched somewhat in awe as everyone left, not really so much as saying a word. There were some looks of disappointment and some even looked sad but surprisingly, no one looked angry.

"That's quite a bit of sway you have there." Tyrod simply grinned, "You have no idea. . ."

(Hope this is alright :sweat: )

Last edited by Marsyas; 07-26-2011 at 06:12 AM..


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