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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 11:54 PM

It isn't..No, he doesn't have to die. If we took his eyes.." Ambroise was frowning, his ears had drooped the slightest bit. Someone like the Alpha Stigma though, he couldn't be allowed to live or have access to that kind of power. The nekomata tensed when Yue pulled out a butcher knife, ready to defend himself only to find the knife pressed into his hand and the tip pressed against Yue's flesh. Ambroise's eyes hardened like steel. "Are you a dangerous beast that might lose control at the drop of a hat and slaughter everyone here? If so, then I won't hesitate to press this knife into your heart." Ambroise applied a bit of pressure once his hand was released from Yue's grip. Nothing but grim resolve. "I've read about the Alpha Stigmas, in my master's books. There isn't much information but the information I learned was enough, they were hunted to extinction or rather near extinction. They had to be, there is no cure for them, no way to stop them from being what they are short of killing them or removing their eyes. Their power, it would destroy the entire world. It's not just you or me and the people in this immediate area that is at risk. It's the existence of everything. It's an uncontrollable power, its a power that should not exist and no human, no creature of any species should have access to it." His grip tightened around the knife. "Are you just as dangerous as an Alpha Stigma, are you a threat to me and everyone here? Answer honestly so I know if I should cut out your heart or not."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 12:16 AM

His eyes still upon the man before him. He did not flinch as the knife was pressed into him. "You desire to know the truth? Fine..." he pressed closer, willingly letting the knife bite more into his skin. "I am not human, far from it....I know what it feels like to be be used and feared for power as well as for what you are. My own people are near extinct, for reasons similar to his yes. I may be the last left at this point..." he sighed. "A lot about my kind are a mystery as well...perhaps that is one of the things people fear most of all, is what is unknown. I did not ask to be who I am, what I am, niether did he. People around me have died and possibly will continue to die, if I lost control, everything would be consumed in a far more painful way than simply vanishing into nothing. There would be nothing but an endless sea of blood left behind" his eyes upon the male still.

"Is that what you desire to hear? I am a sign of death and pain to those who are exposed to me, and I am the reason that an entire village is dead already and more" his eyes lit up slightly, a blue glow forming within them, "men, women and children are dead because of me....because of the monster that I am..." His jaw clenched, he was shaking slightly at this point from his own words and admittance. Saying it out loud, to a stranger like this, especially one who held a knife to his heart. It was both painful, as well as a weight gone, part of him wanted to shout it at this point. "So go the world a favor, and do me a favor as well at this point" he looked at him, "kill that knife through my heart, and end me for the good of the world right?" He finally looked away from the other, a pain and sadness rising within his eyes, as the glow faded. "Just end it...." his voice barley above a whisper at this part.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:00 AM

Violet eyes opened to fog. Pascal was standing in the middle of it. How had he gotten there? He winced, gripping his arm, and chest. Blood trickled from wounds on his leg and arm. The one in his chest was more than a trickle, concerning.

He stumbled forward as pain shot through the injured leg, but he kept moving. If he didn't, he might die here. "H-hello?" he called weakly into the fog with a heavy South American toned accent. There was no response. Pascal wouldn't give up.

Moving through the fog, the white-haired man squinted ahead as a large dark place formed in the distance. It was a building of some kind. He tried moving quicker, until it came into focus. It was an Inn, though he was coming up the back side. It didn't matter. There were people in there. He knew. Somehow he knew.

A bloody hand grasped the door handle. It turned and he pushed it open, falling onto the kitchen floor with a grunt and a wince. He rolled onto his back and patted at the black vest he wore over the white buttoned up shirt, as if to try and get the point across that his worst injury was there. Though it was obvious by the blood flow.

Pascal needed someone to help him stop the bleeding, and he needed wrapped up. He would live otherwise, but it would make him a lot happier if someone could... "Help...." he said weakly.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:20 AM

Ambroise was still and silent as Yue spoke. His ears twitching a bit as he listened to every word spoken by the other. A flicker of emotions passed through Ambroise's eyes. There was sorrow and pity in them, before his gaze had turned to steel once more. Ambroise didn't fully understand what it was like for this man or the Alpha Stigma, but he did pity them. It wasn't their fault they were monsters, but the fact remained that they were monsters. "Forgive me." The word was whispered quietly once Yue was finished speaking, he had even asked Ambroise to end it all for him. The nekomata was more than ready to oblige, and he pushed the knife forward.

His ears twitched, his hand stopped, the door opened, his nose twitched. The scent of blood, Ambroise grimaced. Someone fell into the kitchen asking for help. He had only pressed the knife into Yue's flesh some, but Ambroise didn't wait to see how much or how little blood it drew, he dropped the knife and turned towards the man that had tumbled into the kitchen. The man was bleeding Ambroise already knew that though, he had smelled it. In a moment the nekomata grabbed a nearby towel and was kneeling next to the white haired man. "You'll be fine." He spoke the words as if the man's wounds were nothing more than a bee sting. It was his way of trying to keep the man calm. He pressed the towel to the man's chest, and glanced at Yue.

It was almost as if Ambroise didn't want to ask the other to help him, but there was no way he could help this man on his own. "We aren't finished, you and I, but for now you can at least help me to help this man." He wouldn't be surprised if Yue refused, he would be more surprised if Yue did help.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:38 AM

He did not move, nor did he flinch. He closed his eyes slowly, his body relaxed as he made no move to stop the male or the knife. However, the sounds that followed made his eyes open quickly. He smelled the blood right away as well, and it made his mind for a moment flash back to his illusions and the memories he had brought up speaking. He watched as the other moved to this new mystery man, and began helping him. Then their eyes met, and the other was declaring that things were not over between them, but he was practically telling Yue to help him rather than asking.

By all notions of what had happened, he had every right to turn away and move. Even now, he could feel his own shirt becoming slick and a bit sticky with blood. A bit of it running down his chest. He had been hurt worse, so it was little more than an annoyance, one that would heal on its own in time. He paused for a moment, before he moved over to the male's side. He kneeled by him, removing the towel the other was using to cover his chest. It would do no good if they knew nothing of what they were dealing with. He opened up the male's shirt, before he pressed the towel and his hands onto the wound now visible.

Since he had exposed a bit of himself already to the man before him, he cared little of using a bit of his power. He began using his own energy, willing it through his hands and into the other man's body. It would cast a warm blue glow by his hands, before the male laying upon the floor would begin to feel a slight tingling sensation through his chest, that soon spread through his body. He was using his energy to stimulate the cells, to rapin their regeneration around the wound. It was his own form of healing another, similar to Isabella's, by using his energy. Normally, he might have let the other die, let him fade away.

He had to be careful, for unlike Isabella, his energy was more potent. He was darker in nature, if he did not focus, he risked overloading the male and causing pain or killing him for that matter. This left him a bit more vulnerable, but he cared little at the moment. If Ambroise wanted to do away with him while he healed the man, that was low, but fine with him. Soon he could feel the heat of his energy becoming apparent through the towel that had become damp with blood. He removed his hands, and the light faded. Although he was not touching him anymore, residule energy would still be running through the other's body, through his cells continuing the process.

It would fade in time, but at least the other was not on the verge of death anymore. He would need rest, but he would be fine. Yue's eyes moved to the blood on his hands for a moment, and he said nothing as he stood. He took a step back from the two, partially to assure the other he was not trying to be a threat, and partially to place more distance between him and physical contact or confrentation. He kept his eyes adverted, and his mind was elsewhere.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 01:42 AM

Avalon snapped from her stupor suddenly. Isabella leaving had really done it, more so then Nazar's had. The angelic woman seemed so strong and kind, but she'd been so obviously upset. And she, Avalon, had just stood by doing nothing. The young shook her head. She needed to do better then that! At least she knew Hikari would be doing well. But maybe ... "Just wait here, I'm going to go and get some tea from the kitchen, alright?" The blonde patted the woman's hand gently and walked away.

Tea always helped. The warmth warmed body and soul. Then there was the taste. Mint was so fresh and clean, it soothed the mind and eased the stomach. Avalon had discovered that for herself. She shook her head as her mind returned to Isabella's warning. Leave the Inn? But there was so much to ...

She stopped short, her eyes falling on a prone figure, Ambroise and a stranger with his hands on the man. Then he had stepped away, was standing aside. Avalon took a deep breath, before stepping forward. "Does he still need help?" Her eyes moved from Ambroise to the two strangers.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 02:37 AM

Pascal watched a figure with cat-like ears hover over him. Ambroise, he knew. The nekomata. He winced as pressure was applied to his chest, and violet eyes squeezed shut. They didn't open again until he felt his vest and shirt being pulled open. Yue. He knew them all. But how?

After a few long moments, a warmth filled his chest. The lights in the Inn would grow slightly brighter, though they wouldn't all notice. The rooms upstairs would flicker back to the way they would be dreamed of by the guests, and any messes would suddenly disappear, like Yue and Ambroise's drink cups.

His chest still hurt, but nothing like the pain it had been before. He pushed himself up on the uninjured arm, onto his elbow with strain. "Thank you," he said, words heavy with the thick foreign accent. "I am lucky to have you here, my friends," he said, strangely. He knew them. They must know him, too, right? He just couldn't remember how, for some reason.

"Please, may I have a hand up?" he asked. A woman entered then. "It seems I am, Avalon," he said in a light tone, since he was trying to get up.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 02:46 AM

Words seemed to hang on the verge of Ambroise's lips when Yue took the towel from him and pulled open the bleeding man's shirt, but the nekomata was silent. Only watching intently as Yue began to heal the man, he watched intently, ready to strike if Yue did something other than help. When he was done healing the man, Yue had stepped away, but Ambroise's gaze lingered on him a while longer. Then the man spoke and Ambroise blinked at him. The man called them his friends, then again they had helped him, or rather Yue had done most of the helping. Ambroise scowled darkly at Yue for a moment and then shook his head and stood. "Sure, friends." Though it was clear Ambroise didn't quite consider Yue as a friend, or the one they called Nazar either.

When the man asked for a hand up, Ambroise blinked at him, and offered his own hand to pull the male up to his feet. "What happened to you?" Those ears of his were twitching a bit and he glanced at Avalon, then the white haired man. "You know each other?" The white haired man had called her by name, so they must know each other.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 02:50 AM

Avalon stepped forward with a frown. "I suppose we might... I've traveled a lot, you see. If we did know each other, I must have forgotten." It wasn't so odd a thought, really. World traveling lent itself to a whole slew of complications when it came to knowing people, forgetting them, going back to visit them and finding them much older then they had been or long dead. It was tricky business, that.

"I'd like to hear what happened to you too... If it happened when you were in the fog, then it would be a good idea to go and get Nazar and his friend before they got into trouble." She only knew the Alpha Stigma's name because she'd heard it. She wished she knew everyone else's too, but introductions had been far from her mind when everything had happened on the Inn's second floor.

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 08-12-2014 at 02:55 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 03:06 AM

Yue noted the looks and sounds coming from the other, as the man laying on the floor spoke up. Avalon was entering then, and speaking up. Yue remained silent still. The man from the floor was saying friends, and the word almost made Yue give a dry laugh. Ambroise gave another look in his direction as if to quickly diffuse any possibility of such nonsense. That was fine with him. No one here was his friend, he was merely tollerating them at the moment.

They were more like pains in the asses. But this new guy. Yue's eyes moved to him. Something felt off about him, very off. Over the years, Yue had become quite a great judge of character in people. It helped that he was of darker origin himself, more sensitive to things others might not be. He could not put his finger on it, but he was getting an odd vibe from this man.

He kept it to himself for now, no need to speak up and cause even more trouble right? No need to speak when it was not to far fetched the cat guy would not believe a word, and he did not know any of the others at all. What was he supposed to even say? He had a 'feeling' about the guy? They did not know Yue well enough to trust in his feelings, though they would have been wiser to. He looked away once more, whatever, it was not his problem.

His job here was done. Unless the kitten decided to stop him, Yue made up his mind to leave. He turned away from the scene, moving himself to the door. The other had said things were not over, but what did he plan to do? Force Yue to stay in his sight against his will? Cause a scene, or follow him like a stalker? He did not bother to look back, if the Ambroise wanted to instigate something when Yue was not making a harmful move, it was his choice. But with the other's views, who knew.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 04:27 AM

((Sorry about that. But really, it was an incubus, not the inn itself, that was trying to harm Hikari.))

Hikari's eyes slowly opened, and she found herself laying on the floor of the inn, totally alone. How had she gotten there? She remembered Nazar carrying her, but after that, nothing. Where was everyone? Slowly, doing her best to conserve energy, she stood up. Once standing, she waited a moment to make sure she had her balance, then headed towards the kitchen, finding that she was suddenly ravenous. As she entered the kitchen, she was greeted with the sight of someone unfamiliar, along with Ambroise, Avalon and Yue, who seemed to be just leaving. Hikari stepped aside to let Yue pass, then limped over to the others. "Ambroise, Avalon...who is this? What happened? And how long was I out?" She asked tiredly.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-12-2014, 05:06 AM

Pascal took Ambroise's hand and stood, painfully, though much less so now thanks to Yue. He moved to sit in a chair. His shirt and vest both still hung open and there were blood stains over various spots of his clothing, though no rips or tears in them, strangely enough.

He nodded, acknowledging that they were asking about what happened to him. He reached for a glass of water, wrapping fingers around it before bringing it to his lips. Had that been there the entire time? Would anyone notice that? When he placed the glass back down, he began to button his long sleeved shirt up again.

"I do not know, honestly," he said to them. Another girl entered, Hikari. "I am Pascal," he announced in a heavy accent, "and you are just in time for my story," he added. "Though I am afraid it is not much of a story." He was almost done buttoning the shirt, but stopped, leaving the top three buttons undone, as well as the vest.

"I was hurting, and when I opened up my eyes, I was in the fog." He gave a palms up. "I do not know how I came to be there, or how I was injured so badly." He frowned. "In fact, everything before that is missing." Except his name. "It is very curious," he said, reaching up to touch his chin. "In fact, I know all of you," he added, "yet I am a a stranger to you, no?"

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 12:33 AM

Ambroise blinked as Hikari entered, she was limping. Had something happened while he had still been upstairs? Had it been the Alpha Stigma? He studied her for a moment and let his attention return to the white haired man. Pascal. His ears were twitching as the man spoke and Ambroise frowned deeply. This man knew them, but Ambroise certainly didn't know him. "Yeah, you're a stranger to me. Though it sounds like you have some sort of amnesia. Maybe this place did it, it's a dangerous place." His tails twitched and he eyed Pascal for a few moments and then looked at Hikari. Something had definitely happened. "Are you alright, Hikari?" He moved towards her, but a bit uncertain. Was she angry at him for wanting to kill the Alpha Stigma? He was uncertain where he stood in their friendship, or in the friendship of the rest of the people here. At least he knew exactly where he stood when it came to Yue and Nazar.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 12:44 AM

"I really don't think I know you either..." The moment Ambroise said Hikari's name, Avalon remembered the tea she'd intended to make for the young woman. She barely noticed the fact that the tea leaves appeared on the counter on their own. There was already a pot, water included, on the stove, and all it took was some fiddling about to get a fire going in the contraption. "Would you guys like some tea? And if so, what kind?" She hoped drinking something nice and warm would get everyone's nerves calmed down. They all seemed so on edge. No wonder, with the Inn crazy as it was.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 01:59 AM

With no one keeping him inside, he stepped through the doors out into the main lobby area. The seats still pulled out from his earlier confrontation with the man, Nazar. He sighed, moving to one of the tables. He sat upon the corner, running a hand through his hair. Had he seriously just spouted all of that to the guy who had wanted another dead? Now him? "Ugh..." so much for staying out of the lime light, and avoiding trouble. What if he decided to run his mouth? Tell everyone what Yue had told him? He clenched his jaw, kicking the chair before him, so it slid back a bit before landing upon its' back. His eyes glowed lightly, and the chair bursts into blue flame. It did not spread, remaining located solely on the chair. Yue stared into the flames, keeping them located only there as he watched them burn.

These flames...his flames, his power and presence. He sighed slightly, few now knew of Nunnhei's, and there was a reason for that. Their hunting and near extinction drove them to have to keep their human forms more and more, until what most of them truly looked like had become a mystery. Devil. Sons of Satan. Spawn of Hell. They had been called many things, Yue himself personally as well. He closed his eyes for a moment. Was he really going to let himself die back there as well? Even though he had basically given the other his blessing, such a wound would probably not have killed him if dealt with right....but to submit to death? He had never done such a thing before. He had always had the will to fight and survive, for what though? A dull ache was beginning to return to his head.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 03:11 AM

Hikari shook her head slightly. "No, I'm sorry, but I don't know you, either." She replied to the man. How could he know them, when they didn't know him? Her thoughts were diverted when Ambroise asked if she was okay. For some reason, the fact that he still cared made her happy, and she blushed a little. "I'll be okay, I'm just really drained. Thank you..." She said. She had thought he was angry at her for wanting to save Nazar. Avalon offered some tea, and Hikari nodded. "I would love some tea, chamomile please." She loved chamomile tea, it always calmed her nerves. "I could also really use something to eat. Having your soul nearly sucked out apparently makes you very hungry." She said, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 04:22 PM

Pascal nodded his understanding, though didn't actually understand just yet. None of them knew him, but he knew all of them. When Avalon offered tea, Pascal tried to intervene. "Oh let me prepare it, Avalon," he said in his thick accent while hopping to his feet.

"Aye!" he exclaimed, taking pressure off of his left leg and clutching his chest. "Maybe I should sit," he said with a weak laugh. It was just in his nature to want to help and do anything and everything he could for others. He plopped back into the chair. "Where is Yue when you need him, right?" he chuckled.

He knew that Yue and Ambroise didn't exactly see eye to eye, so he rephrased. "Or nossa feira Isabella, hmm?" How did he know of a girl who wasn't even there? But she was. She was still out there in the fog, and that meant she was still here. No one could escape here.


Isabella's bare feet padded over a dirt path. At some point, the path disappeared. Now, she was still going in the same direction, wasn't she? Yes, she was certain, maybe. The fog had thickened and everything seemed to blend together. Almost as it had in Remi's room, when the man with the top hat had blended everything together into nothingness.

She stepped into water, and stopped. Grey-white eyes squinted down into the fog to see water rippling. She'd come to some kind of lake, or marsh. Logically, Isabella thought to go around it, or at least follow it to a village or town or something. But if it were just a marsh, she could just pass over the very shallow water to the other side. She decided she would walk into the water. If it became deep, she would come back, if not, well then she would cross.

All the while, hurt stung at her heart and regret seemed to be trying to lure her back to the Inn. She had to be stronger than that! She wouldn't go back. Isabella had both feet in the water now, and she moved forward. She made it quite some distance, before the water became deeper. It was halfway up her shins, but seemed to steadily stay at that depth.

Water rippled towards her, and she frowned curiously at the water. Were there animals out here? Some kind of alligator? It was probably only fish. Could fish live in waters like these? The ripple came bigger, and from two different directions. Something large slinked through the water behind her, and she spun around just as it disappeared.

Isabella wanted to go back, but if something was behind, she should move forward. She picked up on her dress and moved forward maybe five or six more steps, when a large and tall figure appeared in the fog in front of her. It hovered and grew to at least the height of the Inn, and Isabella gasped as the giant snake leaned through the fog into view.

((I didn't want my post too long, so I'll continue this on my next post! Don't mind her! XD))

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 08-13-2014 at 04:31 PM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-16-2014, 04:21 AM

She shook her head vehemently. "I'll take care of it." Avalon looked over her shoulder and glared at Pascal. "You need to stay put." The water bubbled loudly in the pot. Carefully, the young woman spooned the hot liquid into some cups. .These she filled with metal strainers, filled with chamomile tea. The young woman brought a cup to Pascal, and another to Hikari. "I know it probably isn't the best. It's been a while since I had the chance to make anything like this."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-16-2014, 04:35 AM

Ambroise stared at Hikari, he had clearly missed something. He could ask her about it later though, right now didn't seem like the time. When Pascal mentioned Yue, Ambroise turned towards him rather quickly, a warning look in his eyes but the nekomata didn't say anything. Not about Yue. He did blink at Pascal when the other mentioned Isabella. It was too strange, how this man could know them and they not know him at all. "Isabella left, at least she told me she was leaving. She looked kindof sad though." Maybe he should have stopped her when she had come to his room.

His right hand moved, unconsciously rubbing gently at the scar on his right wrist as he thought of Isabella. She had saved him, and he had just let her walk away. Probably lost in the fog. He was so stupid, he shouldn't have let her go alone. His tails twitched in agitation and his eyes found Hikari. Something had happened to her as well, and he hadn't been there to stop whatever it was. Ambroise was frowning. "This place. We should all just leave it. Isabella can't have got to far, we could probably catch up with her." He didn't sound so certain.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-16-2014, 05:38 AM

The violet-eyed man graciously accepted the tea from Avalon. "Thank you minha querida," he said before sipping at the liquid. "Muito perfeito," he added, calling the tea perfect before kissing his fingers and making a motion as if to free the kiss into the air. With each passing minute, Pascal was feeling better. Whatever Yue had done had begun to heal him, as well as continue the healing process once the man had already gone.

Upstairs, the holes in the Inn were nearly repaired as well. The rooms were returning to the way they had been before the Inn had shut itself off. Even the chair where Yue was, miraculously repaired itself and was upright again. It would not allow more damage to itself. If Yue did that again, the Inn would be forced to retaliate.

Pascal turned to Ambroise with a look of concern. "She was sad and then she left here you say?" It was strange to Pascal, that he could somehow feel Isabella's presence. He could feel all of them. Even Remi. He frowned then. "Leave?" he questioned Ambroise. "Why would everyone need to leave? I do not follow, my friend," he said, confused.

Suddenly, Pascal's expression changed. It was subtle. Not all of them would notice. He took on a less confused expression, exchanging it for something more devious. "You are right," he said to Ambroise. "Let us venture into the fog to find our friends, hmm?" His violet eyes had darkened, another thing not all would take note of. Inside, he felt warm and fuzzy at the thought of luring them all out into the fog. He felt even better about finding Remi, and crushing him.


Out in the fog, the giant snake leaned over Isabella. It was almost as if the creature was smiling, it's giant tongue flicking out, eyes narrowed menacingly... She took a slow step backwards, hoping that slow movements could get her far enough from harm's way. It didn't work.

The snake reared back, and struck. Isabella jumped out of the way just in time. The snake's mouth and fangs bit into the water, splashing the cold liquid high into the air. She turned to run, but part of the snake rose up in front of her, blocking her path. Thinking quickly, Isabella jumped onto it, to slide down the other side.

The slick scaly snake body made her skin crawl. It tried to stop her, raising that portion of its body up into the air. But Isabella had already begun to slide off, and before the snake could do anything, she was running through the water. It hissed, a loud disgusting hiss that would give Isabella nightmares, and disappeared into the water.

Fog thick around her, Isabella couldn't tell where she'd come from or where she was going. She couldn't tell if it was getting deeper or if she was close to solid land. And she couldn't tell where the snake was now. She stopped, breathing hard. But now she held her breath, listening.

The snake shot from the water so quickly, that she screamed. She fell back into the water, only a foot deep or so where she'd been standing. She scrambled to her feet and ran again, but as luck would have it, or the Inn would, Isabella stepped forward into a deep spot.

Her head went under for a moment and then her face came up and she sucked in air. She reached for solid ground, but it was mysteriously gone. She reached again, turned and reached again, and again. But there was nothing near her, only water.

Isabella waded in the water, shivering from cold and fear. The fog here, it was just as dangerous as the Inn. She'd gone to get away from the danger, to move on from those people, and yet, here she was. She was in just as much danger, wishing one of those people could help her. One in particular, but he didn't want her around now.

Isabella wondered, if Remi knew, would he even want to save her this time? He wanted you dead then, her sister said bitterly. Why would now be any different? she spat. Now focus on getting us out of here, and quit thinking about people who didn't even care to see you gone!

Tears stung at grey-white eyes and her sister was gone again. Isabella was alone once more. Her heart was racing and she shook almost violently. Something brushed against her leg and she whimpered. Isabella's only hope was to swim until she came onto to shallower land, but she wouldn't have the chance.

A scaly body wrapped around her own, and before she could do anything about it, it began to squeeze. For a moment, while the snake situated, Isabella had disappeared in its coils under the water, only to reappear in a moment when the snake slithered into shallower water.

Isabella did the only thing then she could think of. If this was a demon, or a snake possessed or something along those lines, Isabella could try and purify it. If she could do it in time, the snake could shrink, or even just decide to let her go before slithering off as a gentle creature once more. Unfortunately for Isabella, the snake was just too strong.

She'd closed her eyes to concentrate, feeling the being with her own mind and soul. There was a great darkness here. Yet it was something strange. The darkness seemed to be coming from somewhere else. Almost as if the snake wasn't real at all. Merely a puppet perhaps. Isabella could do nothing to purify the beast and it was crushing her. Her bones ached. Her back ached. She couldn't even get a lung full of air now to breath or call out for help.

Isabella lost consciousness, and if the snake dropped her now, she would plunge into deep waters again.

((I haven't actually decided if I want to kill her or not. I think it would add an awesome depth to the story. And Pascal is going to end up being a handful and I'm not sure how well I can keep up with the both of them. So that's why I left it open here. If anyone finds her, no one say for sure if she's alive or not, since I haven't decided! :)))

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 08-16-2014 at 05:41 AM..

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-16-2014, 06:00 AM

Hikari gratefully accepted the tea and sipped it gently. "The tea is wonderful, Avalon, thank you." She said, already feeling better. She turned to Ambroise, her eyes wide. "Isabella left? Did she say why?" She asked, though she had a vague idea. When Pascal spoke, she felt Calcifer, who was just waking back up, grow uneasy. He couldn't place it, but he felt like something was very off about the man. "Why would we leave? I'll tell you why. Ever since we've been here, the magic of this place has tried to kill each and every one of us in very specific ways. It's dangerous. However, I don't think we should just waltz out into the fog." She said, sitting up a bit more straight. "Calcifer thinks the fog is dangerous, too. It's what brought most of us here in the first place, and there could be anything at all lurking out there. If we went out, we'd have to have a well thought out plan and an organized group of people. I'm worried about Isabella being out there, but we can't risk everyone else's lives to go rushing to her aid." She said reasonably. She thought it was a bit odd that Pascal suddenly wanted to go out as well. Hadn't he just recovered from something out there? Something is wrong here... Calcifer thought.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-16-2014, 06:41 AM

"I told you this place was just a trap." He spoke the words quietly, he had said them when he had been first rescued from that room. A slight shudder passed down his spine at remembering that, and he rubbed at the scar again. "She's right though, there's no point in everyone rushing into danger. Two of us could go, we'll find Isabella and bring her back then all of us can leave as a large group. Safety in numbers." His ears were twitching a bit, almost anxious and he didn't notice the subtle changes that had come over Pascal, though perhaps he should have.

"Gather all the others and explain to them what's going on, I'll go look for Isabella." He glanced at Pascal. "I think our new friend should remain here, there's no telling what happened to him in the fog and if it was a beast, it probably has a taste for his blood now." He turned towards the back door, once he reached it he turned to look at them. "Who will come with me?" He would wait patiently, but a bit anxiously for an answer. They really had no idea what was in the fog, or how dangerous it was or wasn't, Isabella could be hurt or maybe she was fine and safe. Ambroise wasn't so naive as to assume that she was perfectly fine, but he wasn't so pessimistic to believe that she was already dead either.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 08-17-2014, 02:30 AM

Naturally, Hikari stood up right away. "I will go with you. I can fend for myself, and I have Calcifer, so it's like having two people in one. If anyone can find Isabella out there, it's Calcifer." She offered. She was feeling much better, and had every confidence that she could handle the trip...if Ambroise would let her come, that was. There was really no guarantee that he would even want her along.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-18-2014, 11:47 PM

Avalon smiled, even though she didn't understand a word Pascal had said. Then the seriousness of the situation reasserted itself. It was truly a puzzle of epic proportions. They needed to find Isabella, and Remi as well ... Though she was certain most of the others would argue against is, especially Ambroise. Avalon bit her lower lip nervously.

"Is there some kind of spell we could all use to stay in contact with each other?" She glanced around, taking in the odd Inn. "I'll stay here. I could hand a light outside the door, or figure out how to anyway. It would make it easier for you guys to find your way, and if we can figure out that spell ..." The young woman's shoulders slumped. It was a frightening place. No, a dread inducing place. It felt like no matter what they did, the Inn would get the better of them.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-18-2014, 11:48 PM

Yue sighed, letting the flames die down. The chair burnt to a pile of ash. He laid back upon the table, his eyes moving up to the ceiling. Taking a breath, he closed them after another moment. This place was becoming more of a hassle than it was worth. He should leave, not bother staying and wasting more time risking others finding out and wanting him dead like that cat man. It would probably make him happy if Yue left as well. Sitting up, he slipped off the table. There was no point in staying here, he could take his chances out in the fog.

Slipping upstairs, he got his coat and his goggles, not much else left there for him to retrieve. He turned and headed back downstairs, before he made his way to the door. It was time to get out of there, he had no need to tell the others goodbye, it was not like he was close to any of them at this point. A dark feeling settling in his chest, even a better reason to leave the place. He opened the door, stepping out of the door. He looked up at the sky, but he could see little more than the fog that was already rolling back in since he had stepped out of the Inn. He sighed, placing his coat on, he slipped his goggles on as well. Time to leave.


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