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rude and not ginger
slowtrain is offline
Old 08-03-2008, 06:04 AM

thanks ^^
I've used watercolours in real life... I'm okay with them, but nowhere near good enough to use it on it's own

if I'm doing digital stuff usually Corel Painter Essentials 3... I've tried using photoshop but I haven't practiced it enough

I use traditional media more often that digital... then it's usually graphite pencil... sometimes watercolour/inks, sometimes oil or acrylic paints
I did a woodcut print for school a few weeks ago, and I've made sculptures out of muslin stiffened with glue and out of plaster

aaaand another entry!
just something simple, because I was bored XD

Username: slowtrain
Category Entered: Portrait

Last edited by slowtrain; 08-03-2008 at 01:14 PM..

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 08-03-2008, 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith the Ill View Post
Eeep! I'm going to try to get my entry done by today! I've got a lot of stuff going on (like a funeral >>) so I've got to work work work!

I'm suprised more people haven't entered.. maybe everyone is a slacker like me xD
::laughs:: No worries! :heart: I think most artists are slackers. XD Even the ones who usually meet their deadlines. XD (I can count myself as an artist, so I'm not being dismissive or mean or anything. XD)

I hope the funeral isn't too trying. ^^; ::really dislikes going to those:: >_>;

Originally Posted by slowtrain View Post
thanks ^^
I've used watercolours in real life... I'm okay with them, but nowhere near good enough to use it on it's own

if I'm doing digital stuff usually Corel Painter Essentials 3... I've tried using photoshop but I haven't practiced it enough

Ooh... maybe using a newer version of Painter might make for some nicer digital watercolors... :' I keep forgetting that I have some really outdated art software compared to most people. XD;

That way of doing sculptures seems really cool! It'd be something I'd want to try, because I always want to dabble with a bit of everything. :o

aaaand another entry!
just something simple, because I was bored XD

Username: slowtrain
Category Entered: Portrait
XD It's so soft and sweet looking! :heart: Pretty. :3 ::saves it:: Yay - thank you. :3 I like the palette you used too - it's really nice. :3 ::goes to add it to the front page!::

〜( ̄△ ̄...
orlybirdy is offline
Old 08-03-2008, 08:07 PM

*working on an entry*

<3 Yay for arts~

Sirocco is offline
Old 08-03-2008, 08:40 PM

I keep thinking that if I even touch my almost-finished-lineart I will make some awful mistake and make it look ugly D; /somehow likes how the sketch and lineart look like
It keeps me away from finishing it, urgh xd

ToriKat is offline
Old 08-03-2008, 08:48 PM

Username: ToriKat
Category Entered: Portrait

xD I changed...a lot on how items are supposed to look...because you said we could. D:

Ice Cream Binger
Tsuki-Chani is offline
Old 08-03-2008, 08:59 PM

Username: Tsuki-Chani
Category Entered: Portraits

finally. @>@ never got the time. ; -; finally~i got too. *^*
-hopes she made it in time- Dx

ToriKat is offline
Old 08-03-2008, 11:48 PM

So many cute entries! >_<!! Lots of portraits too. 8D

rude and not ginger
slowtrain is offline
Old 08-04-2008, 12:25 AM

you're welcome ^^
It's nice to finally use my tablet after so long... I only have Painter because it came free with my tablet... which I only have because it was a Christmas present XD

\ (•◡•) /
AZNpyro104 is offline
Old 08-04-2008, 04:00 AM


Torikat, your entry is so PRETTY! *faves it*

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 08-04-2008, 04:21 AM

Sorry about taking awhile to respond. XD (Well, "a few hours" isn't really "awhile" when you consider there's an event going on... >_> )

Originally Posted by orlybirdy View Post
*working on an entry*

<3 Yay for arts~
Yes! Yay for arts! XD And yay for an entry! \o/

Originally Posted by Sirocco View Post
I keep thinking that if I even touch my almost-finished-lineart I will make some awful mistake and make it look ugly D; /somehow likes how the sketch and lineart look like
It keeps me away from finishing it, urgh xd
XD I think every artist has that sort of fear... That's one of the reasons I purchased a light-box from Wal*mart. XD That way I could make a copy of the original and work from that if I was trying something new. :3

But if you let it defeat you, you'll never finish things. XD (I know - there are loads of times I've put off artwork until I could "do better" and that doesn't work so well as slackers like me hope. D: )

But I like lineart too. :3

::tries to encourage;: :D

Originally Posted by ToriKat View Post
Username: ToriKat
Category Entered: Portrait

xD I changed...a lot on how items are supposed to look...because you said we could. D:
Oh my goodness. XD I didn't think you were actually going to enter. LOL. Yay! :heart: I has another Tori art. XD

I already told you over MSN things like, "Yay!" and "thank you!" - and since I've made direct comments on every entry on what I liked, I want to say I really particularly like how you rendered her wing. XD It's so gentle looking!

And of course you can change how things look. X3 It's more fun that way. XD And the changes are cute! :3

Originally Posted by Tsuki-Chani View Post
Username: Tsuki-Chani
Category Entered: Portraits

finally. @>@ never got the time. ; -; finally~i got too. *^*
-hopes she made it in time- Dx
Goodness - back to back entries. XD ::overwhelmed. :o :: :heart:

To answer the question on the picture - I do like it! Thank you so much. n__n I love how you made it kind of a "scrapbook" entry, with some of my very favorite items and Fortuno as well as the characters. :3 That was very clever and I appreciate that you took so much time. X3 :heart:

And to answer your other question - yes, you made it in time. XD As I make this post, there are about another... 40 minutes left of the third. XD But I won't be officially closing that "special bonus" submission time until the next time I check this thread (which might be sometime tomorrow. XD - Like, after I wake up. XD )

I'll go and add yours and Tori's entries to the front page. :3

Originally Posted by ToriKat View Post
So many cute entries! >_<!! Lots of portraits too. 8D
XD Portraits are great in that you can play to your strengths in them. X3 I'm not surprised there are a lot of entries there. XD

Originally Posted by slowtrain View Post
you're welcome ^^
It's nice to finally use my tablet after so long... I only have Painter because it came free with my tablet... which I only have because it was a Christmas present XD
Yeah - I got a freebie version of Painter with my tablet too. XD I just... got my tablet in '98 or '99. >___>; (I got a Graphire 3, I think. For my birthday, if I'm not mistaken. XD )

Thank you all so much! :heart: (Even if you haven't entered and have no intentions of entering - I just appreciate you guys hanging out in my thread. :3 )

Lura Crane
Lura Crane is offline
Old 08-04-2008, 06:31 AM

Originally Posted by CK
I use RoughDraft (a freeware word-processing program)... it's super easy to have my notes in one document tabbed next to the actual story. XD There's even a "notepad" option so you can write in the left part of the screen and write notes on the right part of the screen. XD (But I prefer using tabs 'cause it seems more natural to me.) XD It's a really handy program and the only time I ever use Word anymore is if someone sends me a .doc. XD; (I use notepad too, but only for quick notes to myself or to write something up to post on Menewsha. XD; )

But that's kind of how I work when I work offline. XD I have a notebook where I write notes to myself in the margins and stuff. XD Or I print out my typed versions and write in the margins and spaces between paragraphs so I'll know where to make edits. XD (It's always easier for me to find places I need to edit by having a hard copy of the text.) The only problem with writing long-hand is that my hands start hurting or the blood stops circulating in my arms when I've been writing for a few hours. XD; I also have problems staying awake 'cause I'm one of those writers who sort of daydreams the scene so I can make sure I'm including all the visuals properly. XD;
You have so many nice links, haha~
The screenshots from the site looked kinda cool. 83
But I'm not really a writer, so I guess I prefer the loose (sketchy?) way of scribbling in margins and writing random words and phrases everywhere. XD I'm not so good with daydreaming scenes either, or that when I do, it doesn't last long enough for me to remember how to put it into words. XD;;

Originally Posted by CK
Xian was actually one of the names I was going to give an emperor in my novel, so when I read what it meant/the connotations of it I was like, "Haha. >_> Maybe not..." because he is utterly unmagical. XD;

I looked up the word 'tiger' and realized probably why - probably with a different version of some of the characters, right? XD I always found that really interesting. It was a struggle for me to figure out which characters I wanted for my character's name (half-Chinese, half-Korean and having nothing whatsoever to do with the story I'm working on). His name is "Jin Li Shang" and I went for characters that gave his name the character for a particular river (I'm guessing, based on the sources) and plum, and 'superior' for his surname. XD His alternate universe version got the characters for "golden" and "plum". ::rambles:: :B

Butanyway - yes! I always bookmark the really fun mythology sites like that. XD And I've been totally abusing's ability to download old books - so I've lots of fairy tale books written/translated around the late 1800's/early 1900's.
Haha~ But I think people like to give their children names with high, pretty, powerful and such things, perhaps in hopes that they'll grow up to be those things. 83

Yeah, it helps in understanding when they're in character form. XD
Hmm.. I seem to only recognize plum from his name, haha.

And now, I thank you for introducing, since I've never visited that site before. XD

Originally Posted by CK
Probably Crayola. XD I have some of those too, but they're not quite as nice as inktense. XD But I prefer using the watercolor pencils to their regular colored pencils - because they lay on closer to regular Prismacolors with that nice rich heaviness of crayons rather than the lightness of pencils... ::rambles::

Thank you. XD It was really tricky. All the characters are meant to have "black" hair with blue or purple sheen to it, so it was difficult to figure out how I wanted to mix the colored ink pencils to kind of get that effect without turning it into black blobs. :B I erred on the side of "color". XD But a lot easier with those pencils than with any other real media I've tried. XD
I got them only because they sounded interesting, and wasn't something that was so expensive I didn't want to risk money just to try. XD I also prefer Crayola colored pencils to Prismacolors, though I'm not sure if I could say why, haha~

Originally Posted by CK
Oh - yeah. XD; And Prismacolor markers actually seem to have less alcohol in them than Copic or Neopiko or Tria, so they take less time to dry - but if you try to do details while it's still damp.... D: Interesting and cool effects if that's what you're going for... D:

Yeah - I know there are artists who are really good with that. XD I am not because I just didn't understand it. XD Colored pencils, yes! But charcoal pencils just didn't seem to click with me for some reason. XD
Oh, I didn't know that. 8'O But I bought Prismacolor markers because again, I was just buying them to try it, and there was a discount on art supplies at the student bookstore. XDD; At least now I know for when I get to using them again in the future. 8'D

Agreed~ It never seemed like something I'd put to use together, but someone else tried it, and now I've tried a bit of it myself. X'D

And yay for all the pretty entries coming in~ 8'O

Yopa the princess
Dead Account Holder
Yopa the princess is offline
Old 08-04-2008, 02:33 PM

I'll try! *if I get some free time*

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Dejection is offline
Old 08-04-2008, 11:00 PM

I'm brand new to Menewsha but I like the avatars so I might try to draw something for this contest. It would be a good way to get started on the site, I think.

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:30 AM

I just wanted to note that - although I've virtually abandoned my thread during the event (sorry. XD; ) I am now officially closing submissions down for the "bonus" prize. XD I'll be sending out the bonus prizes shortly! Thank you all so much, those who submitted early! :heart: I know it's not much but you still have a shot at more prizes so - whoohoo! XD

Also - I apologize for the short replies this time around... I probably won't make it back to this thread until the event ends on August 10th, so don't get worried if you don't hear from me until then. :3 If the question is important, feel free to PM me and let me know you've asked a question, though! I won't mind. :3

Originally Posted by Lura Crane View Post
You have so many nice links, haha~
LOL. I spend way too much time on the internet, is why. >__>; But thanks. XD

Haha~ But I think people like to give their children names with high, pretty, powerful and such things, perhaps in hopes that they'll grow up to be those things. 83
That's true. X3 But I'll still avoid giving characters a 'magical' name in this story, if they don't have magic. XD Just in case someone goes through all the trouble of looking up the meanings to their names. XD Haha. XD

Hmm.. I seem to only recognize plum from his name, haha.
It may be that some of the characters I chose for his name are characters not normally used (especially for personal names. >_>) . XD I trolled through several online dictionaries, and they might not all be accurate or I might not have understood how to use it. XD;
And now, I thank you for introducing, since I've never visited that site before. XD
You're welcome. XD I found loads of great fairy tale books that way. :3 I haven't even read all the ones I've downloaded. >___>;

And yay for all the pretty entries coming in~ 8'O
Yay indeed. X3 :heart:

Originally Posted by Yopa the princess View Post
I'll try! *if I get some free time*
Originally Posted by Dejection View Post
I'm brand new to Menewsha but I like the avatars so I might try to draw something for this contest. It would be a good way to get started on the site, I think.
I hope you guys have some free time before October. :3 I'd love having more submissions. n_n

\ (•◡•) /
AZNpyro104 is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:32 AM

CK, your avi is always different everyday I see it. x'D


Thank you for the prize~! ^^

Last edited by AZNpyro104; 08-06-2008 at 01:35 AM..

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:38 AM

::Laughs:: I get bored of my avatar pretty easily. XD And with so many new shiny items to play with, I want to try them all on. LOL. At once, even. But that usually looks messy, so I just have to change my outfit every day/several times in a day. >___>;

You're welcome. :3

\ (•◡•) /
AZNpyro104 is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:45 AM

x'D That's true; there are so many pretty items~ *wants to buy them all* Especially the event items. *O*

rude and not ginger
slowtrain is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 03:33 AM

^^ thanks for the prize CK, it doesn't bother me at all that it's not that much, it was fun doing my entries

Belldandy is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 03:34 AM

Thank you for the prize CK <33

Thyme Traveler
Thyme Traveler is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 06:07 PM

lol- Haven't been on Mene 48 hours yet and I've already found my way to an art contest...xD
Hmm...this looks interesting- ^^

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 08-07-2008, 05:03 AM

Originally Posted by AZNpyro104 View Post
x'D That's true; there are so many pretty items~ *wants to buy them all* Especially the event items. *O*
XD I hope you're able to take advantage of the Tokens to get free event commons - and the half-price discount if you don't have much extra time. :3 I'm slowly working my way down my list. x____x

Originally Posted by slowtrain View Post
^^ thanks for the prize CK, it doesn't bother me at all that it's not that much, it was fun doing my entries
You're welcome. :3 I'm glad you had fun, too. X3 :heart:

Originally Posted by Belldandy View Post
Thank you for the prize CK <33
You're welcome! :D

Originally Posted by Thyme Traveler View Post
lol- Haven't been on Mene 48 hours yet and I've already found my way to an art contest...xD
Hmm...this looks interesting- ^^
::laughs:: Awesome! I tempt people from beyond the site... to come jooin uuuus.... ::hypno-eyes:: :3

I love your screen name, too! It's really cute. ;3

Lura Crane
Lura Crane is offline
Old 08-07-2008, 06:21 AM

I've started on my first entry! X'3

As a perspective entry, I think, but as a sketch I don't think it's doing much to emphasize the perspective.. XD;

Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 08-07-2008, 06:49 AM

Squee! \o/

Well - I really doubt a lot of people are going to enter that category anyway. XD So I think the attempt will probably be worth something. XD And you may also be underestimating yourself. XD (Or over-estimating my standard on the issue. XD)

::rambles sleepily:: :3

\ (•◡•) /
AZNpyro104 is offline
Old 08-07-2008, 06:55 AM

@_@ Lura Crane changed her avatar, and now I'm confused. I'm too used to seeing the black dress~~

I have to get around to coloring in that picture in. I have Photoshop now, but I don't know how to use it...


Lura Crane
Lura Crane is offline
Old 08-07-2008, 06:58 AM

I'm probably underestimating myself, I do that often, haha~ XD;;
But I guess I'll just find out after I submit the entry. X'D

CK be tired out for the day? 83

Edit: Haha~ Black dress will be coming back eventually~ X3
I wanted to get into a festival mood with my avatar. X'D

Last edited by Lura Crane; 08-07-2008 at 07:17 AM..


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