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Isendor is offline
Old 08-27-2011, 11:46 AM

"Elliot, eh?" Leandro thought an took a seat, opposing Elliot. There was something yelling in his mind, something that reminded him of an important appointment or so, but he couldn't really catch up with it. It surely didn't have anything to do with the queen or his sister, but the word martial arts rang a bell. Was he supposed to be somewhere else soon? Oh well, I need to be here, too! He thought. "And you VOWED to work for the highness? Tough words, do you have any proper reason to work under our dear Yes, Your Highness?" Leandro was waiting to hear a story similar to Kaleido's. He had heard only rumors of her reasons to stay in the court, but they had been quite credible. He wouldn't be surprised to hear about another sad story.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 08-27-2011, 06:56 PM

Elliot stood there for a moment. He thought about lying, but then decided not to. "Well I guess I don't really have a proper reason for serving her highness. I grew up in a small community of people and they are very stirct about goals and accomplishments. I failed at everything I was assigned to do so they grew to shun me." he began thinking he may have given too much information to the Leandro. "So I just wanted to find a place to fit in and came here" he added with a smile.

Neenja Stalking Sillyness with a...
shadow_universe is offline
Old 08-29-2011, 07:31 PM

Kaleido scurried around the place. SHe felt uncomfortable and restless.
SOmething seemed to have happened. She stopped, after she sensed Leandro and someone else close to her.
Then she tip toed around the corner and lurked. Leandro was sitting in a chair speaking to ..who? The butler?
She only saw him once. Near her precious queen. Who was that guy? A traitor? She decided to walk around the corner
and smiled shy at the new guy and brightly at Leandro. "May I join you?"

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 08-29-2011, 07:44 PM

Elliot jumped up at the sight of the girl coming up to them. He quickly bowed to her. "Of course" he said giving her his seat and quickly grabbing another for himself. He felt especially nervous with her around. Now he knew he had to be extremely careful at what to say. He couldn't allow her to find out that he was originally a ninja assigned to kill the Queen and her assassin. He didn't even want to do it either. He just wanted to escape from his assignment and home.

Neenja Stalking Sillyness with a...
shadow_universe is offline
Old 08-31-2011, 05:56 PM

"Oh, thank you." Kaleido smiled and sat down. "Such a gentleman. Well, may I ask for your name?
I havent seen you around here that often and I never had the chance to have a talk to you. I was very busy with my knife throwing practice. I have gotten better though. Are you actually able to throw knifes perfectly? Leandro can. And he taught me." She smiled and leaned against the chair.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 08-31-2011, 07:49 PM

Elliot heart began to race. "My name is Elliot. I am new here. Knife throwing? Sounds uh cool" he said a bit worried about knife throwing. He had learned the basics, but never really got the hang of it. He was a poor excuse for a ninja. He couldn't do anything. He looked over to Leandro and then back Kaleido. He felt weird, but somehow relaxed.

Neenja Stalking Sillyness with a...
shadow_universe is offline
Old 09-01-2011, 01:33 PM

"I still have to practise though. Well not that I am going to use my skills. Im just a maid." She laughed and played with her hair. She wasnt sure what to think of Elliot. "And that is such a beautiful name! Fits you perfectly.
Oh, and where do you actually come from? Should I show you around the place a little? Since you are new here and this huge place is new to you."

Isendor is offline
Old 09-01-2011, 04:23 PM

"Woah, looks who is boasting for her knife throwing skills!" Leandro smirked. "Have you started to hit your targets?" he added and poked Kaleido's shoulder with a finger. "But I'm also interested in your background, Elliot. I've always wondered where the blond are made. Not to offence, then, I just like to tease people a bit", he ended and continued on poking Kaleido. "My your shoulder is fun to poke!"

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 09-01-2011, 06:43 PM

Elliot blushed a little with the compliment of his name. "Thank you" he said showing gratitude. No one had ever given him a compliment. He thought about it a little bit then responded "I don't really have much of a past or history. I came from a place south of here. Its a tiny little village that most people don't realize is there." he stated to be honest without giving away everything.

Neenja Stalking Sillyness with a...
shadow_universe is offline
Old 09-01-2011, 06:52 PM

"Leandro!" she grabbed his hand and squished it. "Youre just jealous I have such pretty shoulders. Poke your own. Oh and yes Ive becom better. I can hit nearly everything. If its a book. You have to teach me to hit moving things though." She pulled is hair gently and curled it around her tiny finger.
"No need to thank me, Elliot!" Kaleido smiled and reached for Elliot with her other hand. "Youre such a nice guy. I wish Leandro would learn from you."

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 09-01-2011, 07:52 PM

Elliot blushed slightly and glanced over at Leandro. He gave a slight smile. He was really starting to like these two a lot. He had hoped he would get another chance to talk to them after today. He really enjoyed being around them. He felt as though he could tell them anything. He let a gentle smile. "Thank you Kaleido, I try to be kind" He said with a small chuckle.

Isendor is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 04:37 PM

Bored by the fact of not being allowed to poke Kaleido's shoulder anymore, Leandro started to dig his pipe up like always. His fingers got around the wooden, smooth surface, but then he coughed. He suffocated it, making only a small voice. Then again, and again. Finally he started to cough aloud furiously! He blocked his mouth with his hand and tried to calm his paroxysm.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 06:00 PM

Elliot quickly looked over to Leandro. He jumped up and ran to his side. "Leandro!" he exclaimed not sure what was going or if he was okay. He looked over to Kaleido for advise on what to do. He began to gently pat Leandro's back in hopes that it would help him. He didn't know what else to do. "Leandro are you okay?" he asked knowing it was probably dumb to ask.

Neenja Stalking Sillyness with a...
shadow_universe is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 07:44 PM

"OH Leandro!" Kaleido looked frightened at Leandro then jumped up and rushed to him.
"Let me have a look at you. Im a Sylphe, Im good at handling that." She gently opened Lenadros shirt and laid her hand on his chest, closing her eyes trying to calm down his body with her energy.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 09:23 PM

Elliot watched feeling helpless. He didn't know anything to do so he just stepped back and watched Kaleido help Leandro. He was frightened as to what was going to happen. He hoped she could help him. He stayed close by in case he was needed, but stayed out of the way. "Sh-sh-should I get the Queen?"

Isendor is offline
Old 09-03-2011, 08:03 AM

"*cough* No... no need to..." Leandro said with a weak voice and grabbed Elliot's hand, just in case. His coughing started to calm down, thanks to Kaleido's healing. He kept on breathing slowly. What was happening to him? His heart started to bump faster and faster, the fear was reaching him! Was he about to die...?
"Rosalie shouldn't know everything, she will behead me for coughing. You shouldn't be scared either. It's just coughing!" he said and tried to look calm.

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 09-03-2011, 05:13 PM

Elliot nodded and remained next to Leandro. He was becoming more relieved that the coughing was slowing down. Elliot's heart was in a frantic race. He thought he would have a heartattack. And he was sure the Queen would have his head if something happened to Leandro. He calmed himself down and waited from a command on what to do if he was needed. He knelt down next to Leandro while he still had his hand. "Is there anything I need to do? A drink maybe?" he asked calmly.

Isendor is offline
Old 09-03-2011, 08:38 PM

"No, no, no, no!!! I'm fine! Really!" Leandro stood up but he had to lean on chair's armrest. He straightened his back and made a slight smile. "I think I'm catching a cold here, nothing more. These stone walls aren't the best for my fragile and beautiful skin!" Then he laughed. He liked acting like a diva sometimes, but he actually thought that his skin is too perfect to be real...!
"Seriously, get that dramatic expression out of your face, we royals are tougher than you can imagine! Only jumping down from a tower might be a bit difficult..."

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 01:59 AM

Elliot put on smile and chuckled about his comment about skin. He let a small cough at the comment about jumping from a tower. Elliot had his suspicions that the King did not jump from the tower. He however never mentioned that to anyone. He was too afraid to actually say anything about that subject. He patted Leandro on the back. "Perhaps you should get some rest so that it doesn't get worse. I could make you some soup" he said with his ever so gentle smile. He really didn't mind doing it for him.

Isendor is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 12:40 PM

Leandro gave a strange gaze to Elliot when he noted his coughing during the tower comment. Did even he suspect something...? He didn't say anything about the matter because it would have been way too bold, even to Leandro! Elliot was a very new acquaintance and it was very likely that he wouldn't understand royal matters. Even Leandro didn't get eveything of it, especially when Rosalie muttered about the previous queen, his very own mother.

"No Leandro, I didn't have anything to do with her death! It was an accident!" Rosalie had told him just before her weddings. She was wearing the bride's costume and had already a bouquet in her hands, the ceremony was about to start soon. Leandro had heard about the weddings few days ago and had rushed back to the kingdom from another country.
"My mother has just died and father is already getting married! Of course you know something!" he had yelled. He had been, and still was very furious to his father. How did he dare...! "Do you even love my father?" Rosalie had made sighed. She took Leandro's hand and held it to calm him. "Leandro, my little, foolish darling. The question is if your mother ever loved the king and vice versa. It is about nothing more than that."

And swoosh, the flashback was over!
"Ew, I don't like soups at all! Bring me rum instead, and take glasses for both of you too."

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 09-04-2011, 06:47 PM

Elliot nodded and smiled. "As you wish" he said as he got and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed three glasses and the bottle of rum. He placed them on the silver tray and picked up the tray with one hand. He carried out of the kitchen and returned to Leandro and Kaleido. He sat the tray down on the table and began to pour drinks for them handing them each a cup of rum.

Isendor is offline
Old 09-05-2011, 10:43 AM

The glass was empty in a second! "More!" Leandro demanded. "I'll drink both of you under the table!" And heck yeah he would try it!

princessofdarkness101 is offline
Old 09-05-2011, 05:34 PM

Elliot was shocked by his demand, but just smiled and poured everyone more. Elliot was not use to drinking a lot. He never did drink much even if he was offered or challenged. He didn't like getting drunk. He poured his glass, but did not fill it up all the way. He handed everyone their drinks again and slowly drank his. He was done after the glass. He didn't want to drink anymore. He didn't really care too much for its taste.

Neenja Stalking Sillyness with a...
shadow_universe is offline
Old 09-07-2011, 01:16 PM

Kaleido just overheard the comments about the King. She didnt want to think about it. It sure was terrible for her. She loved the King as her own father. Such a kind man had to die so suddenly.
"D-drink? Leandro, I cant. Ive never drunk. Y-you know we sylphe dont tolerate it very long. Ill be drunk very fast.
And it is my first time." She laughed nervously and scratched her head. She was glad Leandro was better but that he would get alcohol?

Isendor is offline
Old 09-08-2011, 12:16 PM

"Oh fine, I drink yours too!" And Leandro took Kaleido's glass and emptied it with his own. "But tell us, Elliot, what do you think of the people here? We have a very colorful court here, as you might have noticed..." Leandro started to feel a bit tipsy already, he hadn't eaten anything since the breakfast.

(Oh yeah, drinking is bad, mkey?)


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