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Old 08-27-2019, 08:10 PM


Amber was lost, why was Reid so shocked to see her? She lived here after all. It was her house, well their house. "Spence?" She asked softly. "Talk to me."


Aaron sat down and listened tentatively as Rane spoke. He shook his head when she finished and asked him if he had any questions. "No, I think I understand. You should talk to David, let him know you're alive."

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 08-27-2019, 08:15 PM

"Rane died during the explosion, it was too much stress on her body for to keep struggling to stay alive. The doctor called it." Reid began explaining everything he came across knowing about what had happened.


"Are you alright? I didn't meant to scare anyone. Thought I do believe I scared Reid since he was in the apartment talking to Amber." Rane stayed to see if he would say or ask anything else. She tossed it out there "Let's keep the Obsidian Butterfly out of the reports if you don't mind. She doesn't need the limelight."

(I have a mission for the team when they are ready, this will explain more about Rane too)


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Old 08-27-2019, 08:50 PM

Immy: got it

Amber blinked a few times as Reid's word sank in. "What... But she was just here." She murmured softly, setting the cups of coffee on the table. "Another doctor must've went behind him after he left, and revived her." She murmured, that being the only logic that made since to her.


Aaron shook his head and smirked some. "I'm just glad you didn't die protecting me. You're Alive and that's all that matters." He spoke calmly, nodding to her words. "Don't worry, Obsidian will out little secret." He promised her.

Last edited by Nova_Alchemist; 08-28-2019 at 11:35 AM..

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 08-28-2019, 06:23 AM

Nova_Alchemist: did you mean alive not alice?

"Yeah possibly, it's not like immortailty can exist...well actually scientific explanations say it may be more possible than we let on." Reid began saying giving it more thought.


Rane wasn't sure if Hotch put together that she was Obsidian but that was someting that should stay secret about everything. Rane stood up "When you have another case let me know, in the mean time I'm going to talk to the others. I must first pop in on Garcia or she'll kill me all over again." Rane had gotten used to the team like they were family members. Which was rare for her. She left the room to find Garcia, Morgan, and Rossi.

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Old 08-28-2019, 01:02 PM

Immy: yea ><'

Amber smiled, nodding some. "It's not impossible Spence." She said truthfully, picking up her coffee and sipping from the cup. She had read about people who 'died' but revived if given a boost of some sort.


Aaron nodded to her. "Alright." He said, then went back to his paperwork.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 08-28-2019, 04:14 PM

Nova_Alchemist: re watching criminal minds trying to get a feel for the setting.

"That's true, various unicellular and multicellular species, including some vertebrates, achieve this state either throughout their existence or after living long enough. A biologically immortal living being can still die from means other than senescence, such as through injury, disease, or lack of available resources." Spencer geeked out.


After she finished up she decided to leave Reid and Amber at the apartment alone and work on other tasks. Even though it was during the day she figured she'd go for a run leaving her bike at the bau. She put her clothes in a locker the bau gave her so she'd be running in black leggings with a matching sports bra and sneakers. Her wounds were revealed, she didnt' care to hide them and it wasn't all that bad, if she wanted not to get stared at she could have just used foundation matching her skin tone. She would watch everything and everyone around her as she made her way through parks as well as other things. This weekened was a national run for the police. Sort of like special olympic running to raise money.

(Hotch runs usually to I found out, so this would be good interaction if the team went or if amber and spence wants to go to like a comic convention or something while this is going on.)

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Old 08-28-2019, 04:35 PM


Amber giggled some when he started geeking out. "You're right." She murmured, sipping her coffee. "You're also letting your coffee get cold." She teased, glancing at the clock briefly. When did she take the last dose of pain meds? She wanted to be careful when taking them, despite the pain she was in.


(I'm not sure what to put for Aaron ><)

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 08-28-2019, 04:45 PM

Nova_Alchemist: when the weekend comes in to play in the story then we can post more for him I guess. You can leave him out for now...wait I might be able to push that a bit. Gonna take minor control.

Reid looks down at his cup "Oh right" Reid took a sip realizing it was still hot and thankful that it was still. He noticed she got quiet "Trying to figure out when you last took your medicine? About 4 hours and 23 minutes ago. you still have another 37 minutes to go before you can take the other part of it. Twice a day the doctor said." Reid stated "Hey, you know I was going to ask something." Reid added on.


Hotch's phone went off with a friendly reminder that he had most likely forgotten about due to everything that was going on.


Rane was in pain knowing the medicine she was taking would wear off soon. However she would keep pushing herself regardless of what others told her. Memories started flasthing through her mind [memories: "Where is everyone?" a young woman appearing similar to Rane walks out into an over lighted hallway. It seems quiet, peaceful, yet erie. Memories end]

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Old 08-28-2019, 05:13 PM


Amber sighed and relaxed against the back of the couch. She glanced at him and tilted her head. "Ask me, then." She teased some, sipping her coffee.


Aaron was in his office looking over papers. He had a mission set aside for them when everyone had a chance to recollect themselves. He checked his phone when it went off and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 08-28-2019, 05:19 PM


"Well t-there is a comic convention this weekend, I wanted to know if maybe you'd want to go along with me?" Reid stated realizing it sounded like hew as asking her out like on a date "N-not like on a date or anything, just as friends..." Reid stopped talking since he didn't have anything else to continue on until her answer.


David Rossi appeared in his office "You alright?" Rossi asked him as he waited for the other gentlemen to answer the question wondering if he had a headache.


Rane stopped near a park watching the children play making her remember a young boy from her past. ["Come on we gotta go" "I don't want to" "come on make this easy" "NO!" the child yells] memory ends. Rane took a deep breath, same time of year every year as it gets closer and closer. "Will this year be any different?" Rane considered her hair being purple and maybe it was time to change it back?

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Old 08-28-2019, 06:10 PM


Amber blinked and averted her eyes shyly. It sounded like a date, but he shot the idea down like it was no big deal. "I've never actually been to a convention." She smiled some and glanced at him, nodding lightly. "Yeah, I'd love to." She answered cheerfully.


Aaron set his phone down and nodded. "Just got a reminder about the upcoming run, that's all." He said calmly, then looked at David. "I might just skip it this year honestly, with everything going on." He said as he owned back in his chair some.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 08-28-2019, 06:25 PM

"Cool uh Garcia was coming this weekend too and I think Rossi said he'd check it out as well. Though it's odd Rossi would go, Garcia is not surprise. I was going to leave at eight in the morning, we need to get there by nine." Reid throughout into the conversation "It's at the downtown hotel gala"


"The special Olympics for the run for those in the federal forces? I'm sure I saw Rane looking at it on her phone earlier, she marked it for "Attending". Looked into it and she goes to it every year in different cities. She moves around alot it seems." Rossi was just curious about her especially if no one knew anything about her. Rossi wasn't sure if that would change his mind "You should go, it would be good to see at least two out of our team competing."


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Old 08-28-2019, 08:06 PM


Amber sipped her coffee and nodded lightly when he mentioned Garcia and Rossi were going as well. "Maybe Rossi just wants to make sure nothing's going to happen?" She asked aloud, curiously.


Hotch nodded some at his words. "It doesn't surprise me, she's an athlete after all." He leaned back in his chair. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe I will."

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 08-28-2019, 08:10 PM

"Nah I want to say he may have a secret obsession with creative arts, not as much as Garcia and myself. But close enough." Reid stated "It starts Friday and it goes over the weekend. Would you rather go one day or all weekend? garcia is going all weekend."


"I would go but I promised Reid I'd take him, Amber, and Garcia this year." Rossi knew Reid wasn't going to mention he asked Rossi to follow them so he wouldn't be alone if Amber didn't want to go. "I heard that Rane died and came back, any clue how that happened?"


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Old 08-28-2019, 08:30 PM


Amber giggled. That was also possible. She didn't know much about David Rossi after all. "Are you sure you didn't have doubts about me wanting to go?" She teased playfully, partially due to the pain meds. She shrugged at the next question. "I'll stay as long as you do, Spence. You're the one inviting me after all." She noted.


Aaron smirked some at his words and nodded, knowing he was a man of his word. "Fair enough." He paused when asked about Rane and shook his head lightly. "No, only that she's back." He said, giving no indication that he wasn't giving the complete truth.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 08-28-2019, 08:39 PM

Nova_Alchemist: I will respond to the other ones at midnight. i doubt I'll have time at work. Take control or do a timeskip up to you.

Rossi nodded "I'll let you get back to work." he walked out to go find the others and continue finishing up his report.


Reid smiled "I would never doubt you, Amber." he stated and when she said she would stay as long as he would he smiled like a child in a candy store for the first time. "Really?! Oh its going to be so much fun." Reid started telling Amber what all there was to do and that you could dress up and so forth.

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Old 08-28-2019, 08:51 PM

Immy: alrighty~
I'll see what I can come up with :p

Aaron nodded some as the man left and he continued to look over his papers.

Later that evening after going home, Aaron went for a run to clear his head. His wife wasn't too happy with him and that, along with everything else, was on his mind.


Amber smiled sweetly at his words, having mostly figured him out by now.

When Amber could take another dose of her pain meds, she made herself and Reid something to eat, then sat down on the couch. After she ate and took her meds she had fell asleep next to him, perfectly content.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 08-29-2019, 05:32 AM


Rane was still running even that late, she had nothing else to do so she might as well continue her training like she was supposed to. Having ran all day, stopping by a store for some fruit, she wound up having enough energy just to slow for bit. She kept coming back to the park though.

EDIT: Rane sent a text to Hotch [By the way, thanks for caring when I semi perished] she was just teasing him but figured it was true enough with words. She didn't think anyone would care if she WAS gone.


Reid enjoyed the food as they talked for hours and then she took her medicine which had antihistmine so it made her drowsy and fall asleep. He was a bit surprised because interactions this close with others wasn't something he knew much about. But he wouldn't lie, he enjoyed it. Closing his eyes he fell asleep with her putting his arm around her.


Rossi had stopped by (Rane had given him a key just in case) to talk to Rane. Knowing she said she would be home with Amber tonight, no answer. It wasn't late yet so he knocked, so far nothing. He used his spare key to let himself in finding both Reid and Amber asleep next to each other on the couch. Rossi smiled as he took a picture with his phone but didn't send it to anyone. Yet. After that he grabbed a blanket to cover them both up with, they must have been out like a light if he could do alll this and not get a moment's stir. He turned off the lights leaving quietly and locking the door back then heading home.

Last edited by Immy; 08-30-2019 at 05:31 AM..

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Old 08-30-2019, 12:59 PM


Aaron wasn't far from the park when his phone buzzed. He paused briefly to check it, and smirked some to himself at the message. [You're a part out team, if anything happens to you we'll all feel it. Yes, it's your job to protect us, dying for us isn't.] He texted back and continued his job until he came to the park and saw her there.

He was hurting, but he didn't let it show. Aaron knew even if she back, she would be in a hell of a lot more pain then he was feeling.


Amber slept soundly next to Spencer, and at some point she had leaned against him a little. She woke shortly after Rossi came through and semi-noticed the blanket, but she was still sleepy and the meds hadn't quite worn off. She must've turned the wrong way though 'cause her side was hurting. A dull and annoying pain more than anything.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 08-30-2019, 04:52 PM


It wasn't that Rane knew one day she'd die, but after everything her life was built up upon she didn't want to keep living her life the way she had in the past. Hence why she agreed to being a bodyguard. Rane was out of breath as she put her back to a large tree base sliding down until she sat on the ground and tilted her head back. Her eyes were closed 'how much longer can i keep this up?' she asked herself mentally not responding to the text again. She opened her eyes, the way the trees were changing colors already and the way the sun getting lower helped settle the relaxing mood running through her mind. Even with the pain she felt at ease for a moment as she just looked straight ahead. She didn't notice Hotch nearby.


Reid noticed a shift in movement woke up him just a bit "Oh hey, you okay?" it didn't register in his mind again how close they were since they both were pretty damn tired. "Are you in pain?" he asked her, he was awake enough for his brain to register things around him.

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Old 08-30-2019, 05:51 PM


Aaron slowly and casually approached the dark haired woman resting against a tree. "You should be resting." He semi-teased his teammate, knowing she wasn't one to sit around.


Amber glanced at him when he stirred and nodded lightly. "Yeah.. I think Rane came to check on us. Left us a blanket." She murmured softly, sitting up some.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 08-30-2019, 06:21 PM

Rane glanced over at the voice realizing she let her guard down, she was startled that someone was so close. "Shit" she whispered "I gotta say in all these years you're the first person to be able to sneak up on me" she told him 'and not die' she thought right after that to herself. Forcing herself to stand up even though her back burned "Best way to get over pain is to create more pain" in other words to become numb enough to not feel it. "What are you doing out here anyways?"


"Well that's sweet of her, come on let's get you to the bed. Its probably more comfortable than the couch." Reid stood up moving the blanket off of them both pulling her hands to help her stand. "Don't fall asleep on me okay?" though if needed be he could just carry her to the bed, but wasn't sure how limits played out.


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Old 08-30-2019, 07:52 PM


Aaron chuckled quietly at her words. Had he really managed to sneak up on her? An amusing thought. He watched her stand and smirked some. "Running, same as you. I got a reminder text about the run this weekend." He voiced truthfully.


Amber pouted some when Spencer mentioned taking her to bed. "But.. I was comfy." She murmured quietly, taking his hand to help her stand. "Alright, alright.." She murmured teasingly. "I'll try not to." She said softly.

Winter Is Here...I think...

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Old 08-30-2019, 08:16 PM


"Ah, I forget you're the only one on your team that does the run." Rane re thought about that, she was overheated and realized she was a member of the team now as well. She started profiling better with their help, learning new tricks, and wow did time fly once you're on the job. "Want to run together then?" She spoke then thought "Does that mean you and I can race each other this weekend?" she loved a challenge.


Spencer walked her to the bedroom she stayed in, he had been there a couple times before, so he already knew about it. Getting her to lay down he asked her politely "Do you want me to go home or stay a bit longer?" he wanted to continue sleeping, this was the first time in ages he had a good sleep with no nightmares.

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Old 08-31-2019, 04:23 AM


Aaron chuckled and pat her shoulder lightly. "Yeah, let's run together." He agreed, smirking some at her challenge. "I don't see why not, but you'll probably win." He admitted, knowing he wasn't very athletic.


Amber lightly held his hand. "Stay.. Please? I'm scared to be by myself." She murmured softly and truthfully. She then moved over a little to make him some room, like a little kid ask to sleep with a sibling.


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