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Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 12-21-2009, 06:53 PM

'Old Aria' gave a few feeble coughs before answering. "Why, Bertoldo, it was your family! Safe and secure. Little Dawn was there too. I saw her plain as day, but there was a form beside her that I could not see clearly. You really don't remember? It was not so very long ago. Or was it?"

She grinned at him, showing her yellow teeth, with a few missing from the gums. "You were so happy, Bertoldo. And now... It's like looking into a split mirror, Bertoldo. One side has your family, whole and happy, with Dawn and that mysterious figure. The other side also shows your family and little Dawn and a shadow... but none of you are truly happy, Bertoldo dear, not one of you."

'Old Aria' sighed, leaning back in her chair wearily. "I wonder, Bertoldo dear... Which one will end up coming true? And why? That shadow figure, I wonder which young man it will turn out to be...?"


Jareth's eyes had just drifted closed when he heard faint knocking, as if from the front door. His eyelids flew open, as one thought sprang into his mind.

"Dawn?" He whispered, his voice laden with hope. But it was so late, and he had left her with Emilie... Wait! What if something had happened? What if they were in trouble... What if something was wrong with Dawn, or Emilie, or, the High King forbid, both of them?

Jareth wasted no time in leaping from the bed and running downstairs, not even bothering to throw on a dressing robe first. Flinging the door open, he found the very woman who had been occupying his thoughts only moments before.

"Dawn!" He exclaimed, pulling her inside and looking beyond her shoulder. "Why are you here?" He demanded, shutting the door and locking it once he had confirmed that Dawn was alone. "Did something happen? Where is Emilie?"

His eyes then fell on the crystal she held in her hand. "Why do you have that?"

He was now seriously worried that some misfortune had befallen the blonde girl he had become so fond of. Was it a message crystal alerting him to some trouble that she was in?

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 12-21-2009, 11:08 PM

Bertoldo sighed as he buried his face in his hands, "Oh Aria... Have I truly been that hasty in my decision? I believe I know for certain who the man in the shadow is for each..

"That young man, Stronghart, he is in the first frame..

"Poor Alessandro is in the second...

"But what should I do Aria? How can I protect them from the ridicule of our society? I am nothing but a poor factory immigrant.. How can I protect my darling girls and my wife from the ridicule?" Bertoldo finished sadly as he looked up at Aria, searching her warm eyes as if he could find an answer within them.

"How could Dawn forgive me for what I have already decided?"


Dawn blushed as she held out the crystal, her father and 'Old Aria' shown in the crystal, "Forgive me, Jareth, for coming so late in the evening.. and so soon after we had parted.. But my visit is of the utmost importance. Emilie went to my Father disguised as Old Aria and spoke with him about us. She is convincing him to accept you! He still loves me, Jareth, my Father does not hate us!"

Wrapping her arms around his neck as her hood fell from her head, Dawn placed a long, tender kiss upon Jareth's lips, her tear-stained cheeks glistening in the moonlight coming through the windows.

Leaning back on her feet, Dawn smiled as she caressed Jareth's cheek as she explained happily, "If we can find a way to save my sisters' reputations and keep my family safe from society, and if we can find a way to keep Alessandro at peace with my family, my Father may forgive me and may accept us once more!"

Blushing Dawn stepped away from Jareth and looked down at her bare feet, her hands fiddling with the crystal as she stammered softly, "Forgive me for coming so late and risking more speculation.. I had half a mind to turn back.. But there was someone in the alley coming towards me so I thought it safer to come here with you than to have whomever it was in the alley to follow me back to Emilie's. I know it was improper of me to come here at all.. but I felt I had to speak with you now rather than tomorrow.. And truth be told, mio amore, I missed you," Dawn added softly as a deeper blush filled her cheeks.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 12-21-2009 at 11:30 PM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 12:19 AM

"Is ridicule all that you truly fear, Bertoldo?" 'Old Aria' wheezed out. "Rumors, speculation, hot, wasted air! That is all such things will ever be. Such things pass on, dear Bertoldo, and even more quickly when they are proven not to be true."

She patted his arm comfortingly once more. "Dawn is a good girl, and anyone who knows even a hair of her could attest to that!" She cackled cheerfully. "That leaves only those who do not know her, or those who would be jealous of only her newly acquired wealth, that is once she marries that Stronghart fellow. Why should you care about either? You are her father, Bertoldo, and would only be encouraging such malicious rumors if you would toss her out like the trash that she isn't.

"I know little Dawn is a good girl," she repeated her sentiment of earlier. "And I know she won't be hoarding her wealth and influence for herself. No, Bertoldo, you can be sure that she would be doing something with it! Something for the people that she knows and loves, factory workers such as herself. Oh, I can see it now, little Dawn helping those in need... like myself and my old bones!"

Chuckling, 'Old Aria' rose from where she sat, wincing as her bones audibly popped. "Well, you think on it, Bertoldo dear; as her father, you surely know what is best for her. I hope that the dronings of this old woman have helped you make up your mind somehow."

With that, 'Old Aria' pecked his cheek with withered lips and hobbled out the door.


Jareth let out a breath as he realized that Emilie was all right. He grasped Dawn's hand and nodded, looking into her eyes. "Yes, if we can convince Fifleni to leave your family alone... Which I don't think will take much. From what I've seen of him... he is not the bad sort. A former rival yes, but not so wicked as to toss your family out to fend for themselves with no jobs."

He gazed into the crystal as he kissed the hand he was holding absently. "From what I can see, she's doing a fine job of convincing him, precious. Perhaps I can call him 'Father' someday, after all."

He smiled down at her, but his smile became noticeably fixed at her words. "Someone in the alley? Who would be out and about at this hour, much less skulking about near people's houses?"

Dropping her hand, he took up a heavy metal cane and approached a window that faced the alley, motioning for Dawn to stay behind him. Was the 'skulker' still out there? If so, who was it, and why were they out there in the first place? Was it a burglar or maybe a homeless person?

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 12:46 AM

Bertoldo sighed as he was left alone with his thoughts, his mind contemplating what should be done and seeing the truth within Aria's words.


"Perhaps it was only a cat," Dawn whispered as she neared Jareth and dared to peek out the window into the alley, not seeing the shadow that had followed her.

Knock. Knock.

Jumping lightly from the noise at the door behind her, Dawn instinctively grasped the back of Jareth's pajama top, dropping the crystal onto the floor as she did so, just barely missing her toes.

At the door, unbeknown to the couple within the house, was Hathion, the new Goblin King of the Labyrinth, come to see how Jareth had settled in and how he and Dawn were fairing; and now wondering why Dawn was visiting Jareth's home in the middle of the night despite the suspicions that could arise and be spread by anyone who had seen them.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 01:05 AM

Emilie shucked the 'Old Aria' disguise as soon as she was out of the door, promptly transporting herself to the little house that she had taken up as her own whilst in the mortal world.

What she saw made her pause once inside... Dawn was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, by the High King's eyebrows," Emilie groaned, pulling a crystal into existence and looking into it. "Dawn, where have you gone?"

She saw the answer and promptly transported herself there, flinging herself into her husband's arms with a glad cry just as the door opened upon them both.

"Emilie!" Jareth blinked in surprise. "Hathion? It has not been thirteen hours yet; why are you here? What about the Runner in the Labyrinth?"

He waved an arm for them to come inside the house. "Well, no matter; having you two here means that I am no longer alone with Dawn, and thus not a potential threat to her reputation."

Emilie stepped inside, motioning for Hathion to follow her. "Jareth, Dawn, you saw, didn't you? You saw me talking to your father. I think I may have managed to convince him, but we should leave him alone with his thoughts for now..."

With that, she flicked a finger and the crystal in Dawn's hand vanished.

"We can't be holding all the cards now, can we," she told Jareth and Dawn with a small smile. "That just wouldn't be fair."

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 12-22-2009, 01:13 AM

Hathion chuckled as he placed a light kiss upon the cheek of his bride and wrapped his arm around her waist tenderly, "What is all this talk of Dawn's father? Did he not welcome Jareth with open arms? I daresay, I have missed quite a bit while tending to the Runner. Speaking of whom, the Runner is rather stumped upon the Timeless One's riddle. I took the liberty of Maro in charge of the child while I made a quick stop here to check upon things on this end," Hathion explained as he stepped away from his wife and wrapped his arms around Dawn in a warm hug.

"I am very glad to see you, your Majesty," Hathion whispered as he held Dawn close.

Returning the sentiment, Dawn smiled as she hugged him, "I am very glad to see you too, King Hathion. And congratulations," Dawn said warmly as she looked up at him.

Returning to Emilie's side, Hathion smiled as he looked at Dawn, "Thank you, my lady, I am glad to see you too are in good health and have finally reunited with your fiancee."

"Yes, but not all is well," Dawn said softly as she shifted from one bare foot to the other, relaying the tale of what happened since the arrival of Emilie and Raman.

" you see, everything may turn out alright in the end.. but nothing is certain," Dawn finished with a sad smile.

"I see," Hathion said softly, sadly, as he looked at Jareth, "I am very sorry to hear that your Majesties.. I promise you, if I can have any hand in removing Alessandro from your lives, I will do so if that is what you wish," Hathion promised as he placed a reassuring hand upon Jareth's shoulder.

"Now, I must return to the Labyrinth, but know that I will be checking in with Emilie periodically through the crystals. Please keep me informed of the situation," Hathion said with a warm smile before placing a tender kiss upon Emilie's lips and disappearing back to the Labyrinth to check upon the Runner.

Dawn sighed as she leaned into Jareth's side, wrapping her arms around Jareth's waist as she held him close, not yet wishing to leave his side though she knew she would have to leave him eventually and return to Emilie's home.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 12-22-2009 at 01:58 AM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 03:16 AM

"Ah, matrimonial bliss," Jareth murmured with only a tinge of jealousy.

"You'll have it soon too, Jareth," Emilie assured him, her eyes searching his.

Guessing at her thoughts, he shook his head with a rueful smile. "Did I ever say that I thought otherwise? I was only thinking... it would have been nice to be able to bypass all this. You know," he added thoughtfully, "His Highness' offer of getting rid of Fifleni doesn't sound like a bad idea."

Then he shook his head, laughing at himself. "What am I saying? I've fought for Dawn this long." He put his arm around her and hugged her close. "I can go on for years more if necessary. Although hopefully that won't actually prove to be the case."

Emilie allowed them a few moments before clearing her throat. "Jareth? I think that Dawn and I ought to be heading back to... my 'house' now. Just in case her father..."

He shook his head. "No, you're right." Placing his hands on Dawn's shoulders, he held her slightly away from him, looking down into her face.

"Time for us to be separated yet again, precious. Give me a kiss just like the ones you've been giving me all evening and I'll see you in the morning."

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 03:46 AM

"I love you Jareth," Dawn murmured against his lips before standing on her toes and placing a long, tender kiss upon Jareth's lips. As her hand slid into his blonde hair and lightly grasped, Dawn leaned into him as she continued to kiss him, liking the new sensation kissing him caused.

Resting her forehead against his, Dawn smiled as she whispered softly, "Dormire bene, mio amore. IO inscatolare non aspettare domani. In just a short time I will be your bride, my love, whether Alessandro gives up or not. My father will come around soon, I am sure of it. And when he does, we will be wed, as long as you will have me," Dawn added with a warm smile and another tender kiss.

"Promise me you will not disappear for another year and half by the morning?" Dawn teased with one last kiss as she leaned back upon her feet, a bit cold from wearing no shoes and her dress not having much thickness to it.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 04:08 AM

"Until tomorrow," Jareth whispered, kissing her once more before releasing her the waiting Emilie, who had been looking out the window VERY intently while they kissed. "I promise," he added, with no trace of lightness in his voice, "that you will find me here, or that I will go and find you."

With that, though it pained him to leave her, he turned and ascended the stairs to his bedroom. Collapsing upon the mattress of the four-poster bed, he heaved a weary sigh.

"Tomorrow," he muttered to himself, bringing a hand up to rub his bleary eyes. "Tomorrow will tell whether or not Dawn will finally be mine."

When Jareth had disappeared upstairs, Emilie hooked her arm through Dawn's and smiled at her. "Come, Dawn, let's go 'home'," she said. "You are tired and shivering, and for that matter, I am quite tired myself. There are two very comfortable feather beds awaiting us, and I would suggest that we not keep them waiting."

With that, she magicked them back to the mansion disguised as a crumbling hovel.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 04:12 AM

Dawn smiled as she hugged Emilie close, "Thank you, Emilie, for everything. I very much appreciate all of this, and especially you speaking with my Father. I can only pray that he will accept Jareth as the man I love and not force me to choose any longer."

Giving Emilie a final hug, Dawn took off her cloak and hung it within the closet near the door before returning to Emilie's side and taking Emilie's hand in her own, "Now, dearest Emilie, where is this glorious bed you spoke of?"

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 05:27 PM

Emilie led Dawn up the stairs and into a large bedroom, fully furnished, with the center-point being the queen bed. "Here, Dawn, this is your room. I took the liberty of decorating it in your favorite color, as told to me by Jareth (which he learned before you two met in person). I'll leave you alone now so you can get some sleep; there are nightdresses in the wardrobe over there."

She gestured at a wooden wardrobe in the corner of the room. "Sleep well, I will see you in the morning."

With a last smile and wave, Emilie was out the door and headed towards her own bedroom.

Once there, she took out a crystal and summoned up Hathion's image. "Hello, husband mine," she grinned at him. "I just wanted to say goodnight... And if you were planning anything about Alessandro Fifleni, please refrain from doing so. Jareth seems to think that he must fight this ordeal to the finish, or else he is not worthy of Dawn." She laughed slightly. "This from the king--or ex-king, rather--that so guiltlessly turned the tables on so many Runners? Well, no matter. I suppose it's different when it's personal."



Jareth awoke promptly as the sun rose, for that was when his days as king of the Labyrinth began. Sitting up in his comfortable bed, he gazed out the window set in the wall ahead of him, his expression grave.

"So now I must go and speak to Fifleni," he muttered, rising and going to properly dress himself for the day. "I should do this alone, but I know that Dawn will want to be there... and strong-headed as she is, I can't find it in me to leave without her."

Shaking his head, he descended the stairs and went to the kitchen, raising an eyebrow at the sight of the middle-aged woman he found there. The scent of eggs and bacon cooking persuaded him that she was not, in fact, an intruder.

"Oh!" The woman gasped as she turned from the stove and saw him. "Mr Stronghart, I didn't know you were there."

A live-in cook, he thought to himself as he greeted her. That was one of the only explanations for her being up so early and cooking him breakfast--fortunate for him, as he realized that he had not an inkling of how to even hold a spatula.

"I'm sorry for startling you, Ms Rocher." He spoke assuredly, as if he already knew her--when in fact her name had simply leaped into his mind. He knew that to be the work of Emilie and Hathion.

However, the cook sighed and shook her head. "Oh, Mr Stronghart. It's Ms Redmoor, as I keep telling you." She took a kettle of boiling water off the stovetop and poured it into a mug. "Perhaps some coffee will serve to help wake you up?"

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 06:02 PM

Dawn yawned as she sat up in the bed and rubbed her eyes, covering her mouth delicately with her free hand. Sitting up, Dawn ran her fingers through her hair before looking around her room. Not having truly paid much attention to it the previou evening, having been so tired she had promptly changed and went to bed without a second thought.

Noticing the aqua bedspread and the sky blue curtains around the bed, Dawn smiled as she slipped from the bed, wearing the light, frilly nightdress Emilie had left in the wardrobe for her.

To think Jareth had took so much time and effort in finding her likes and dislikes, all the way down to her favorite color, made Dawn's heart alight with happiness.

Jareth. Dawn wondered if he would wait for her to speak with Mr. Fifleni. After all, Dawn felt it was necessary for her to be present due to the intensity of the situation and the problems that may arise. If she knew Alessandro, he would wish for a duel to fight for her hand. A rash and foolish thing, my any standards, but it was Alessandro's way from what she could gather after the year and a half of knowing him.

Quickly changing into a simple dress, Dawn ran a brush through her dark tresses before folding her nightdress and making her bed.

Picking up the nightdress, Dawn exited her bedroom and looked around, a bit disoriented within the house. Biting her lower lip lightly in concentration, Dawn decided to take a right, hoping it would lead her to the staircase in which they ascended the previous evening.

After awhile of walking, Dawn called out softly in hope that Emilie were awake and able to locate her with a crystal, for Dawn herself was quite lost, "Emilie? I fear I have gotten rather lost..."


As Dawn was waking up, Hathion had peeked in upon his beloved wife as she slept, wishing he could be beside her instead of in the castle alone with the Goblins, missing her presence already.

"Emilie, darling, wake up," Hathion called with a warm smile into the crystal, "I believe Jareth has awaken and will be meeting Fifleni rather soon. For as you wished, I did not harm him or remove him from the picture - I have stayed out of it, as hard as it is to do so," Hathion promised, "But if I know our previous King, he will have woken up early, as he was known to do in the Labyrinth, and I fear Alessandro Fifleni will have a visitor rather early in his work day."

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 06:37 PM

Jareth sipped the coffee Ms Roofer--Redmoor, he reminded himself--made for him, wincing a tad at the strength of it. She, meanwhile, was happily chatting away as she slid the eggs and bacon out of the cast iron frying pan and onto a plate.

" then Mr Greenhand tells me that the fountain will be ready to be run in time for the Autumn Ball this year! Isn't that wonderful news?"

"Autumn Ball...?" Jareth very convincingly pulled off a face that indicated that he was still weary, when in fact he had no idea what the woman was talking about.

She sighed as she set the plate in front of him and handed him a fork. "The ball you put on every year for all of your acquaintances, close or not," she told him. "It's good business, I remember you telling me that. And with the fountain ready to be run in only a few months, it will be perfect timing."

Jareth sat there eating his breakfast, drinking his coffee, and conversing with the cook, easily choosing his words so that it seemed he knew everything about his household, when in fact he knew very little. But if the cook talked long enough, that would all change soon.


Emilie opened her eyes and gave an enormous yawn, stretching her arms above her head before putting a hand to her sleep-tousled hair. She heard Hathion's voice and smiled, still a little sleepy.

"Good morning, Hathion," she murmured, knowing that he would not be bothered by her sleep-rumpled appearance. "I, too, fear that, but what is to be done? We can only pry and interfere so much, even if it is in their best interest."

Climbing out of bed, she went to change into a pale lavender dress, knowing that she could switch to her 'Old Aria' guise in a split second.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 12-23-2009, 07:17 PM

Knowing it couldn't have possibly taken this long last night, Dawn turned around and hurried back to her room, having to check inside the doors every so often to make sure she hadn't missed it.

Upon finding her room, Dawn sighed a sigh of relief before continuing on her way, hoping to come across the staircase.


Hathion chuckled as he lounged upon the throne, now seeing why Jareth liked to do so so often while he was still King for the throne was rather comfortable despite it's appearance, probably from years of wear.

"Yes, I do suppose you are right, Emilie, but I cannot help wishing them the best. After seeing how those two have fared this past year or so, I want their new life here on Earth to be a smooth one. Ah, I must go my love, the Runner is nearing the Castle, I must help the Goblins keep her at bay for the final task. I shall check in with you in a few hours, keep an eye on their Majesties and see that Jareth and Alessandro do not kill each other," Hathion added with a small chuckle before adding in a softer, more serious tone, "I love you, Emilie."

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 12-28-2009, 04:29 AM

"I love you too, Hathion," Emilie smiled before turning towards the door. It sounded like someone was moving around out there... Which meant that Dawn was up. Sticking her head into the hallway, the blonde woman saw her mortal friend moving about disorientedly.

Laughing a little, Emilie moved to her side and took her arm. "Dawn, are you lost? I'm so sorry for not coming to wake you sooner; I could have saved you some time. As it is, you have exactly twenty-three minutes until you must be at work, which will give you enough time to eat and wash up. I am about to take the liberty of alerting Jareth to this, as well, as I am certain that you will both want to be on time in order to speak with Alessandro Fifleni."

Emilie walked until she came to the staircase, descending it and obviously expecting Dawn to follow. As she walked down the steps, she conjured up a crystal and scrutinized its contents.

"Hmmm, he is not alone," she murmured to herself. "That will make it a little harder."

She gave a delicate, yet audible, cough.

In Jareth's mansion, Ms. Redmoor jumped. "Goodness, whatever was that?"

Jareth himself straightened, listening. "Ah, excuse me, Ms Rushford--"

"Redmoor, sir!"

"Yes, of course. I forgot something in my office that I should look at quickly before I leave to see Mr Fifleni. If you will pardon my absence for one moment..."

And he was out of the kitchen and on his way upstairs, leaving Ms Redmoor tutting over the food and coffee he left behind. "He's always forgetting something... and now look, the food is going to go cold!"

Once Jareth was safely away upstairs, he spoke to the air. "Good morning, Emilie; at least I am guessing that it is Emilie, by the certain feminine tone in that cough."

"Yes, it's me, Jareth," the Queen of the Labyrinth replied into the crystal she held. "Dawn is with me. I just wanted to tell you that you have twenty-three minutes until Dawn must be at work. The thought crossed my mind that you might want to meet her there."

Jareth nodded, knowing that Emilie could see him even if he could not see her. "That's right. And I haven't forgotten; Dawn and I are both early risers, and both out of necessity besides, are we not, precious?" He spoke now not to Emilie, but to Dawn as well, the old familiar, slight smirk on his face.

"I will be sure to meet you at the factory, Dawn," he continued. "I hope you are prepared, precious; for all that I defended Fifleni so gallantly to your father last night, I very tactfully refrained from mentioning that man's Italian temper. As I recall, it is very similar to yours, mio amore," he added with his smirk now more defined; he was mocking her, but he knew that she would know this and take no offense.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 12-28-2009, 05:13 AM

"Si, Signore Stronghart, I am quite certain his temper is similar to mine. But if I recall, mio amore, you have quite the temper upon you as well," Dawn added with a warm laugh.

"Promise me you will be careful, mio amore.. I fear his temper is far worse than mine," Dawn added with a heavy sigh, dreading the minutes that passed and edged closer to the meeting with Alessandro.

"After breakfast, Jareth, I will meet you in front of the factory. I would feel much more comfortable and calm knowing we entered together and not separately," Dawn added with a small smile, "I do not fear the end result of all of this, I simply fear the journey we must take with Alessandro to get there."

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 12-29-2009, 01:59 PM

"Indeed, precious," Jareth murmured, half to Dawn and half to herself. "I will see you at the factory doors, then. Twenty-three minutes."

He blew a kiss to the air with one hand and an affectionate smirk before descending the stairs to the kitchen once more. Ms Redmoor was still there, trying to keep the food warm over the stove.

"Thank you, Ms Reedmire," Jareth said warmly as he took the food from her hands, sitting himself at the table once more. His cook sighed, but said nothing else except for, "You're welcome, sir."

Biting into a slice of buttered toast, he engaged her once more in conversation about one of his apparent maids. "You were telling me about Tessa's little brother's latest prank in the backyard...?"

Exactly twenty-two minutes later, Jareth Stronghart stood in front of the factory doors where Dawn had agreed to meet him. His newly cropped hair was combed and styled (fortunately it did not require much preparation), and he wore a simple suit that became a businessman such as himself. He knew he cut a dashing figure and that he had done nothing to make others dislike him (except perhaps accruing a vast amount of wealth), and so was not oblivious to the admiring stares and whispers that came from both women and men, factory workers or passersby alike.

"There's that young Mr Stronghart again."

"Oooh, I've always liked that one. Quite the handsome fellow, isn't he?"

"Too bad he'd never look at someone like you!" Congenial laughter.

"Looks like he's waiting for someone. Or something."

"Mr Fifleni, probably. Doesn't he know that the boss is already in his office?"

Jareth bit back a sigh and continued to wait by the doors, hands in his pockets, as the glances and murmurs continued from all around him. He certainly did draw attention to himself, even as a mortal, didn't he? he thought wryly. And he wasn't even trying, this time. Although he'd never been one to avoid the limelight if he could help it, for once in his life, this just was not the time or place.

Although the thought did strike him that it was unwise to simply barge into Fifleni's office COMPLETELY uninvited. So he waylaid a young boy making his way into the factory, a worker himself, by the looks of it. Only a child, about the age when children were wished away...

"Excuse me, young man," Jareth began, seeing how the boy jumped in alarm at being addressed by a man of his rank.

"Y-yes sir?" The Goblin King Emeritus had to restrain a frown at how the boy's voice trembled; what a society, instilling fear and suspicion into their lower class even at such a young age! To have a class this low at all!

"If it would not be an inconvenience," he continued smoothly as if such thoughts had never crossed his mind, "would you go to Mr Fifleni's office and tell him that Jareth Stronghart will be in to see him in a few minutes? Ah, and tell him that I'll be bringing a guest with me, and that I apologize for the short notice, but I have an important matter to discuss with him."

"Of course, Mr Stronghart, sir!" The young boy quavered. "Right away!" He was about to dash off to deliver the message when Jareth laid a hand on his shoulder, causing the him to look around with wide eyes.

"Was there something else, sir?"

"Only a thank you for your trouble." And he reached into his pocket and dropped some money into the boy's hand in such a way that others would not easily be able to see the gesture or the amount. It was a meager amount given the times, but would be enough to feed a small family for a few days.

The boy's eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the gesture, and Jareth was gratified to see tears welling up within them. "Th-thank you, Mr Stronghart, sir! Thank you!" And he pocketed the money and hurried into the factory.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 12-29-2009, 05:08 PM

Dawn smiled as she spotted Jareth down the street. Dawn was afraid she was late due to having strayed a tad and walked with her sisters to talk and make up. For in all honestly, Ariena was not angry with her elder sister, just a but horrified by her behavior and even more horrified by her rejection of Mr. Fifleni due to the fact that she herself esteemed him greatly.

After much talking and working things out, the sisters were indeed alright once more. If only she could say the same for she and her Father..

Dawn sighed as she pushed the thoughts aside and was greeted by fellow workers, getting teased more and more about Mr. Fifleni and inquiries as to if he'd proposed yet, for '.. a fine Italian man such as Mr. Fifleni would surely be a wise suitor to choose for he has wonderous prospects and would save her family .." as many liked to put it.

As Dawn neared Jareth, her sisters having followed the crowd inside, Ariana having gave Jareth a small smile and wave while Mary herself grinned happily and waved eagerly, Dawn's smile returned as she slipped her hands into his and linked their fingers, "Good morning, mio amore. Are you ready for the terrifying encounter?" Dawn added with a small laugh.


"Mr. Fifleni," Sarah Smithe, Alessandro's secretary chimed with a warm smile as she knocked on his open office door, "Jareth Stronghart is waiting outside the factory and will be in shortly with a guest. He wished to speak with you on a very improtant matter. Perhaps he wishes to introduce you to a new client?"

Alessandro smiled as he gave a nod, "Perhaps, but doubtful Mrs. Smithe. Please, send him in when he arrives. He knows he is always welcome."

"Yes, Mr. Fifleni," Sarah said with a small nod before returning to her small desk outside of Alessandro's office.

"A guest, hmm.. I wonder who it could be.." Alessandro said softly to himself as he stood from his desk and went to the large window that over looked the street below.

As he gazed, Alessandro could see his worked happily coming in for their day of work as well las Jareth Stronghart patiently waiting outside. It seemed as if his presence started a small ruckus amongst the workers entering - some were pointing rather non-discretely as they giggled over him and whispered amongst themselves.

What struck him as odd, was when Dawn approached Mr. Stronghart as if she had known he would be there and seemed the happiest he had seen her in over a year, Stronghart in turn looking much happier as his features softened, something even he could see from the second story office he held.

"Strange... I have never introduced Dawn to Stronghart before..."

Alessandro frowned as something inside him told him something wasn't quite right with this situation.

Why on earth would his intended fiancee look happy when she was not with him, but with another man? One who, as far as he was aware, she did not even know?

Alessandro's eyes narrowed as he saw Dawn and Jareth link fingers.

Something was definitely not right.

Many thoughts ran through Alessandro's mind as it raced with all of his memories of being with Dawn. She had, over time, grown friendly with him - enough so to make him propose. But he had never seen her face light up like that.

Could it mean what he feared?

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 01-16-2010 at 04:59 AM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 12-31-2009, 05:59 AM

"I am as ready as I will ever be, precious," Jareth muttered, half to himself and half to his betrothed. Then he smiled down at her before tucking her hand under his arm and making his way into the factory, ignoring the increased volume of stares and whispers around him.

"Who is that girl on Mr Stronghart's arm?"

"Isn't that Dawn? Dawn Murloh, who lives near Old Aria?"

"You mean the fortune teller? You're right, I think it is her."

"Why are they together?"

"What is she doing with him?"

"What is he doing with her?"

"Ignore them," Jareth murmured to Dawn so that only she could hear. "They're harmless."

The comments continued in such a questioning, speculating manner up to the point when Jareth mounted the steps leading up to the second floor. Ignoring the secretary who sat near Fifleni's office--Suki, he thought her name was--he strode straight into the office and found Fifleni there.

"Fifleni," Jareth announced, still with Dawn's hand tucked firmly under his arm, "we need to talk. This matter concerns both of us, and by the way you were staring so seriously out of that window, I'm assuming that you already know what it is.

"I want to marry Dawn. No, I am GOING to marry Dawn, but I would like to do it knowing that we have no hard--at least not extremely--feelings between us. Dawn wishes this as well. She also has something to tell you and give you."

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 12-31-2009, 07:40 AM

Alessandro's frown deepened as he strode over to Dawn and gently pulled her away from Jareth.

"Dawn, I don't understand," Alessandro spoke softly as he caressed her cheek, "What has come over you?"

"Alessandro.. I.."

"Dawn, please, do you even know this man? Dawn, I know you, you are not beguiled with silly promises and expensive gifts. Please, tell me, what has drawn you to him?"

"Alessandro, please, let me explain. I knew him before I knew you.. I.. I thought he had left me for good.. That is why I tried to become attached to you and reciprocate your feelings.. I just.. I couldn't," Dawn added softly as she stepped out of his embrace and placed the ring within his hands.

"I am so.. so sorry Alessandro.. I cannot apologize enough for what I have put you through.. Please, please forgive me.. And please, do not fire my sisters on my account.. Do not punish my family for my folly," Dawn nearly pleaded as she looked at Alessandro helplessly.

Alessandro's temper rose as he glared at the man behind Dawn, "You. You came and brought this upon us. Why could you not have stayed away and left Dawn alone? Why did you come here and ruin everything? I will not stand for it. You surely must have done something to Dawn to make her act like this and I will not allow Dawn to ruin herself because of a man like you. You are a good businessman, Mr. Stronghart, but as a friend and person you are quite lacking."

Dawn's temper now rose as Alessandro bad-mouthed Jareth.

Her fists clenched, Dawn moved closer to Alessandro as she demanded, "What gives you a right to act this way and say such things about Jareth? You do not know him, Alessandro! He is not at all what you say he is! He is a good man - a man who loves me and does not expect anything more from me! Alessandro, please, do not be so wretched!"

"A duel," Alessandro said, ignoring Dawn which only infuriated her more, "A duel for Dawn's heart. The man who wins will marry her this afternoon, the man who is unfortunate enough to lose, will leave the city and never return nor come near Dawn and the Murloh family for as long as he shall live. What say you?"

"Jareth, don't..." Dawn managed to whisper as she turned and looked at Jareth, her eyes wide with fear. Turning back to Alessandro, Dawn pleaded, "Alessandro, please! You cannot win my love and affection this way! Nor my hand in marriage! I have already chosen Jareth! Cannot you simply be happy for me and not turn this into something horrid?"

"Mr. Stronghart, do you accept?" Alessandro asked again, once more ignoring Dawn in his temper.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 01-16-2010 at 04:59 AM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 01-04-2010, 06:47 AM

"I refuse."

Jareth's eyes were no longer serious; they held none of their customary spark. Instead, they were cold and flat as a winter plain. His voice practically dripped with disdain as he addressed Fifleni.

"Mr. Fifleni, I never once took you for a fool or any lesser of a man than I am... until now. A duel? Such an outdated manner in which to settle a dispute... And there truly is no dispute here, only two people in love waiting to receive acceptance from one they would wish to remain friends with. I do not need a weapon or my fists to win Dawn's heart; and I know her well enough to know that such violence would never earn her love, regardless. Fifleni, how would you feel, if by some obscure chance I were to take your challenge and lose, having essentially taken Dawn as your wife against her will? How would you feel knowing that she did not love you, possibly loathed you for driving away the man she truly loved (which would be me)?"

Jareth stopped speaking for a moment, shaking his head slowly.

"What did I 'do to Dawn'? You think I swayed her with diamonds and gold and meaningless love poems? You were just saying yourself how you supposedly knew Dawn so well as to know that she would not be tempted by such things, and now here you are implying, if my intuition is correct, quite the opposite."

He had to smirk at Fifleni's next words. "I ruined everything? For whom, Fifleni?" The smirk slowly slid off his face as he continue speaking. "For Dawn? For you? For her family, maybe? Do you know who I was talking with only last night? Dawn's father, Mr Murloh. He was quite prepared to have Dawn marry you in a flash, and yet at the same time bewailed you as the villain who would fire his daughters in vengeance if she would not. I pleaded your case before him, convinced him that you were not such a monstrous man as to do such a thing and cast that family into even worse destitution than they are already in. Was I wrong, Fifleni? Are you going to do or say something to prove me wrong, to smash your carefully salvaged reputation right back into that confused jumble?"

Jareth was not looking upon Fifleni with any sort of pity or compassion. "Let me just say this; you may do that if you please. But I am going to marry Dawn nonetheless and after I do so I will do all in my power to raise her family from the ashes. How bittersweet will your vengeance taste then, Fifleni? How will the stares and rumors from your employees and colleagues feel upon your back and your ears?

"Dawn does not love you, Fifleni," Jareth stated clearly. "She has made that much apparent, and furthermore, she never has. It has been me all along. In the end, you are losing nothing because you never had what you thought you possessed in the first place."

The Goblin King Emeritus looked Fifleni solidly in the eye. "Let Dawn go with composure, Fifleni. If you can not give her your approval, at least do not hand her misery instead. If you love her as you claim, you will allow her happiness."

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 01-04-2010 at 10:41 PM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 01-05-2010, 01:39 AM

Alessandro sighed as he went to his desk and buried his face in his hands, his thoughts swimming with the words Jareth had spoken; most of which were true.

Dawn didn't love him, had never loved him. She had tried but her heart had always belonged to Jareth.
He would never cast that fate upon the Murloh Family, he liked them too much. Besides, he could never do that to anyone, no matter the cause.
However, a duel was not outdated in his opinion, despite what Jareth had said. Nonetheless, Jareth was correct: the duel was pointless. Dawn did not want him. It would only cause Dawn misery and heartache.

Alessandro sighed as he stood and walked to the window. His lower arm resting against the glass as he leaned upon it, his forehead resting upon his forearm as he spoke, "Forgive me, Dawn, and forgive me Jareth. Please forgive my temper, I just.. I do love you Dawn, truly I do.. I don't want to lose you.. But.. I know it is best if I let you be as you wish. I do wish nothing but your happiness, Dawn, and if that means being with Mr. Stronghart, then I can do nothing but step aside and let it be possible. I wish you both happiness, Jareth, and I hope that one day we may look pass this and be comrades once more. Please, take good care of Dawn," Alessandro added as he turned and looked at the couple.

Dawn sighed a sigh of relief as she looked up at Jareth with a warm smile, a happy glisten in her eyes as she took his hand in hers and rested her forehead upon his shoulder. Resting her temple upon Jareth's shoulder as she turned her head towards Alessandro, Dawn spoke softly with a small smile, "Thank you, Alessandro. You do not know how much this means to me."

"I believe I can guess, my dear," Alessandro said warmly as he turned back to the window and gazed upon the streets below, "Know that your family will always have jobs here, if that is what they need, for life. I love you Dawn, and I wish you and your family the best of fortunes. Mr. Stronghart, you are a very lucky man. Hold on to her and never let her go, she is a true treasure to have in your life."

Dawn simply stared at Alessandro; partly in disbelief, but mostly in great relief.

Could this really be the man she had come to know the past couple of years?
Could this really be the man she had grown to realize had quite the Italian temper and will to fight?
He was giving up so easily, so graciously..
Almost without a second thought...

Could Jareth's power over him truly be that strong?
Was another magic at work here?
Was the Labyrinth's creation becoming docile and losing himself, as if he were going to disappear and life would go on as if he never existed?
But... that couldn't be possible, could it?
Could the Labyrinth truly take Alessandro away just simply because Jareth was no longer a part of the Labyrinth and was no longer it's King? Simply a Fae living in a Mortal world?

All of these thoughts and more ran through her mind as she hesitantly peered up at Jareth, wondering if he could read the thoughts through the expression surely upon her face and in her eyes, despite how hard she was trying to fight it and push them away.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 01-16-2010 at 04:58 AM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 01:13 AM

"Thank you, Mr. Fifleni," Jareth said to the defeated manager solemnly. "And believe me, I have no intention of treating Dawn with anything but the utmost love and respect."

He smiled down at the young woman before turning them both around and exiting the office without any further words. He knew that it would be best to leave Filfeni alone now with his thoughts.

As he made his way down the stairs, Jareth looked at Dawn and smiled. "Judging by the expression on your lovely face, precious, you have many a question for me. But now is not the time or place to ask or answer..."

He gave a discreet nod towards the rest of the factory workers, who were all trying to sneak a peek at the couple whilst at the same time giving the appearance of being hard at work on the clothes they were making. He knew that the instant he and Dawn were out of the factory, the questions and speculations would start flying like goblin-flung food.

Making his way down the rest of the stairs, Jareth gave off every indication of nothing having transpired upstairs other than a simple casual business meeting. When he walked out of the doors of the factory, he found himself blinking in the bright sunlight. It was only then that he realized just how horrid the lighting in the factory truly was. And just how stuffy, as well, he reflected bitterly as he inhaled the outside air.

"Working all hours of the day in such conditions?" He muttered to himself, a frown on his face. "Even my goblins lead more sanitary lives, and that in itself is saying something. Well," he added with a slight laugh and shrug, "they used to my goblins, anyway. Now they are simply... goblins, nothing more."

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 02:34 AM

Alessandro sighed as he sat at his desk, face buried in his hands - his thoughts consuming him. More often than not, the man was pacing across the office floor. Seeing Dawn and Jareth exit together, watching the scene unfold before him, dreams of their future crumbled and disbanded completely.

Alessandro felt as if his life purpose had been taken from him - that he was no longer whole and his life was going away..

But that couldn't be so, could it?
This couldn't have been his only chance at love and happiness, could it?
Surely he would be able to move on and find another, wouldn't he?

Punching the wall beside him, Alessandro leaned against the glass frame and closed his eyes, his thoughts consuming him as he searched for his purpose. Wondering what could have gone wrong to cause such a horrible torment to fall upon him.


"You get used to the conditions, mio amore," Dawn said with a warm smile, "They are not so bad after awhile."

Caressing his cheek, Dawn sighed as she searched his eyes, seeing the longing he had in his eyes when he talked of the goblins in the Labyrinth. "Mio amore, do not look so saddened. The goblins will always be your goblins. Jareth, you will always be the rightful King of the Labyrinth, Hathion said so himself. If you miss it, dearest, perhaps there is a way you can go back.. Perhaps.. Perhaps Hathion can bring you back and you can resume the duties as King? I am sure Hathion would not object if that was your wish, my love.."

Dawn forced an encouraging smile upon her lips as she placed a long, tender kiss upon his lips, knowing this could very well be the last time she was with him.

Could she truly force Jareth to stay on Earth, selfishly, just to have him always near?
Could she force him to marry her and remain on Earth, going on to have children with her?
Forcing their half-Fae children to never know their true selves?
Forcing their half-Fae children to grow up with a secret, or living a lie, in order to keep them from the harsh ways of their Society? A Society in which talkings such as this would warrant them to be taken and the family deemed insane?

She loved the man before her, with all of her heart, and she could not bring herself to keep him from the life he coveted in the Labyrinth.

What of his family?
His parents?
His Kingdom?
His subjects?
His way of life?

Could she truly ask him to remain and never have the true joys of his life?

Trying to keep her thoughts inside, Dawn placed another tender kiss upon his lips as she linked their fingers together.

"Jareth, my love, may we talk of all of this at your home? Without causing more impropriety or ruination of our family?" Dawn asked almost hopefully as she looked up at Jareth, "We have much to discuss and I do not wish for other ears to hear," Dawn added with a small blush, wondering if Emilie or Hathion were listening and hoping they understood that that statement was mainly meant for them.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 01-16-2010, 03:00 AM

"But should one have to get used to such conditions in the first place?" Jareth gestured towards the factory before sighing and smiling down at her. "No, precious, when a Fae king abdicates his throne, it is assumed that he is doing so in all seriousness and knows what he is doing. As I was and did. As I still do."

He was about to lower his lips to hers for a kiss, then remembered where they were and stopped himself. "But even if I had the choice, precious... Would you want me to take it? Would you be happy living a double life in two worlds?"

Jareth shook his head. "It does not matter, as the question is a moot point anyway. And as for going back to my house... Now that we have Fifleni's permission to get married, precious, shouldn't we be going to talk to your father as soon as possible? I would bet the shirt off my back that he won't mind you skipping work for just this once." He grinned at her as he tucked her hand under his arm and began to make his way to the home of the Murloh family.


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